function xout=crqa(varargin) %CRQA Computes and plots the CRQA measures. % Y=CRQA(X [,Y] [,param1,param2,...]) % Recurrence quantification analysis of the cross recurrence % plot of the vectors X and Y. % % The input vectors can be multi-column vectors, where % each column will be used as a component of the % phase-space vector. However, if the first column is % monotonically increasing, it will be used as an % time scale for plotting. % % Y=CRQA(X,M,T,E,W,WS,LMIN,VMIN,TW) computes the % recurrence quantification analysis of the recurrence % plot of X by using the dimension M, delay T, the % size of neighbourhood E, the window size W and % a window shifting value of WS. LMIN and VMIN % specify the minimal length of diagonal and vertical % line structures (default is 2) and TW specifies the % Theiler window (default is 1). % % CRQA(...) without any output arguments opens a % GUI for interactively control the CRQA. If an % output is specified with using the option 'gui', % then the output will contain the figure handle. % % Parameters: % Dimension M, delay T, the size of % neighbourhood E, the window size W and the shift % value WS are the first five numbers after the data % series; if W is empty, the whole plot will be calculated. % The next two optional numeric parameters LMIN and VMIN % specify the minimal length of line structures. % % As the last numeric parameter, the size of the Theiler % window TW can be specified (default is 1). This window % excludes the recurrence points parallel to the main % diagonal from the analysis. The application of the % Theiler window is useful only for recurrence plots. In % cross recurrence plots, the size of the Theiler window will % be set automatically to zero. % % Further parameters can be used to switch between various % methods of finding the neighbours of the phasespace % trajectory, to suppress the normalization of the data % and to suppress the GUI (useful in order to use this % programme by other programmes). The minimal length of % diagonal and vertical structures can be setted only in % the GUI. % % Methods of finding the neighbours. % maxnorm - Maximum norm. % euclidean - Euclidean norm. % minnorm - Minimum norm. % nrmnorm - Euclidean norm between normalized vectors % (all vectors have the length one). % rr - Maximum norm, fixed recurrence rate. % fan - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours. % inter - Interdependent neighbours. % omatrix - Order matrix. % opattern - Order patterns recurrence plot. % % Normalization of the data series. % normalize - Normalization of the data. % nonormalize - No normalization of the data. % % Suppressing the GUI. % gui - Creates the GUI. % nogui - Suppresses the GUI. % silent - Suppresses all output. % % Parameters not needed to be specified. % % Output: % Y(:, 1) = RR (recurrence rate) % Y(:, 2) = DET (determinism) % Y(:, 3) = <L> (mean diagonal line length) % Y(:, 4) = Lmax (maximal diagonal line length) % Y(:, 5) = ENTR (entropy of the diagonal line lengths) % Y(:, 6) = LAM (laminarity) % Y(:, 7) = TT (trapping time) % Y(:, 8) = Vmax (maximal vertical line length) % Y(:, 9) = T1 (recurrence time of 1st type) % Y(:,10) = T2 (recurrence time of 2nd type) % Y(:,11) = RTE (recurrence time entropy, i.e., RPDE) % Y(:,12) = Clust (clustering coefficient) % Y(:,13) = Trans (transitivity) % % The window of length w is applied on the data and not on the RP, % i.e. the RP will have smaller size than the window, thus w-(m-1)*tau. % If we consider the data window at time i ... i+w, the corresponding RQA % measures are assigned to time i. Therefore, if you see a beginning % of a transition in the plot of the RQA measures at time i, this % transition will probably happen at time i+w-(m-1)*tau. % % Warning: % The RQA measures may differ from those of the RQA programmes by % Charles Webber Jr. For compatibility use a Theiler window of % size one and ensure that the data are normalized before by the % same distance which is used in the RQA programmes; e.g. normalize % with the maximal phase space diameter, which can be estimated % with the programme PSS: % % RQA = crqa(100*x/pss(x,dim,lag,'euclidean'),... % dim,lag,e,[],[],l_min,v_min,1,... % 'euclidean','nonormalize','silent') % % Examples: a = randn(300,1); % crqa(a,1,1,.2,40,2,'euc') % % N = 500; w = 40; ws = 2; % a = 3.4:.6/(N-1):4; % b = .5; for i = 2:N, b(i) = a(i)*b(i-1)*(1-b(i-1)); end % y = crqa(b,3,2,.1,w,ws); % subplot(2,1,1), plot(a,b,'.','markersize',.1) % title('logistic map'), axis([3.4 4 0 1]) % subplot(2,1,2), plot(a(1:ws:N-w),y(1:ws:N-w,1)) % ylabel('recurrence rate'), axis([3.4 4 0 1]) % % % See also CRQAD, CRQAD_BIG, CRP, CRP2, CRP_BIG, DL, TT, PSS. % % References: % Marwan, N., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J.: % Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, % Phys. Rep., 438, 2007. % % Little, M., McSharry, P., Roberts, S., Costello, D., Moroz, I.: % Exploiting Nonlinear Recurrence and Fractal Scaling Properties % for Voice Disorder Detection, Biomed. Eng. Online, 6, 2007. % % Boccaletti, S., Latora, V., Moreno, Y., Chavez, M., Hwang, D.-U.: % Complex networks: Structures and dynamics, % Phys. Rep., 424, 2006. % % Marwan, N., Donges, J. F., Zou, Y., Donner, R. V., Kurths, J.: % Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series, % Phys. Lett. A, 373(46), 2009. % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany % % % Copyright (c) 1998-2008 % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 5.46 2013/08/21 09:09:59 marwan % bugfix for mixed output RTE and T2 % bugfix for recurrence time estimation % % Revision 5.45 2012/11/14 13:07:03 marwan % bugfix for RTE for very short time series % % Revision 5.44 2010/09/09 10:40:01 marwan % bugfix in cross version for calculation of network measures % % Revision 5.43 2010/08/27 11:16:31 marwan % fix output of network measures % % Revision 5.42 2010/07/07 08:26:30 marwan % updated references % bug in mean clustering coefficient % % Revision 5.41 2010/06/30 12:01:53 marwan % RPDE, Clustering and Transitivity added % % Revision 5.40 2010/06/29 12:48:56 marwan % better debugging performance if error occurs % % Revision 5.39 2010/01/06 08:58:59 marwan % adding pdist as an alternative to get the RP % % Revision 5.38 2009/05/14 16:20:32 marwan % automatic window length determination restored back % further argument checking (extreme embedding) added % % Revision 5.37 2009/03/31 12:28:26 marwan % automatic window length determination corrected % % Revision 5.36 2009/03/24 08:35:00 marwan % corrected DET calculation when using Theiler window % % Revision 5.35 2008/03/05 17:43:08 marwan % missed Vmax % % Revision 5.34 2007/12/20 16:23:49 marwan % bug in crqa output resolved % % Revision 5.33 2007/07/18 17:18:44 marwan % integer values in the arguments supported % % Revision 5.32 2007/05/15 17:33:13 marwan % new neighbourhood criterion: fixed RR % % Revision 5.31 2007/01/10 12:29:24 marwan % bug fix: rare bug due to a Matlab bug in MenuBar property for some XWindows systems (and only if matlab is running without java) % % Revision 5.30 2006/11/27 11:45:40 marwan % bug entropy vertical white lines resolved % % Revision 5.29 2006/10/24 14:16:16 marwan % minor change: sigma in title line of RP shown only for normalised data % % Revision 5.28 2006/09/13 15:53:36 marwan % Bug during printing solved % % Revision 5.27 2006/07/04 14:04:22 marwan % order patterns for multi-column vectors without embedding % % Revision 5.26 2006/03/29 13:07:55 marwan % problems regarding OPRPs and embedding resolved % % Revision 5.25 2006/02/14 11:45:49 marwan % *** empty log message *** % % Revision 5.24 2006/02/08 13:25:12 marwan % bug in plugin support (lmin and vmin not correct) resolved % % Revision 5.23 2006/02/06 14:55:41 marwan % bug in order patterns plugin support solved % % Revision 5.22 2006/02/06 13:46:17 marwan % plugin for order patterns recurrence plots supported % % Revision 5.21 2005/11/28 10:16:35 marwan % && and || changed to & and | % (seems to cause problems in Matlab 12.1) % % Revision 5.20 2005/09/13 12:08:12 marwan % fix of a serious bug in the GUI % % Revision 5.19 2005/07/29 09:02:59 marwan % normalization bug resolved % % Revision 5.18 2005/04/15 09:02:32 marwan % minor bugfix in plugin section % % Revision 5.17 2005/04/08 09:54:11 marwan % plugin added % % Revision 5.15 2005/04/06 13:29:12 marwan % computation of recurrence times is now faster % % Revision 5.14 2005/04/06 12:59:24 marwan % several small bug fixes which improves the precision % % Revision 5.13 2005/04/01 12:19:51 marwan % bug in minimal length for diagonal and vertical lines fixed % % Revision 5.12 2005/03/16 13:16:12 marwan % bug in output fixed (same time scales for all sub-plots) % % Revision 5.11 2005/03/16 12:23:08 marwan % support long data series by using crp_big % % Revision 5.10 2005/03/16 11:23:52 marwan % automatic detection: % * of provided time-scale % * if multi-column input can be used as phase-space vector % % Revision 5.9 2004/12/23 07:49:03 marwan % bug in order patterns RP fixed (empty order patterns) % % Revision 5.8 2004/11/15 12:56:01 marwan % bug fix in method checking % % Revision 5.7 2004/11/15 12:53:27 marwan % covariance plot commented out % % Revision 5.6 2004/11/12 08:40:46 marwan % order patterns recurrence plot added % % Revision 5.5 2004/11/10 07:04:50 marwan % initial import % % % This program is part of the new generation XXII series. % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties global errcode props init_properties lmin=2; vmin=2; nonorm=1; theiler_window=1; hw=-1; xscale = []; yscale = []; undocumented = 0; argout_index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]; RTE = NaN; Clust = NaN; Trans = NaN; flag_pdist = 0; % use Matlab function PDIST, but only working for single x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input error(nargchk(1,13,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL splash_gpl('crp'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input try errcode=1; set(0,'ShowHidden','on') varargin{14}=[]; t=1; w=[];wstep=0; method='max'; method_n=1; time_scale_flag=1; time_scale_flag_x=1; nogui=0; % transform any int to double intclasses = {'uint8';'uint16';'uint32';'uint64';'int8';'int16';'int32';'int64'}; flagClass = []; for i = 1:length(intclasses) i_int=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,intclasses{i})); if ~isempty(i_int) for j = 1:length(i_int) varargin{i_int(j)} = double(varargin{i_int(j)}); end flagClass = [flagClass; i_int(:)]; end end if ~isempty(flagClass) disp(['Warning: Input arguments at position [',num2str(flagClass'),'] contain integer values']); disp(['(now converted to double).']) end i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','nr','rr','fa','in','om','op','di'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm, fan, distance check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'}; % gui, nogui, silent check_norm={'non','nor'}; % nonormalize, normalize if nargin & ischar(varargin{1}) set(0,'ShowHidden','on');h=findobj('Tag','Msgbox_Check Input');delete(h) action=varargin{1}; h=findobj('Tag','crqa_Fig'); temp=get(h(1),'UserData'); x=temp{1}; y=temp{2}; h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_Data','Parent',h(1)); % get handle of plot-axes object h_crqa_axes_Data = h(1); h=findobj('Type','line','Parent',h(1)); % get handle of line-object xscale=get(h(1),'xdata'); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_m'); m=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_maxLag'); t=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_eps'); e=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_method'); method={'Maximum Norm','Euclidean Norm','Minimum Norm','Normalized Norm','Maximum Norm, fixed RR','FAN','Interdependent','Order Matrix','Order Pattern','Distance Plot'}; method=method{get(h(1),'Value')}; method_n = get(h(1),'Value'); nonorm=get(h(1),'UserData'); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_lmin'); lmin=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_vmin'); vmin=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_theiler'); theiler_window=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_w'); w=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_ws'); wstep=str2num(get(h(1),'String')); elseif nargin & isnumeric(varargin{1}) % check the text input parameters for method, gui temp_meth=0; temp_norm=0; temp_gui=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0'; temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); end method_n=min(find(temp_meth)); nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1; nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1; for i=1:length(i_char); temp2(i,:)=varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3); end i_char(strmatch(check_gui(find(temp_gui)),temp2))=[]; if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end if isempty(method_n), method_n=1; end if nogui>2, nogui=1; end if method_n>length(check_meth), method0=length(check_meth); end method=check_meth{method_n}; else nogui=0; if nargout nogui=1; action='compute'; end end if nogui==0 action='init'; else action='compute'; end % get the parameters for creating RP if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3 disp('Error using ==> crqa') disp('To less values in data X.') return end x=double(varargin{1}); if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else y=double(varargin{2}); end % if sum(double(diff(x(:,1))<=0)), time_scale_flag=0; end if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}) y=x; if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=.1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=varargin{i_double(5)}; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), wstep=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else wstep=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(7)}), lmin=varargin{i_double(7)}(1); end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(8)}), vmin=varargin{i_double(8)}(1); end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(9)}), theiler_window=varargin{i_double(9)}(1); end else if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=.1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), w=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else w=varargin{i_double(6)}; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(7)}), wstep=varargin{i_double(7)}(1); else wstep=1; end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(8)}), lmin=varargin{i_double(8)}(1); end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(9)}), vmin=varargin{i_double(9)}(1); end if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(10)}), theiler_window=varargin{i_double(10)}(1); end end else disp('Error using ==> crqa') disp('No valid arguments.') return end if method==8 & m > 1, m=1; disp('Warning: For order matrix a dimension of one is used.') end Nx=length(x); Ny=length(y); if size(x,1)<size(x,2), x=x'; end if size(y,1)<size(y,2), y=y'; end if (strcmpi(method,'Order Pattern') | strcmpi(method,'op')) & m == 1 & size(x,2) < 2 m=2; h = findobj('Tag','crqa_m'); if ~isempty(h) errordlg(['For order patterns recurrence plots the',10,'dimension must be larger than one.'],'Dimension too small') set(h(1),'String',num2str(m)) else disp(['Warning: For order patterns recurrence plots the dimension must',10,... 'be larger than one. ',... 'Embedding dimension is set to ',num2str(m),'.']) end end if size(x,2)>=2 xscale=x(:,1); if ~isempty(find(diff(xscale)<0)) % multi-column data vector, each column used as vector component time_scale_flag=0; time_scale_flag_x=0; xscale=(1:length(x))'; end else xscale=(1:length(x))'; time_scale_flag=0; time_scale_flag_x=0; end if size(y,2)>=2 yscale=y(:,1); time_scale_flag=1; if ~isempty(find(diff(yscale)<0)) time_scale_flag=0; yscale=(1:length(y))'; end if time_scale_flag & ~time_scale_flag_x % if time-scale given in y, but not in x -> error if ~nogui errordlg(['A time-scale for the second data is series given, but not for the first!',10,'(The time-scale has to be inlcuded as the first colummn of the first data vector.)'],'Check Data') waitforbuttonpress return else error(['A time-scale for the second data series is given, but not for the first!',10,'(The time-scale has to be inlcuded as the first colummn of the first data vector.)']) end end else yscale=(1:length(y))'; time_scale_flag=0; end if time_scale_flag_x & ~time_scale_flag % if time-scale given in x, but not in y if length(x) ~= length(y) if ~nogui errordlg(['If you are using the time-scale given by the first vector also for',10,'the second vector, both vectors should have the same size!'],'Check Data') waitforbuttonpress return else error(['If you are using the time-scale given by the first vector also for',10,'the second vector, both vectors should have the same size!']) end end y = [xscale, y]; yscale = xscale; time_scale_flag=1; end if max(size(x))~=max(size(y)), if ~nogui, errordlg('Data must have the same length.','Check Data'), waitforbuttonpress, return, else error('Data must have the same length.'), end end if e<0, e=1; if ~nogui warndlg('The threshold size E can not be negative and is now set to 1.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_eps'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(e)), end else disp('The threshold size E can not be negative and is now set to 1.'), end end if t<1, t=1; if ~nogui warndlg('The delay T can not be smaller than one and is now set to 1.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_maxLag'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(t)), end else disp('The delay T can not be smaller than one and is now set to 1.') end end if m < 1; m = 1; end if (Nx - (m-1) * t) < 5 disp('Error using ==> crqa') disp('Too less data.') xout = []; return end % if isempty(w), w=Nx-(m-1)*t; wstep=1; end if isempty(w), w=Nx; wstep=1; end if w < 5+(m-1)*t, w=5+(m-1)*t; if w > Nx, w = Nx; end if ~nogui, warndlg('The window size W falls below the valid range.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_w'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(w)), end else, disp('The window size W falls below the valid range.'), end end % if w>Nx-(m-1)*t, if w>Nx, % w=Nx-(m-1)*t; wstep=1;; w=Nx; wstep=1;; if ~nogui, warndlg('The window size W exceeds the valid range.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_w'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(w)), end else, disp('The window size W exceeds the valid range.'), end end if wstep<1 | wstep>Nx/3, wstep=2; if ~nogui, warndlg('The window shifting value WS exceeds the valid range.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_ws'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(wstep)), end else, disp('The window shifting value WS exceeds the valid range.'), end end if vmin<1 | vmin>Nx, vmin=2; if ~nogui, warndlg('The minimal length for vertical lines is not valid.','Check Data') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_vmin'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(vmin)), end else, disp('The minimal length for vertical lines is not valid.'), end end if lmin<1 | lmin>Nx, lmin=2; if ~nogui, warndlg('The minimal length for diagonal lines is not valid.','Check Input') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_lmin'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(lmin)), end else, disp('The minimal length for diagonal lines is not valid.'), end end if theiler_window<0 | theiler_window>Nx, theiler_window=1; if ~nogui, warndlg('The value for the Theiler window is not valid.','Check Input') waitforbuttonpress h=findobj('Tag','crqa_theiler'); if ~isempty(h), set(h(1),'String',num2str(theiler_window)), end else, disp('The value for the Theiler window is not valid.'), end end if x~=y, theiler_window=0; end t=round(t); m=round(m); w=round(w); wstep=round(wstep); vmin=round(vmin); lmin=round(lmin); theiler_window=round(theiler_window); % normalize data if necessary if nonorm x = (x - repmat(mean(x),length(x),1)) ./ repmat(std(x),length(x),1); y = (y - repmat(mean(y),length(y),1)) ./ repmat(std(y),length(y),1); end switch(action) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create gui case 'init' errcode=3; oldunit=get(0,'unit'); set(0,'Unit','char') scr=get(0,'ScreenSize'); set(0,'Unit',oldunit) h8=figure(props.window,... % Plot Figure 'Tag','crqa_Fig',... 'MenuBar','Figure',... 'Position',[(scr(3)-150)/2 scr(4)-50 150.0000 44],... 'PaperType','a4',... 'PaperPosition',[0.25 0.25 7.7677 11.193],... 'PaperOrientation','portrait',... 'MenuBar','none', ... 'UserData',{x,y,time_scale_flag},... 'Name','Cross Recurrence Quantification Analysis'); set(0,'showhidden','on') h=findobj('Label','&Help','Type','uimenu'); if isempty(h) h=uimenu('Label','&Help'); h2=uimenu('Parent',h(1),'Label','&Help Cross Recurrence Quantification Analysis','Callback','helpwin crqa'); else h1=flipud(get(h(1),'Children')); set(h1(1),'Separator','on') h2=uimenu('Parent',h(1),'Label','&Help Cross Recurrence Quantification Analysis','Callback','helpwin crqa'); copyobj(h1,h(1)) delete(h1) end set(0,'showhidden','off') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Position',[89+30 24.8+14.5 6.8 3.5]); logo=load('logo'); h2=imagesc([logo.logo fliplr(logo.logo)]); set(h2,'Tag','uniLogo') set(h,props.logo,'Tag','axes_logo') h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text_logo',... 'String','Uni Potsdam',... 'Position',[97+30 24.2143+14.5 22 3.5714]); h2=textwrap(h,{[char(169),' AGNLD'],'University of Potsdam','1998-2007'}); set(h,'String',h2) %%%%%%%%%%% plots axes_height = 5.8; axes_base = 3; axes_hoffset = 2.5; h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_Data',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[11.2017 axes_base+4*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); if time_scale_flag plot(xscale,x(:,2:end),'color',props.line.Color) if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) hold on; plot(yscale,y(:,2:end),'r'), end else plot(xscale,x(:,1:end),'color',props.line.Color) if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) hold on; plot(yscale,y(:,1),'r'), end end set(h,'Tag','crqa_axes_Data','color',props.axes.Color) ylabel('Data') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_Var',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[49.8023+15 axes_base+4*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); if time_scale_flag x_var = winplot(x(:,2:end),w,wstep,2); else x_var = winplot(x(:,1),w,wstep,2); end if size(x_var,1) > 2 h2=stairs(xscale(round(x_var(:,1))),x_var(:,2)); set(h2,'color',props.line.Color) else cla text(0.5,0.5,sprintf('%6.4f',x_var(1,2)),'FontWeight','bold','HorizontalAlign','Center') end if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) hold on; if time_scale_flag y_var = winplot(y(:,2:end),w,wstep,2); else y_var = winplot(y(:,1),w,wstep,2); end if size(y_var,1) > 2 stairs(yscale(round(y_var(:,1))),y_var(:,2),'r') else cla text(0.5,0.5,sprintf('%6.5f, %6.5f',x_var(2,2),y_var(1,2)),'FontWeight','bold','HorizontalAlign','Center') end h3=axes('Units','Char',... 'Pos',get(h,'Pos'),... 'XLim',get(h,'XLim'),... 'YLim',get(h,'YLim'),... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'Tag','crqa_axes_CoVar',... 'visible','off'); end set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h); ylabel('Variance') set(h,'Tag','crqa_axes_Var','color',props.axes.Color) h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_RR',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[11.2017 axes_base+3*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('RR') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_DET',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[49.8023+15 axes_base+3*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('DET') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_L',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[11.2017 axes_base+2*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('L') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_ENTR',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[49.8023+15 axes_base+2*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('ENTR') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_LAM',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[11.2017 axes_base+1*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('LAM') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_TT',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[49.8023+15 axes_base+1*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('TT') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_RTE',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[11.2017 axes_base+0*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('RTE') h=axes(props.axes,... 'Tag','crqa_axes_T2',... 'Box','On',... 'Position',[49.8023+15 axes_base+0*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 28.1785+15 axes_height]); ylabel('T_2') %%%%%%%%%%% embedding h=uicontrol(props.frame,... 'Tag','frame',... 'Position',[86+30 29.+2.8 29 5.7]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'Fontangle','italic',... 'String','Embedding parameters',... 'Position',[87+30 34.2+1.6 16.8333 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Dimension:',... 'Position',[89+30 32+2.2 16.8333 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_m',... 'String',num2str(m),... 'ToolTip','Select the embedding dimension.',... 'Position',[104+30 32+.2+2.2 7 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Delay:',... 'Position',[89+30 30+2.32 16.8333 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_maxLag',... 'String',num2str(t),... 'ToolTip','Insert the embedding delay time.',... 'Position',[104+30 30+.2+2.32 7 1.5000]); %%%%%%%%%%% neigbourhood h=uicontrol(props.frame,... 'Tag','frame',... 'Position',[86+30 21.9+2.5 29 6.7]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'Fontangle','italic',... 'String','Neighbourhood',... 'Position',[87+30 26.8+2.5 23 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.popup,... 'Tag','text',... 'Tag','crqa_method',... 'UserData',nonorm,... 'Value',method_n,... 'String','Maximum Norm|Euclidean Norm|Minimum Norm|Normalized Norm|Fixed RR|Fixed Amount|Interdependent|Order Matrix|Order Patterns|Distance Plot',... 'Position',[89+30 24.6+.2+2.5 22 1.7]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Threshold:',... 'Position',[89+30 22.6+2.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_eps',... 'String',num2str(e),... 'ToolTip','Insert the size of neighbourhood.',... 'Position',[104+30 22.6+.2+2.5 7 1.5000]); %%%%%%%%%%% crqa parameters h=uicontrol(props.frame,... 'Tag','frame',... 'Position',[86+30 11+.5 29 12.2]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'Fontangle','italic',... 'String','CRQA parameters',... 'Position',[87+30 19.4+2.5 23 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','min. Diagonal:',... 'Position',[89+30 17.6+2.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_lmin',... 'String',num2str(lmin),... 'ToolTip','Insert the minimal length of a diagonal line.',... 'Position',[104+30 17.6+.2+2.5 7 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','min. Vertical:',... 'Position',[89+30 15.6+2.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_vmin',... 'String',num2str(vmin),... 'ToolTip','Insert the minimal length of a vertical line.',... 'Position',[104+30 15.6+.2+2.5 7 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Theiler wind.:',... 'Position',[89+30 15.6+.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_theiler',... 'String',num2str(theiler_window),... 'ToolTip','Insert the size for the Theiler window.',... 'Position',[104+30 15.6+.2+.5 7 1.5000]); if x~=y; set(h,'enable','off'); end h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Window size:',... 'Position',[89+30 13.6+.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_w',... 'String',num2str(w),... 'ToolTip','Insert the size of the sliding window.',... 'Position',[104+30 13.6+.2+.5 7 1.5000]); h=uicontrol(props.text,... 'Tag','text',... 'String','Window step:',... 'Position',[89+30 11.6+.5 16.8333 1.5]); h=uicontrol(props.edit,... 'Tag','crqa_ws',... 'String',num2str(wstep),... 'ToolTip','Insert the step width for sliding the window.',... 'Position',[104+30 11.6+.2+.5 7 1.5000]); %%%%%%%%%%% buttons h=uicontrol(props.frame,... 'Tag','frame',... 'Position',[86+30 1.3+.5 29 9]); h=uicontrol(props.button,... 'String','Store',... 'Tag','crqa_button_store',... 'Enable','Off',... 'ToolTip','Stores the CRQA analysis into a variable in the workspace.',... 'Callback','crqa store',... 'Position',[100.5+30 7.4+.5 10.5 2.2143]); h=uicontrol(props.button,... 'Tag','crqa_button_print',... 'CallBack','crqa print',... 'ToolTip','Prints the CRQA window.',... 'String','Print',... 'Position',[89+30 7.4+.5 10.5 2.2143]); h=uicontrol(props.button,... 'Tag','crqa_button_close',... 'CallBack','crqa close',... 'ToolTip','Closes the CRQA window.',... 'String','Close',... 'Position',[89+30 2.1+.5 22 2.2143]); h=uicontrol(props.button,... 'String','Apply',... 'Tag','crqa_button_apply',... 'ToolTip','Starts the computation.',... 'Callback','crqa compute',... 'Position',[89+30 4.75+.5 22 2.2143]); set(0,'ShowHidden','on') set(h8, 'HandleVis','CallBack') tags={'crqa_Fig';'axes_logo';'text_logo';'crqa_theiler';'frame';'text';'crqa_axes_Data';'crqa_axes_Var';'crqa_axes_CoVar';'crqa_axes_RR';'crqa_axes_DET';'crqa_axes_L';'crqa_axes_ENTR';'crqa_axes_LAM';'crqa_axes_TT';'crqa_axes_RTE';'crqa_axes_T2';'crqa_m';'crqa_maxLag';'crqa_method';'crqa_eps';'crqa_lmin';'crqa_vmin';'crqa_w';'crqa_ws';'crqa_button_store';'crqa_button_print';'crqa_button_close';'crqa_button_apply'}; h=[]; for i=1:length(tags); h=[h; findobj('Tag',tags{i})]; end set(h,'Units','Norm') if nargout; xout=h8; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% close windows case 'close' errcode=101; set(0,props.root) h=findobj('Tag','crqa_Fig'); if ~isempty(h), close(h(1)), end clear all %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% store case 'store' errcode=0; if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','crqa_button_store')) h=findobj('Tag','crqa_button_store'); h1=findobj('Tag','crqa_button_close'); if ~isempty(h1), vname_old=get(h1(1),'UserData'); else vname_old=''; end if isempty(vname_old), vname_old=''; end vname=char(inputdlg('Choose a variable name.','Store output',1,{vname_old})); if isempty(vname) return else crqa_values=get(h(1),'UserData'); assignin('base',vname, [crqa_values]) warndlg(['CRQA measures have been assigned to the workspace variable ''',vname,'''.'],'Store output'); waitforbuttonpress set(h1(1),'UserData',vname) end end set(0,props.root) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% print case 'print' errcode=91; h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_Data','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(1)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_Var','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(2)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_CoVar','Parent',gcf); if ~isempty(h), h_axes.h(11)=h(1); end h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_RR','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(3)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_DET','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(4)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_L','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(5)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_ENTR','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(6)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_LAM','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(7)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_TT','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(8)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_RTE','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(9)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_T2','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(10)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','uniLogo'); tags={'text_logo';'frame';'text';'crqa_m';'crqa_maxLag';'crqa_method';'crqa_eps';'crqa_lmin';'crqa_vmin';'crqa_theiler';'crqa_w';'crqa_ws';'crqa_button_store';'crqa_button_print';'crqa_button_close';'crqa_button_apply';}; for i=1:length(tags); h=[h; findobj('Tag',tags{i},'Parent',gcf)]; end set(h,'Visible','Off') set(h_axes.h,'Units','Character'); h_axes.old_pos=get(h_axes.h,'Position'); axes_height = .13; axes_base = 0.065; axes_hoffset = .06; for i=2:2:10 set(h_axes.h(i-1), 'Units','normalize','Position',[0.1300 axes_base+(5-i/2)*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 0.3270 axes_height]) set(h_axes.h(i),'Units','normalize','Position',[0.5780 axes_base+(5-i/2)*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 0.3270 axes_height]) end if length(h_axes.h) > 10 set(h_axes.h(11), 'Units','normalize','Position',[0.5780 axes_base+(5-2/2)*(axes_height+axes_hoffset) 0.3270 axes_height]) end h_dlg=printdlg; waitfor(h_dlg) for i=1:10, set(h_axes.h(i),'Units','Character','Position',h_axes.old_pos{i}), set(h_axes.h(i),'Units','Norm'),end if length(h_axes.h) > 10 set(h_axes.h(11),'Units','Character','Position',h_axes.old_pos{11}), set(h_axes.h(11),'Units','Norm') end set(h,'Visible','On') set(0,props.root) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% compute case 'compute' errcode=11; if length(method)>1 & strcmpi(method(1:2),'di') disp('Warning: RQA from distance plot not possible!') return end if ~nogui h_fig=findobj('tag','crqa_Fig'); setptr(gcf,'watch'), obj=({'text';'crqa_m';'crqa_maxLag';'crqa_method';'crqa_eps';'crqa_lmin';'crqa_vmin';'crqa_theiler';'crqa_w';'crqa_ws';'crqa_button_store';'crqa_button_print';'crqa_button_close'}); for j=1:length(obj); h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); if ~isempty(h) set(h,'Enable','Off') end end h=findobj('tag','crqa_button_apply'); set(h(1),'ToolTip','Stops the computation.','String','Stop','Callback','set(0,''ShowHidden'',''on'');h=findobj(''tag'',''crqa_button_apply'');set(h(1),''String'',''Stopped'');set(0,''ShowHidden'',''off'')') end if Nx==w & wstep<2, wstep=1; Nx=w+1; end if Nx==w, Nx=w+1; end if nogui~=2, hw=waitbar(0,['0/',num2str(Nx-w)]);set(hw,'Name','Please Wait!');h1=get(hw,'chil');h1=get(h1,'title'); drawnow; end if strcmpi(method,'Order Pattern') method = 'op'; end if strcmpi(method,'Order Matrx') method = 'om'; end if strcmpi(method,'Maximum Norm, fixed RR') method = 'rr'; end % check if plugin exist and is executable [plugin_exist, plugin_name, plugin_path] = is_crp_plugin; if nogui == 1 & plugin_exist & ( method_n < 4 | method_n == 8 ) & length(x) == length(y) disp('(plugin used)') end errcode=20; % general histograms of line structures for significance test hist_l = []; hist_v = []; hist_w = []; for i=1:wstep:Nx-w; if ~nogui set(0,'ShowHidden','on') h=findobj('tag','crqa_button_apply','Parent',h_fig(1)); if strcmpi(get(h(1),'string'),'stopped') Y(i:Nx-w,1:6)=NaN; break end end if time_scale_flag x_var=var(x(i:i+w-1,2:end)); y_var=var(y(i:i+w-1,2:end)); temp=cov(x(i:i+w-1,2:end),y(i:i+w-1,2:end)); else x_var=var(x(i:i+w-1,1)); y_var=var(y(i:i+w-1,1)); temp=cov(x(i:i+w-1,1),y(i:i+w-1,1)); end xy_var=temp(1,2); do_norm = {'non';'nor'}; % if plugin exist and method is MAX, MIN or EUC if plugin_exist & ( method_n < 4 | method_n == 9 ) & length(x) == length(y) errcode=21; warning off while 1 tmp_xdatafile = tempname; if ~exist(tmp_xdatafile), break, end end while 1 tmp_ydatafile = tempname; if ~exist(tmp_ydatafile), break, end end while 1 tmp_rqadatafile = tempname; if ~exist(tmp_rqadatafile), break, end end x_tmp = x(i:i+w-1,:); y_tmp = y(i:i+w-1,:); % save data in temporary file save(tmp_xdatafile,'x_tmp','-ascii','-tabs'); save(tmp_ydatafile,'y_tmp','-ascii','-tabs'); % call extern rp programme m_str = {'MAX', 'EUC', 'MIN', 'NR', 'RR', 'FAN', 'IN', 'OM', 'OP', 'EUC'}; [status ] = system([plugin_path,filesep,plugin_name,' -m ',num2str(m), ... ' -t ',num2str(t), ... ' -e ',num2str(e), ... ' -n ',m_str{method_n}, ... ' -w ',num2str(theiler_window), ... ' -l ',num2str(lmin), ... ' -v ',num2str(vmin), ... ' -i ',tmp_xdatafile, ... ' -j ',tmp_ydatafile, ... ' -o ',tmp_rqadatafile, ... ' -s']); errcode=22; % import RQA rqa_in = []; try fid = fopen(tmp_rqadatafile,'r'); % open RQA data file while 1 dataStr = fgetl(fid); % read RQA data if ~ischar(dataStr), break, end % leave the loop if end of file if isempty(findstr(dataStr, '#')) % neglect comments line (e.g. header) rqa_in = str2num(dataStr); % import RQA measures into local variable rqa end end fclose(fid); % close RQA data file RR = rqa_in(1); DET = rqa_in(2); LAM = rqa_in(4); Lmax = rqa_in(6); L = rqa_in(7); ENTR = rqa_in(8); Vmax = rqa_in(10); TT = rqa_in(11); t1 = rqa_in(13); t2 = rqa_in(14); RT = rqa_in(16); RTmax = rqa_in(15); RF = rqa_in(19); ENTW = rqa_in(17); warning off delete(tmp_rqadatafile); delete(tmp_xdatafile); delete(tmp_ydatafile); warning on catch warning off delete(tmp_rqadatafile); delete(tmp_xdatafile); delete(tmp_ydatafile); warning on end if nogui~=2 & ishandle(h1), set(h1,'str',[num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]); waitbar(i/(Nx-w)); drawnow, end % use builtin implementation else errcode=25; try if ~flag_pdist if time_scale_flag if length(x(i:i+w-1,:)) > 2000 X=crp_big(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,method,'nonorm','silent'); else X=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,method,'nonorm','silent'); end else X=crp2(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,method,'nonorm','silent'); end % X=crp(x(i:i+w-1,:),y(i:i+w-1,:),m,t,e,varargin{i_char},'silent'); else %%%%%%%%%%%% % alternative using pdist xcor = @(x,y) sqrt(sum((repmat(x,size(y,1),1)-y).^2,2)); x_dist = pdist(x(i:i+w-1,:),xcor); X = squareform(x_dist); end %%%%%%%%%%%% warning off if nogui~=2 & ishandle(h1), set(h1,'str',[num2str(i),'/',num2str(Nx-w)]); waitbar(i/(Nx-w)); drawnow, end %if 0 catch error(lasterr) if nogui~=2 & ishandle(hw), close(hw), end end N=size(X); if theiler_window > 0 X_theiler=double(triu(X,theiler_window))+double(tril(X,-theiler_window)); else X_theiler=X; end errcode=26; % compute recurrence times of 1st and 2nd type if size(X_theiler,2) > 1000 t1=[];t2=[]; rps2=find(diff(double(X_theiler(:)))==1); rps=find(X_theiler(:)); t1=diff(rps); t2=diff(rps2); else t1 = []; t2 = []; for i2=1:size(X_theiler,2) if nogui~=2 & (Nx-w < 2) & ~rem(i2,25), waitbar(i2/size(X_theiler,2)), end rps2=find(diff(double(X_theiler(:,i2)))==1); rps=find(X_theiler(:,i2)); t1=[t1;diff(rps)]; t2=[t2;diff(rps2)]; end end t1=mean(t1); t2=mean(t2); errcode=27; [a b]=dl(X_theiler); hist_l = [hist_l; b]; N_hist_l(i) = length(b); warning off errcode=271; b(b<lmin)=[]; [c d dw]=tt(X_theiler); hist_v = [hist_v; d]; hist_w = [hist_w; dw]; N_hist_v(i) = length(d); N_hist_w(i) = length(dw); warning off errcode=272; d(find(d<vmin))=[]; errcode=273; N_all = (N(1)*N(2)); % reduce the number of possible states by the Theiler window; % because the Theiler window is applied symmetrically (on the LOI) % we only use N(1) and not N(2) if theiler_window >= 1 N_all = N_all - N(1) - 2*((theiler_window-1)*N(1) - sum(1:(theiler_window-1))); end RR=sum(X_theiler(:))/N_all; %b(find(b>=max(N)-lmin))=[]; if isempty(b), b=0; end if isempty(b), b=0; end errcode=274; if sum(X_theiler(:)) > 0 DET=sum(b)/sum(X_theiler(:)); else DET=NaN; end errcode=275; L=mean(b); histL=hist(b(:),[1:min(N)]); ENTR=entropy(histL(:)); errcode=276; if sum(X_theiler(:))>0 LAM=sum(d)/sum(sum(X_theiler)); else LAM=NaN; end % recurrence times RT = mean(dw); [dwh dwi] = hist(dw,[1:max(dw)]); if dwh [dws dwsi] = sort(dwh); RTp = dwi(dwsi(end)); % most probable recurrence time else RTp = 0; end RTmax = max(dw); % maximal recurrence time RF = 1/RTmax; % minimal recurrence frequency ENTW = entropy(dwh(:)); errcode=277; TT=mean(d); b=[b;0]; Lmax=max(b); d=[d;0]; Vmax=max(d); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% new measures % RPDE errcode=278; bins = [.5:max(dw)+.5]; dwh = histc(dw,bins); dwh = dwh(:); %dwh if max(dw) > 0 && numel(bins) > 3 RTE = entropy(dwh) / log(max(dw)); else RTE = NaN; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% network measures % global clustering coefficient errcode=279; kv = sum(X_theiler,1); % degree of nodes Clust = mean(diag(double(X_theiler)*double(X_theiler)*double(X_theiler))' ./ (kv .* (kv-1))); % transitivity denom = sum(sum(double(X_theiler) * double(X_theiler))); Trans = trace(double(X_theiler)*double(X_theiler)*double(X_theiler))/denom; end % end plugin warning on errcode=28; Y(i,1)=RR; Y(i,2)=DET; Y(i,3)=L; Y(i,4)=Lmax; Y(i,5)=ENTR; Y(i,6)=LAM; Y(i,7)=TT; Y(i,8)=Vmax; Y(i,9)=t1; Y(i,10)=t2; Y(i,11)=RTE; Y(i,12)=Clust; Y(i,13)=Trans; if undocumented Y(i,14)=RT; Y(i,15)=RTmax; Y(i,16)=RF; Y(i,17)=ENTW; else Y(i,15)=x_var; Y(i,16)=y_var; Y(i,17)=xy_var; end end % end window loop % significance by bootstrap % nboot = 100; % nD = round(mean(N_hist_l(N_hist_l>0))); % nV = round(mean(N_hist_v(N_hist_v>0))); % nW = round(mean(N_hist_w(N_hist_w>0))); % for i = 1:nboot % onesample = ceil(length(hist_l)*rand(length(hist_l),1)); % onesample = onesample(ceil(nD*rand(nD,1))); % tmp = sum(hist_l(onesample,:) >= lmin )/ sum(hist_l(onesample,:)); % bootstatDET(i,:) = (tmp(:))'; % tmp = mean(hist_l(onesample,:) >= lmin); % bootstatL(i,:) = (tmp(:))'; % % onesample = ceil(length(hist_v)*rand(length(hist_v),1)); % onesample = onesample(ceil(nV*rand(nV,1))); % tmp = sum(hist_v(onesample,:) >= vmin )/ sum(hist_v(onesample,:)); % bootstatLAM(i,:) = (tmp(:))'; % tmp = mean(hist_v(onesample,:) >= vmin); % bootstatTT(i,:) = (tmp(:))'; % % onesample = ceil(length(hist_w)*rand(length(hist_w),1)); % onesample = onesample(ceil(nW*rand(nW,1))); % tmp = mean(hist_w(onesample,:)); % bootstatT2(i,:) = (tmp(:))'; % end if ishandle(hw), waitbar(1); drawnow; close(hw), end % close waitbar if ~nogui h=findobj('tag','crqa_button_apply'); set(h(1),'ToolTip','Starts the computation.','String','Apply','Callback','crqa compute') for j=1:length(obj); h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); if ~isempty(h) set(h,'Enable','On') end end end if ~nogui, h=findobj('Tag','crqa_Fig'); if ~isempty(h), set(0,'CurrentFigure',h(1)); end setptr(gcf,'arrow'), end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot if ~nogui set(0,'showhidden','on') errcode=30; h=findobj('Tag','crqa_Fig'); if ~isempty(h), set(0,'CurrentFigure',h(1)); end tx={'RR';'DET';'L';'ENTR';'LAM';'TT';'RTE';'T_2';'Variance';'Covariance'}; index=[1,2,3,5,6,7,11,10,15,16,17]; tags={'crqa_axes_RR','crqa_axes_DET','crqa_axes_L','crqa_axes_ENTR','crqa_axes_LAM','crqa_axes_TT','crqa_axes_RTE','crqa_axes_T2','crqa_axes_Var','crqa_axes_CoVar'}; h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_RR','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(1)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_DET','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(2)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_L','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(3)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_ENTR','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(4)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_LAM','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(5)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_TT','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(6)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_RTE','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(7)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_T2','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(8)=h(1); h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_Var','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(9)=h(1); if ~all(x(:)==y(:)), h=findobj('Tag','crqa_axes_CoVar','Parent',gcf); h_axes.h(10)=h(1); end for i=1:9, set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h_axes.h(i)) if size(Y,1)==1 cla text(0.5,0.5,sprintf('%6.4f',Y(index(i))),'FontWeight','bold','HorizontalAlign','Center') % if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) & i==9 % cla % text(0.5,0.5,sprintf('%6.5f, %6.5f',Y(index(i)),Y(index(i+1))),'FontWeight','bold','HorizontalAlign','Center') % set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h_axes.h(i+1));cla % set(h_axes.h(i+1),'visible','off'); % end else if i==9 cla h2=stairs(xscale(1:wstep:length(Y)),Y(1:wstep:end,index(i))); set(h2,'color',props.line.Color) if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) set(gca,'Color','none') hold on; h2=stairs(xscale(1:wstep:length(Y)),Y(1:wstep:end,index(10)),'r'); set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h_axes.h(i+1));cla set(h_axes.h(10),'visible','on'); h3=stairs(xscale(1:wstep:length(Y)),Y(1:wstep:end,index(11))); set(h3,'color',[0 .4 0]); ylabel(tx(i+1)); set(h_axes.h(i+1),'Tag',tags{i+1},'Units','Norm','Color','none','YAxisLocation','right','YColor',[0 .4 0]) end else plot(xscale(1:wstep:length(Y)),Y(1:wstep:end,index(i)),'color',props.line.Color) end end set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h_axes.h(i)); ylabel(tx(i)); set(gca,'Tag',tags{i},'color',props.axes.Color,'Units','Norm') end h=findobj('Tag','crqa_button_store'); set(h(1),'UserData',Y,'Enable','On') xlim = get(h_axes.h(9),'xlim'); if length(Y(:,1)) > 1, set(h_crqa_axes_Data,'xlim',xlim), end if ~all(x(:)==y(:)) & length(Y(:,1)) == 1, set(h_axes.h(10),'visible','off'); delete(get(h_axes.h(10),'children')), end else if nargout, xout=Y(:,argout_index); end end if nargout, xout=Y(:,argout_index); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the end end %if 0 catch if nogui~=2, if ishandle(hw), close(hw), end , end if nargout, xout = NaN; end z=whos;x=lasterr;y=lastwarn;in=varargin{1}; print_error('crqa',z,x,y,in,method,action) try, if ~nogui h=findobj('tag','crqa_button_apply'); set(h(1),'ToolTip','Starts the computation.','String','Apply','Callback','crqa compute') for j=1:length(obj); h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); if ~isempty(h) set(h,'Enable','On') end end, end end set(0,'showhidden','on') h=findobj('Tag','crqa_Fig'); if ~isempty(h), setptr(h(1),'arrow'); end set(0,'showhidden','off') end try, set(0,props.root), end try set(0,'ShowHidden','off') end