function [c_out,s_out]=xcf(varargin) %XCF Computes and plots crosscorrelation. % [C,S]=XCF(X,Y [,T,FLAG]) computes crosscorrelation C % between the data in the vectors X and Y with the maximal % lag T (optional). If FLAG is set, the plot is suppressed. % The optional output S stores the 5% significance level. % % See also COR, COV, XCORR, ACF % Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by AMRON % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 2.1 2004/11/10 07:09:40 marwan % initial import % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. norm = 'nonorm'; error(nargchk(1,5,nargin)); i_num=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); x = varargin{i_num(1)}; t = []; flag = 0; if length(i_num) > 1; y = varargin{i_num(2)}; end if length(i_num) > 2; t = varargin{i_num(3)}; end if length(i_num) > 3; flag = varargin{i_num(4)}; end % check the input if length(i_num)<2 y=x; end if length(x)~=length(y) error('The lengths of x and y must match.') end i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); if ~isempty(i_char) norm = varargin{i_char}; end % check if xcorr exist if isempty(which('xcorr')) disp('Sorry, signal processing toolbox needed.') if nargout==1 c_out(1:t)=NaN; elseif nargout==2 c_out(1:t)=NaN; s_out(1:t)=NaN; end else % compute xcf if strcmpi(norm,'norm') x=trafo(x); y=trafo(y); end x = (x - mean(x)) ./ std(x); y = (y - mean(y)) ./ std(y); [c, s]=xcorr(x,y,t,'coeff'); c=flipud(c); s=s'; L=length(x)-abs(s); si=2./sqrt(L+2); % output if flag==0 bar(s,c,'k') hold on plot(s,si,'r-.') plot(s,-si,'r-.') line([0 0],[-1 1],'linestyle',':') ha=axis; line([ha(1) ha(2)],[0 0],'linestyle',':') hold off end if nargout==1 c_out=c; elseif nargout==2 c_out=c; s_out=si; end end