diff --git a/phasesynchro.m b/phasesynchro.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9eaafdf652f5d1b9955c0d144c34ba6a293abe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phasesynchro.m
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+function CPRout = phasesynchro(varargin);
+% PS   Indicator of phase synchronisation by means of recurrences.
+%    CPR=PHASESYNCHRO(X,Y [,param1,param2,...]) calculates the 
+%    index of phase synchronisation based on recurrences.
+%    CPR=PHASESYNCHRO(X,Y,M,T,E,W) uses the dimension M, delay T, 
+%    the size of neighbourhood E and the range W of past and future 
+%    time steps.
+%    If X and Y are multi-column vectors then they will be 
+%    considered as phase space vectors (TAUCRP can be used
+%    for real phase space vectors without embedding).
+%    The call of PHASESYNCHRO without output arguments plots the
+%    tau-recurrence rate and the CPR value in the current figure.
+%    Parameters: dimension M, delay T, the size of neighbourhood 
+%    E and the range W are the first four numbers after the data 
+%    series; further parameters can be used to switch between 
+%    various methods of finding the neighbours of the phasespace 
+%    trajectory and to suppress the normalization of the data.
+%    Methods of finding the neighbours/ of plot.
+%      maxnorm     - Maximum norm.
+%      euclidean   - Euclidean norm.
+%      minnorm     - Minimum norm.
+%      maxnorm     - Maximum norm, fixed recurrence rate.
+%      fan         - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours.
+%    Normalization of the data series.
+%      normalize   - Normalization of the data.
+%      nonormalize - No normalization of the data.
+%    Suppressing the plot of the results.
+%      silent      - Suppresses the plot.
+%    Parameters not needed to be specified.
+%    Examples: a = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67);
+%              b = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67) + randn(1,1000);
+%              phasesynchro(a,b,2,17,'nonorm','euclidean');
+%    See also CRP, CRP2, CRP_BIG, JRP, CRQA.
+%    References: 
+%    Marwan, N., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J.: 
+%    Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics 
+%    Reports, 438(5-6), 2007.
+%    Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J., Kiss, I. Z., Hudson, J.: 
+%    Detection of synchronization for non-phase-coherent and 
+%    non-stationary data, Europhysics Letters, 71(3), 2005.
+% Copyright (c) 2008 by AMRON
+% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany
+% http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de
+% $Date$
+% $Revision$
+% $Log$
+%    Examples: a = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67);
+%              b = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67) + rand(1,1000);
+%              X = phasesynchro(a,b,2,17,'nonorm','euclidean');
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties
+global errcode props
+m_init = 1;
+tau_init = 1;
+eps_init = 0.1;
+w_init = 100;
+method_str={'Maximum Norm','Euclidean Norm','Minimum Norm','Maximum Norm, fixed RR','FAN'};
+norm_str = {'nor','non'};
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input
+if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read the input
+check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','rr','fa'}; 	% maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm,  fan
+check_norm={'non','nor'};				% nonormalize, normalize
+check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'};				% gui, nogui, silent
+if isnumeric(varargin{1}) 		% read commandline input
+   varargin{9}=[];
+   % transform any int to double
+   intclasses = {'uint8';'uint16';'uint32';'uint64';'int8';'int16';'int32';'int64'};
+   flagClass = [];
+   for i = 1:length(intclasses)
+       i_int=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,intclasses{i}));
+       if ~isempty(i_int)
+           for j = 1:length(i_int)
+               varargin{i_int(j)} = double(varargin{i_int(j)});
+           end
+           flagClass = [flagClass; i_int(:)];
+       end
+   end
+   if ~isempty(flagClass)
+       disp(['Warning: Input arguments at position [',num2str(flagClass'),'] contain integer values']);
+       disp(['(now converted to double).'])
+   end
+   i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double'));
+   i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char'));
+   % check the text input parameters for method, gui and normalization
+   temp_meth=0;
+   temp_norm=0;
+   temp_gui=0;
+   if ~isempty(i_char)
+      for i=1:length(i_char), 
+         varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0';
+         temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); 
+         temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); 
+         temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); 
+      end
+      method=min(find(temp_meth));
+      nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1;
+      nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1;
+      if isempty(method), method=1; end
+      if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end
+      if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end
+      if method>length(check_meth), method=length(check_meth); end
+      if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end
+      if nogui>2, nogui=2; end
+   else
+      method=1; nonorm=1; nogui=0;
+   end
+   if nogui==0 & nargout>0, nogui=1; end
+   % get the parameters for creating RP
+     if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3
+        error('To less values in data X.')
+     end
+     x=double(varargin{1});
+     if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else
+     y=double(varargin{2}); end
+     if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2})
+       y=x;
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m0=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m0=m_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=tau_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=eps_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=w_init; end
+     else
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m0=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m0=m_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=tau_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=eps_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), w=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else w=w_init; end
+     end
+     t=round(t); m0=round(m0); mflag=method;
+     if e<0, e=1; disp('Warning: The threshold size E cannot be negative and is now set to 1.'), end
+     if t<1, t=1; disp('Warning: The delay T cannot be smaller than one and is now set to 1.'), end
+     if m0 < 1, m0 = 1; end
+     if t < 1, t = 1; end
+     if size(x,1)==1, x=x'; end, if size(y,1)==1, y=y'; end 
+     m=max([size(x,2) size(y,2)]);
+     if w > size(x,1); w = size(x,1); end
+     if method==8 & (m*m0) > 1, 
+       m0=1; 
+       error(['The neighbourhood criterion ''Oder matrix''',10,'is not implemented - use crp or crp_big instead.'])
+     end
+     if method==9 & (m*m0) == 1, 
+       m0=2; 
+         disp(['Warning: For order patterns recurrence plots the dimension must',10,...
+              'be larger than one. ',...
+              'Embedding dimension is set to ',num2str(m0),'.'])
+     end
+     action='init';
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(x)))
+     disp('NaN detected (in first variable) - will be cleared.')
+     for k=1:size(x,2),  x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end
+  end
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(y)))
+     disp('NaN detected (in second variable) - will be cleared.')
+     for k=1:size(y,2),  y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end
+  end
+  if size(x,1) < t*(m-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m-1)+1
+     error(['Too less data',10,...
+            'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.'])
+  end
+    Nx=size(x,1); Ny=size(y,1);
+    NX=Nx-t*(m0-1);NY=Ny-t*(m0-1);
+    x0=zeros(Nx,m);y0=zeros(Ny,m);
+    x0(1:size(x,1),1:size(x,2))=x; 
+    y0(1:size(y,1),1:size(y,2))=y; 
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(x))), for k=1:size(x,2),  x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(y))), for k=1:size(y,2),  y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end
+  if size(x,1) < t*(m0-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m0-1)+1
+     error(['Too less data',10,...
+            'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.'])
+  end
+  error('No valid input given!')
+% compute RR-tau
+X = taucrp(x, m, t, e, w, check_meth(method),check_norm(nonorm+1));
+X_ = taucrp(y, m, t, e, w, check_meth(method),check_norm(nonorm+1));
+X = [zeros(2*w+1,1) X zeros(2*w+1,1)];
+X_ = [zeros(2*w+1,1) X_ zeros(2*w+1,1)];
+x_diff = diff(X,[],2); % mark start and end points of line structures with -1 and +1
+x_diff_ = diff(X_,[],2); % mark start and end points of line structures with -1 and +1
+[line_start col1] = find(x_diff' == 1); % index of start points
+[line_end col2] = find(x_diff' == -1); % index of end points
+[line_start_ col1_] = find(x_diff_' == 1); % index of start points
+[line_end_ col2_] = find(x_diff_' == -1); % index of end points
+l = line_end - line_start; % length of all lines
+l_corr = l; l_corr(l < lmin) = 0; % only lines longer than lmin
+tau = unique(col1); % lag at which the lines where found
+l_ = line_end_ - line_start_; % length of all lines
+l_corr_ = l_; l_corr_(l_ < lmin) = 0; % only lines longer than lmin
+tau_ = unique(col1_); % lag at which the lines where found
+RR = zeros(2*w+1,1); RR_ = zeros(2*w+1,1);
+for i = tau'; % waitbar(i/max(tau))
+    j = col1==i;
+    N_recpoints = sum(l(j)); % number of recurrence points at a given lag
+    N_pointsline = sum(l_corr(j)); % number of recurrence points forming lines
+    DET(i) = N_pointsline/N_recpoints;
+    L(i) = mean(l_corr(j));
+    RR(i) = sum(l(j))/(NX-abs(w-i));
+for i = tau_';
+    j = col1_==i;
+    N_recpoints = sum(l_(j)); % number of recurrence points at a given lag
+    N_pointsline = sum(l_corr_(j)); % number of recurrence points forming lines
+    DET_(i) = N_pointsline/N_recpoints;
+    L_(i) = mean(l_corr_(j));
+    RR_(i) = sum(l_(j))/(NX-abs(w-i));
+RR(find(isnan(RR)))=0; RR_(find(isnan(RR)))=0;
+rr1 = normalize(RR(w+1:end));
+rr2 = normalize(RR_(w+1:end));
+% ACF of RR-tau
+a1 = xcov(rr1,'unbiased'); a1(1:w) = [];
+i1 = find(a1 < 1/exp(1),1);
+a2 = xcov(rr2,'unbiased'); a2(1:w) = [];
+i2 = find(a2 < 1/exp(1),1);
+i3 = max([i1 i2]);
+% correlation coefficient
+C = corrcoef(rr1(i3:end), rr2(i3:end));
+CPR = C(1,2);
+% plot
+if nogui ~= 2
+    plot(0:i3,rr1(1:i3+1),':',0:i3,rr2(1:i3+1),':'), hold on
+    plot(i3:w,rr1(i3+1:end),i3:w,rr2(i3+1:end)), hold off
+    title(['CPR: ',sprintf('%2.2f',CPR)], 'fontw','bold')
+    xlabel('Lag'), ylabel('RR_{\tau}')
+if nargout | nogui == 2
+    CPRout = CPR;
diff --git a/recons.m b/recons.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ce53b66a985b6e8c35f0a87b60954052a82b865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recons.m
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+function xout=recons(varargin)
+%RECONS   Reconstruct a time series from a recurrence plot.
+%    Y = RECONS(X) reconstructs a time series Y from the 
+%    recurrence plot in the matrix X.
+%    Y = RECONS(X,NAME) reconstructs the time series using
+%    the named cumulative distribution function, which can
+%    be 'norm' or 'Normal' (defeault), 'unif' or 'Uniform'.
+%    Y = RECONS(X,P) reconstructs the time series using
+%    the cumulative distribution function given by vector P.
+%    See also CRP, CRP2, JRP.
+%    References: 
+%    Thiel, M., Romano, M. C., Kurths, J.: 
+%    How much information is contained in a recurrence plot?, 
+%    Phys. Lett. A, 330, 2004.
+% Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by AMRON
+% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany
+% http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de
+% $Date$
+% $Revision$
+% $Log$
+% This program is part of the new generation XXII series.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or any later version.
+errcode = 0;
+if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end
+if isnumeric(varargin{1})==1 		% read RP
+    X = double(varargin{1});
+    error('Input must be numeric.')
+N = size(X); maxN = prod(N)+1;
+if N(1) ~= N(2)
+    error('Input must be square matrix.')
+% final distribution        
+errcode = 1;
+if nargin > 1 & isnumeric(varargin{2})==1
+    P = varargin{2};
+elseif nargin > 1 & ischar(varargin{2})==1
+    if strcmpi(varargin{2}(1:3), 'uni')
+        P = (0:1/(N(1)-1):1)';
+        disp('uni')
+    end
+P(isnan(P)) = []; % remove NaN from distribution
+h_waitbar = waitbar(0,'Remove double columns'); drawnow
+% remove double rows
+errcode = 2;
+[X2 uniI J]=unique(X,'rows');
+uniI = sort(uniI);
+% this are the removed rows
+rem = setdiff(1:length(X2),uniI); 
+%X3(rem,:) = X(rem,:);
+% this are the corresponding columns
+for i = 1:length(rem), waitbar(i/length(rem))
+%    [dummy, dblI(i), a2] = intersect(X, X(rem(i),:), 'rows');
+    X2 = X;
+    X2(rem,:) = -1;
+    dblI(i) = find(all((X2 == repmat(X(rem(i),:), size(X2,2), 1))'));
+% number of non-neighbours
+errcode = 3;
+waitbar(0, h_waitbar, 'Search neighbours'); drawnow
+NN = maxN*ones(N);
+%N = zeros(size(X1));
+for i = 1:size(X,1), waitbar(i/size(X,1))
+    if ~ismember(i,rem)
+        % indices of RPs at i
+        I = find(X(i,:));
+        I(ismember(I,rem)) = [];
+        % number of non-neighbours
+        n = sum((X(I,:) - repmat(X(i,:),length(I),1)) == 1,2);
+        NN(i,I) = n';
+    end
+errcode = 4;
+% remove entries on the main diagonal in N
+i(1:size(NN,1)) = 1; NN(find(diag(i))) = maxN;
+% determine the both indices where N == 0 for all i
+iNaN = NN == maxN; i = find(iNaN); NN2 = NN; NN2(i) = zeros(size(i)); % remove NaNs
+n = sum(NN2,1);
+borderI(ismember(borderI,rem)) = [];
+k = borderI(1);
+r = k; % start point in the rank order vector
+errcode = 5;
+waitbar(0, h_waitbar, 'Reconstructing time series'); drawnow
+while min(NN(:)) < maxN
+    % look for the minimal N(k,:)
+    waitbar(length(r)/N(1))
+    [dummy kneu] = min(NN(k,:));
+    if ~isempty(dummy) kneu = find(NN(k,:) == dummy); else break, end
+    if length(kneu) > 1 % if a set of minimal N exist
+        [dummy kneu_index] = min(NN(kneu,k));
+        kneu=kneu(kneu_index);
+    end
+    NN(:,k) = maxN;
+    kold = k;
+    k=kneu;
+    r = [r; k]; % add the new found index to the rank order vector
+errcode = 6;
+% adjust length of the distribution
+P = interp1((1:length(P))/length(P), P, (1:length(r))/length(r),'cubic');
+% assign the distribution to the rank order series
+waitbar(0, h_waitbar, 'Assigning distribution'); drawnow
+clear xneu
+for i = 1:length(r);
+    xneu(r(i)) = P(i);
+    waitbar(i/length(r))
+errcode = 7;
+% add the removed (doubled) elements
+for i =1:length(rem)
+    xneu(rem(i)) = xneu(dblI(i));
+errcode = 8;
+if nargout
+    xout = xneu;
+    xneu
+%%%%%%% error handling
+%if 0
+  z=whos;x=lasterr;y=lastwarn;in=varargin{1};
+  if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','TMWWaitbar')), delete(findobj('Tag','TMWWaitbar')), end
+  if ~strcmpi(lasterr,'Interrupt')
+    fid=fopen('error.log','w');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','Please send us the following error report. Provide a brief');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','description of what you were doing when this problem occurred.');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','E-mail or FAX this information to us at:');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','    E-mail:  marwan@agnld.uni-potsdam.de');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','       Fax:  ++49 +331 977 1142');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n\n\n','Thank you for your assistance.');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',repmat('-',50,1));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',datestr(now,0));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',['Matlab ',char(version),' on ',computer]);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',repmat('-',50,1));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',x);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',y);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[' during ==> recons']);
+    if ~isempty(errcode)
+      err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[' errorcode ==> ',num2str(errcode)]);
+    else
+      err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[' errorcode ==> no errorcode available']);
+    end
+    err=fclose(fid);
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp('       ERROR OCCURED ');
+    disp(['   during executing recons']);
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp(x);
+    if ~isempty(errcode)
+      disp(['   errorcode is ',num2str(errcode)]);
+    else
+      disp('   no errorcode available');
+    end
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp('   Please send us the error report. For your convenience, ')
+    disp('   this information has been recorded in: ')
+    disp(['   ',fullfile(pwd,'error.log')]), disp(' ')
+    disp('   Provide a brief description of what you were doing when ')
+    disp('   this problem occurred.'), disp(' ')
+    disp('   E-mail or FAX this information to us at:')
+    disp('       E-mail:  marwan@agnld.uni-potsdam.de')
+    disp('          Fax:  ++49 +331 977 1142'), disp(' ')
+    disp('   Thank you for your assistance.')
+    warning('on')
+  end
+  try, set(0,props.root), end
+  set(0,'ShowHidden','Off')
+  return
diff --git a/taucrp.m b/taucrp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57c178f93bf1a1b1eb81e8ab6fecae064bb9ed39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taucrp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+function X = taucrp(varargin)
+%TAUCRP   Creates a close returns plot.
+%    R=TAUCRP(X [,Y] [,param1,param2,...]) creates a cross 
+%    recurrence plot/ recurrence plot R for a limited range of
+%    past and future states, also known as close returns plot.
+%    R=TAUCRP(X [,Y],M,T,E,W) uses the dimension M, delay T, the size 
+%    of neighbourhood E and the range W of past and future time
+%    steps.
+%    If X and Y are multi-column vectors then they will be 
+%    considered as phase space vectors (TAUCRP can be used
+%    for real phase space vectors without embedding).
+%    Parameters: dimension M, delay T, the size of neighbourhood 
+%    E and the range W are the first four numbers after the data 
+%    series; further parameters can be used to switch between 
+%    various methods of finding the neighbours of the phasespace 
+%    trajectory and to suppress the normalization of the data.
+%    Methods of finding the neighbours/ of plot.
+%      maxnorm     - Maximum norm.
+%      euclidean   - Euclidean norm.
+%      minnorm     - Minimum norm.
+%      maxnorm     - Maximum norm, fixed recurrence rate.
+%      fan         - Fixed amount of nearest neighbours.
+%      distance    - Distance coded matrix (global CRP, Euclidean norm).
+%    Normalization of the data series.
+%      normalize   - Normalization of the data.
+%      nonormalize - No normalization of the data.
+%    Parameters not needed to be specified.
+%    Examples: a = sin((1:1000) * 2 * pi/67);
+%              w = 160;
+%              X = taucrp(a,2,17,.2,w,'nonorm','euclidean');
+%              imagesc(1:size(X,2),-w:w,X), colormap([1 1 1; 0 0 0])
+%    See also CRP, CRP2, CRP_BIG, JRP, CRQA.
+%    References: 
+%    Marwan, N., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J.: 
+%    Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics 
+%    Reports, 438(5-6), 2007.
+% Copyright (c) 2008 by AMRON
+% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany
+% http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de
+% $Date$
+% $Revision$
+% $Log$
+warning off
+global errcode props nonorm
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties
+m_init = 1;
+tau_init = 1;
+eps_init = 0.1;
+w_init = 100;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check and read the input
+if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end
+check_meth={'ma','eu','mi','rr','fa','di'}; 	% maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm,  fan, distance
+check_norm={'non','nor'};				% nonormalize, normalize
+check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'};				% gui, nogui, silent
+if isnumeric(varargin{1}) 		% read commandline input
+   varargin{9}=[];
+   % transform any int to double
+   intclasses = {'uint8';'uint16';'uint32';'uint64';'int8';'int16';'int32';'int64'};
+   flagClass = [];
+   for i = 1:length(intclasses)
+       i_int=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,intclasses{i}));
+       if ~isempty(i_int)
+           for j = 1:length(i_int)
+               varargin{i_int(j)} = double(varargin{i_int(j)});
+           end
+           flagClass = [flagClass; i_int(:)];
+       end
+   end
+   if ~isempty(flagClass)
+       disp(['Warning: Input arguments at position [',num2str(flagClass'),'] contain integer values']);
+       disp(['(now converted to double).'])
+   end
+   i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double'));
+   i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char'));
+   % check the text input parameters for method, gui and normalization
+   temp_meth=0;
+   temp_norm=0;
+   temp_gui=0;
+   if ~isempty(i_char)
+      for i=1:length(i_char), 
+         varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0';
+         temp_meth=temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); 
+         temp_norm=temp_norm+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_norm'); 
+         temp_gui=temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); 
+      end
+      method=min(find(temp_meth));
+      nonorm=min(find(temp_norm))-1;
+      nogui=min(find(temp_gui))-1;
+      if isempty(method), method=1; end
+      if isempty(nonorm), nonorm=1; end
+      if isempty(nogui), nogui=0; end
+      if method>length(check_meth), method=length(check_meth); end
+      if nonorm>1, nonorm=1; end
+      if nogui>2, nogui=2; end
+   else
+      method=1; nonorm=1; nogui=0;
+   end
+   if nogui==0 & nargout>0, nogui=1; end
+   % get the parameters for creating RP
+     if max(size(varargin{1}))<=3
+        error('To less values in data X.')
+     end
+     x=double(varargin{1});
+     if isempty(varargin{2}) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2}), y=x; else
+     y=double(varargin{2}); end
+     if (isnumeric(varargin{2}) & max(size(varargin{2}))==1) | ~isnumeric(varargin{2})
+       y=x;
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(2)}), m0=varargin{i_double(2)}(1); else m0=m_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), t=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else t=tau_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), e=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else e=eps_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), w=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else w=w_init; end
+     else
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(3)}), m0=varargin{i_double(3)}(1); else m0=m_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(4)}), t=varargin{i_double(4)}(1); else t=tau_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(5)}), e=varargin{i_double(5)}(1); else e=eps_init; end
+       if ~isempty(varargin{i_double(6)}), w=varargin{i_double(6)}(1); else w=w_init; end
+     end
+     t=round(t); m0=round(m0); mflag=method;
+     if e<0, e=1; disp('Warning: The threshold size E cannot be negative and is now set to 1.'), end
+     if t<1, t=1; disp('Warning: The delay T cannot be smaller than one and is now set to 1.'), end
+     if m0 < 1, m0 = 1; end
+     if t < 1, t = 1; end
+     if size(x,1)==1, x=x'; end, if size(y,1)==1, y=y'; end 
+     m=max([size(x,2) size(y,2)]);
+     if w > size(x,1); w = size(x,1); end
+     if method==8 & (m*m0) > 1, 
+       m0=1; 
+       error(['The neighbourhood criterion ''Oder matrix''',10,'is not implemented - use crp or crp_big instead.'])
+     end
+     if method==9 & (m*m0) == 1, 
+       m0=2; 
+         disp(['Warning: For order patterns recurrence plots the dimension must',10,...
+              'be larger than one. ',...
+              'Embedding dimension is set to ',num2str(m0),'.'])
+     end
+     action='init';
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(x)))
+     disp('NaN detected (in first variable) - will be cleared.')
+     for k=1:size(x,2),  x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end
+  end
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(y)))
+     disp('NaN detected (in second variable) - will be cleared.')
+     for k=1:size(y,2),  y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end
+  end
+  if size(x,1) < t*(m-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m-1)+1
+     error(['Too less data',10,...
+            'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.'])
+  end
+    Nx=size(x,1); Ny=size(y,1);
+    NX=Nx-t*(m0-1);NY=Ny-t*(m0-1);
+    x0=zeros(Nx,m);y0=zeros(Ny,m);
+    x0(1:size(x,1),1:size(x,2))=x; 
+    y0(1:size(y,1),1:size(y,2))=y; 
+    if nonorm==1, 
+	 x=(x0-repmat(mean(x0),Nx,1))./repmat(std(x0),Nx,1);
+	 y=(y0-repmat(mean(y0),Ny,1))./repmat(std(y0),Ny,1);
+    end
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(x))), for k=1:size(x,2),  x(find(isnan(x(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end
+  if ~isempty(find(isnan(y))), for k=1:size(y,2),  y(find(isnan(y(:,k))),:)=[]; end, end
+  if size(x,1) < t*(m0-1)+1 | size(y,1) < t*(m0-1)+1
+     error(['Too less data',10,...
+            'Either too much NaN or the number of columns in the vectors do not match.'])
+  end
+  error('No valid input given!')
+if m0>1
+  x2=x(1:end-t*(m0-1),:);
+  y2=y(1:end-t*(m0-1),:);
+  for i=1:m0-1,
+    x2(:,m*i+1:m*(i+1))=x(1+t*i:end-t*(m0-i-1),:);
+    y2(:,m*i+1:m*(i+1))=y(1+t*i:end-t*(m0-i-1),:);
+  end
+  x=x2; y=y2; Nx=size(x,1); Ny=size(y,1);
+  m=m0*m; clear x2 y2
+for mi=1:m, x2(:,mi)=reshape(rot90(x1(:,0+mi:m:Ny*m+mi-m)),Nx*Ny,1); end
+y1=repmat(y,Nx,1); x1=x2; clear x2
+% create embedding vectors
+NX = Nx - t*(m0-1); NY = Ny - t*(m0-1);
+[idx add] = meshgrid(linspace(0,(m0-1)*t,m0), 1:Nx-(m0-1)*t);
+idx = idx + add;
+x1 = []; y1 = [];
+for i = 1:m
+    x1 = [x1 reshape(x(idx,i),size(idx,1),size(idx,2))];
+    y1 = [y1 reshape(y(idx,i),size(idx,1),size(idx,2))];
+% indices for which the recurrences should be computed
+[i1 i2]  = meshgrid(1:NX,-w:w);
+i2 = i2 + i1;
+i_remove = i2 > length(y1) | i2 < 1;
+i2(i_remove) = 1;
+% compute distance matrix
+D = (x1(i1,:) - y1(i2,:));
+switch method
+    case 1
+        D2 = max(abs(D),[],2);
+        X = double(D2 < e);
+    case 2
+        D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2));
+        X = double(D2 < e);
+    case 3
+        D2 = sum(abs(D), 2);
+        X = double(D2 < e);
+    case 4
+        D2 = max(abs(D),[],2);
+        SS = sort(D2(:));
+        idx = ceil(e * length(SS));
+        e_ = SS(idx);
+        X = double(D2 < e_);
+    case 5
+        D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2));
+        D3 = reshape(D2,size(i1,1),size(i1,2));
+        [SS, JJ] = sort(D3,1); JJ = JJ';
+        mine = round((2*w+1)*e);
+        X1(NX*(2*w+1)) = 0; 
+        X1(JJ(:,1:mine)+repmat([0:(2*w+1):NX*(2*w+1)-1]',1,mine)) = 1;
+        X = reshape(X1,(2*w+1),NX); 
+    case 6
+        D2 = sqrt(sum(D.^2, 2));
+        X = double(D2);
+    end
+clear X1 SS JJ s px D D_ D2 D3
+X = reshape(X,size(i1,1),size(i1,2)); X(i_remove) = 0;