from fastapi import Depends, status as http_status, Header from import OAuth2PasswordBearer from nacsos_data.models.users import UserModel from nacsos_data.models.projects import ProjectPermission from nacsos_data.util.auth import Authentication, InsufficientPermissionError, InvalidCredentialsError, UserPermissions from import db_engine from server.util.config import settings from server.util.logging import get_logger logger = get_logger('') class InsufficientPermissions(Exception): status = http_status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN headers = {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Bearer'} class NotAuthenticated(Exception): status = http_status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED headers = {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Bearer'} auth_helper = Authentication(engine=db_engine, token_lifetime_minutes=settings.SERVER.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES, default_user=settings.USERS.DEFAULT_USER) oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl='api/login/token', auto_error=False) async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)) -> UserModel: try: return auth_helper.get_current_user(token_id=token) except InvalidCredentialsError as e: raise NotAuthenticated(str(e)) except InsufficientPermissionError as e: raise InsufficientPermissions(str(e)) async def get_current_active_user(current_user: UserModel = Depends(get_current_user)) -> UserModel: if not current_user.is_active: raise InsufficientPermissions('Inactive user') return current_user def get_current_active_superuser(current_user: UserModel = Depends(get_current_active_user)) -> UserModel: if not current_user.is_superuser: raise InsufficientPermissions('The user doesn\'t have enough privileges') return current_user class UserPermissionChecker: def __init__(self, permissions: list[ProjectPermission] | ProjectPermission | None = None, fulfill_all: bool = True): self.permissions = permissions self.fulfill_all = fulfill_all # convert singular permission to list for unified processing later if type(self.permissions) is str: self.permissions = [self.permissions] async def __call__(self, x_project_id: str = Header(), current_user: UserModel = Depends(get_current_active_user)) -> UserPermissions: """ This function checks the whether a set of required permissions is fulfilled for the given project for the currently active user. The list of `permissions` corresponds to boolean fields in the respective `ProjectPermissions` instance. If left empty, only the existence of such an instance is checked – meaning whether or not the user is allowed to see or access the project in one way or another. If at least one permission is not fulfilled or no instance exists, this function raises a 403 HTTPException :return: `ProjectPermissions` if permissions are fulfilled, exception otherwise :raises HTTPException if permissions are not fulfilled """ try: return auth_helper.check_permissions(project_id=x_project_id, user=current_user, required_permissions=self.permissions, fulfill_all=self.fulfill_all) except (InvalidCredentialsError, InsufficientPermissionError) as e: raise InsufficientPermissions(repr(e)) __all__ = ['InsufficientPermissionError', 'InvalidCredentialsError', 'InsufficientPermissions', 'auth_helper', 'oauth2_scheme', 'UserPermissionChecker', 'UserPermissions', 'NotAuthenticated', 'get_current_user', 'get_current_active_user', 'get_current_active_superuser']