function xout=erqa(varargin) %ERQA Computes and plots the ERQA measures. % Y=ERQA(X [,Y] [,param1,param2,...]) % Extended recurrence quantification analysis of % cross-recurrence plots with the first vector % X and the second Y. % % Y=ERQA(X,M,T,E,W,WS) computes the extended % recurrence quantification analysis of the recurrence % plot of X by using the dimension M, delay T, the % size of neighbourhood E, the window size W and % a window shifting value of WS. % % Parameters: dimension M, delay T, the size of % neighbourhood E, the window size W and the shift % value WS are the first five numbers after the data % series; if W is empty, the whole plot will be calculated. % Further parameters can be used to switch between various % methods of finding the neighbours of the phasespace % trajectory, to suppress the normalization of the data % and to suppress the GUI (useful in order to use this % programme by other programmes). % % Methods of finding the neighbours. % maxnorm - Maximum norm. % euclidean - Euclidean norm. % nrmnorm - Euclidean norm between normalized vectors % (all vectors have the length one). % fan - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours. % inter - Interdependent neighbours. % distance - Distance coded matrix (global CRP). % % Normalization of the data series. % normalize - Normalization of the data. % nonormalize - No normalization of the data. % % Suppressing the GUI. % gui - Creates (the GUI and) the output plot. % nogui - Suppresses the GUI and the output plot. % silent - Suppresses all output. % % Parameters not needed to specify. % % Output: % Y(:,1) = K1 % Y(:,2) = K2 % Y(:,3) = D2 % Y(:,4) = I2 % % Examples: a = randn(300,1); % erqa(a,1,1,.2,40,2,'max') % % N = 300; w = 40; ws = 2; % a = 3.4:.6/(N-1):4; % b = .5; for i = 2:N, b(i) = a(i)*b(i-1)*(1-b(i-1)); end % y = erqa(b,3,2,.1,w,ws,'nogui'); % subplot(2,1,1), plot(a,b,'.','markersize',.1) % title('logistic map'), axis([3.4 4 0 1]) % subplot(2,1,2), plot(a(1:ws:N-w), y(1:ws:N-w,1)) % ylabel('recurrence rate'), axis([3.4 4 0 1]) % % % See also CRP, CRP2, CRP_BIG, DL, TT. % % References: % Thiel, M., Romano, M. C., Kurths, J.: % Analytical description of Recurrence Plots of stochastic % and chaotic processes, to be publ. 2002 % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Please note, that this routine is not yet finished! % % % Don't use the results of this script! % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 1998-2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 1.11 2007/12/20 16:26:05 marwan % changed gpl splash behaviour % % Revision 1.10 2005/04/01 12:19:27 marwan % *** empty log message *** % % Revision 1.9 2004/11/10 07:06:03 marwan % initial import % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input error(nargchk(1,10,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end varargin{11}=[]; i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); % check the text input parameters for gui check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'}; % gui, nogui, silent temp_gui=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); end nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1; for i=1:length(i_char); temp2(i,:)=varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3); end i_char(strmatch(check_gui(find(temp_gui)),temp2))=[]; if isempty(nogui), nogui=1; end if nogui>2, nogui=1; end else nogui=1; end if nogui==0, warning('Sorry. GUI not yet available.'),end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3 error('To less values in data X.') end x=double(varargin{1}); if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else y=double(varargin{2}); end if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}) y=x; if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=.1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=varargin{i_double(5)}; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), wstep=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else wstep=1; end else if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=.1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), w=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else w=varargin{i_double(6)}; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(7)}), wstep=varargin{i_double(7)}(1); else wstep=1; end end Nx=length(x); Ny=length(y); if size(x,1)<size(x,2), x=x'; end if size(y,1)<size(y,2), y=y'; end if size(x,2)>=2 xscale=x(:,1); if ~isempty(find(diff(xscale)<0)), error('First column of the first vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.'),end x=x(:,2); else xscale=(1:length(x))'; end if size(y,2)>=2 yscale=y(:,1); if ~isempty(find(diff(yscale)<0)), error('First column of the second vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.'),end y=y(:,2); else yscale=(1:length(y))'; end if max(size(x))~=max(size(y)),error('Data must have the same length.'),end if e<0, e=1; disp('The threshold size E can not be negative and is now set to 1.'), end if t<1, t=1; disp('The delay T can not be smaller than one and is now set to 1.'), end if isempty(w), w=Nx-1; end if w<2, w=2; disp('The window size W exceeds the valid range.'), end if w>Nx, w=Nx-1; disp('The window size W exceeds the valid range.'), end if wstep<2 & wstep>Nx/3, wstep=2; disp('The window shifting value WS exceeds the valid range.'), end t=round(t); m=round(m); w=round(w); wstep=round(wstep); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL filename='crp'; which_res=which([filename,'.m']); gplrc_path=[strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''), 'private']; gplrc_file=[gplrc_path, filesep, '.gpl.',filename]; if ~exist(gplrc_path) mkdir(strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''),'private') end if ~exist(gplrc_file) fid=fopen(gplrc_file,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n','If you delete this file, the GNU Public License will'); fprintf(fid,'%s','splash up at the next time the programme starts.'); fclose(fid); if exist('gpl') txt=gpl; else txt={'The GNU General Public License was not found.'}; end h=figure('NumberTitle','off',..., 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'Name','GNU General Public License'); ha=get(h,'Position'); h=uicontrol('Style','Listbox',... 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'CallBack','close',... 'Position',[0 0 ha(3) ha(4)],... 'FontName','Courier',... 'BackgroundColor',[.8 .8 .8],... 'String',txt); waitfor(h) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% compute %try de=.1; if nogui~=2, h=waitbar(0,'1');h1=get(h,'chil');h1=get(h1,'title'); end for i=1:wstep:Nx-w; if nogui~=2, waitbar(i/(Nx-w)); txt=['CRP1 - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end try X1=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,varargin{i_char},'silent'); if nogui~=2, txt=['CRP1a - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end X1a=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,varargin{i_char},'silent'); X2 = X1 .* X1a; X1 = X2; if nogui~=2, txt=['CRP2 - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end X2=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e+de,varargin{i_char},'silent'); X1a=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e+de,varargin{i_char},'silent'); X2a = X2 .* X1a; X2 = X2a; if nogui~=2, txt=['CRP3 - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end X3=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m+2,t,e,varargin{i_char},'silent'); X1a=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m+2,t,e,varargin{i_char},'silent'); X2a = X3 .* X1a; X3 = X2a; catch if nogui~=2, close(h), end error(lasterr) end txt=['ERQA - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; if nogui~=2, set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end warning off N=length(X1); [ml NL]=dl(X1); pl=hist(NL,[0:N]); for j=1:N; plc(j)=sum(pl([1:N-j]+j).*([1:N-j]+1)); end Np=min(find(plc==0)); % 1st measure i1=[round(.04*Np):round(.12*Np)]+1; i2=[round(.3*Np):round(.85*Np)]+1; %i1=2:round(.12*Np); if length(i1)==1, i1=[]; end if length(i2)==1, i2=[]; end if ~isempty(i1),K1=-regress(log(plc(i1))',[i1',ones(length(i1),1)]);else K1=NaN; end if ~isempty(i2),K2=-regress(log(plc(i2))',[i2',ones(length(i2),1)]);else K2=NaN; end %K2=regress(log(plc(i2))',[i2',ones(length(i1),1)]); %K2=log(plc(i2)); % 2nd measure txt=['2RQA - ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]; if nogui~=2, set(h1,'str',txt); drawnow, end [ml NL]=dl(X2); N2=length(X2); pl=hist(NL,[0:N2]); for j=1:N2; plc2(j)=sum(pl([1:N2-j]+j).*([1:N2-j]+1)); end l=round(ml); D2=log(plc(l)/plc2(l))/log(e/(e+de)); % 3rd measure H2=-log(sum(X1(:))/(N^2)); X1=double(X1); for t=1:3; j=1:N-t;k=1:N-t; H2t(t)=-log(sum(sum(X1(k,j).*X1(k+t,j+t)))/(N^2)); end I2=2*H2-H2t; % ApEn B=(sum(X1,1)-1)/(length(X1)+1); A=(sum(X3,1)-1)/(length(X3)+1); ApEn = sum(log(B(find(B))))/(length(X1)+1) - sum(log(A(find(A))))/(length(X3)+1); %SampEn B=(sum(X1,1)-1)/(length(X1)-1); A=(sum(X3,1)-1)/(length(X1)-1); SampEn = -log(mean(A)/mean(B)); warning on Y(i,1)=K1(1); Y(i,2)=K2(1); Y(i,3)=D2; Y(i,4)=I2(1); Y(i,5)=I2(2); Y(i,6)=I2(3); Y(i,7)=ApEn; Y(i,8)=SampEn; end if nogui~=2 close(h) tx={'K1';'K2';'D2';'I2';'I2';'I2'}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot for i=1:4,subplot(2,2,i),plot(Y(1:wstep:end,i)),ylabel(tx(i));end hold on plot(Y(1:wstep:end,i+1),'r') plot(Y(1:wstep:end,i+2),'g') end if nargout, xout=Y; end if 0 %catch if ishandle(h),close(h),end error(lasterr) end