#' Classify biomes #' #' Classify biomes based on foliage protected cover (FPC) and temperature #' LPJmL output plus either vegetation carbon or pft_lai depending on #' the savanna_proxy option and elevation if montane_arctic_proxy requires this #' #' @param path_reference path to the reference LPJmL run. If not provided, #' the path is extracted from the file paths provided in files_reference. #' @param files_reference list with variable names and corresponding file paths #' (character string) of the reference LPJmL run. All needed files are #' provided as key value pairs, e.g.: #' list(leaching = "/temp/leaching.bin.json"). If not needed for the #' applied method, set to NULL. #' @param time_span_reference time span to be used for the scenario run, defined #' as an character string, e.g. `as.character(1901:1930)`. #' @param savanna_proxy `list` with either pft_lai or vegc as #' key and value in m2/m2 for pft_lai (default = 6) and gC/m2 for #' vegc (default would be 7500), Set to `NULL` if no proxy should be #' used. #' @param montane_arctic_proxy `list` with either "elevation" or "latitude" as #' name/key and value in m for elevation (default 1000) and degree for #' latitude (default would be 55), Set to `NULL` if no proxy is used. #' @param tree_cover_thresholds list with minimum tree cover thresholds for #' definition of forest, woodland, savanna and grassland. Only changes to #' the default have to be included in the list, for the rest the default #' is used. #' Default values, based on the IGBP land cover classification system: #' "boreal forest" = 0.6 #' "temperate forest" = 0.6 #' "temperate woodland" = 0.3 #' "temperate savanna" = 0.1 #' "tropical forest" = 0.6 #' "tropical woodland" = 0.3 #' "tropical savanna" = 0.1 #' In the boreal zone, there is no woodland, everything below the #' boreal forest threshold will be classified as boreal tundra. #' @param avg_nyear_args list of arguments to be passed to #' \link[biospheremetrics]{average_nyear_window} (see for more info). To be used for # nolint #' time series analysis #' @return list object containing biome_id (main biome per grid cell [dim=c(ncells)]), # nolint #' and list of respective biome_names[dim=c(nbiomes)] #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' classify_biomes( #' path_data = "/p/projects/open/Fabian/runs/Gamma/output/historic_gamma" #' timespan = c(1982:2011)) #' } #' #' @export classify_biomes <- function(path_reference = NULL, files_reference = NULL, time_span_reference, savanna_proxy = list(pft_lai = 6), montane_arctic_proxy = list(elevation = 1000), tree_cover_thresholds = list(), avg_nyear_args = list(), # currently a place holder input_files = list(), diff_output_files = list()) { if (is.null(files_reference) && is.null(path_reference)) { stop("files_reference or path_reference must be provided") } else if (!is.null(path_reference) && is.null(files_reference)) { # Get main file type (meta, clm) file_ext <- get_file_ext(path_reference) # List required output files for each boundary output_files <- list_outputs("biome", only_first_filename = FALSE) files_reference <- get_filenames( path = path_reference, output_files = output_files, diff_output_files = diff_output_files, input_files = input_files, file_ext = file_ext ) } # test if provided proxies are valid savanna_proxy_name <- match.arg( names(savanna_proxy), c(NA, "vegc", "pft_lai") ) montane_arctic_proxy_name <- match.arg(names(montane_arctic_proxy), c(NA, "elevation", "latitude")) # define default minimum tree cover for forest / woodland / savanna min_tree_cover <- list("boreal forest" = 0.6, "temperate forest" = 0.6, "temperate woodland" = 0.3, "temperate savanna" = 0.1, "tropical forest" = 0.6, "tropical woodland" = 0.3, "tropical savanna" = 0.1) # replace default values by values defined in tree_cover_thresholds # parameter -> won't be applied if not specified replace_idx <- match(names(tree_cover_thresholds), names(min_tree_cover)) if (any(is.na(replace_idx))) { stop(paste0( names(tree_cover_thresholds)[which(is.na(replace_idx))], " is not valid. Please use a name of: ", paste0(names(min_tree_cover), collapse = ", ") )) } min_tree_cover[replace_idx] <- tree_cover_thresholds # test if forest threshold is always > woodland threshold > savanna threshold if (min_tree_cover[["temperate forest"]] <= min_tree_cover[["temperate woodland"]] | min_tree_cover[["temperate woodland"]] <= min_tree_cover[["temperate savanna"]] | min_tree_cover[["tropical woodland"]] <= min_tree_cover[["tropical savanna"]] | min_tree_cover[["tropical forest"]] <= min_tree_cover[["tropical woodland"]]) { stop(paste0("Tree cover threshold for forest are not always higher than", "tree cover thresholds for woodland and savanna. Aborting.")) } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # read in relevant data grid <- lpjmlkit::read_io( files_reference$grid, silent = TRUE ) lat <- lpjmlkit::as_array(grid, subset = list(band = 2)) %>% drop() fpc <- lpjmlkit::read_io( files_reference$fpc, subset = list(year = time_span_reference), silent = TRUE ) %>% lpjmlkit::transform(to = c("year_month_day")) %>% lpjmlkit::as_array() temp <- lpjmlkit::read_io( files_reference$temp, subset = list(year = time_span_reference), silent = TRUE ) %>% lpjmlkit::transform(to = c("year_month_day")) %>% lpjmlkit::as_array(aggregate = list(month = sum, day = sum, band = sum)) %>% suppressWarnings() if (!is.na(savanna_proxy_name)) { savanna_proxy_data <- lpjmlkit::read_io( files_reference[[savanna_proxy_name]], subset = list(year = time_span_reference), silent = TRUE ) %>% lpjmlkit::transform(to = c("year_month_day")) %>% lpjmlkit::as_array(aggregate = list(month = sum)) %>% suppressWarnings() } if (!is.na(montane_arctic_proxy_name)) { if (montane_arctic_proxy_name == "elevation") { elevation <- lpjmlkit::read_io( files_reference$elevation, silent = TRUE )$data %>% drop() } } fpc_nbands <- dim(fpc)[["band"]] npft <- fpc_nbands - 1 # average fpc avg_fpc <- do.call( average_nyear_window, append(list(x = fpc), avg_nyear_args) ) # average vegc or pft_lai if (!is.na(savanna_proxy_name)) { avg_savanna_proxy_data <- drop( do.call( average_nyear_window, append(list(x = savanna_proxy_data), avg_nyear_args) ) ) } # average temp # TODO understand why additional dimension is added here but not for fpc # (67420, 1) avg_temp <- do.call( average_nyear_window, append(list(x = temp), # fix_dimnames(temp, "temp", timespan, ncell, npft)), avg_nyear_args) ) # biome_names after biome classification in Ostberg et al. 2013 # (https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-4-347-2013), Ostberg et al 2015 # (https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/10/4/044011) and Gerten et al. 2020 # (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-019-0465-1) # biome names biome_mapping <- system.file("extdata", "biomes.csv", package = "biospheremetrics") %>% readr::read_delim(col_types = readr::cols(), delim = ";") biome_names <- biome_mapping$id names(biome_names) <- biome_mapping$name pft_categories <- system.file("extdata", "pft_categories.csv", package = "biospheremetrics") %>% read_pft_categories() %>% dplyr::filter(., npft_proxy == npft) fpc_names <- dplyr::filter(pft_categories, category == "natural")$pft # TODO this is only required if header files without band names are read in # but maybe ok to use external data here? dimnames(avg_fpc)$band <- c("natural stand fraction", fpc_names) fpc_temperate_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & zone == "temperate" & category == "natural" )$pft fpc_tropical_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & zone == "tropical" & category == "natural" )$pft fpc_boreal_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & zone == "boreal" & category == "natural" )$pft fpc_needle_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & category == "needle" )$pft fpc_evergreen_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & category == "evergreen" )$pft fpc_grass <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "grass" & category == "natural" )$pft fpc_trees <- dplyr::filter( pft_categories, type == "tree" & category == "natural" )$pft third_dim <- names(dim(avg_fpc))[ !names(dim(avg_fpc)) %in% c("cell", "band") ] %>% { if (rlang::is_empty(.)) NULL else . } fpc_tree_total <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_tropical <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_tropical_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_temperate <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_temperate_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_boreal <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_boreal_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_needle <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_needle_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_evergreen <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_evergreen_trees), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_grass_total <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_grass), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_total <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = -1), c("cell", third_dim), sum, na.rm = TRUE ) max_share_trees <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = fpc_trees), c("cell", third_dim), max, na.rm = TRUE ) fpc_tree_broadleaf <- fpc_tree_total - fpc_tree_needle # use vegc 7500 gC/m2 or natLAI 6 as proxy threshold for forest/savanna # "boundary if (!is.null(savanna_proxy)) { if (savanna_proxy_name == "pft_lai") { avg_savanna_proxy_data <- apply( lpjmlkit::asub(avg_savanna_proxy_data, band = 1:npft) * # nolint lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = 2: (npft + 1)) * lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = 1), c("cell", third_dim), sum ) } else { avg_savanna_proxy_data <- drop(avg_savanna_proxy_data) } is_tropical_proxy <- avg_savanna_proxy_data >= savanna_proxy[[savanna_proxy_name]] # nolint is_savanna_proxy <- avg_savanna_proxy_data < savanna_proxy[[savanna_proxy_name]] # nolint } else { is_tropical_proxy <- array(TRUE, dim = dim(avg_temp), dimnames = dimnames(avg_temp)) is_savanna_proxy <- array(FALSE, dim = dim(avg_temp), dimnames = dimnames(avg_temp)) } # Desert is_desert <- { fpc_total <= 0.05 & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 } # montane (for classification of montane grassland) if (!is.na(montane_arctic_proxy_name)) { if (montane_arctic_proxy_name == "elevation") { is_montane_artic <- elevation > montane_arctic_proxy[[ montane_arctic_proxy_name ]] } else if (montane_arctic_proxy_name == "latitude") { is_montane_artic <- !(abs(lat) > montane_arctic_proxy[[ montane_arctic_proxy_name ]]) } } # FORESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ # is_boreal_forest <- { fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["boreal forest"]] } is_temperate_forest <- { fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["temperate forest"]] } is_tropical_forest <- { fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["tropical forest"]] } # Boreal Evergreen is_boreal_evergreen <- { is_boreal_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "boreal needleleaved evergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } if (npft == 9) { # Boreal Broadleaved Deciduous # no simulation of boreal needleleaved summergreen trees is_boreal_broad_deciduous <- { is_boreal_forest & ( lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "boreal broadleaved summergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees ) } } else { # Boreal Deciduous is_boreal_broad_deciduous <- { is_boreal_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "boreal broadleaved summergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } is_boreal_needle_deciduous <- { is_boreal_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "boreal needleleaved summergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } } # Temperate Coniferous Forest is_temperate_coniferous <- { is_temperate_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "temperate needleleaved evergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } # Temperate Broadleaved Evergreen Forest is_temperate_broadleaved_evergreen <- { # nolint is_temperate_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "temperate broadleaved evergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } # Temperate Broadleaved Deciduous Forest is_temperate_broadleaved_deciduous <- { # nolint is_temperate_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "temperate broadleaved summergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees } # Tropical Rainforest is_tropical_evergreen <- { is_tropical_forest & lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "tropical broadleaved evergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees & is_tropical_proxy } # Tropical Seasonal & Deciduous Forest is_tropical_raingreen <- { is_tropical_forest & (lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "tropical broadleaved raingreen tree" ) == max_share_trees) & is_tropical_proxy } # Warm Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland is_tropical_forest_savanna <- { is_tropical_forest & ( lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "tropical broadleaved evergreen tree" ) == max_share_trees | lpjmlkit::asub( avg_fpc, band = "tropical broadleaved raingreen tree" ) == max_share_trees ) & is_savanna_proxy } # WOODY savanna ----------------------------------------------------------- # # Temperate Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland is_temperate_woody_savanna <- { fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["temperate forest"]] & fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["temperate woodland"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") > lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 & #lat < 55 } # Warm Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland is_tropical_woody_savanna <- { fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["tropical forest"]] & fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["tropical woodland"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") < lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") } # OPEN SHRUBLAND / SAVANNAS ----------------------------------------------- # # Temperate Savanna & Open Shrubland is_temperate_shrubland <- { fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["temperate woodland"]] & fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["temperate savanna"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") > lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 & #lat < 55 } # Warm Savanna & Open Shrubland is_tropical_shrubland <- { fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["tropical woodland"]] & fpc_tree_total >= min_tree_cover[["tropical savanna"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") < lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 } # GRASSLAND ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Temperate grassland is_temperate_grassland <- { fpc_total > 0.05 & fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["temperate savanna"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") > lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 & #lat < 55 } # Warm grassland is_tropical_grassland <- { fpc_total > 0.05 & fpc_tree_total <= min_tree_cover[["tropical savanna"]] & lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") < lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass") & avg_temp >= 0 #-2 } # Arctic Tundra ------------------------------------------------------------ # is_arctic_tundra <- { (!is_boreal_forest & !is_temperate_forest & ( avg_temp < 0 | lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "temperate c3 grass") == lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = "tropical c4 grass")) & fpc_total > 0.05 ) | (avg_temp < 0 & fpc_total < 0.05) } # Rocks and Ice is_rocks_and_ice <- { fpc_total == 0 & avg_temp < 0 #-2 } # Water body is_water <- { lpjmlkit::asub(avg_fpc, band = 1) == 0 } # CLASSIFY BIOMES ---------------------------------------------------------- # # initiate biome_class array #TODO can be removed if time dimension is always kept if (class(fpc_total) == "numeric") { dims <- length(fpc_total) } else { dims <- dim(fpc_total) } biome_class <- array(NA, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnames(fpc_total)) biome_class[is_desert] <- biome_names["Desert"] # forests biome_class[is_boreal_evergreen] <- biome_names["Boreal Needleleaved Evergreen Forest"] biome_class[is_boreal_broad_deciduous] <- biome_names["Boreal Broadleaved Deciduous Forest"] biome_class[is_boreal_needle_deciduous] <- biome_names["Boreal Needleleaved Deciduous Forest"] biome_class[is_temperate_coniferous] <- biome_names["Temperate Needleleaved Evergreen Forest"] # nolint biome_class[is_temperate_broadleaved_evergreen] <- biome_names["Temperate Broadleaved Evergreen Forest"] # nolint biome_class[is_temperate_broadleaved_deciduous] <- biome_names["Temperate Broadleaved Deciduous Forest"] # nolint biome_class[is_tropical_evergreen] <- biome_names["Tropical Rainforest"] biome_class[is_tropical_raingreen] <- biome_names["Tropical Seasonal & Deciduous Forest"] # nolint biome_class[is_tropical_forest_savanna] <- biome_names["Warm Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland"] # nolint # woody savanna biome_class[is_temperate_woody_savanna] <- biome_names["Temperate Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland"] # nolint biome_class[is_tropical_woody_savanna] <- biome_names["Warm Woody Savanna, Woodland & Shrubland"] # nolint # open shrubland / savanna biome_class[is_temperate_shrubland] <- biome_names["Temperate Savanna & Open Shrubland"] # nolint biome_class[is_tropical_shrubland] <- biome_names["Warm Savanna & Open Shrubland"] # nolint # grassland biome_class[is_temperate_grassland] <- biome_names["Temperate Grassland"] biome_class[is_tropical_grassland] <- biome_names["Warm Grassland"] biome_class[is_arctic_tundra] <- biome_names["Arctic Tundra"] if (!is.na(montane_arctic_proxy_name)) { biome_class[ biome_class == biome_names["Arctic Tundra"] & is_montane_artic ] <- biome_names["Montane Grassland"] } # other biome_class[is_rocks_and_ice] <- biome_names["Rocks and Ice"] biome_class[is_water] <- biome_names["Water"] return(list(biome_id = biome_class, biome_names = names(biome_names))) } read_pft_categories <- function(file_path) { # read_delim, col_types = readr::cols(), delim = ";")to suppress messages readr::read_delim(file_path, col_types = readr::cols(), delim = ";") %>% # change 1, 0.5, 0 values to TRUE and NAs (NA's can be dropped) dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::starts_with(c("category_", "zone_"))), function(x) ifelse(as.logical(x), TRUE, NA)) %>% # filter natural pfts dplyr::filter(category_natural) %>% # all binary zone columns (tropical, temperate, boreal) in one categorical # zone column tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("zone_"), names_to = "zone", names_prefix = "zone_", values_to = "zone_value", values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% # all binary category columns (natural, needle, evergreen) in one categorical # nolint # category column tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("category_"), names_to = "category", names_prefix = "category_", values_to = "category_value", values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% # delete side product - logical columns dplyr::select(-c("category_value", "zone_value")) %>% # values to lpjml_index, names to length of npft (convert to numeric) tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("lpjml_index_npft_"), values_to = "lpjml_index", names_to = "npft_proxy", names_transform = list(npft_proxy = function(x) suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))), # nolint names_prefix = "lpjml_index_npft_") %>% return() }