function [a_out, b_out]=pss(varargin) %PSS Computes phase space size. % [Y Z]=PSS(X [,M,T]) computes the maximal (Y) and the % averaged (Z) phase space diameter of embedded data X, % with the embedding parameters dimension M and lag T. % % [Y Z]=PSS(..., NORM) computes the maximal and averaged % phase space diameter by using a specified norm, where % NORM can be % maxnorm - Maximum norm. % euclidean - Euclidean norm (default). % minnorm - Minimum norm. % % See also PHASESPACE, CRP, CRQA. % Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by AMRON % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. error(nargchk(1,4,nargin)); if nargout>2, error('Too many output arguments'), end i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double')); i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char')); check_meth={'ma','eu','mi'}; % maxnorm, euclidean, minnorm temp_meth=0; if ~isempty(i_char) for i=1:length(i_char), varargin{i_char(i)}(3)='0'; temp_meth=strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); end method=min(find(temp_meth)); if isempty(method), method=2; end if method>3, method=3; end else method=2; end x=double(varargin{i_double(1)}); if length(i_double)>1 & max(size(varargin{i_double(2)}))==1 m=varargin{i_double(2)}; else m=1; end if length(i_double)>2 & max(size(varargin{i_double(3)}))==1 t=varargin{i_double(3)}; else t=1; end Nx=length(x);NX=Nx-t*(m-1); i=(1:NX)';j=0:t:0+(m-1)*t; i=reshape(i(:,ones(1,m))+j(ones(NX,1),:),m*NX,1); x1=x(i); x2=reshape(x1,NX,m); [NX, mx] = size(x2); px = permute(x2, [ 1 3 2 ]); py = permute(x2, [ 3 1 2 ]); s1 = px(:,ones(1,NX),:) - py(ones(1,NX),:,:); switch(method) case{1} max_dist = max(x(1:end-(m-1)*t))-min(x(1:end-(m-1)*t)); s = max(abs(s1),[],3); case{2} s = sum(s1.^2, 3); max_dist = sqrt(max(s(:))); case{3} s = sum(abs(s1), 3); max_dist = max(sum(x2,2))-min(sum(x2,2)); end mean_dist = sqrt(mean(s(:))); if nargout==2 b_out=mean_dist; end if nargout>0 a_out=max_dist; else max_dist end