% modify the following lines for your purpose toolbox_name='CRP Toolbox'; % name of the toolbox install_file='install.m'; % name of the install script deinstall_file='crpclean.m'; % name of the deinstall script old_dirs=[{'crpdemo'},{'crp-tb'},{'crp-tool'},{'crp'}]; % possible old (obsolete) toolbox folders install_dirPC='crptool'; % the folder where the toolbox files will be extracted (PC) install_dirUNIX='CRPtool'; % the folder where the toolbox files will be extracted (UNIX) src_dir='/usr/users4/marwan/matlab/CRPtool'; % folder with the origin toolbox version_file='crp.m'; % include in this file a line like this: % Version: Number version_number=''; % or put the version number in this variable release='R17'; % the release number infostring='The printable manual is crp_man.pdf.'; % further information displayed during installation xml_name='Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox'; xml_demo='crp(sin(-4:.1:4),''dis'')'; xml_start=''; xml_web='http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de/~marwan/toolbox.html';