function h = french(m,flag) %FRENCH French's flag color map. % FRENCH(M) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing a "french flag" colormap. % FRENCH, by itself, is the same length as the current colormap. % % FRENCH(M,FLAG) enables a modification of the colormap, where % FLAG can be either 1 (default) or 2. % % For example, to reset the colormap of the current figure: % % colormap(french) % % See also HOT, HSV, GRAY, PINK, COOL, BONE, COPPER, FLAG, % COLORMAP, RGBPLOT. % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 2002-2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 2.2 2006/03/16 13:52:43 marwan % code refreshed % % Revision 2.1 2004/11/10 07:07:51 marwan % initial import % if nargin < 1 m = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1); else if isempty(m) m = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1); end end if nargin < 2, flag = 1; end n1 = fix(3*m/8); n2 = fix(m/4); n3 = fix(m/2); switch flag case 1 r = [ones(n3,1); (sqrt(1-((1:n3)/n3).^2))']; g = [flipud( (sqrt(1-((1:n3)/n3).^2))'); (sqrt(1-((1:n3)/n3).^2))']; b = [flipud((sqrt(1-((1:n3)/n3).^2))'); ones(n3,1)]; case 2 r = [ones(n1+n2,1); (n1-1:-1:0)'/n1;]; g = [(0:n1-1)'/n1; ones(n2,1); (n1-1:-1:0)'/n1;]; b = [(0:n1-1)'/n1; ones(n1+n2,1);]; end h = [r g b]; if size(h,1) < m h(ceil(m/2)+1:m,:) = h(ceil(m/2):end,:); h(ceil(m/2),:) = 1; end