# get the base image, the rocker/verse has R, RStudio and pandoc FROM rocker/verse:3.6.3 # required MAINTAINER Your Name <your_email@somewhere.com> COPY . /<REPO> # go into the repo directory RUN . /etc/environment \ # Install linux depedendencies here # e.g. need this for ggforce::geom_sina && sudo apt-get update \ && sudo apt-get install libudunits2-dev -y \ # build this compendium package && R -e "devtools::install('/<REPO>', dep=TRUE)" \ # render the manuscript into a docx, you'll need to edit this if you've # customised the location and name of your main Rmd file && R -e "rmarkdown::render('/<REPO>/analysis/paper/paper.Rmd')"