function fout = waitbar(x,whichbar, varargin) %WAITBAR Display wait bar. % H = WAITBAR(X,'title', property, value, property, value, ...) % creates and displays a waitbar of fractional length X. The % handle to the waitbar figure is returned in H. % X should be between 0 and 1. Optional arguments property and % value allow to set corresponding waitbar figure properties. % % Property can also be an action keyword 'CreateCancelBtn', in % which case a cancel button will be added to the figure, and % the passed value string will be executed upon clicking on the % cancel button or the close figure button. % % A further helpful property is 'ShowTime', which enables to % control when a field with the remaining time will appear: % If the passed value is 0, the remaining time will be shown, % if it is -1, the remaining time will never be shown, values % larger than 0 means, that the remaining time is shown if it % exceeds this value (given in seconds). % % WAITBAR(X) will set the length of the bar in the most recently % created waitbar window to the fractional length X. % % WAITBAR(X,H) will set the length of the bar in waitbar H % to the fractional length X. % % WAITBAR(X,H,'updated title') will update the title text in % the waitbar figure, in addition to setting the fractional % length to X. % % WAITBAR is typically used inside a FOR loop that performs a % lengthy computation. A sample usage is shown below: % % h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); % for i = 1:100, % % computation here % % waitbar(i/100,h) % end % close(h) % Clay M. Thompson 11-9-92 % Vlad Kolesnikov 06-7-99 % Copyright 1984-2000 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision$ $Date$ % Modified: Norbert Marwan, 2002-12-11, 2004-07-28, 2004-10-25, 2005-09-13 if nargin>=2 if ischar(whichbar) type=2; %we are initializing name=whichbar; elseif isnumeric(whichbar) type=1; %we are updating, given a handle f=whichbar; else error(['Input arguments of type ' class(whichbar) ' not valid.']) end elseif nargin==1 f = findobj(allchild(0),'flat','Tag','TMWWaitbar'); if isempty(f) type=2; name='Waitbar'; else type=1; f=f(1); end else error('Input arguments not valid.'); end x = max(0,min(100*x,100)); switch type case 1, % waitbar(x) update p = findobj(f,'Type','patch'); pr = findobj(f,'Type','text'); pr=pr(1); if isempty(f) || isempty(p) || isempty(pr) error('Couldn''t find waitbar handles.'); end lastUpdate = get(f,'UserData'); dx = x; dt = etime(clock,lastUpdate.time); if dx > 0 secRemain = dt/dx * (100 - x); else secRemain = 0; end timeRemain = []; if (secRemain > lastUpdate.showTime || lastUpdate.flag) && lastUpdate.showTime >= 0 tx = datestr(datenum(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, secRemain),13); if secRemain > 86400 tx = [datestr(datenum(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, secRemain),7),'d:',datestr(datenum(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, secRemain),13)]; end timeRemain = [' (',tx,')']; lastUpdate.flag = 1; end % lastUpdate.time = clock; lastUpdate.x = x; set(f,'UserData',lastUpdate) set(pr,'String',[sprintf('%3.0f',round(x)),'%',timeRemain]) xpatch = get(p,'XData'); xpatch = [0 x x 0]; set(p,'XData',xpatch) if nargin>2, % Update waitbar title: hAxes = findobj(f,'type','axes'); hTitle = get(hAxes,'title'); set(hTitle,'string',varargin{1}); end case 2, % waitbar(x,name) initialize vertMargin = 0; if nargin > 2, % we have optional arguments: property-value pairs if rem (nargin, 2 ) ~= 0 error( 'Optional initialization arguments must be passed in pairs' ); end end oldRootUnits = get(0,'Units'); set(0, 'Units', 'points'); screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); axFontSize=get(0,'FactoryAxesFontSize'); pointsPerPixel = 72/get(0,'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); width = 360 * pointsPerPixel; height = 75 * pointsPerPixel; pos = [screenSize(3)/2-width/2 screenSize(4)/2-height/2 width height]; lastUpdate.time = clock; lastUpdate.x = x; lastUpdate.flag = 0; showTime = 60; for i = 1:length(varargin)-1 if strcmpi(varargin{i},'showTime') showTime = varargin{i+1}; varargin(i:i+1) = []; break; end end lastUpdate.showTime = showTime; f = figure(... 'Units', 'points', ... 'DoubleBuffer', 'on', ... 'BusyAction', 'queue', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'Resize','off', ... 'CreateFcn','', ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'IntegerHandle','off', ... 'MenuBar', 'none', ... 'Tag','TMWWaitbar',... 'Interruptible', 'off', ... 'UserData',lastUpdate, ... 'Visible','off'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % set figure properties as passed to the fcn % pay special attention to the 'cancel' request %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin > 2, propList = varargin(1:2:end); valueList = varargin(2:2:end); cancelBtnCreated = 0; for ii = 1:length( propList ) try if strcmpi(propList{ii}, 'createcancelbtn' ) && ~cancelBtnCreated cancelBtnHeight = 23 * pointsPerPixel; cancelBtnWidth = 60 * pointsPerPixel; newPos = pos; vertMargin = vertMargin + cancelBtnHeight; newPos(4) = newPos(4)+vertMargin; callbackFcn = [valueList{ii}]; set( f, 'Position', newPos, 'CloseRequestFcn', callbackFcn ); cancelButt = uicontrol('Parent',f, ... 'Units','points', ... 'Callback',callbackFcn, ... 'ButtonDownFcn', callbackFcn, ... 'Enable','on', ... 'Interruptible','off', ... 'Position', [pos(3)-cancelBtnWidth*1.4, 7, ... cancelBtnWidth, cancelBtnHeight], ... 'String','Cancel', ... 'Tag','TMWWaitbarCancelButton'); cancelBtnCreated = 1; else % simply set the prop/value pair of the figure set( f, propList{ii}, valueList{ii}); end catch disp ( ['Warning: could not set property ''' propList{ii} ''' with value ''' num2str(valueList{ii}) '''' ] ); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% colormap([]); axNorm=[.05 .3 .9 .2]; axNorm=[.05 .3 .9 .28]; axPos=axNorm.*[pos(3:4),pos(3:4)] + [0 vertMargin 0 0]; h = axes('XLim',[0 100],... 'YLim',[0 1],... 'Box','on', ... 'Units','Points',... 'FontSize', axFontSize,... 'Position',axPos,... 'XTickMode','manual',... 'YTickMode','manual',... 'XTick',[],... 'YTick',[],... 'XTickLabelMode','manual',... 'XTickLabel',[],... 'YTickLabelMode','manual',... 'YTickLabel',[]); tHandle=title(name); tHandle=get(h,'title'); oldTitleUnits=get(tHandle,'Units'); set(tHandle,... 'Units', 'points',... 'String', name); tExtent=get(tHandle,'Extent'); set(tHandle,'Units',oldTitleUnits); titleHeight=tExtent(4)+axPos(2)+axPos(4)+5; if titleHeight>pos(4) pos(4)=titleHeight; pos(2)=screenSize(4)/2-pos(4)/2; figPosDirty=true; else figPosDirty=false; end if tExtent(3)>pos(3)*1.10; pos(3)=min(tExtent(3)*1.10,screenSize(3)); pos(1)=screenSize(3)/2-pos(3)/2; axPos([1,3])=axNorm([1,3])*pos(3); set(h,'Position',axPos); figPosDirty=true; end if figPosDirty set(f,'Position',pos); end xpatch = [0 x x 0]; ypatch = [0 0 1 1]; color = [0.7 0.1 0.1]; p = patch(xpatch,ypatch,color,'EdgeColor','none','EraseMode','normal'); prHandle=text(50,.5,'0%','Color',color,'FontWeight','bold','EraseMode','xor','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','middle'); set(f,'HandleVisibility','callback','visible','on'); set(h,'Layer','top') set(prHandle,'String',[sprintf('%3.0f',round(x)),'%']) set(0, 'Units', oldRootUnits); end % case drawnow; if nargout==1, fout = f; end