function varargout = rtspec(varargin) % RTSPEC Recurrence time spectrum. % RTSPEC(X,M,T,E,FS,...) calculates the recurrence time spectrum % based on a recurrence plot using embedding dimension M, % embedding delay T, recurrence threshold E, and sampling % frequency FS. The input arguments are similar to those of the % command CRP. % % P = RTSPEC(...) returns the recurrence time spectrum % in vector P. % % [P F] = RTSPEC(...) returns the recurrence time spectrum % in vector P and the vector of corresponding frequencies F. % % Example: fs = 22; % x = sin(2*pi * [0:1/fs:44]); % rtspec(x,2,1,.1,fs) % % See also CRP, RRSPEC. % % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 5.1 2008/07/02 12:01:13 marwan % initial import % % Revision 5.1 2008/07/01 13:09:27 marwan % initial import % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties global errcode props init_properties fs_init = 1; w_init = 100; sil = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input error(nargchk(1,8,nargin)); if nargout>2, error('Too many output arguments'), end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read the input % transform any int to double intclasses = {'uint8';'uint16';'uint32';'uint64';'int8';'int16';'int32';'int64';'logical'}; flagClass = []; for i = 1:length(intclasses) i_int=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,intclasses{i})); if ~isempty(i_int) for j = 1:length(i_int) varargin{i_int(j)} = double(varargin{i_int(j)}); end flagClass = [flagClass; i_int(:)]; end end if ~isempty(flagClass) disp(['Warning: Input arguments at position [',num2str(flagClass'),'] contain integer values']); disp(['(now converted to double).']) end varargin{9}=[]; i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','nr','rr','fa','in','om','op','di'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize check_sil={'ve','si'}; % verbose, silent if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input % check the text input parameters for method, gui temp_meth=0; temp_norm=0; temp_sil=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); temp_sil=temp_sil+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_sil'); end method_n=min(find(temp_meth)); nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1; sil=min(find(temp_sil))-1; for i=1:length(i_char); temp2(i,:)=varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3); end if isempty(sil), sil=0; end if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end if isempty(method_n), method_n=1; end if method_n>length(check_meth), method0=length(check_meth); end method=check_meth{method_n}; norm_str = check_norm{nonorm+1}; else method = 'max'; norm_str = 'nor'; end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3 disp('Error using ==> rtspec') disp('To less values in data X.') return end x=double(varargin{1}); if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=.1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=w_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), fs=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else fs=fs_init; end else disp('Error using ==> rtspec') disp('No valid arguments.') return end if size(x,1) < size(x,2), x = x'; end N = length(x)-(m-1)*t; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% make RT spectrum %% RP nogui_str = 'nog'; if sil, nogui_str = 'sil'; end X = crp2(x,m,t,e,method,norm_str,nogui_str); %% recurrence times [dummy1 dummy2 RT] = tt(X); %% spectrum f1 = 0:1/(1000*fs):1; P1 = histc(1./(RT+1),f1); P = histc(RT,1:2*max(RT)); f = [1:2*max(RT)]+.5; f2 = fs./(f+1); if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = P(:); elseif nargout == 2 varargout{1} = P(:); varargout{2} = f2(:); else semilogy(f1*fs,P1+1,fs./(f+1),P+1) % semilogy(fs./f,P+1) grid ylabel('Power') xlabel('Frequency') title('Recurrence Time Spectrum') end