function varargout=histn(varargin) %HISTN N-dimensional histogram. % P=HISTN(X) bins the N-dimensional density of X(:,1),... % X(:,N) into a 10x10 equally spaced matrix and returns it % in P. % % P=HISTN(X1,X2,...,Xn) bins the M-dimensional density of % X1(i),...,XN(i) into a 10x10 equally spaced matrix and % returns it in P, where M is the sum of the numbers of % columns of the input arguments. % % P=HISTN(X1,X2,...,Xn,L), where L is a scalar, uses a lag L % between the input vectors. When only one input vector is % given, the lag has an effect only if this vector has only % one column. The latter corresponds to P=HISTN(X,X,L). % % P=HISTN(X1,X2,...,Xn,K,L), where K and L are scalars, uses % K bins and a lag L. % % [P,J]=HISTN(...) returns the matrix P and the N-dimensional % vector J containing the N-dimensional density matrix and the % bin location for X1,...,Xn. % % HISTN(...) without any output arguments produces a histogram plot. % % Examples: x = randn(10000,3); % histn(x) % % See also HIST, HIST2, BAR3, MI. % Copyright (c) 2002-2003 % Andre Sitz, Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. %try %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input error(nargchk(1,16,nargin)); if nargout>2, error('Too many output arguments'), end nogui=1; lag=[]; nbin=10; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read the input x={}; sm_length=[]; sum_m=0; if isnumeric(varargin{1}) for i=1:nargin if isnumeric(varargin{i}) & max(size(varargin{i}))>1 y=varargin{i}; if size(y,1)==1, y=y'; end my=size(y,2); sum_m=sum_m+my; mx=size(y,1); if isempty(sm_length), sm_length=mx; end if mx < sm_length, sm_length=mx; end x(i)={y}; end end m=size(x,2); if sum_m==1; lag=1; x(2)=x(1); sum_m=2; m=2; end if isempty(x), error('Not a valid input vector.'), end i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); if ~isempty(i_char) if findstr(lower(varargin{i_char(1)}),'n') nogui=1; end if findstr(lower(varargin{i_char(1)}),'s') nogui=2; end if findstr(lower(varargin{i_char(1)}),'g') nogui=0;nogui=1; end end if length(i_double)>1 if max(size(varargin{i_double(end-1)}))==1 nbin=varargin{i_double(end-1)}; else nbin=10; end end if max(size(varargin{i_double(end)}))==1 lag=varargin{i_double(end)}; else if isempty(lag), lag=0; end end else error('Input must be numeric.') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL if nogui~=2; splash_gpl('histn'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% estimate histogram %if size(x,1)<size(x,2), x=x';end for k=1:m; x1(k)={(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)-repmat(min(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)),length(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)),1))./repmat(max(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)-repmat(min(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)),length(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)),1)),length(x{k}(1:sm_length,:)),1)-eps}; if m>1 & sm_length/(m-1)<=lag, lag=floor(sm_length/(m-1))-1; warning(['Lag is too large. Using ',num2str(lag),' instead.']), end end temp=0; kl=0; for k=1:m for l=1:size(x1{k},2) temp=temp+fix(x1{k}(1+(lag*(k-1)):(end-(lag*(m-k))),l)*nbin)*nbin^(kl); kl=kl+1; end end p=histc(temp,0:(nbin^sum_m-1))'; p2=eval(['reshape(p',repmat([',nbin'],1,sum_m),')/length(x);']); kl=0; for k=1:m for l=1:size(x1{k},2) kl=kl+1; minx = min(min(x{k}(:,l))); maxx = max(max(x{k}(:,l))); if minx == maxx, minx = minx - floor(nbin/2) - 0.5; maxx = maxx + ceil(nbin/2) - 0.5; end bins(kl,:)=minx:(maxx-minx)/(nbin-1):maxx+eps; end end if nargout==0 p3=eval(['p2(:,:',repmat([',round(nbin/2)'],1,sum_m-2),')']); bar3(bins(2,:),p3) dhy=bins(2,2)-bins(2,1); set(gca,'xlim',[0 nbin+1-.1],'ylim',[bins(2,1)-dhy bins(2,end)+dhy]) hx=get(gca,'xtick'); dhx=diff(hx); set(gca,'xtick',[1:dhx(1):nbin+1]) if dhx>1 tx=num2str(fix(100*[bins(1,1):(bins(1,end)-bins(1,1))/(length(hx)-1):bins(1,end)]')/100); else tx=num2str(fix(100*[bins(1,:)]')/100); end set(gca,'xticklabel',tx) xlabel('x'), ylabel('y') elseif nargout==1 varargout{1}=p2; elseif nargout==2 varargout{1}=p2; varargout{2}=bins'; end