function [x, y]=adjust(a, b, flag) %ADJUST Adjusts two two-column vectors. % [X, Y]=ADJUST(A, B, FLAG) adjusts the two-column vectors A and B % to the same time scale (in first column) % % FLAG = 0 (default) adjustment by cutting % 1 adjustment by cubic interpolating % -1 adjustment by cubic interpolating and forced length (given by A) % 2 gap filling by histogram estimation (experimental status) % 3 gap filling by AR(p) estimation (experimental status) % % Except for FLAG=0, X and Y will have the same length. % % Examples: x = (1:110)'; % y1 = x(11:end); y1(:,2) = sin(x(11:end) / 10); % y2 = x(1:100) / 2; y2(:,2) = sin(x(1:100) / 5); % [z1 z2] = adjust(y1,y2); % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 2001-2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 2.2 2005/03/16 11:19:02 marwan % help text modified % % Revision 2.1 2004/11/10 07:07:05 marwan % initial import % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. error(nargchk(2,3,nargin)); if nargin==2 flag=0; end mflag=0; Na=size(a); Nb=size(b); if min(Na)<2 | min(Nb)<2 error('Time scales have to be specified (first column).') end if Na(2)>Na(1) a=a'; end if Nb(2)>Nb(1) b=b'; end if flag~=2 & flag>-1 [Tmin I2]=max([a(1,1),b(1,1)]); if I2==2 [J1 J2]=min(abs(a(:,1)-Tmin)); a(1:J2-1,:)=[]; else [J1 J2]=min(abs(b(:,1)-Tmin)); b(1:J2-1,:)=[]; end [Tmax I2]=min([a(end,1),b(end,1)]); if I2==2 [J1 J2]=min(abs(a(:,1)-Tmax)); a(J2+1:end,:)=[]; else [J1 J2]=min(abs(b(:,1)-Tmax)); b(J2+1:end,:)=[]; end clear I2 J1 J2 end switch flag % cut the unmatched start and end case 0 x=a; y=b; % interpolate missed values to forced length Na case -1 Na=size(a); Nb=size(b); x=a; if b(end,1)<a(end,1); b(end+1,1)=a(end,1); b(end,2)=b(end-1,2); end y(:,1)=x(:,1); for i=0:Nb(2)-2; y(:,2+i)=interp1(b(:,1)+.0000001*randn(length(b),1),b(:,2+i),y(:,1),'cubic'); end % interpolate missed values case 1 Na=size(a); Nb=size(b); if Na(1)>=Nb x=a; y(:,1)=x(:,1); for i=0:Nb(2)-2; y(:,2+i)=interp1(b(:,1)+.0000001*randn(length(b),1),b(:,2+i),x(:,1),'cubic'); end else y=b; x(:,1)=y(:,1); for i=0:Na(2)-2; x(:,2+i)=interp1(a(:,1)+.0000001*randn(length(a),1),a(:,2+i),y(:,1),'cubic'); end end % estimate missed values with histogram case 2 warning off a=smoothnan(a); b=smoothnan(b); [y(:,1),y(:,2)]=filllags_hist(a(:,1),a(:,2),b(:,1),b(:,2)); [x(:,1),x(:,2)]=filllags_hist(b(:,1),b(:,2),a(:,1),a(:,2)); warning on % estimate missed values with ar(p) case 3 % warning off a=smoothnan(a); b=smoothnan(b); [y(:,1),y(:,2)]=filllags_ar(a(:,1),a(:,2),b(:,1),b(:,2)); [x(:,1),x(:,2)]=filllags_ar(b(:,1),b(:,2),a(:,1),a(:,2)); warning on end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [x0,y0]=filllags_hist(x1,y1,x2,y2) flag2=2; % 1 - y, 2 - dy dx=log(diff(x2)); dy=diff(y2); ni=fix(length(dx)/100); % berechne die verbundverteilung fuer dx, dy und y if flag2==1 [pxyz ixyz]=histn(dx,y2(1:end-1),y2(2:end),ni); else [pxyz ixyz]=histn(dx,y2(1:end-1),dy,ni); end % nur fehlende stuetzstellen anfuegen A=find(~sum(repmat(x2,1,length(x1))==repmat(x1',length(x2),1))); % fehlende stuetzstellen anfuegen x3=[x2; x1(A)]; y3=[y2; repmat(NaN,length(A),1)]; [x3s i]=sort(x3); y3s=y3(i); if isnan(y3s(1)), y3s(1)=rand*(max(y3s)-min(y3s))+min(y3s); end for i=2:length(x3) if isnan(y3s(i)) % bestimme dx fuer die fehlstelle dx=log(x3s(i)-x3s(i-1)); % bestimme die bin-lokation von dx in der verteilung j1=sum(dx>=ixyz(:,1))+1; if j1>length(ixyz), j1=length(ixyz); end % bestimme die bin-lokation von y in der verteilung j2=sum(y3s(i-1)>=ixyz(:,2))+1; if j2>length(ixyz), j2=length(ixyz); end P=permute(pxyz(j1,j2,:),[2,3,1]); % ersetze die verteilung durch eine gauss-verteilung P=P/sum(P); a=sum(ixyz(:,3).*P(:)); b=sqrt(sum((ixyz(:,3)-a).^2.*P(:))); ineu=[ixyz(1,3):(ixyz(end,3)-ixyz(1,3))/100:ixyz(end,3)]; Pneu=normpdf(ineu,a,b); [Ps i0]=max(Pneu); if flag2==1 y3s(i)=ineu(i0); else y3s(i)=y3s(i-1)+ineu(i0); end end end x0=x3s; y0=y3s; clear A y3s x3s y3 x3 i* j* P* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [x0,y0]=filllags_ar(x1,y1,x2,y2) ymean=mean(y2); y2=y2-ymean; addpath /usr/users4/marwan/matlab/ARfit A=find(~sum(repmat(x2,1,length(x1))==repmat(x1',length(x2),1))); % fehlende stuetzstellen anfuegen x3=[x2; x1(A)]; y3=[y2; repmat(NaN,length(A),1)]; [x3s i]=sort(x3); y3s=y3(i); [a b c]=arfit(smoothnan(y2),1,20); m=length(b); a=[b, c]; disp(num2str(a)) y3s=y3s(:); a=a(:); for i=1:m,if isnan(y3s(i)), y3s(i)=rand*(max(y3s)-min(y3s))+min(y3s); end,end for i=m+1:length(x3) if isnan(y3s(i)) y3s(i)=sum(a(1:end-1).*y3s(i-[1:m]))+a(end)*randn; end end x0=x3s; y0=y3s+ymean;