function varargout=first(x) %FIRST First three moments. % [M S V]=FIRST(X) computes the first three moments mean M, % standard deviation S and variance V of the multi-column vector X. % % FIRST(...) without output arguments presents the result in % a message box. % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 1998-2008 % Christian Hoennicke/ Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 2.1 2004/11/10 07:07:51 marwan % initial import % error(nargchk(0,3,nargin)); if nargout>3, error('Too many output arguments'), end for l=1:size(x,2), f=find(~isnan(x(:,l))); a(l)=mean(x(f,l)); b(l)=std(x(f,l)); c(l)=var(x(f,l)); k(l)=1.96*b(l)/sqrt(length(x)); end %Ausgabe if nargout==0 T=[ ... {'Mean: ' sprintf('%0.4f ',a)} {''}... {'Konfidence Intervalle: ' sprintf('%0.4f ',k)} {''}... {'Standard Deviation: ' sprintf('%0.4f ',b)} {''}... {'Variance: ' sprintf('%0.4f ',c)}]; msgbox(T,'First Moments'); elseif nargout==1 varargout(1)={a}; elseif nargout==2 varargout(1)={a}; varargout(2)={b}; elseif nargout==3 varargout(1)={a}; varargout(2)={b}; varargout(3)={c}; end