% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/MECO.R, R/MECO_sav.R \name{plotBiomeInternalDistributionToScreen} \alias{plotBiomeInternalDistributionToScreen} \title{Plot distribution of similarity within biomes} \usage{ plotBiomeInternalDistributionToScreen( data, biomes_abbrv, title = "", legendtitle = "", scale = 1 ) plotBiomeInternalDistributionToScreen( data, biomes_abbrv, title = "", legendtitle = "", scale = 1 ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{data object with distibution - as returned by calculateWithInBiomeDiffs for each subcategory of meco. dim: c(biomes,bins)} \item{biomes_abbrv}{to mask the focusBiome from} \item{title}{character string title for plot, default empty} \item{legendtitle}{character string legend title, default empty} \item{scale}{scaling factor for distribution. defaults to 1} } \value{ None None } \description{ Function to plot the distribution of similarity within biomes Function to plot the distribution of similarity within biomes } \examples{ \dontrun{ } \dontrun{ } }