function varargout=ace(x,y,w,ii,oi) %ACE Finds optimal transformation and maximal correlation. % MCOR=ACE(X,Y [,W,II,OI]) estimates the maximal correlation % of the system theta(X)=phi(Y), where X is one-dimensional % and Y can be multi-dimensional. % % [THETA, PHI]=ACE(X,Y [,W,II,OI]) estimates the optimal % transformations THETA and PHI of the system theta(X)=phi(Y). % % [THETA, PHI, MCOR]=ACE(X,Y [,W,II,OI]) estimates the optimal % transformations THETA and PHI and the maximal correlation % MCOR of the system theta(X)=phi(Y). % % [THETA, PHI, MCOR, I, O, Imax, Omax]=ACE(X,Y [,W,II,OI]) % estimates the THETA, PHI and MCOR and outputs the number of % inner iterations I, break-up number of inner inner iterations, % number of outer iterations O and break-up number of outer % inner iterations. If the algorithm doesn't converge, the % number of iterations will be negative signed. % % ACE(...) without parameters plots the optimal transformations % THETA and PHI. % % Optional parameters: % W is the half-length of the boxcar window, II is the maximal % number of inner iterations, OI is the minimal number of outer % iterations. If W=[], the default boxcar window size is 11. % % Examples: x = (-1:.002:1) + .3 * rand(1,1001); % y = (-1:.002:1) .^ 2 + .3* rand(1,1001); % corrcoef(x,y) % ace(y,x) % % References: % Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H.: % Estimating Optimal Transformations for Multiple regression % and Correlation, J. Am. Stat. Assoc., Vol. 80, No. 391, 1985. % Voss, H., Kurths, J.: % Reconstruction of nonlinear time delay models from data by the % use of optimal transformations, Phys. Lett. A, 234, 1997. % % See also: MCF % Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by AMRON % Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany % % % $Date$ % $Revision$ % % $Log$ % Revision 1.5 2004/11/10 07:05:02 marwan % initial import % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the in/out error(nargchk(2,5,nargin)) error(nargoutchk(0,7,nargout)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL filename='ace'; which_res=which([filename,'.m']); gplrc_path=[strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''), 'private']; gplrc_file=[gplrc_path, filesep, '.gpl.',filename]; if ~exist(gplrc_path) mkdir(strrep(which_res,[filename,'.m'],''),'private') end if ~exist(gplrc_file) fid=fopen(gplrc_file,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n','If you delete this file, the GNU Public License will'); fprintf(fid,'%s','splash up at the next time the programme starts.'); fclose(fid); if exist('gpl') txt=gpl; else txt={'The GNU General Public License was not found.'}; end h=figure('NumberTitle','off',..., 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'Name','GNU General Public License'); ha=get(h,'Position'); h=uicontrol('Style','Listbox',... 'ButtonDownFcn','close',... 'CallBack','close',... 'Position',[0 0 ha(3) ha(4)],... 'FontName','Courier',... 'BackgroundColor',[.8 .8 .8],... 'String',txt); waitfor(h) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% initialization flag=1; if size(y,1)<size(y,2) y=y'; end if size(x,1)<size(x,2) x=x'; end if size(x,2)>1, error('The dimension of x must be one.'); end if nargin<5 | isempty(oi) oi=1000; end if nargin<4 | isempty(ii) ii=100; end if nargin<3 | isempty(w) w=round(.1*size(y,1));w=5; end N=size(y,1); dim=size(y,2); if size(x,1)~=N error('The lengths of x and y must match.') end ocrit=1*eps; icrit=1*eps; % relative accuracy of the CPU try %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sorting [xs ix]=sort(x); [ys iy]=sort(y); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IID distributed data xr(ix,1)=(1:N)'; for d=1:dim, yr(iy(:,d),d)=(1:N)'; end theta=(xr-(N+1)/2)/sqrt(N*(N+1)/12); phi=(yr-(N+1)/2)/sqrt(N*(N+1)/12); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% iteration process ieps=1.; oeps=1.; o=1; ocrit1=1; maxi=0; h0=waitbar(0,'','Name','Iteration`s Progress'); pos=get(h0,'Position'); set(h0,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2)+100 pos(3) pos(4)]); h1=get(get(h0,'Children'),'Title'); while o<=oi & ocrit1>ocrit % waitbar(log(eps/ocrit1)/36+1), set(h1,'String',['convergence: ', num2str(ocrit1)]) waitbar(o/oi), set(h1,'String',['convergence: ', num2str(ocrit1)]) o=o+1; i=1; icrit1=1; while i<=ii & icrit1>icrit i=i+1; for d=1:dim; sum0=0; for dd=1:dim if dd~=d sum0=sum0+phi(:,dd); end; end; A=theta-sum0; A=A(iy(:,d)); % A=phi(xk) = sortierung ww=-w:w; % r=conv(A,exp((-ww.^2)/(.5*(ww(end)-ww(1)))^2)); % faltung = gleitender mittelwert r=conv(A,ones(2*w+1,1)); % faltung = gleitender mittelwert r=r(w+1:N+w)/(2*w+1); % bringt r wieder auf die laenge von y switch flag case 1 r(1:w)=interp1([w+1:2*w+1],r([w+1:2*w+1]),[1:w],'linear','extrap'); r(N-w+1:N)=interp1([N-2*w:N-w],r([N-2*w:N-w]),[N-w+1:N],'linear','extrap'); case 2 r(1:w)=mean(r(w+1:w+2)); r(N-w+1:N)=mean(r(N-w-1:N-w)); end % phi(:,d)=r(:,d); phi(:,d)=r(yr(:,d)); % sortiert r wieder auf ausgangssortierung end; icrit1=ieps; if dim==1 sum0=phi; else sum0=sum(phi')'; end; ieps=sum((sum0-theta).^2)/N; icrit1=abs(icrit1-ieps); % konvergiert die varianz noch? end; A=sum0(ix); % A=sum0; % r=conv(A,exp((-ww.^2)/(.5*(ww(end)-ww(1)))^2)); % faltung = gleitender mittelwert r=conv(A,ones(2*w+1,1)); r=r(w+1:N+w)/(2*w+1); switch flag case 1 r(1:w)=interp1([w+1:2*w+1],r([w+1:2*w+1]),[1:w],'linear','extrap');% r(N-w+1:N)=interp1([N-2*w:N-w],r([N-2*w:N-w]),[N-w+1:N],'linear','extrap'); case 2 r(1:w)=mean(r(w+1:w+2)); r(N-w+1:N)=mean(r(N-w-1:N-w)); end theta=r(xr); % theta=r; theta=(theta-mean(theta))/std(theta); ocrit1=oeps; oeps=sum((sum0-theta).^2)/N; ocrit1=abs(ocrit1-oeps); if maxi<i, maxi=i; end end waitbar(1), if ocrit1>ocrit, set(h1,'String','doesn`t converge!'), ocrit1=-ocrit1; pause(.8), end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% output temp=corrcoef(theta,sum0); if nargout==7 varargout(7)={ocrit1}; end if nargout>=6 varargout(6)={icrit1}; end if nargout>=5 varargout(5)={o-1}; end if nargout>=4 varargout(4)={maxi-1}; end if nargout>=3 varargout(3)={temp(1,2)}; end if nargout>=2; varargout(1)={theta}; varargout(2)={phi}; end if nargout==1; varargout(1)={temp(1,2)}; elseif nargout==0 a=theta; b=phi; c=temp(1,2); d=maxi-1; e=o-1; f=icrit1; g=ocrit1; N=size(b,1); dim=size(b,2); figure subplot(ceil((dim+2)/2),2,1) plot(x,a,'k.','MarkerSize',0.5) if isempty(inputname(1)); tx=['\Theta(x)']; xlabel('x') else tx=['\Theta(',inputname(1) ,')']; xlabel(inputname(1)) end ylabel(tx) for i=2:dim+1, [s1 s2]=sort(y(:,i-1)); thetainv=interp1(a+.0000001.*randn(length(a),1),x,b(s2,i-1),'nearest'); subplot(ceil((dim+2)/2),2,i) [hAX h1 h2]=plotyy(y(:,i-1),b(:,i-1), s1,thetainv); set(h1,'Color','k','LineStyle','none','Marker','.','MarkerSize',0.5) set(h2,'Color',[.6 .6 .6],'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','MarkerSize',0.5) set(hAX(1),'ycolor','k'), set(hAX(2),'ycolor',.5.*[.6 .6 .6]) if isempty(inputname(2)); tx=['\Phi_{' num2str(i-1) '}(y)']; tx2=['\Theta^{-1}(\Phi_{' num2str(i-1) '}(y))']; xlabel('y_*') else tx=['\Phi_{' num2str(i-1) '}(',inputname(2) ,')']; tx2=['\Theta^{-1}(\Phi_{' num2str(i-1) '}(',inputname(2) ,'))']; xlabel(inputname(2)) end ylabel(tx) s1(find(isnan(thetainv)))=[]; thetainv(find(isnan(thetainv)))=[]; [smax sind]=max(s1); h1=text(smax+.051*abs(max(s1)-min(s1)),thetainv(sind),tx2,'FontSize',8); set(h1,'Parent',hAX(2)) end sig=0; h=subplot(ceil((dim+2)/2),2,2*ceil((dim+2)/2)); txt=char; if f<0 | g<0 txt='doesn''t converge!'; end tf=f/eps;tg=g/eps; if tf>9999, tf=num2str(tf,'%1.0e'); else, tf=num2str(tf); end if tg>9999, tg=num2str(tg,'%1.0e'); else, tg=num2str(tg); end set(h,'Visible','off') text(.1,-.18,date,'FontSize',8,'FontAngle','Italic') text(.1,.8,['A C E'],'FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold','FontName','new century schoolbook') text(.1,.6,['Max. Correlation \Psi: ' num2str(c)]) text(.1,.5,['5% Significance level: ...' ]) %num2str(sig)]) text(.1,.35,['Data length: ' num2str(N)]) text(.1,.25,['Window length: ' num2str(2*w+1)]) text(.1,.15,['Number of Iterations: ', num2str(d), '/ ', num2str(e)]) text(.1,.05,['divergence criteria/eps: ', tf, '/ ', tg]) if ~isempty(txt) text(.1,-.05,txt,'Color',[.8 0 0],'FontWeight','Bold') end end close(h0) catch delete(h0) if ~strcmpi(lasterr,'Interrupt') disp('Could not compute the optimal transformations.') disp('Try other input arguments.') end for i=1:nargout,varargout(i)={NaN};end end