function X = taucrp(varargin) %TAUCRP Creates a close returns plot. % R=TAUCRP(X [,Y] [,param1,param2,...]) creates a cross % recurrence plot/ recurrence plot R for a limited range of % past and future states, also known as close returns plot. % % R=TAUCRP(X [,Y],M,T,E,W) uses the dimension M, delay T, the size % of neighbourhood E and the range W of past and future time % steps. % % If X and Y are multi-column vectors then they will be % considered as phase space vectors (TAUCRP can be used % for real phase space vectors without embedding). % % Parameters: dimension M, delay T, the size of neighbourhood % E and the range W are the first four numbers after the data % series; further parameters can be used to switch between % various methods of finding the neighbours of the phasespace % trajectory and to suppress the normalization of the data. % % Methods of finding the neighbours/ of plot. % maxnorm - Maximum norm. % euclidean - Euclidean norm. % minnorm - Minimum norm. % rr - Maximum norm, fixed recurrence rate. % fan - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours. % distance - Distance coded matrix (global CRP, Euclidean norm). % % Normalization of the data series. % normalize - Normalization of the data. % nonormalize - No normalization of the data. % % Parameters not needed to be specified. % % % Examples: a = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67); % w = 160; % X = taucrp(a,2,17,.2,w,'nonorm','euclidean'); % imagesc(1:size(X,2),-w:w,X), colormap([1 1 1; 0 0 0]) % % See also CRP, CRP2, CRP_BIG, JRP, CRQA. % % References: % Marwan, N., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J.: % Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics % Reports, 438(5-6), 2007. % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 5.2 2009/03/24 08:33:47 marwan % copyright address changed % % Revision 5.1 2008/01/25 12:47:26 marwan % initial import % warning off global errcode props nonorm errcode=0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties init_properties m_init = 1; tau_init = 1; eps_init = 0.1; w_init = 100; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input error(nargchk(1,8,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','rr','fa','di'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'}; % gui, nogui, silent if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % read commandline input varargin{9}=[]; % transform any int to double intclasses = {'uint8';'uint16';'uint32';'uint64';'int8';'int16';'int32';'int64'}; flagClass = []; for i = 1:length(intclasses) i_int=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,intclasses{i})); if ~isempty(i_int) for j = 1:length(i_int) varargin{i_int(j)} = double(varargin{i_int(j)}); end flagClass = [flagClass; i_int(:)]; end end if ~isempty(flagClass) disp(['Warning: Input arguments at position [',num2str(flagClass'),'] contain integer values']); disp(['(now converted to double).']) end i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); % check the text input parameters for method, gui and normalization temp_meth=0; temp_norm=0; temp_gui=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); end method=min(find(temp_meth)); nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1; nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1; if isempty(method), method=1; end if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end if method>length(check_meth), method=length(check_meth); end if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end if nogui>2, nogui=2; end else method=1; nonorm=1; nogui=0; end if nogui==0 & nargout>0, nogui=1; end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3 error('To less values in data X.') end x=double(varargin{1}); if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else y=double(varargin{2}); end if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}) y=x; if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m0=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m0=m_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=tau_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=eps_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=w_init; end else if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m0=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m0=m_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=tau_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=eps_init; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), w=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else w=w_init; end end t=round(t); m0=round(m0); mflag=method; if e<0, e=1; disp('Warning: The threshold size E cannot be negative and is now set to 1.'), end if t<1, t=1; disp('Warning: The delay T cannot be smaller than one and is now set to 1.'), end if m0 < 1, m0 = 1; end if t < 1, t = 1; end if size(x,1)==1, x=x'; end, if size(y,1)==1, y=y'; end m=max([size(x,2) size(y,2)]); if w > size(x,1); w = size(x,1); end if method==8 & (m*m0) > 1, m0=1; error(['The neighbourhood criterion ''Oder matrix''',10,'is not implemented - use crp or crp_big instead.']) end if method==9 & (m*m0) == 1, m0=2; disp(['Warning: For order patterns recurrence plots the dimension must',10,... 'be larger than one. ',... 'Embedding dimension is set to ',num2str(m0),'.']) end action='init'; if ~isempty(find(isnan(x))) disp('NaN detected (in first variable) - will be cleared.') for k=1:size(x,2), x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end end if ~isempty(find(isnan(y))) disp('NaN detected (in second variable) - will be cleared.') for k=1:size(y,2), y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end end if size(x,1) < t*(m-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m-1)+1 error(['Too less data',10,... 'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.']) end Nx=size(x,1); Ny=size(y,1); NX=Nx-t*(m0-1);NY=Ny-t*(m0-1); x0=zeros(Nx,m);y0=zeros(Ny,m); x0(1:size(x,1),1:size(x,2))=x; y0(1:size(y,1),1:size(y,2))=y; if nonorm==1, x=(x0-repmat(mean(x0),Nx,1))./repmat(std(x0),Nx,1); y=(y0-repmat(mean(y0),Ny,1))./repmat(std(y0),Ny,1); end if ~isempty(find(isnan(x))), for k=1:size(x,2), x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end if ~isempty(find(isnan(y))), for k=1:size(y,2), y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end if size(x,1) < t*(m0-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m0-1)+1 error(['Too less data',10,... 'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.']) end else error('No valid input given!') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if m0>1 x2=x(1:end-t*(m0-1),:); y2=y(1:end-t*(m0-1),:); for i=1:m0-1, x2(:,m*i+1:m*(i+1))=x(1+t*i:end-t*(m0-i-1),:); y2(:,m*i+1:m*(i+1))=y(1+t*i:end-t*(m0-i-1),:); end x=x2; y=y2; Nx=size(x,1); Ny=size(y,1); m=m0*m; clear x2 y2 end x1=repmat(x,1,Ny); for mi=1:m, x2(:,mi)=reshape(rot90(x1(:,0+mi:m:Ny*m+mi-m)),Nx*Ny,1); end y1=repmat(y,Nx,1); x1=x2; clear x2 % create embedding vectors NX = Nx - t*(m0-1); NY = Ny - t*(m0-1); [idx add] = meshgrid(linspace(0,(m0-1)*t,m0), 1:Nx-(m0-1)*t); idx = idx + add; x1 = []; y1 = []; for i = 1:m x1 = [x1 reshape(x(idx,i),size(idx,1),size(idx,2))]; y1 = [y1 reshape(y(idx,i),size(idx,1),size(idx,2))]; end % indices for which the recurrences should be computed [i1 i2] = meshgrid(1:NX,-w:w); i2 = i2 + i1; i_remove = i2 > length(y1) | i2 < 1; i2(i_remove) = 1; % compute distance matrix D = (x1(i1,:) - y1(i2,:)); switch method case 1 D2 = max(abs(D),[],2); X = double(D2 < e); case 2 D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2)); X = double(D2 < e); case 3 D2 = sum(abs(D), 2); X = double(D2 < e); case 4 D2 = max(abs(D),[],2); SS = sort(D2(:)); idx = ceil(e * length(SS)); e_ = SS(idx); X = double(D2 < e_); case 5 D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2)); D3 = reshape(D2,size(i1,1),size(i1,2)); [SS, JJ] = sort(D3,1); JJ = JJ'; mine = round((2*w+1)*e); X1(NX*(2*w+1)) = 0; X1(JJ(:,1:mine)+repmat([0:(2*w+1):NX*(2*w+1)-1]',1,mine)) = 1; X = reshape(X1,(2*w+1),NX); case 6 D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2)); X = double(D2); end clear X1 SS JJ s px D D_ D2 D3 X = reshape(X,size(i1,1),size(i1,2)); X(i_remove) = 0; %imagesc(X)