function y=trafo(x,a) %TRAFO Transforms data to a desired distribution. % Y=TRAFO(X,A) transforms the data in vector X to data Y of a desired % distribution Y, where % A=0 normal distribution (default), % A=1 uniform distribution, % A=2 exponential distribution % % Example: x=rand(5000,1); % subplot(2,1,1), hist(x,20) % uniformly distributed % y=trafo(x,0); % subplot(2,1,2), hist(y,20) % normally distributed % Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by AMRON % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end if nargin~=2 a=0; end if ~isnumeric(a) error('The arguments must be numeric. ') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % transformation to desired distribution my=0; s=1; x=x(:); N=size(x); if N(2)==2 j=2; y(:,1)=x(:,1); else j=1; end switch a case 0 i=(-5:10/(N(1)-1):5)'; fs=cumsum(10*(1/(sqrt(2*pi)*s)).*exp(-(i-my).^2./(2*s^2))); verteilung=interp1(fs,i,[1:length(fs)],'nearest')'; case 1 verteilung=(-1:2/(N(1)-1):1)'; case 2 verteilung=sort(exprnd(expfit(hist(x(:,j),30)),N(1),1)); end [xs i]=sort(x(:,j)); y(i,j)=verteilung; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % replaces NaN with interpolated values % (c) amron 2001 -> -> -> smoothnan.m N=size(y); for i=1:N(2), y1=y(:,i); jnan=find(isnan(y(:,i))); j0=find(~isnan(y(:,i))); scale=[1:N(1)]'; if ~isempty(jnan) if jnan(1)==1 y1=x(j0(1)); y1(2:N(1)+1)=y(:,i); scale=0; scale(2:N(1)+1)=[1:N(1)]'; jnan=find(isnan(y1)); end if jnan(end)==N(1) y1(N(1)+1)=y(j0(end),i); scale(N(1)+1)=N(1)+1; jnan=find(isnan(y1)); end y1(jnan)=[]; scale(jnan)=[]; z=interp1(scale,y1,[1:N(1)]); y(:,i)=z'; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % normalizes the values y(:,j)=(y(:,j)-mean(y(:,j)))/std(y(:,j));