function [tout, Nout] = trackplot(varargin) %TRACKPLOT Estimates the line of synchronization in a cross recurrence plot. % TRACKPLOT(X [,DX, DY, FP, PARAM]) estimates the line of synchronization in a % cross recurrence plot X. The resulted path can be saved to the % workspace variable T_OUT. This command allows interactive % changing of estimation parameters. % % [A B]=TRACKPLOT(X,DX,DY) estimates the LOS in a recurrence % plot X and stores it in A. The number of recurrence points % met by the LOS is stored in B(1) and the number of lacks in % the LOS is stored in B(2). % % TRACKPLOT(X,DX,DY,FP) estimates a LOS whith some fixed points % given by the two-column vector FP (eg. [194 0; 201 10]). % % Parameter: The search of the LOS can be forced with the % parameters DX and DY. PARAM can be used to suppress the GUI % (useful in order to use this programme by other programmes). % % Suppressing the GUI. % gui - Creates the GUI and the output plot. % nogui - Suppresses the GUI and the output plot. % silent - Suppresses all output. % % Examples: y = sin([1:900]*2*pi/67)'; % y2 = sin(.01*([1:900]*2*pi/67).^2)'; % x = crp_big(y,y2,3,12,.1,'fan','nogui'); % trackplot(x,2,2) % % See also CRP2, CRP and CRP_BIG. % % References: % Marwan, N., Thiel, M., Nowaczyk, N.: Cross Recurrence Plot Based % Synchronization of Time Series, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 2001. % Copyright (c) 2008- % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 1998-2008 % Norbert Marwan, Falko Zetsche, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 4.13 2016/02/05 17:16:37 marwan % fix compatibility issues (R2014b) % % Revision 4.12 2009/03/24 08:33:47 marwan % copyright address changed % % Revision 4.11 2007/12/20 16:26:06 marwan % changed gpl splash behaviour % % Revision 4.10 2005/11/09 08:58:30 marwan % bug fix in interdependent neighbours method % % Revision 4.9 2005/09/02 08:02:57 marwan % line fitting algorithm improved (linear interpolation between set points) % % Revision 4.8 2005/03/16 11:19:02 marwan % help text modified % % Revision 4.7 2004/11/10 07:09:31 marwan % initial import % % % This program is part of the new generation XXII series. % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties global errcode props init_properties errcode=0; mflag=0;fixp=[]; X=[];Dmax1=1;Dmax2=1; set(0,'ShowHidden','On') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input warning off narginchk(1,5) nargoutchk(0,2) if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input vargin{4}=[]; i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); % check the text input parameter for gui check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'}; temp_gui=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); end nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1; if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end if nogui>2,nogui=2; end else nogui=0; end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<2 error('Too less values in data X.') end X=double(varargin{1}); Nx = size(X,2); Ny = size(X,1); if nargin<3 ,Dmax1=1; Dmax2=1; else if isnumeric(varargin{2}), Dmax1=double(varargin{2}); else Dmax1=1; end if isnumeric(varargin{3}), Dmax2=double(varargin{3}); else Dmax2=1; end end if nargin>=4 if isnumeric(varargin{4}), fixp=fliplr(varargin{4}); fixp = sortrows(fixp,1); else fixp=[]; end end action='start_gui'; else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read input from the GUI action=varargin{1}; nogui=0; h=get(gcf,'Name'); h=h(findstr(h,'(')+1:findstr(h,')')-1); hTP=findobj('Name',['TrackPlot (' h ')']); hTPCtrl=findobj('Name',['TPControl (' h ')']); h=str2num(h); temp=get(findobj('Tag','fixp','Parent',findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot')),'XData'); if ~isempty(temp) for i=1:length(temp), if iscell(temp), fixp(i,1)=temp{i}; else, fixp(i,1)=temp(i); end, end temp=get(findobj('Tag','fixp','Parent',findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot')),'YData'); for i=1:length(temp), if iscell(temp), fixp(i,2)=temp{i}; else, fixp(i,2)=temp(i); end, end fixp = sortrows(fixp,1); else fixp=[]; end if ( nogui == 0 & ~isempty(hTPCtrl)) Dmax1=str2num(get(findobj('Tag','LOSwidthX','Parent',hTPCtrl),'string')); Dmax2=str2num(get(findobj('Tag','LOSwidthY','Parent',hTPCtrl),'string')); X=double(get(findobj('Tag','RP','Parent',findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot')),'UserData')); Nx=size(X,2); Ny=size(X,1); end if isempty(findobj('Tag','TPFig')) & nogui==0 action='start_gui'; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL splash_gpl('crp'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nogui if nogui>0 hTP=9999; action='LOSsearch'; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch routines try switch(action) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start_gui case 'start_gui' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create GUI errcode=2; if isempty(X) lasterr(['??? Error using ==> trackplot',10,... 'No properly input. Check the class of input.',10,... 'Only INT and DOUBLE are allowed, but not LOGICAL.']) disp(lasterr) return end scr=get(0,'ScreenSize'); root_ud=get(0,'UserData'); if isstruct(root_ud) if isfield(root_ud,'tp') if ~isempty([ max(]; else; end h=num2str(; else; h=num2str(1); end else root_ud.old=root_ud;; h=num2str(1); end set(0,'UserData',root_ud) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Trackplot Figure h8=figure('Tag','TPFig',... %Plot Figure 'Position',[scr(3)/4 scr(4)/4 3*scr(3)/8 3*scr(3)/8 ],... 'NumberTitle','off',... 'Name',['TrackPlot (' h ')'],... 'Color',props.window.Color,... 'DeleteFcn','trackplot smartclose',... 'PaperType','a4',... 'PaperOrientation','portrait'); set(h8,props.window,'Units','Norm') h1=axes(props.axes,'Parent',h8, ... % Initialize CRP Plot 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[.1 .1 .8 .8], ... 'Color',[1 1 1], ... 'Tag','TPPlot', ... 'XColor',[0 0 0], ... 'YColor',[0 0 0], ... 'ZColor',[0 0 0]); h2=imagesc('Tag','RP','Parent',h1); % Plot Data X=(X-min(min(X)))/(max(max(X))-min(min(X))); % set(h2,'cdata',64*(-(X-max(max(X)))),'UserData',X); axis tight minvalue=min(min(X));maxvalue=max(max(X)); set(h1,'tickdir','out','box','on','layer','top') h4=line('Parent',h1,'visible','off','Tag','Diagonal',... 'color',[1 0 0],'LineWidth',1); cm={'hsv';'hot';'gray';'french';'bone';'copper';... % Colormap 'pink';'flag';'lines';'colorcube';... 'jet';'prism';'cool';'autumn';... 'spring';'winter';'summer'}; h0=uimenu('Label','Colormap','Tag','cm'); if (length(find(X==minvalue))+length(find(X==maxvalue))==length(X(:))) set(h2,'cdata',(-X),'UserData',X); colormap((gray(2))); cmflag=0; else set(h2,'cdata',(X),'UserData',X); colormap(french(256)); cmflag=1; end set(h1,'XLim',[0 size(X,2)], 'YLim',[0 size(X,1)]) for i=1:length(cm); h1=uimenu(h0,'Label',cm{i},'Checked','Off',... 'Tag',num2str(i),... 'Callback','trackplot colormap'); if i==18 & cmflag==1, set(h1,'Checked','On'), end end h1=uimenu(h0,'Label','b/w','Tag','18','Callback','trackplot colormap'); if cmflag==0, set(h1,'Checked','On'), end h1=uimenu(h0,'Label','inverse','Tag','19','Separator','On','Callback','trackplot colormap'); h1=uimenu('Label','SmartClose',... % SmartClose 'Callback','trackplot smartclose'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Control Figure errcode=3; h3=figure('Tag','TPFig',... % Control Figure 'Position',[5*scr(3)/8+10 scr(4)/4 1*scr(3)/6 3*scr(4)/9.8],... 'NumberTitle','off',... 'Color',props.window.Color,... 'Name',['TPControl (' h ')'],... 'DeleteFcn','trackplot handlevisON',... 'MenuBar','None',... 'Resize','Off'); set(h3,props.window,'Units','Norm') uicontrol(props.frame, ... % Frame LOSsearch 'Units','Normalized',... 'Position',[.1 .51 .8 .42]); h0=uicontrol(props.text,... % Text LOSsearch 'Units','Normalized',... 'FontAngle','italic', ... 'String','LOS Search',... 'Tag','TextLOSsearch',... 'Enable','on',... 'Position',[.13 .846 .35 .065]); h1=get(h0,'Extent'); h2=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[h2(1) h2(2) h1(3) h1(4)]) uicontrol(props.button,... % Set Point 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','SetPoint',... 'String','Set Point',... 'Position',[.16 .765 .314 .08],... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Set a Point on LOS.',... 'CallBack','trackplot LOSset'); uicontrol(props.button,... % Clear Point 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','ClearPoint',... 'String','Clear P',... 'Position',[.52 .765 .314 .08],... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Clear a Point on LOS.',... 'CallBack','trackplot LOSclear'); uicontrol(props.button,... % Clear All Point 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','ClearAllPoint',... 'String','Clear All',... 'Position',[.52 .65 .314 .08],... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Clear All Points on LOS.',... 'CallBack','trackplot LOSallclear'); h0=uicontrol(props.text,... % Text LOSwidthX 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','LOSwidthXtext',... 'String','dx:',... 'Position',[.16 .542 .35 .07],... 'Enable','on'); h1=get(h0,'Extent'); h2=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[h2(1) h2(2) h1(3) h1(4)]) h0=uicontrol(props.edit,... % Input LOSwidthX 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','LOSwidthX',... 'Position',[.31 .55 .14 .06],... 'String',num2str(Dmax1),... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Insert the LOS search width in X-direction.' ); h1=get(h0,'Extent'); h2=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[h2(1) h2(2) h2(3) h1(4)]) h0=uicontrol(props.text,... % Text LOSwidthY 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','LOSwidthYtext',... 'String','dy:',... 'Position',[.52 .542 .35 .07],... 'Enable','on'); h1=get(h0,'Extent'); h2=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[h2(1) h2(2) h1(3) h1(4)]) h0=uicontrol(props.edit,... % Input LOSwidthY 'Units','Normalized',... 'Tag','LOSwidthY',... 'Position',[.68 .55 .14 .06],... 'String',num2str(Dmax2),... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Insert the LOS search width in Y-direction.' ); h1=get(h0,'Extent'); h2=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[h2(1) h2(2) h2(3) h1(4)]) if ~isunix h0=uicontrol(props.frame, ... % Frame Embedding 'Units','Normalized',... 'Position',[.1 .365 .38 .11]); end uicontrol(props.checkbox, ... % Button Stretch Plot 'Units','Normalized',... 'String','Stretch', ... 'Position',[.1 .365 .38 .11], ... 'Tag','Stretch',... 'CallBack','trackplot stretch',... 'Value',1,... 'ToolTip','Streches the plotted CRP to a squared plot.' ); uicontrol(props.button,... % Button Stores LOS 'Units','Normalized',... 'String','Store',... 'Position',[.52 .365 .38 .11],... 'Tag','Store2',... 'Callback','trackplot store2',... 'Enable','off',... 'ToolTip','Stores the LOS.'); uicontrol(props.button,... % Button ApplyLOSsearch 'Units','Normalized',... 'String','Find LOS',... 'Position',[.1 .22 .8 .11],... 'Tag','Apply2',... 'Callback','trackplot LOSsearch',... 'Enable','on',... 'ToolTip','Searches the LOS.'); uicontrol(props.button,... % Button Help 'Units','Normalized',... 'String','Help',... 'Position',[.1 .075 .38 .11],... 'Tag','Help',... 'Callback','helpwin trackplot',... 'ToolTip','Opens the helpwindow.'); uicontrol('Parent',h3, ... props.button,... % Button Close 'Units','Normalized',... 'String','Close',... 'Position',[.52 .075 .38 .11],... 'Tag','Close',... 'Callback','trackplot close',... 'ToolTip','Closes Trackplot windows.'); set(h8, 'HandleVis','CallBack') set(h3, 'HandleVis','CallBack') if nargout>=1 tout=h0; end if nargout>=2 Nout=h2; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% change colormap case 'colormap' errcode=81; c=str2num(get(gcbo,'Tag')); if c~=19, set(get(get(gcbo,'Parent'),'Children'),'Checked','Off') set(gcbo,'Checked','On') end cm_old=get(hTP,'Colormap'); cm=[{hsv(256)}; {hot(256)}; {gray(256)};... {french(256)}; {bone(256)}; {copper(256)}; {pink(256)};... {flag(256)}; {lines(256)}; {colorcube(256)};... {jet(256)}; {prism(256)}; {cool(256)};... {autumn(256)}; {spring(256)}; {winter(256)};... {summer(256)}; {(gray(2))}; {flipud(cm_old)}]; set(hTP,'Colormap',(cm{c})) clear cm cm_old c %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% handlevisON case 'handlevisON' set(hTP, 'HandleVis','on') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% close case 'close' errcode=101; if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','TPFig')), delete(findobj('Tag','TPFig')), end root_ud=get(0,'UserData'); if isstruct(root_ud) if isfield(root_ud,'tp') root_ud=rmfield(root_ud,'tp'); if length(fieldnames(root_ud))==1 if isfield(root_ud,'old'); root_ud=root_ud.old; end end end end try, set(0,'UserData',root_ud,props.root), end %clear all disp('Thank you for using CRP toolbox.') case 'smartclose' errcode=102; [h h1]=strtok(get(hTP,'Name'),'('); h1([1, end])=[]; if ishandle(hTPCtrl), delete(hTPCtrl), end if ishandle(hTP), delete(hTP), end root_ud=get(0,'UserData'); if isstruct(root_ud) if isfield(root_ud,'tp')[]; if isempty(, root_ud=rmfield(root_ud,'tp'); end end if length(fieldnames(root_ud))==1 if isfield(root_ud,'old'); root_ud=root_ud.old; end end end try, set(0,'UserData',root_ud,props.root), end %clear all %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% store2 case 'store2' errcode=15; t=get(findobj('Tag','Apply2','Parent',hTPCtrl),'UserData'); if isempty(t) warndlg('The LOS vector is still empty. Please start the computation of the LOS before storing.','No LOS') waitforbuttonpress else assignin('base','t_out', t) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% stretch case 'stretch' errcode=7; if get(findobj('Tag','Stretch','Parent',gcf),'value')==1 set(findobj('Tag','TPPlot','Parent',hTP),'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 1 1]) elseif get(findobj('Tag','Stretch','Parent',gcf),'value')==0 set(findobj('Tag','TPPlot','Parent',hTP),'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[Nx Ny 1]) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOSmove case 'LOSmove' errcode=16; if isempty(get(gco,'UserData')) set(gco,'UserData',1,'ButtonDownFcn','trackplot LOSmove_end') set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','trackplot LOSmove') end h1 = round(get(gca,'CurrentPoint')); set(gco, 'XData', h1(1,1), 'YData', h1(1,2)) clear h1 case 'LOSmove_end' if ~isempty(get(gco,'UserData')) set(gco,'UserData',[],'ButtonDownFcn','') set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOSclear case 'LOSclear' errcode=17; if gcf==hTPCtrl figure(hTP) k=waitforbuttonpress; h1 = round(get(gca,'CurrentPoint')); h1(2,:)=[]; h1(:,3)=[]; finalRect = rbbox; h2 = round(get(gca,'CurrentPoint')); h2(2,:)=[]; h2(:,3)=[]; h(1,1)=min(h1(:,1),h2(:,1));h(2,1)=max(h1(:,1),h2(:,1)); h(1,2)=min(h1(:,2),h2(:,2));h(2,2)=max(h1(:,2),h2(:,2)); i=find(fixp(:,1)>=h(1,1) & fixp(:,2)>=h(1,2) & fixp(:,1)<=h(2,1) & fixp(:,2)<=h(2,2)); for j=1:length(i); delete(findobj('tag','fixp','Parent',findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot'),'xdata',fixp(i(j),1))), end else h(1,1)=get(gco,'XData');h(1,2)=get(gco,'YData'); delete(gco) end clear h %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOSallclear case 'LOSallclear' errcode=171; delete(findobj('tag','fixp','Parent',findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot'))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOSset case 'LOSset' errcode=18; if gcf==hTPCtrl figure(hTP) ginput(1); end h=round(get(gca,'currentp')); fixp(end+1,1)=h(1,1); fixp(end,2)=h(1,2); [i j]=sort(fixp(:,1)); fixp=fixp(j,:); h0=uicontextmenu; line(h(1,1),h(1,2),1000,... 'MarkerSize',12,... 'Marker','.',... 'Color',[1 0 0],... 'Tag','fixp',... 'UIContextMenu',h0) uimenu(h0, 'Label', 'Set Point', 'Callback', 'trackplot LOSset') uimenu(h0, 'Label', 'Move Point', 'Callback', 'trackplot LOSmove') uimenu(h0, 'Label', 'Clear Point', 'Callback', 'trackplot LOSclear') clear h h0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOSsearch case 'LOSsearch' errcode=19; x0=0; y0=0; N=size(X); Nleer=0; Nvoll=0; minvalue=min(min(X));maxvalue=max(max(X)); if (length(find(X==minvalue))+length(find(X==maxvalue))==length(X(:))) flagpoint=0; % supress output for 'silence' if nogui~=2 h_wait=waitbar(0,'Compute LOS ...'); set(h_wait,'HandleVisibility','on',props.window); end if nogui==0 setptr([hTP,hTPCtrl],'watch') h=findobj('Tag','Apply2','Parent',hTPCtrl); obj.children=get(hTPCtrl,'Children'); obj.enable=get(obj.children,'Enable'); set(obj.children,'Enable','off') set(h(1),'String','Stop',... 'ToolTip','Stops the computation.',... 'Enable','on',... 'Callback','set(gcbo,''String'',''Stopped'')') end % looks for the beginning of the diagonal LOS errcode=191; for i=1:N(2); if nogui==0 if check_stop_LOS(hTP,hTPCtrl,nogui,obj), break, end end if nogui~=2 waitbar(i/N(2)) end if i<=N(1) if ~isempty(fixp), if i>=fixp(1,1), x0=fixp(1,1); y0=fixp(1,2); end, end if X(i+y0,1+x0)~=0 v=i+y0; h=1+x0; break end end if X(1+y0,i+x0)~=0 h=i+x0; v=1+y0; break end end if ~isempty(fixp) & nogui~=0 h=fixp(1,1);v=fixp(1,2);x0=0;y0=0; end Nleer=i-1; % t(1:v)=h; t(1+x0:h)=v; % start estimation of the LOS errcode=192; mflag=0; i=2; while h<N(2)-1 & v<N(1)-1 & mflag~=1, if nogui==0 if check_stop_LOS(hTP,hTPCtrl,nogui,obj), break, end end if nogui~=2 waitbar(h/N(2)) end dw=1; if v < 1, v = 1; end if h < 1, h = 1; end W=X(v:v+dw,h:h+dw); W(1,1)=0; if ~isempty(fixp) if find(h==fixp(:,1)) dv=fixp(find(h==fixp(:,1)),2)-v; dh=1; if dv <= 0 h0 = min(find(t > v+dv)); if isempty(h0), h0 = h; end t0 = t(end) + dv; fixold = find(h==fixp(:,1)); if ~isempty(fixold) & fixold > 1; fixold = fixp(fixold - 1,1); else fixold = 0; end h1 = max([h0-min([Dmax1,Dmax2]);1;fixold]); h2 = max([h0;1;fixold]); % h1 = max([h-2*(h-h0);1]) if length(t) > h1 & length(t) > h2 t1 = t(h1); t2 = t(h2); p = polyfit([h1 h2 h],[t1 t2 t0],1); t(h1:h) = polyval(p,h1:h); % t(h1:h) = spline([h1 h2 h],[t1 t2 t0],h1:h); end v = v + dv; dv = 1; dw = 0; end flagpoint=1; end end if flagpoint==0; % looks for the existence of the next recurrence point in diagonal direction errcode=193; while sum(sum(W))==0 & mflag==0 & flagpoint==0, Nleer=Nleer+1; if ~isempty(fixp) if find(h+dw==fixp(:,1)) W=1; dh=dw; flagpoint=1; break end end dw=dw+1; if v+dw < N(1) & h+dw < N(2) W=X(v:v+dw,h:h+dw); W(1,1)=0; else mflag=1; end end if mflag==1 break end % determines the coordinates of the next recurrence point errcode=194; dh0=min(find(sum(W))); dv0=min(find(sum(W'))); dh=min(find(W(dv0,:))); dv=min(find(W(:,dh0))); if dh>dh0, dh=dh0;end if dv>dv0, dv=dv0;end % determines the local width of the diagonal LOS errcode=195; dh1=dh; dv1=dv; % neues Fenster WL1=Dmax1; WL2=Dmax2; if v+dv1-2+WL2>=N(1), WL2=N(1)-(v+dv1-2); end if h+dh1-2+WL1>=N(2), WL1=N(2)-(h+dh1-2); end Wn=X(v+dv1-1:v+dv1-2+WL2,h+dh-1:h+dh-2+WL1); % Schwerpunkt davon ausrechnen if sum(sum(Wn))~=0, Sh=sum(sum(Wn).*[1:WL1])/sum(sum(Wn));else Sh=WL1/2;end if sum(sum(Wn'))~=0,Sv=sum(sum(Wn').*[1:WL2])/sum(sum(Wn'));else Sv=WL2/2;end % neue Dmax berechnen if Sh>=Sv, Dmax2n=WL1*Sv/Sh; Dmax1n=WL1; end if Sv>Sh, Dmax1n=WL2*Sh/Sv; Dmax2n=WL2; end % while X(v+dv1-1,h:dh-1)==1 & v+dv1-1<N(1) &dv1<Dmax2 while X(v+dv1-1,h+dh-1)==1 & v+dv1-1<N(1) &dv1<Dmax2n dv1=dv1+1; end % while X(v:dv-1,h+dh1-1)==1 & h+dh1-1<N(2) & dh1<Dmax1 while X(v+dv-1,h+dh1-1)==1 & h+dh1-1<N(2) & dh1<Dmax1n if ~isempty(fixp) if find(h+dh1-1==fixp(:,1)) & find(h+fix((dh1+dh)/2)==fixp(:,1)) dv=fixp(find((h+dh1-1)==fixp(:,1)),2)-v; if isempty(dv), dv=fixp(find((h+fix((dh1+dh)/2))==fixp(:,1)),2)-v; end flagpoint=1; break end end dh1=dh1+1; end % compute the mean of the diagonal LOS errcode=196; if flagpoint==0 dh=fix((dh1+dh)/2); dv=fix((dv1+dv)/2); if dh>0 dh=dh-1; end if dv>0 dv=dv-1; end % dh=dh+dh1; end end % flagpoint end flagpoint=0; % output errcode=197; if dh~=0 & dv~=0 t(h:h+dh)=v:dv/dh:v+dv; elseif dv~=0 t(h)=v+dv; elseif dv==0 t(h:h+dh)=v; end Nvoll=Nvoll+sqrt(dv^2+dh^2); if dh==0 & dv==0 dh=1; end % moves the startpoint for further looking h=h+dh; v=v+dv; end else % DTW algorithm if nogui~=2 h_wait=waitbar(0,'Compute LOS ...'); set(h_wait,'HandleVisibility','on',props.window); end t=1; i=y0+1; j=x0+1; while i<N(1)-Dmax1-1 & j<N(2)-Dmax2-1 errcode=197; if nogui~=2 waitbar(i/N(1)), j0=j; end % [temp pos]=min([sum(sum(X(i:i+Dmax1,j+1:j+1+Dmax2))),sum(sum(X(i+1:i+1+Dmax1,j+1:j+1+Dmax2))),sum(sum(X(i+1:i+1+Dmax1,j:j+Dmax2)))]); [temp pos]=min([(mean(X(i,j+1:j+1+Dmax2))),(mean(diag(X(i+1:i+1+Dmax1,j+1:j+1+Dmax2)))),(mean(X(i+1:i+1+Dmax1,j)))]); switch(pos) case 1 j=j+1; flag1=1; case 2 i=i+1; j=j+1; flag1=1; flag2=1; case 3 i=i+1; flag2=1; end if ~isempty(fixp) & flag1==1 & flag2==1 errcode=1981; h=find(fixp(:,1)==j); if ~isempty(h) & i<max(fixp(h,2)); h2=find(i<=fixp(h,2)); i=fixp(h(h2(1)),2); flag1=0; end end if ~isempty(fixp) & flag2==1 & flag1==1 errcode=1982; h=find(fixp(:,2)==i); if ~isempty(h) & j<max(fixp(h,1)); h2=find(j<=fixp(h,1)); j=fixp(h(h2(1)),1) t(j0:j-1)=t(j0); flag2=0; end end t(j)=i; end t(find(~t))=1; Nvoll=NaN; Nleer=NaN; end errcode=199; if nogui~=2 delete(h_wait) end if nogui==0 h1=findobj('Parent',hTP,'Tag','TPPlot'); h2=findobj('Tag','Diagonal','Parent',h1); if isempty(h2) h2=line('Parent',h1,'visible','on','Tag','Diagonal','color',[1 0 0],... 'LineWidth',1); end set(h2,'xdata',[1:length(t)],'ydata',t,'visible','on') h=findobj('Tag','Apply2','Parent',hTPCtrl); set(h(1),'String','Apply',... 'ToolTip','Searches the LOS.',... 'Callback','trackplot LOSsearch') for i=1:length(obj.enable), set(obj.children(i),'Enable',obj.enable{i}); end set(findobj('Tag','Store2','Parent',hTPCtrl),'Enable','On') set(findobj('Tag','Apply2','Parent',hTPCtrl),'UserData',t) end if nargout~=0, tout=t; end if nargout==2 tout=t; Nout(1)=Nvoll; Nout(2)=Nleer; end if nogui==0 setptr([hTP,hTPCtrl],'arrow') end end warning on try, set(0,props.root), end set(0,'ShowHidden','Off') %%%%%%% error handling %if 0 catch z=whos;x=lasterr;y=lastwarn;in=varargin{1}; print_error('trackplot',z,x,y,in,[],action) try, set(0,props.root), end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function out=check_stop_LOS(hCRP,hCtrl,nogui,obj) global errcode errcode=errcode+.02; out=0; if nogui==0 h=findobj('Tag','Apply2','Parent',hCtrl); if strcmpi(get(h(1),'String'),'stopped') set(h(1),'String','Apply',... 'ToolTip','Searches the LOS.',... 'Callback','trackplot LOSsearch') for i=1:length(obj.enable), set(obj.children(i),'Enable',obj.enable{i}); end set(findobj('Tag','Status','Parent',findobj('Parent',hCRP,'Tag','CRPPlot')'),'String','Stopped'),drawnow setptr([hCRP,hCtrl],'arrow') out=1; end end