function mgui(action) % MGUI GUI for data analysis programmes. % MGUI starts a GUI and supplies Matlab programmes % for their easy application to data which are in % the Matlab workspace. % % The presented programmes are stored in the file % MGUI.RC where own programmes can be added. Just % include a line with the name of the programme and % the minimal and maximal number of arguments, divided % by a blank space or tabulator as a separator, e.g. % % plot 1 4 % % If the embedded programmes provide an output, then % this output will be stored in the variable ANS in % the Matlab workspace. % % See also MGUICLEAN. % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 2002-2008 % Christian Hoennicke, Norbert Marwan, Andre Sitz, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 1.12 2006/03/29 13:07:55 marwan % problems regarding OPRPs and embedding resolved % % Revision 1.11 2006/03/16 14:55:57 marwan % code flattened % % Revision 1.10 2006/02/14 11:45:49 marwan % *** empty log message *** % % Revision 1.9 2004/11/10 07:05:21 marwan % initial import % % % This program is part of the new generation XXII series. % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. warning off if nargin==0 action='init'; end font.FontName=get(0,'factoryTextFontName'); font.FontUnits=get(0,'factoryTextFontUnits'); font.FontSize=get(0,'factoryTextFontSize'); font.FontWeight=get(0,'factoryTextFontWeight'); font.FontAngle=get(0,'factoryTextFontAngle'); props.root.defaultUIControlBackgroundColor=get(0,'factoryUIControlBackgroundColor'); props.root.defaultUIControlForegroundColor=get(0,'factoryUIControlForegroundColor'); props.root.defaultTextColor=get(0,'factoryUIControlForegroundColor'); props.window.Color=[0.8008 0.7500 0.6875]; props.window.Units='Char'; props.window.Colormap=[[0 0 0];[props.window.Color]]; props.newwindow.Color=[.8 .8 .8]; props.newwindow.Units='Pixels'; props.frame=font; props.frame.Style='frame'; props.frame.BackgroundColor=props.window.Color; props.frame.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.frame.Units='Char'; props.listbox=font; props.listbox.FontName='lucida'; props.listbox.FontSize=10; props.listbox.Style='listbox'; props.listbox.BackgroundColor=[0.9297 0.8711 0.7969]; props.listbox.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.listbox.Units='Char'; props.button=font; props.button.Style='pushbutton'; props.button.BackgroundColor=[0.8008 0.7500 0.6875]; props.button.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.button.Units='Char'; props.checkbox=font; props.checkbox.Style='checkbox'; props.checkbox.HorizontalAlignment='left'; props.checkbox.BackgroundColor=props.window.Color; props.checkbox.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.checkbox.Units='Char'; props.text=font; props.text.Style='text'; props.text.HorizontalAlignment='left'; props.text.BackgroundColor=props.window.Color; props.text.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.text.Units='Char'; props.msgbox=font; props.msgbox.FontSize=get(0,'factoryUIControlFontSize'); props.msgbox.BackgroundColor=props.window.Color; props.msgbox.ForegroundColor=[0 0 0]; props.msgboxwin.Color=props.msgbox.BackgroundColor; v=version; if str2double(v(findstr(v,'(R')+2:findstr(v,')')-1))<= 12; props.msgboxwin.Colormap=[[0 0 0];[props.msgbox.BackgroundColor]]; end props.logo.Visible='off'; props.logo.Units='Char'; props.logo.Color=props.window.Color; set(0,'Units','Character'), sc=get(0,'ScreenSize'); set(0,'Units','Pixels'), sc2=get(0,'ScreenSize'); po=get(0,'defaultFigurePosition'); props.window.Position=[4 sc(4)-32 125.1667 29.0714]; % Mainframe props.newwindow.Position=[sc2(3)-1.05*po(3) po(2) po(3) po(4)]; % Ausgabefenster props.frame.Position=[28.0000 5.5 94.8333 21.67]; % frame um die parameterliste props.listbox_function_select.Position=[ 3.1667 5.5 23.5000 22.1000]; % Funktionselect [.1 .8 .8 .1] props.button_apply.Position=[ 99.8333 1.8571 16.8333 2.1429]; % Knopf 1 :: Ausf�hren [.52 .05 .38 .10] props.button_parm_le.Position=[ 28.9 24.3 3.5000 1.5000]; % parm_le :: Parameter verringern [.1 .1 .3 .1] props.button_parm_ge.Position=[117.9 24.3 3.5000 1.5000]; % parm_ge :: Parameter erh�hen [.1 .2 .3 .1] props.listbox_parm.Position=[ 34. 7.9000 18.5000 16.5000]; % PopupBox (Listbox) props.button_ok.Position=[ 34. 6.4 18.5000 1.5000]; % Knopf schliesen props.button_parm.Position=[ 34. 24.3 18.5000 1.5000]; % ParameterButton props.button_help.Position=[ 76.5000 1.8571 10.1667 2.1429]; % Knopf 5 :: Help props.button_close.Position=[ 88.1667 1.8571 10.1667 2.1429]; % Knopf 6 :: Close props.text_disclaimer.Position=[ 11.5 0.7 23.5000 3.6429]; % Disclaimer props.logo.Position=[ 3.1667 0.9 6.8 3.5]; % Disclaimer props.checkbox_CheckNewWindow.Position=[ 36.1667 1.3571 35.1667 1.5000]; % CheckNewWindow props.checkbox_ForceSameLength.Position=[ 36.1667 3.0000 35.1667 1.5000]; % ForceSameLength props.text_funktion_helptext.Position=[ 29 26.2857 93.5000 1.2857]; % funktion_helptext set(0,'defaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor,... 'defaultUIControlForegroundColor',props.msgbox.ForegroundColor,... 'defaultTextColor',props.text.ForegroundColor) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL filename='mgui'; which_res=which([filename,'.m']); gplrc_path=[strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''), 'private']; gplrc_file=[gplrc_path, filesep, '.gpl.',filename]; if ~exist(gplrc_path,'dir') mkdir(strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''),'private') end if ~exist(gplrc_file,'file') fid=fopen(gplrc_file,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n','If you delete this file, the GNU Public License will'); fprintf(fid,'%s','splash up at the next time the programme starts.'); fclose(fid); if exist('gpl','var') txt=gpl; else txt={'The GNU General Public License was not found.'}; end h=figure('NumberTitle','off',..., 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'Name','GNU General Public License'); ha=get(h,'Position'); h=uicontrol('Style','Listbox',... 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'CallBack','close',... 'Position',[0 0 ha(3) ha(4)],... 'FontName','Courier',... 'BackgroundColor',[.8 .8 .8],... 'String',txt); waitfor(h) end hMF = findobj('Tag','MainFrame'); if ~(isempty(hMF)), props = get(hMF,'UserData'); end if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','helpdlgbox')), delete(findobj('tag','helpdlgbox')), end hfs = findobj('Tag','function_select'); select = get(hfs,'Value'); funktion = get(hfs,'UserData'); if ~isempty(funktion) FktName = char(funktion(select).name); if strcmp(FktName,'------------'); select=select+1; set(hfs,'Value',select) mgui action end end set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','off') % Und "Aktion!" - hier geht es los switch(action) case 'init' %%% Hier wird der Programmablauf vorbereitet, %%% * die Graphikkoordinaten festgelegt %%% * die Funktionslisten aus der Datei generiert %%% * das Grundfenster gezeichnet % L�sche bestehende Fenster gleichen Tags if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','MainFrame')) delete(findobj('Tag','MainFrame')) end % Die Funktionen Load und Save am Anfang einfuegen i = 1; funktion(i).name = cellstr('load'); funktion(i).min = 0; funktion(i).max = 0; funktion(i).akt = 0; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; i=i+1; funktion(i).name = cellstr('save'); funktion(i).min = 1; funktion(i).max = 1; funktion(i).akt = 1; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; i=i+1; funktion(i).name = cellstr('add programme'); funktion(i).min = 0; funktion(i).max = 0; funktion(i).akt = 0; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; i=i+1; funktion(i).name = cellstr('------------'); funktion(i).min = 0; funktion(i).max = 0; funktion(i).akt = 0; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; %% Einlesen der Funktionsliste % �ffnen der Datei mit den Funktionensnamen und -parametern fid = fopen('mgui.rc','r'); if (fid ~= -1) % fopen liefert im Fehlerfall "-1" line = fgetl(fid); while (line ~=-1) %EOF if ~isempty(line) & line(1)~='%' %einlesen erster Parameter i = i + 1; [name,line] = strtok(line); funktion(i).name = cellstr(name); [min,line] = strtok(line); if ~isempty(min) funktion(i).min = str2double(min); max = strtok(line); if ~isempty(max) % Hack : mehr als 4 Parameter werden nicht zugelassen funktion(i).max = str2double(max); if (funktion(i).max > 4) funktion(i).max = 4; end funktion(i).akt = str2double(min); funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; % Fehlerfall min > max if funktion(i).min > funktion(i).max h=errordlg([' Error in data structure at: ' char(funktion(i).name) ' -> (min>max)'],'Initialization'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) end % Fehler: "Zu wenige Parameter" einsammeln else h=errordlg([' Error in data structure at: ' char(funktion(i).name) ' -> (to less parameter)'],'Initialization'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) funktion(i).min = 0; funktion(i).max = 0; funktion(i).akt = 0; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; end else h=errordlg([' Error in data structure at: ' char(funktion(i).name) ' -> (to less parameter)'],'Initialization'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) funktion(i).min = 0; funktion(i).max = 0; funktion(i).akt = 0; funktion(i).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; end end line = fgetl(fid); % Zeilenweises lesen end fclose(fid); % schliesen der Datei % Wenn fopen() fehlgeschlagen ist else error('File mgui.rc not found.'); % = cellstr('Empty'); % funktion.min = 0; % funktion.max = 0; % funktion.akt = 0; % funktion.klicklist{4}=[]; % funktion(i).klickstring{4}=[]; end % Schmei�e alle unbekannten Funktionen raus... j = size(funktion,2); i=5; while i<=j if isempty(double(which(char(funktion(i).name)))) funktion(i) = []; i = i-1; j = j-1; end i=i+1; end %% Zeichnen der Obefl�che % Zeichnen des Grundfensters (Hack: Koordinaten sind fix) figure(props.window,'Tag','MainFrame',... 'NumberTitle','off',... 'Name','Controlpanel',... 'MenuBar','None',... 'DeleteFcn','mgui winclose',... 'UserData',props,... 'Resize','Off'); uicontrol(props.frame); if length(funktion)>4, select=5; else select=3; end uicontrol(props.listbox, props.listbox_function_select,... 'Tag','function_select',... 'String', []',... 'UserData', funktion,... 'Value',select,... 'Callback', 'mgui mod2', 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); % Knopf 3 :: Parameter verringern b=[fliplr(triu(ones(10,10))),triu(ones(10,10))]; b=rot90(b(:,1:2:end)); for i=1:3, c=(b==1)*props.button.BackgroundColor(i)+(b==0)*props.button.ForegroundColor(i); icon(:,:,i)=c(:,1:2:end); end uicontrol(props.button, props.button_parm_le,... 'Tag','parm_le',... 'CData',icon,... 'Visible', 'off',... 'Callback','mgui ChangeNumberOfParameters',... 'ToolTip','Decreases the number of parameters.'); for i =1:4, uicontrol(props.button, 'Tag',['button_parm' num2str(i)],... 'Position', [(props.button_parm.Position(1) + ((i - 1) * 21.2)), props.button_parm.Position(2), props.button_parm.Position(3), props.button_parm.Position(4)],... 'String', ['Parm' num2str(i)],... 'Visible', 'off',... 'Callback', 'mgui Vis'); uicontrol(props.listbox, 'Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(i)],... 'Value',[],... 'Max',2,... %Hack: scheinbar beliebig Zahl(>1) m�glich... 'ButtonDownFcn','mgui selectcolumn',... 'Visible', 'off',... 'Position', [(props.listbox_parm.Position(1) + ((i - 1) * 21.2)), props.listbox_parm.Position(2), props.listbox_parm.Position(3), props.listbox_parm.Position(4)],... 'Callback','mgui klickreihenfolge'); uicontrol(props.button, 'Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(i)],... 'String', 'OK',... 'Visible', 'off',... 'Position', [(props.button_ok.Position(1) + ((i - 1) * 21.2)), props.button_ok.Position(2), props.button_ok.Position(3), props.button_ok.Position(4)],... 'Callback', 'mgui UnVis',... 'UserData',[]); end % Knopf 4:: Parameter erh�hen b=[fliplr(triu(ones(10,10))),triu(ones(10,10))]; b=rot90(b(:,1:2:end),-1); for i=1:3, c=(b==1)*props.button.BackgroundColor(i)+(b==0)*props.button.ForegroundColor(i); icon(:,:,i)=c(:,1:2:end); end uicontrol(props.button, props.button_parm_ge,... 'Tag','parm_ge',... 'CData',icon,... 'Visible', 'on',... 'Callback','mgui ChangeNumberOfParameters',... 'ToolTip','Increases the number of parameters.'); uicontrol(props.checkbox, props.checkbox_ForceSameLength, ... 'Tag','ForceSameLength',... 'Value',0,... 'ToolTip','Fills parameter vectors with NaN in order to get the same vector lengths.',... 'String','Force equal data length.'); uicontrol(props.checkbox, props.checkbox_CheckNewWindow, ... 'Tag','CheckNewWindow',... 'Value',0,... 'ToolTip','Every apply click will create a new figure.',... 'String','Create new figure.'); % Knopf 5 :: Help uicontrol(props.button, props.button_help,... 'Tag','help',... 'String','Help',... 'Callback', 'mgui help',... 'ToolTip','Helpwindow.', 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); % Knopf 6 :: Close uicontrol(props.button, props.button_close, ... 'Tag','close',... 'String','Close',... 'Callback', 'mgui close',... 'ToolTip','Closing the GUI.', 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); % Knopf 1 :: Ausf�hren uicontrol(props.button, props.button_apply, 'Tag','apply',... 'String','Apply',... 'Enable','off',... 'Callback', 'mgui apply',... 'ToolTip','Apply the choosen function.', 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); h=axes; logo=load('logo'); imagesc([logo.logo fliplr(logo.logo)], 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui') set(h,props.logo) h=uicontrol(props.text, props.text_disclaimer, ... 'HandleVis','off',... 'Tag','disclaimer',... 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); h2=textwrap(h,{[char(169),' AGNLD'],'University of Potsdam','2002-2006'}); set(h,'String',h2) mgui mod2; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'mod2' %%% erlegt den ganzen init-kram, wenn eine Funktion ausgew�hlt wurde % Anzahl der Parameter und Auswahlboxen beim Start anpassen und zeichnen % lesen der Anzahl der minimalen/maximalen Parameter FN_Min = funktion(select).min; FN_Max = funktion(select).max; FN_Akt = funktion(select).akt; FN_Name = funktion(select).name; %%% kurzhilfe einblenden if strcmp(FN_Name, 'add programme'); fnhelptext='ADD PROGRAMME Adds a programme into the MGUI and its related RC file.'; ind=length(fnhelptext); else fnhelptext=help(char(FN_Name)); ind=findstr(char(10),fnhelptext); end hfh=findobj('Tag','funktion_helptext'); if isempty(hfh) hfh=uicontrol(props.text, props.text_funktion_helptext,... 'Tag','funktion_helptext',... 'String',fnhelptext(1:ind(1)),... 'ButtonDownFcn','helpwin mgui'); else set(hfh,'string',fnhelptext(1:ind(1))) end h=get(hfh,'Extent');h2=get(hfh,'Position'); set(hfh,'Position',[h2(1:2) h(3) h2(4)]) drawnow %% Kn�ppe in Ausgangsstellung bringen % Wenn, mehrere Parameter erlaubt sind, die Kn�pfe aktivieren % Es sind mehr Parameter m�glich set(findobj('Tag','parm_le'),'Visible','on'); set(findobj('Tag','parm_ge'),'Visible','on'); if (FN_Akt == FN_Max) set(findobj('Tag','parm_ge'),'Visible','off'); end if (FN_Akt == FN_Min) set(findobj('Tag','parm_le'),'Visible','off'); end check_workspace; check_apply %% aufdecken for i = 1 : FN_Akt hparm = findobj('Tag',['button_parm' num2str(i)]); hlbox = findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(i)]); hbcp = findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(i)]); set(hparm,'Visible','on'); set(hlbox,'Visible','on'); set(hbcp,'Visible','on'); end %% Verdeckt for i = (FN_Akt +1) : 4 % HACK: es sind nicht mehr als 4 paramter vorgesehen hparm = findobj('Tag',['button_parm' num2str(i)]); hlbox = findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(i)]); hbcp = findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(i)]); set(hparm,'Visible','off'); set(hlbox,'Visible','off'); set(hbcp,'Visible','off'); end if strcmp(FN_Name, 'load'); mgui load end if strcmp(FN_Name, 'add programme'); mgui add_programme end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'apply' %%% Alle Parameter werden ausgelesen und hintereinander zusammengestellt und ausgef�hrt %% Init FN_Akt = funktion(select).akt; FktName = char(funktion(select).name); %% 'save' und 'load' rausfischen -> selbst geschrieben if strcmp(FktName,'save') mgui save; return; end if strcmp(FktName,'load') mgui load; return; end if strcmp(FktName, 'add programme'); mgui add_programme; return; end %% Auszuf�hrenden String zusammenbasteln Argumente = '('; for j=1 : FN_Akt Arg = ['Arg',num2str(j)]; % %% Init var_list = get(findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(j)]),'UserData'); temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{j}; else klick_list=[]; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list=get(findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm', num2str(j)]),'UserData'); end Matrix = []; % Zu speichernder Inhalt %% Parameterinhalt zusammenstellen for i = 1:size(klick_list,2); % Einlesen des Variablennamens und zuweisen seines Inhaltes VarName = var_list(klick_list(1,i)).name; try VarValue = evalin('base',VarName); catch h=warndlg(['Variable ' VarName ' could not be found and will be ignored henceforth.'],'Scan workspace'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); continue; end % Zeilenvektor in Spaltenvektor transformieren if (size(VarValue,1)) == 1 VarValue = VarValue'; end % Feststellen der gew�nschten Reihen SelectRows = klick_list(klick_list(:,i) ~= 0,i); SelectRows(1,:) = []; % L�sche Kopf (Enth�lt Verweis auf den Variablennamen) % Wenn Spalten gew�hlt wurden, dann den Varibleninhalt darauf begrenzen if ~isempty(SelectRows) VarValue = VarValue(:,SelectRows); end % Unterschiedliche L�nge -> Auff�llen mit "NaN" if (size(Matrix,1) ~= size(VarValue,1)) & (size(Matrix,1) ~= 0) % Matrix zu lang if (size(Matrix,1) > size(VarValue,1)) VarValue((size(VarValue,1)+1):size(Matrix,1),:) = NaN; % Spaltenvektor zu lang else Matrix((size(Matrix,1)+1):size(VarValue,1),:) = NaN; end end Matrix = [Matrix VarValue]; end % zusammenf�gen aller gew�hlten Variablen % Wertzuweisung eines Paramters eval([Arg '= Matrix;']); Argumente = strcat(Argumente, Arg); % if j < FN_Akt Argumente = strcat(Argumente,','); % end end Argumente(end) = []; Argumente = strcat(Argumente,')'); %% Alle Parameter erhalten die gleiche L�nge (wenn gew�nscht) if get(findobj('Tag','ForceSameLength'),'Value') % Init MaxLength = 0; % Suche des l�ngsten Parameters for i = 1:FN_Akt Matrix = eval(['Arg' num2str(i)]); if (size(Matrix, 1) > MaxLength) MaxLength = size(Matrix, 1); end end % Alle Parameter auf die gleiche L�nge trimmen for i = 1:FN_Akt Matrix = eval(['Arg' num2str(i)]); % laden Matrix(size(Matrix,1):MaxLength,:)= NaN; eval([['Arg' num2str(i)] '= Matrix;']); % speichern end end %% Ausgabe der Funktionswerte % Erstellt auf Wunsch ein neues Ausgabefenster hnpw = findobj('Tag','CheckNewWindow'); bNewWindow = get(hnpw,'Value'); if bNewWindow figure(props.newwindow,'Tag','PrintWindow'); end %% Ausf�hren der ganzen M�he (mit Errorhandling) % Schreibschutz aktivieren set(hMF, 'HandleVisibility','Off'); % Ausf�hren try set(0,props.root); eval([FktName Argumente]); % if ~isempty(ans) % assignin('base','ans',ans) % end catch set(0,'defaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor,... 'defaultUIControlForegroundColor',props.msgbox.ForegroundColor,... 'defaultTextColor',props.text.ForegroundColor) h=errordlg(lasterr,['Call ',upper(FktName)]); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h); end % Schreibschutz deaktivieren set(hMF, 'HandleVisibility','on'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'ChangeNumberOfParameters' %%% ver�ndern der aktuellen Parameteranzahl %%% parm_le => verringern; parm_ge => vergroessern %% Init hcall = gcbo; caller = get(hcall,'Tag'); FN_Akt = funktion(select).akt; FN_Min = funktion(select).min; FN_Max = funktion(select).max; %% Anzahl sichtbarer Parameter verringern if strcmp('parm_le',caller) if FN_Akt > FN_Min set(findobj('Tag',['button_parm' num2str(FN_Akt)]),'Visible','off'); set(findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(FN_Akt)]),'Visible','off'); set(findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(FN_Akt)]),'Visible','off'); funktion(select).akt = FN_Akt - 1; set(hfs,'UserData',funktion); if funktion(select).akt <= FN_Min set(hcall,'Visible','off'); end set(findobj('Tag','parm_ge'),'Visible','on'); end %if ~isempty(get(findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm', num2str(FN_Akt-1)]),'UserData')) % set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','on'); %end %% Anzahl sichtbarer Parameter erh�hen (parm_ge) else if FN_Akt < FN_Max funktion(select).akt = FN_Akt + 1; set(findobj('Tag',['button_parm' num2str(FN_Akt+1)]),'Visible','on'); set(findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(FN_Akt+1)]),'Visible','on'); set(findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(FN_Akt+1)]),'Visible','on'); set(hfs,'UserData',funktion); if funktion(select).akt >= FN_Max set(hcall,'Visible','off'); end set(findobj('Tag','parm_le'),'Visible','on'); % Den Apply-Knopf deaktivieren % if isempty(get(findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm', num2str(FN_Akt+1)]),'UserData')) % set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','off'); % end end end %% Alle "Klick_listen" durchsuchen, ob "Apply" ausgef�hrt werden darf FN_Akt = funktion(select).akt; trigger = 0; % Alle "Klick_list"en durchsuchen for i = 1 : FN_Akt hbcp = findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(i)]); temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{i}; else klick_list=[]; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list=get(hbcp,'UserData'); end if isempty(klick_list) trigger = 1; end end % Wenn mindestens eine leere dabei, dann die Ausf�hrung verhindern if trigger set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','off'); else set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','on'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'Vis' %%% Macht die geforderte Listbox + Closebutton sichtbar % Aufrufender = akt. Parameter wird rot gef�rbt hcall = gcbo; %% Bestimmen des zugeh�rigen Auswahlfensters und Closebuttons caller = get(hcall,'Tag'); caller_lbox = strrep(caller,'button','listbox'); caller_bc = strrep(caller,'button','button_close'); lokal_ws=check_workspace; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check for erased variables nparm = str2double(strrep(caller,'button_parm','')); tmplist = funktion(select).klicklist{nparm}; tmpstr = funktion(select).klickstring{nparm}; if ~isempty(tmpstr) ParmBereiche =[0 find(tmpstr == ',') size(tmpstr,2)+1]; % jeden Parameter einzeln checken for i = 1:size(ParmBereiche,2)-1 varname = tmpstr(ParmBereiche(i)+1:ParmBereiche(i+1)-1); trigger = 0; for j = 1:size(lokal_ws,2) if strcmp(lokal_ws(j).name,varname) trigger =1; tmplist(1,i) = j; break; end end if trigger == 0 tmplist(i) = NaN; tmpstr(ParmBereiche(i)+1:ParmBereiche(i+1)-1) = ' '; end end tmplist(isnan(tmplist(1,:))) = []; end %% hier noch die richtigen pfade eintragen %set(findobj('tag',caller_bc),'UserData',tmplist); %set(hparm,'String',tmpstr); funktion(select).klicklist{nparm}= tmplist; funktion(select).klickstring{nparm}=tmpstr; set(hfs,'UserData',funktion); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Aktivieren der angeforderten Listbox + Closebutton % Erst Listbox hlbox=findobj('Tag',caller_lbox); set(hlbox,'Visible','on'); % set(hlbox,'String',[Ausgabe]); % set(hlbox,'UserData',lokal_ws); if isempty(get(hcall,'tooltip')) set(hlbox,'Value',[]); % beim oeffnen ist nichts ausgewaehlt end % Dann Closebutton hbcp=findobj('Tag',caller_bc); set(hbcp,'Visible','on'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'UnVis' %%% macht die Listbox + Closebutton unsichtbar %% bestimmen des zugeh�rigen Auswahlfensters und Closebuttons hcall = gcbo; caller = get(hcall,'Tag'); caller_lbox = strrep(caller,'button_close','listbox'); %% deaktivieren der angeforderten Elemente hlbox=findobj('Tag',caller_lbox); set(hlbox,'Visible','off'); set(hcall,'Visible','off'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'help' %%% Es werden die die Standart-Matlab-Hilfetexte angezeigt %% Entsprechenden Hilfetext ausw�hlen und anzeigen if ~isempty(select) % 'Load' und 'Save' haben eigenen Hilfstext if strcmp(funktion(select).name,'load') | strcmp(funktion(select).name,'save') | strcmp(funktion(select).name,'add programme') if strcmp(funktion(select).name,'load') h=helpdlg(['Load workspace variables from an extern data file.',char(10),'Additionally text lines (e.g. header lines) will be skipped.'],'Help'); elseif strcmp(funktion(select).name,'save') % (funktion(select).name == 'SAVE') h=helpdlg(['Save workspace variables into an extern data file.',char(10),'The file format will be plain ASCII.'],'Help'); else h=helpdlg(['Adds a new programme into the function list of this MGUI.',char(10),... 'The minimal and maximal number of input parameters for this',char(10),... 'programme has to be specified. Finally, this changing will', char(10),... 'be done in the mgui.rc file.'],'Help'); end set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); else % Hilfstext eval(['helpwin ', char(funktion(select).name)]); end else % wenn keine Funktion ausgew�hlt wurde helpwin mgui; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'close' % beendet das Programm close(hMF) warning on % clear all tx{1}='Thank you for your blind trust.'; tx{2}='Do you really like this?'; tx{3}='Thanks, that you believe in us.'; tx{4}='We hope we could satisfy you.'; tx{5}='Thank you for working with us.'; tx{6}='Now you should go home.'; tx{7}='Did you already find us in the WorldWideWeb?'; tx{8}='Your cat might be hungry.'; tx{9}='Maybe your Matlab license will be needed by others?'; tx{10}='Can you imagine, how long we have worked for that?'; tx{11}='Thank you for your responsiveness.'; tx{12}='Now ready for publishing?'; disp(tx{round((length(tx)-1)*rand)+1}) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'winclose' % koennte noetig werden, wenn noch irgendwelche settings % zurueckgestellt werden muessen set(0,props.root); warning on %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case 'klickreihenfolge' %%% Die Klickreihenfolge wird im parm_button_close gespeichert %% Bestimmung des Aufrufers hlbox = gcbo; % die passenden Handel initialisieren tmp = strrep(get(hlbox,'Tag'),'listbox','button_close'); hbcp = findobj('Tag',tmp); tmp = strrep(get(hlbox,'Tag'),'listbox','button'); hparm = findobj('Tag',tmp); %% Init nparm = str2double(strrep(get(gcbo,'Tag'),'listbox_parm','')); temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{nparm}; else klick_list = []; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list = get(hbcp,'UserData'); end klick_akt = get(hlbox,'Value'); if isempty(klick_akt), return; end; % Keine Variable gew�hlt var_list = get(hlbox,'UserData'); if isempty(var_list(1).name), return; end; % Keine Variable vorhanden %% Akualisieren der Klick_list (und anzeigen) % Wenn ausversehen mehr als ein Wert gew�hlt wurde if (size(klick_akt,2) > 1) h=errordlg('Choose only one variable.','Parameter selection'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) set(hlbox,'Value',klick_list(1,:)); return; else % Aktualisieren if isempty(klick_list) posi=[]; else posi = find(klick_list(1,:) == klick_akt); end if(isempty(posi)) % Einf�gen klick_list(1,(end +1)) = klick_akt; else % L�schen klick_list(:,posi) = []; end % Das der Nutzer sein klicken sieht (Listbox) set(hlbox,'Value',klick_list(1,:)); klick_string=make_klick_string(klick_list,var_list); set(hparm,'String',klick_string); set(hparm,'ToolTip',klick_string); % Speichern der ganzen M�he set(hbcp,'UserData',klick_list); funktion(select).klicklist{nparm}=klick_list; funktion(select).klickstring{nparm}=klick_string; set(hfs,'UserData',funktion) end check_apply %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case('selectcolumn') %%% Hier erfolgt die Auswahl der Spalten %% Bestimmung des Aufrufers hcall = gcbo; caller= get(hcall,'Tag'); % die passenden Handel initialisieren tmp = strrep(caller,'listbox','button_close'); hbcp = findobj('Tag',tmp); hlbox = hcall; tmp = strrep(caller,'listbox','button'); hparm = findobj('Tag',tmp); %% Init nparm = str2double(strrep(get(hlbox,'Tag'),'listbox_parm','')); temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{nparm}; else klick_list = []; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list = get(hbcp,'UserData'); end if isempty(klick_list), return; end; % Keine Variable ausgew�hlt var_list = get(hlbox,'UserData'); if isempty(var_list(1).name), return; end; % Keine Variable vorhanden klick_string = []; VarName = var_list(klick_list(1,end)).name; VarValue = evalin('base',VarName); [Zeilen Spalten] = size(VarValue); % Begrenzungen ermitteln %% Einlesen der gew�nschten Spalten % Zeilenvektor -> wie Spaltenvektor behandeln if Zeilen == 1 [Spalten Zeilen] = size(VarValue); % Vertauschen end % Wenn vorhanden, dann soll die alte Auswahl angezeigt werden oldcolumns = klick_list(2:end,end); oldcolumns = oldcolumns(oldcolumns(:) ~= 0); % Nur gew�hltes zeigen oldcolumns = cellstr(num2str(oldcolumns')); % Umwandeln zu Textausgabe if isempty(oldcolumns) oldcolumns = cellstr(' '); end % Eingabe der Spalten set(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor); answer = inputdlg('Use '','' or '':'' or '' '' for selecting the columns.','Multi-column vector',1,oldcolumns); set(0,props.root); % Wenn etwas eingegeben wurde if ~isempty(answer) if strcmp(answer,':') | strcmp(answer,' '), answer='0'; end answer3 = str2double(char(answer)); % Umwandel in Zahlen answer3(answer3 > Spalten) = []; % Gew�hltes <= Max. Spalten % Fehler sammeln -> Verarbeitung abbrechen if isempty(answer3) h=errordlg('Wrong input. Please use Matlab notation.','Multi-column vector'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) return; end if size(answer3,1) ~= 1 h=errordlg('The dimension of the input was multi-dimensional.','Multi-column vector'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) return; end answer3 = answer3'; klick_list(2:Zeilen,end) = 0; % Clean klick_list(2:(size(answer3,1)+1),end) = answer3; end %% Anzeigen der Parameter for i = 1:size(klick_list,2) klick_string = strcat(klick_string,var_list(klick_list(1,i)).name); selected = klick_list(klick_list(:,i) ~= 0,i); if size(selected,1) > 1 klick_string = strcat(klick_string, '('); for j = 2:size(selected,1) klick_string = strcat(klick_string,num2str(selected(j))); klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ','); end klick_string(end) = []; klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ')'); end klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ','); end klick_string(end) = []; % Speichern der Ausgabe set(hparm,'String',klick_string); set(hparm,'ToolTip',klick_string); % Speichern der M�he set(hbcp,'UserData',klick_list); funktion(select).klicklist{nparm}=klick_list; funktion(select).klickstring{nparm}=klick_string; set(hfs,'UserData',funktion) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case ('load') %%% L�dt, so weit es geht, den Inhalt einer frei w�hlbaren Datei %%% unter einem frei w�hlbaren Namen im "base" %% Einlesen der gew�nschten Datei % �ffnen der Datei setptr(gcf,'watch') if isunix [Filename, Pathname]=uigetfile('*'); else [Filename, Pathname]=uigetfile('*.*'); end if Pathname == 0 & Filename == 0, setptr(gcf,'arrow'), return; end; % Wenn 'Cancel' fid = fopen([Pathname Filename],'r'); if (fid ~= -1) % fopen liefert im Fehlerfall "-1" Matrix = []; % Variableninhalt %i = 0; Line = fgetl(fid); while (Line ~=-1) %EOF if ~isempty(Line) & Line(1)~='%' %einlesen erster Parameter %i = i + 1; LineX = []; while ~isempty(Line) [VarX,Line] = strtok(Line); VarX = str2double(VarX); if isempty(VarX) %unbekanntest wird als NaN gefiltert VarX = NaN; end; LineX = [LineX, VarX]; end % Im Bedarfsfall die Matrix vergr�ssern if (size(LineX,2) > size(Matrix,2)) & (size(Matrix,1) ~=0) Matrix(:,size(Matrix,2)+1:size(LineX,2)) = NaN; end % Im Bedarfsfall die Eingelesene Zeile vergr�ssern if size(LineX,2) < size(Matrix,2) LineX(1,size(LineX,2)+1:size(Matrix,2)) = NaN; end % Zeile Anh�ngen Matrix = [Matrix; LineX]; end Line = fgetl(fid); % Zeilenweises lesen end %% freien Variablennamen finden VarName_free = 0; % 0 = false // 1 = true while VarName_free == 0 VarName_free = 1; % Variablennamen bestimmen set(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor); VarName = inputdlg(['File ',Filename,' successfully read! Rows: ' num2str(size(Matrix,1)) ' Columns: ' num2str(size(Matrix,2)),char(10),'Choose a variable name:'],'New data'); set(0,props.root); if isempty(VarName), break; end; % Wenn 'Cancel' % einlesen aller vorhandenen VariablenNamen und ihre Feldgr�sse lokal_ws = evalin('base','whos'); if length(lokal_ws) > 0 for i=1:length(lokal_ws) % Alle Variablen Durchtesten if strcmp(lokal_ws(i).name,char(VarName)) VarName_free = 0; % Variablenname existiert schon h = errordlg('Variable name already exists.','New data'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h); % wichtig! -> sonst kommt es zum Konflikt mit dem inputdialog end end end end % while VarName_free if isempty(VarName), return; end; % Erster Sprung erfolgt nur aus der Whileschleife %% Speichern der Eingelesenen Werte assignin('base',char(VarName),Matrix); lokal_ws_all = evalin('base','whos'); if length(lokal_ws_all) > 0 j = 1; for i=1:length(lokal_ws_all) if strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'double') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'single') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int8') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint8') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int16') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint16') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int32') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint32') Ausgabe(j,1) = cellstr([lokal_ws_all(i).name, ' [', num2str(lokal_ws_all(i).size(1)),'x',num2str(lokal_ws_all(i).size(2)), ']' ]); lokal_ws(j) = lokal_ws_all(i); j = j+1; end end % Der Workspace ist leer else h=errordlg('No numeric variables in the workspace.','Scan workspace'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); Ausgabe(1,1) = cellstr('Empty'); lokal_ws(1).name = []; end for i=1:4; hlbox=findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm',num2str(i)]); set(hlbox,'String',Ausgabe); set(hlbox,'UserData',lokal_ws); end % Datei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden. else h=errordlg('File not found.','IO process'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) end fclose(fid); % schliesen der Datei set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','On'); setptr(gcf,'arrow') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case ('save') %%% Speichert die gew�hlten Variablen und Spalten in einer frei w�hlbaren Datei %%% Der zu speichernde Inhalt liegt "nur" im ersten Parameter %% Bestimmen des Speicherortes setptr(gcf,'watch') [Filename, Pathname]=uiputfile('*.*'); if Pathname == 0 & Filename == 0, setptr(gcf,'arrow'), return; end; % Wenn 'Cancel' %% Init temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{1}; else klick_list=[]; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list=get(findobj('Tag','button_close_parm1'),'UserData'); end var_list = get(findobj('Tag','listbox_parm1'),'UserData'); Matrix = []; % Zu speichernder Inhalt if isempty(var_list(1).name), return; end; % Wenn keine Variable vorhanden %% Zu speichernde Variable zusammenstellen for i = 1:size(klick_list,2); % Einlesen des Variablennamens und zuweisen seines Inhaltes VarName = var_list(klick_list(1,i)).name; try VarValue = evalin('base',VarName); catch h=warndlg(['Variable ' VarName ' could not be found and will be ignored henceforth.'],'Scan workspace'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); continue; end % Zeilenvektor in Spaltenvektor transformieren if (size(VarValue,1)) == 1 VarValue = VarValue'; end % Feststellen der gew�nschten Reihen SelectRows = klick_list(klick_list(:,i) ~= 0,i); SelectRows(1,:) = []; % L�sche Kopf (Enth�lt Verweis auf den Variablennamen) % Wenn Spalten gew�hlt wurden, dann den Varibleninhalt darauf begrenzen if ~isempty(SelectRows) VarValue = VarValue(:,SelectRows); end % Unterschiedliche L�nge -> Auff�llen mit "NaN" if (size(Matrix,1) ~= size(VarValue,1)) & (size(Matrix,1) ~= 0) % Matrix zu lang if (size(Matrix,1) > size(VarValue,1)) VarValue((size(VarValue,1)+1):size(Matrix,1),:) = NaN; % Spaltenvektor zu lang else Matrix((size(Matrix,1)+1):size(VarValue,1),:) = NaN; end end Matrix = [Matrix VarValue]; end %% Speichern eval('SaveMatrix = Matrix;'); save([Pathname Filename], 'SaveMatrix', '-ascii'); setptr(gcf,'arrow') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% case('add_programme') setptr(gcf,'watch') prompt={'Name of the programme to be added:','Minimal number of parameters (e.g. 1):','Maximal number of parameters (max. 4):'}; def={'','',''}; set(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor); answer = inputdlg(prompt,'Add a Matlab programme',1,def); set(0,props.root); if ~isempty(answer) if isempty(which(answer{1})) & ~isempty(answer{1}) h=errordlg(['Programme not found.',char(10),'Please ensure, that the programme is inside the Matlab search path.'],'Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) setptr(gcf,'arrow') return elseif isempty(answer{1}) setptr(gcf,'arrow') return else if answer{2}=='', answer{2}='0'; end if answer{3}=='', answer{3}='0'; end if str2double(answer{3})>4, answer{3}='4'; h=warndlg(['In this version, the number of parameters is',char(10),... 'limited to 4. Your input was set to this value.'],'Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); waitfor(h) end if str2double(answer{2})>4, answer{2}='4'; h=warndlg(['In this version, the number of parameters is',char(10),... 'limited to 4. Your input was set to this value.'],'Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); waitfor(h) end if str2double(answer{2})>str2double(answer{3}), answer{2}=answer{3}; h=warndlg(['The maximal number of parameters can not be smaller',char(10),... 'than the minimal number of parameters. The minimal',char(10),... 'number of parameters was set to ',char(answer{3}),'.'],'Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); waitfor(h) end flag=0; for i=1:length(funktion), if strcmpi(funktion(i).name,answer{1}) h=errordlg('Programme already installed.','Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) flag=1; break end end if flag==0 mguircfile=which('mgui.rc'); fid=fopen(mguircfile,'a'); if fid>1; fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[answer{1},' ',answer{2},' ',answer{3}]); else h=errordlg('Could not open the mgui.rc file.','Add a Matlab programme'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) waitfor(h) end fclose(fid); funktion(end+1).name = answer(1); funktion(end).min = str2double(answer{2}); funktion(end).max = str2double(answer{3}); funktion(end).akt = str2double(answer{2}); funktion(end).klicklist{4}=[]; funktion(end).klickstring{4}=[]; set(hfs,'UserData',funktion,'String', []); % set(hfs,'Value',length(funktion)); % mgui mod2; set(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor',props.msgbox.BackgroundColor); answer2=questdlg([upper(char(answer{1})),' was successfully installed and',char(10),... 'is now added to the function listbox.'],'Add a Matlab programme',... 'OK','Show mgui.rc','OK'); set(0,props.root); if strcmp(answer2,'Show mgui.rc') if isunix editor='vi'; else editor='notepad'; end builtinEd=0; if isempty(javachk('mwt', 'The MATLAB Editor')); if com.mathworks.ide.editor.EditorOptions.getBuiltinEditor == 0, editor = char(com.mathworks.ide.editor.EditorOptions.getOtherEditor); else com.mathworks.ide.editor.EditorApplication.openDocument(mguircfile); builtinEd=1; end; end if isunix & builtinEd==0 if strcmp(editor,'vi') == 1 editor = 'xterm -e vi'; end eval(['!' editor ' "' mguircfile '" &']) elseif ~isunix & builtinEd==0 eval(['!"' editor '" "' mguircfile '" &']) end end end end end setptr(gcf,'arrow') end set(0,props.root); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function lokal_ws=check_workspace %% Aktualisieren der Variablen % Einlesen aller vorhandenen VariablenNamen und ihre Feldgr�sse lokal_ws_all = evalin('base','whos'); hMF = findobj('Tag','MainFrame'); hfs = findobj('Tag','function_select'); if ~(isempty(hMF)), props = get(hMF,'UserData'); else error('Properties not found.'), end select = get(hfs,'Value'); funktion = get(hfs,'UserData'); FN_Name = funktion(select).name; if length(lokal_ws_all) > 0 j = 1; for i=1:length(lokal_ws_all) if strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'double') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'single') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int8') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint8') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int16') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint16') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'int32') | strcmp(lokal_ws_all(i).class,'uint32') Ausgabe(j,1) = cellstr([lokal_ws_all(i).name, ' [', num2str(lokal_ws_all(i).size(1)),'x',num2str(lokal_ws_all(i).size(2)), ']' ]); lokal_ws(j) = lokal_ws_all(i); j = j+1; end end % Der Workspace ist leer end if ~exist('lokal_ws','var') | isempty(lokal_ws) if ~strcmp(FN_Name,'load') h=errordlg('No numeric variables in the workspace.','Scan workspace'); set(h,props.msgboxwin),h2=guihandles(h);set(h2.OKButton,props.msgbox) set(h,'Tag','helpdlgbox','HandleVisibility','On'); end Ausgabe(1,1) = cellstr('Empty'); lokal_ws(1).name = []; end neu_var={}; for i=1:4; hparm = findobj('Tag',['button_parm' num2str(i)]); hlbox = findobj('Tag',['listbox_parm' num2str(i)]); for l=5:length(funktion), temp=funktion(l).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{i}; else klick_list = []; end temp=get(hlbox,'UserData'); if ~isempty(temp) & ~isempty(klick_list) old_var={}; old_klicklist=klick_list(1,:); for k=1:length(old_klicklist) if length(old_klicklist)<k, klick_list(1,k)=NaN; break, end if length(old_var)<old_klicklist(k), klick_list(1,k)=NaN; break, end temp=find(strcmp(neu_var,old_var(old_klicklist(k)))); if ~isempty(temp) klick_list(1,k)=temp; else klick_list(1,k)=NaN; end end klick_list(:,isnan(klick_list(1,:)))=[]; klick_string=make_klick_string(klick_list,lokal_ws); funktion(l).klicklist{i}=klick_list; funktion(l).klickstring{i}=klick_string; if select==l, set(hlbox,'Value',klick_list(1,:)); set(hparm,'String',klick_string); set(hparm,'ToolTip',klick_string); end end end set(hfs,'UserData',funktion) set(hlbox,'String',Ausgabe,'UserData',lokal_ws); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function klick_string=make_klick_string(klick_list,var_list) klick_string=''; if ~isempty(klick_list) for i = 1:size(klick_list,2) klick_string = strcat(klick_string,var_list(klick_list(1,i)).name); selected = klick_list(klick_list(:,i) ~= 0,i); if size(selected,1) > 1 % Wenn Einzelwerte gefunden wurden klick_string = strcat(klick_string, '('); for j = 2:size(selected,1) klick_string = strcat(klick_string,num2str(selected(j))); klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ','); end klick_string(end) = []; klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ')'); end klick_string = strcat(klick_string, ','); end klick_string(end) = []; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function check_apply hfs = findobj('Tag','function_select'); select = get(hfs,'Value'); funktion = get(hfs,'UserData'); %% Alle "Klick_listen" durchsuchen, ob "Apply" ausgef�hrt werden darf FN_Akt = funktion(select).akt; trigger = 0; % Alle "Klick_list"en durchsuchen for i = 1 : FN_Akt hbcp = findobj('Tag',['button_close_parm' num2str(i)]); temp=funktion(select).klicklist; if ~isempty(temp), klick_list=temp{i}; else klick_list=[]; end if isempty(klick_list), klick_list=get(hbcp,'UserData'); end if isempty(klick_list) trigger = 1; end end % Wenn mindestens eine leere dabei, dann die Ausf�hrung verhindern if trigger set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','off'); else set(findobj('Tag','apply'),'Enable','on'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ENDE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%