function xout=crp_big(varargin) %CRP_BIG Creates a cross recurrence plot/ recurrence plot. % CRP_BIG(X [,Y] [,param1,param2,...]) creates a cross % recurrence plot/ recurrence plot. Results can be % stored into the workspace. In contrast to CRP, long % data series can be used. Results can be stored into % the workspace. % % R=CRP_BIG(X,M,T,E) uses the dimension M, delay T % and the size of neighbourhood E and creates a recurrence % plot of X. % % R=CRP_BIG(X,Y,'order') creates an order matrix plot % with normalization of the data. % % R=CRP_BIG(X,Y,'distance','nonormalize') creates a % distance coded matrix plot without normalization % of the data. % % Allows to change the parameters interactively by % using a GUI. % % The source-data X and test-data Y can be one- or % a two-coloumn vectors (then, in the first column % have to be the time); if the test-data Y is not % specified, a simple recurrence plot is created. % % Parameters: dimension M, delay T and the size of % neighbourhood E are the first three numbers after % the data series; further parameters can be used % to switch between various methods of finding the % neighbours of the phasespace trajectory, to suppress % the normalization of the data and to suppress the % GUI (useful in order to use this programme by other % programmes). % % Methods of finding the neighbours/ of plot. % maxnorm - Maximum norm. % euclidean - Euclidean norm. % minnorm - Minimum norm. % nrmnorm - Euclidean norm between normalized vectors % (all vectors have the length one). % fan - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours. % inter - Interdependent neighbours. % order - Order matrix. % distance - Distance coded matrix (global CRP, Euclidean norm). % % Normalization of the data series. % normalize - Normalization of the data. % nonormalize - No normalization of the data. % % Suppressing the GUI. % gui - Creates the GUI and the output plot. % nogui - Suppresses the GUI and the output plot. % silent - Suppresses all output. % % Parameters not needed to be specified. % % Current limitation: for higher speed in % output the whole matrix of the recurrence % plot is in the work space - this limits % the application of long data series. % % Examples: a=sqrt(100^2-(-71:71).^2); b=1:100; % b(101:100+length(a))=-(a)+170; % b(end+1:end+100)=100:-1:1; % crp_big(b,1,1,.1,'max') % % See also CRP, CRP2 and CRQA. % Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by AMRON % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % % This program is part of the new generation XXII series. % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. warning off %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties errcode=0; init_properties hCRP=[];hCtrl=[];nogui=[];obj=[];mflag=[]; set(0,'ShowHidden','On') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input error(nargchk(1,9,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','nr','fa','in','or','di'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'}; % gui, nogui, silent if isnumeric(varargin{1})==1 % read commandline input varargin{9}=[]; i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); % check the text input parameters for method, gui and normalization temp_meth=0; temp_norm=0; temp_gui=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); end method=min(find(temp_meth)); nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1; nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1; if isempty(method), method=1; end if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end if method>length(check_meth), method=length(check_meth); end if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end if nogui>2, nogui=2; end else method=1; nonorm=1; nogui=0; end if nogui==0 & nargout>0, nogui=1; end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3 error('To less values in data X.') end x=double(varargin{1}); % if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; end % if ~isempty(varargin{2}) & isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=double(varargin{2}); end if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else, y=double(varargin{2}); end if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}) y=x; if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=.1; end else if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=.1; end end if e<0, e=1; disp('Warning: The threshold size E cannot be negative and is now set to 1.'), end if t<1, t=1; disp('Warning: The delay T cannot be smaller than one and is now set to 1.'), end t=round(t); m=round(m); mflag=method; action='init'; Nx=length(x); Ny=length(y); NX=Nx-t*(m-1);NY=Ny-t*(m-1); if (NX<1 | NY<1) & nogui==0; errordlg('The embedding vectors cannot be created. Dimension M and/ or delay T are to big. Please use smaller values.','Dimension/ delay to big') waitforbuttonpress end if size(x,1)<size(x,2), x=x'; end if size(y,1)<size(y,2), y=y'; end if ~isempty(find(isnan(x))) disp('Warning: NaN detected (in first variable) - will be cleared.') for k=1:size(x,2), x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end end if ~isempty(find(isnan(y))) disp('Warning: NaN detected (in second variable) - will be cleared.') for k=1:size(y,2), y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end end if size(x,2)>=2 xscale=x(:,1); if ~isempty(find(diff(xscale)<0)), error('First column of the first vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.'),end if nonorm==1, x=(x(:,2)-mean(x(:,2)))/std(x(:,2)); else x=x(:,2); end else if nonorm==1, x=(x-mean(x))/std(x); end xscale=(1:length(x))'; end if size(y,2)>=2 yscale=y(:,1); if ~isempty(find(diff(yscale)<0)), error('First column of the second vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.'),end if nonorm==1, y=(y(:,2)-mean(y(:,2)))/std(y(:,2)); else y=y(:,2); end else if nonorm==1, y=(y-mean(y))/std(y); end yscale=(1:length(y))'; end ds=eye(m); else % read input from the GUI action=varargin{1}; nogui=0; h=get(gcf,'Name');h=h(findstr(h,'(')+1:findstr(h,')')-1); hCRP=findobj('Name',['Cross Recurrence Plot (' h ')']); hCtrl=findobj('Name',['Control (' h ')']); h=str2num(h); xshuttle=get(findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','DataPlot2'),'UserData'); if ~isempty(xshuttle) xscale=xshuttle(:,1); x=xshuttle(:,2); yshuttle=get(findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','DataPlot1'),'UserData'); yscale=yshuttle(:,1); y=yshuttle(:,2); if ~isempty(hCtrl) if get(findobj('Tag','Unthresh','Parent',hCtrl),'Value') mflag=length(check_meth); else mflag=get(findobj('Tag','Method','Parent',hCtrl),'Value'); end m=get(findobj('Tag','Dim','Parent',hCtrl),'Value'); t=str2num(get(findobj('Tag','Delay','Parent',hCtrl),'String')); e=str2num(get(findobj('Tag','Size','Parent',hCtrl),'String')); if e<0, e=1; errordlg('The threshold size E cannot be negative.','Threshold size to small') waitforbuttonpress set(findobj('Tag','Size','Parent',hCtrl),'String','1') action=''; end if t<1, t=1; errordlg('The delay T cannot be smaller than one.','Delay to small') waitforbuttonpress set(findobj('Tag','Delay','Parent',hCtrl),'String','1') action=''; end ds = get(findobj('Tag','Dim','Parent',hCtrl),'UserData'); Nx=length(x); Ny=length(y); NX=Nx-t*(m-1);NY=Ny-t*(m-1); if (NX<1 | NY<1) & strcmpi(action,'apply'); errordlg('The embedding vectors cannot be created. Dimension M and/ or delay T are to big. Please use smaller values.','Dimension/ delay to big') waitforbuttonpress action=''; end end end clear xshuttle yshuttle cm_old=get(hCRP,'Colormap'); cm=[{hsv(256)}; {hot(256)}; {gray(256)};... {french(256)}; {bone(256)}; {copper(256)}; {pink(256)};... {flag(256)}; {lines(256)}; {colorcube(256)};... {jet(256)}; {prism(256)}; {cool(256)};... {autumn(256)}; {spring(256)}; {winter(256)};... {summer(256)}; {flipud(gray(2))}; {flipud(cm_old)}]; if isempty(findobj('Tag','CRPFig')) & nogui==0 action='init'; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL splash_gpl('crp') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nogui if nogui>0 hCRP=9999; if nogui~=2 tx(1)={'Maximum norm'}; tx(2)={'Euclidean norm'}; tx(3)={'Minimum norm'}; tx(4)={'Euclidean norm of normalized distance'}; tx(5)={'fixed amount of nearest neighbours'}; tx(6)={'interdependent neighbours'}; tx(7)={'distance plot'}; disp(['use method: ', char(tx(method))]); if nonorm==1, disp('normalize data'); else disp('do not normalize data'); end end action='compute'; if (NX<1 | NY<1) disp('Warning: The embedding vectors cannot be created.') disp('Dimension M and/ or delay T are to big. Please use smaller values.') action=''; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch routines try switch(action) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% initialization case 'init' errcode=1; xshuttle(:,1)=xscale; yshuttle(:,1)=yscale; xshuttle(:,2)=x; yshuttle(:,2)=y; ds=eye(m); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create GUI errcode=2; root_ud=get(0,'UserData'); if isstruct(root_ud) if isfield(root_ud,'crp') if ~isempty(root_ud.crp) root_ud.crp=[root_ud.crp max(root_ud.crp)+1]; else root_ud.crp=1; end h=num2str(root_ud.crp(end)); else root_ud.crp=1; h=num2str(1); end else root_ud.old=root_ud; root_ud.crp=1; h=num2str(1); end set(0,'UserData',root_ud) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CRP Figure h_axes=create_CRPfig(h,xshuttle,yshuttle); if nargout>0, xout=haxes; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Control Figure errcode=3; create_Ctrlfig('crp_big',h,ds,m,t,e,method) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% vectorswitch case 'vectorswitch' vectorswitch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fit dimension display case 'fitdim' errcode=5; ds2=eye(m); if m>length(ds) ds2(1:length(ds),1:length(ds))=ds; else ds2=ds(1:m,1:m); end ds=ds2; clear ds2 set(findobj('Tag','Dim','Parent',gcf),'UserData', ds); for i=1:20 if i>m, set(findobj('Tag',['DimShift' num2str(i)],'Parent',gcf), 'Enable', 'off'); else, set(findobj('Tag',['DimShift' num2str(i)],'Parent',gcf), 'Enable', 'on'); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% unthresh case 'unthresh' errcode=6; switch_unthresholded(hCRP) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% stretch case 'stretch' errcode=7; stretch(hCRP,xscale,yscale,Nx,Ny) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% change colormap case 'log' errcode=82; change_colormapscale(hCRP,cm) case 'colormap' errcode=81; change_colormap(hCtrl,hCRP,cm) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% store case 'store' errcode=9; X=get(findobj('Tag','CRPData','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'UserData'); if isempty(X) warndlg('The CRP matrix is still empty. Please start the computation before storing.','Empty CRP') waitforbuttonpress else assignin('base','X', double(X)) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% handlevisON case 'handlevisON' set(hCRP, 'HandleVis','on') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% close case 'close' errcode=101; close_all case 'smartclose' errcode=102; if ishandle(hCRP) & ishandle(hCtrl) smart_close(hCRP,hCtrl) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% computation case 'compute' errcode=11; txt_cross='Cross '; if size(x)==size(y) if x==y, txt_cross=''; end end if nogui==0 setptr([hCRP,hCtrl],'watch') h=findobj('Tag','Apply','Parent',hCtrl); obj.children=get(hCtrl,'Children'); obj.enable=get(obj.children,'Enable'); set(obj.children,'Enable','off') set(h(1),'String','Stop',... 'ToolTip','Stops the computation.',... 'Enable','on',... 'Callback','set(gcbo,''String'',''Stopped'')') end maxN=sqrt(m)*max(NX,NY); if maxN>800 n=round(log(maxN/350)/log(2)); % orig war 150 maxN=maxN/(2^n); maxN=round(maxN);NX0=NX;NY0=NY;smax=sqrt(m)*(max(abs(x))+max(abs(y))); else maxN=round(sqrt(m)*800);NX0=NX;NY0=NY;smax=sqrt(m)*(max(abs(x))+max(abs(y))); end s_norm=sqrt(m)*abs(max(x(:))-min(x(:))); set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'Visible','on') set(findobj('Tag','CRPData','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'Visible','off') set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'String','Create CRP matrix'),drawnow X=uint8(zeros(NY+(m-1)*t,NX+(m-1)*t)); set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'String','Build Embedding Vectors'),drawnow if m*Nx>maxN ax=ceil(m*Nx/maxN); Nx2=ceil(Nx/ax); x(Nx+1:Nx2*ax+t*(m-1))=x(Nx); else ax=1; Nx2=Nx; end x(Nx+1:Nx2*ax+t*(m-1))=x(Nx); x0=x; if m*Ny>maxN ay=ceil(m*Ny/maxN); Ny2=ceil(Ny/ay); else ay=1; Ny2=Ny; end y(Ny+1:Ny2*ay+t*(m-1))=y(Ny); y0=y; set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'String','Compute CRP'),drawnow if nogui==0 % set(hCRP,'Renderer','OpenGL') h1=axes('Parent',hCRP,'pos',[.3 .34 .4 .02],'xtick',[],'ytick',[],'box','on','NextPlot','add'); h2=fill([0 0 0 0],[0 0 1 1],[.2 .3 1],'Parent',h1,'LineStyle','None'); set(h1,'xtick',[],'ytick',[],'box','on','xlim',[0 1],'layer','top') end k=0; for i=1:ax, if nogui==0 h=findobj('Tag','Apply','Parent',hCtrl); if strcmpi(get(h(1),'String'),'stopped') set(h(1),'String','Apply',... 'ToolTip','Starts the computation - be patient.',... 'Callback','crp_big compute') for i=1:length(obj.enable), set(obj.children(i),'Enable',obj.enable{i}); end break end end x=x0(1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1)+t*(m-1)); for j=1:ay, y=y0(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1)+t*(m-1)); k=k+1; Nx=length(x); Ny=length(y); NX=Nx-t*(m-1);NY=Ny-t*(m-1); if nogui==0 if k/10==fix(k/10), set(h2,'XData',[0 k/(ax*ay) k/(ax*ay) 0]), drawnow, end end %% ii=(1:NX)';jj=0:t:0+(m-1)*t; ii=reshape(ii(:,ones(1,m))+jj(ones(NX,1),:),m*NX,1); x1=x(ii); x2=reshape(x1,NX,m); ii=(1:NY)';jj=0:t:0+(m-1)*t; ii=reshape(ii(:,ones(1,m))+jj(ones(NY,1),:),m*NY,1); y1=y(ii); y2=reshape(y1,NY,m); y2=y2*ds; % switch vectors [NX, mx] = size(x2); [NY, my] = size(y2); clear jx jy switch(mflag) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% local CRP, fixed distance case {1,2,3} errcode=111; px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NY),:) - py(ones(1,NX),:,:); switch mflag case 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% maximum norm s = max(abs(s1),[],3); matext=[num2str(round(100*e)/100) '\sigma (fixed distance maximum norm)']; case 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% euclidean norm errcode=112; s = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3)); matext=[num2str(round(100*e)/100) '\sigma (fixed distance euclidean norm)']; case 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% minimum norm errcode=113; s = sum(abs(s1), 3); matext=[num2str(round(100*e)/100) '\sigma (fixed distance minimum norm)']; end X1=255*s/max(s(:))<(255*e/max(s(:))); X0=(uint8(X1))'; clear s s1 x1 y1 px py X1 X(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1),1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1))=X0; X(NY0+1:end,:)=[]; X(:,NX0+1:end)=[]; NX=NX0; NY=NY0; % matext=[num2str(round(100*e)/100) '\sigma (fixed distance maximum norm)']; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% local CRP, normalized distance euclidean norm case 4 errcode=114; % set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'String',['Normalize Embedding Vectors ',num2str(ax*(i-1)+j)]),drawnow Dx=sqrt(sum(((x2(:,:)).^2)'))'; Dy=sqrt(sum(((y2(:,:)).^2)'))'; x1=x2./repmat(Dx,1,m);x2=x1; y1=y2./repmat(Dy,1,m);y2=y1; clear Dx Dy y1 x1 px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NY),:) - py(ones(1,NX),:,:); s = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3)); X0=(uint8(255*s/max(s(:)))<(255*e/max(s(:))))'; clear s s1 x1 y1 px py X(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1),1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1))=X0; X(NY0+1:end,:)=[]; X(:,NX0+1:end)=[]; NX=NX0; NY=NY0; matext=[num2str(round(100*e)/100) '\sigma (normalized distance euclidean norm)']; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% local CRP, fixed neigbours amount case 5 errcode=115; if e>=1 e=round(e)/100; txt=['The value for fixed neigbours amount has to be smaller '... 'than one. Continue the computation with a value of ' ... num2str(e)]; if nogui==0 warndlg(txt,'Threshold value mismatch'); drawnow waitforbuttonpress set(findobj('Tag','Size','Parent',gcf),'String',num2str(e)) end end px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NY),:) - py(ones(1,NX),:,:); s = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3)); mine=round(NY*e); [SS, JJ]=sort(s'); JJ=JJ'; X1(NX*NY)=uint8(0); X1(JJ(:,1:mine)+repmat([0:NY:NX*NY-1]',1,mine))=uint8(1); X0=reshape(X1,NY,NX); clear X1 SS JJ s px py X(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1),1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1))=X0; X(NY0+1:end,:)=[]; X(:,NX0+1:end)=[]; matext=[num2str(round(1000*e)/10) '% (fixed neighbours amount)']; NX=NX0; NY=NY0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% local CRP, interdependent neigbours case 6 errcode=116; if e>=1 e=round(e)/100; txt=['The value for fixed neigbours amount has to be smaller '... 'than one. Continue the computation with a value of ' ... num2str(e)]; if nogui==0 warndlg(txt,'Threshold value mismatch'); drawnow waitforbuttonpress set(findobj('Tag','Size','Parent',gcf),'String',num2str(e)) end end px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 1 3 2 ]); px2 = permute(x2, [ 3 1 2 ]); py2 = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NX),:) - px2(ones(1,NX),:,:); sx = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3)); s1 = py(:,ones(1,NY),:) - py2(ones(1,NY),:,:); sy = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3)); mine=round(min(NX,NY)*e); [SSx, JJx]=sort(sx);%SSx(1,:)=[]; JJx(1,:)=[]; [SSy, JJy]=sort(sy);%SSy(1,:)=[]; JJy(1,:)=[]; ee=mean(SSy(mine:mine+1,:)); X0=uint8(zeros(NY,NX)); for ii=1:min(NX,NY), JJx((JJx(1:mine,ii)>min(NX,NY)),ii)=1; X0(ii,JJx(1:mine,ii))=sy(ii,JJx(1:mine,ii))<=ee(ii); end X(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1),1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1))=X0; X(NY0+1:end,:)=[]; X(:,NX0+1:end)=[]; NX=NX0; NY=NY0; clear X1 SS* JJ* s sx sy s1 px py matext=[num2str(round(1000*e)/10) '% (interdependent neighbours)']; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% order matrix case 7 errcode=117; set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')),'String','Compute Order Matrix'),drawnow px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); X = px(:,ones(1,NY),:) >= py(ones(1,NX),:,:) - e; X = X'; if check_stop(hCRP,hCtrl,nogui,obj), return, end matext=''; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% global CRP case length(check_meth) errcode=110+length(check_meth); px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(y2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NY),:) - py(ones(1,NX),:,:); s = sqrt(sum(s1.^2, 3))'; X0=uint8(255*s/s_norm); X(1+Ny2*(j-1):Ny2+Ny2*(j-1),1+Nx2*(i-1):Nx2+Nx2*(i-1))=X0; X(NY0+1:end,:)=[]; X(:,NX0+1:end)=[]; NX=NX0; NY=NY0; matext=''; end %% end, end if nogui==0 for i=1:length(obj.enable), set(obj.children(i),'Enable',obj.enable{i}); end set(h(1),'String','Apply',... 'ToolTip','Starts the computation - be patient.',... 'Callback','crp_big compute') setptr([hCRP,hCtrl],'arrow') delete([ h2 h1]), clear h1 h2 end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% show CRP if nogui==0 set(hCRP,'Renderer','painters') Shuttle.hCRP=hCRP; Shuttle.hCtrl=hCtrl; Shuttle.matext=matext; Shuttle.xscale=xscale; Shuttle.yscale=yscale; Shuttle.mflag=mflag; Shuttle.m=m; Shuttle.t=t;; Shuttle.txt_cross=txt_cross; show_crp(X,Shuttle) else if nargout==1, xout=X;end end end try, set(0,props.root), end warning on set(0,'ShowHidden','Off') %%%%%%% error handling %if 0 catch if nargin, xout=NaN; end try, if nogui==0 for i=1:length(obj.enable), set(obj.children(i),'Enable',obj.enable{i}); end set(h(1),'String','Apply',... 'ToolTip','Starts the computation - be patient.',... 'Callback','crp compute') setptr([hCRP,hCtrl],'arrow') end, end z=whos;x=lasterr;y=lastwarn;in=varargin{1}; print_error('crp_big',z,x,y,in,mflag,action) try, set(0,props.root), end end