diff --git a/tt.m b/tt.m
index 0ee8045a9ed8c46067c5fe01fe68070e3dbda702..83c9373f094f115bb712e81000ffd006cd1e9754 100644
--- a/tt.m
+++ b/tt.m
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ function [a_out, b_out, c_out]=tt(x)
 % $Revision$
 % $Log$
+% Revision 3.4  2007/12/20 16:26:57  marwan
+% includes also white vertical lines
 % Revision 3.3  2005/11/23 07:29:14  marwan
 % help text updated
@@ -44,94 +47,111 @@ if nargout>3, error('Too many output arguments'), end
 %a_out = NaN; b_out = NaN; c_out = NaN;
 warning off
-if any(x(:))
+    if any(x(:))
+        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+        % for black vertical lines
+        xb=double(x); 
+        xb(end+1,:)=0;xb=double(xb(:));
+        z=diff(xb);
+        z0=find(z==1); % begin of black sequence
+        z1=find(z==-1); % end of black sequence
+        % measure the length of black lines
+        if z0(1)>z1(1)
+          z0(2:end+1,1)=z0(1:end);z0(1,1)=0;
+          if length(z0)>length(z1) 
+             z0(end)=[];
+          end
+        end
+        t=sort(z1-z0);
+        t1=t(find(t-1));
+        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+        % for white vertical lines
+        for i = 1:size(x,2)
+            i_ = find(x(:,i));
+            i1 = min(i_); i2 = max(i_);
+            x(1:i1,i) = 1;
+            x(i2:end,i) = 1;
+        end
+        xw=double(x); xw(end+1,:)=1;
+        zw=diff(xw(:));
+        z0w=find(zw==-1); % begin of white sequence
+        z1w=find(zw==1); % end of white sequence
+        % measure the length of white lines
+        if z0w(1)>z1w(1)
+          z0w(1)=[]; 
+          if length(z1w)>length(z0w) 
+             z1w(end)=[];
+          end
+        end
+        if length(z1w)>length(z0w) 
+             z0w=[1;z0w];
+        end
+        tw=sort(z1w-z0w);
+        t1w=tw(find(tw-1));
+        if nargout==3
+           c_out=zeros(length(tw),1);
+           c_out=tw;
+        end
-% for black vertical lines
-    xb=double(x); 
-    xb(end+1,:)=0;xb=double(xb(:));
-    z=diff(xb);
-    z0=find(z==1); % begin of black sequence
-    z1=find(z==-1); % end of black sequence
+        if nargout>=2
+           b_out=zeros(length(t),1);
+           b_out=t;
+        end
-  % measure the length of black lines
-  if z0(1)>z1(1)
-    z0(2:end+1)=z0(1:end);z0(1)=0; 
-    if length(z0)>length(z1) 
-       z0(end)=[];
+        if nargout>0
+           if isempty(t1), a_out=0;
+           else, a_out=mean(t1); 
+           end
+        else
+           mean(t1)
+        end
+    else
+        if nargout==3
+           c_out=NaN;
+        end
+        if nargout>=2
+           b_out=NaN;
+        end
+        if nargout>0
+           a_out=NaN;
+        else
+           NaN
+        end
+    end
+    warning on
+    if nargout==3
+        c_out=NaN;
-  end
-  t=sort(z1-z0);
-  t1=t(find(t-1));
-% for white vertical lines
-  for i = 1:size(x,2)
-      i_ = find(x(:,i));
-      i1 = min(i_); i2 = max(i_);
-      x(1:i1,i) = 1;
-      x(i2:end,i) = 1;
-  end
-    xw=double(x); xw(end+1,:)=1;
-    zw=diff(xw(:));
-    z0w=find(zw==-1); % begin of white sequence
-    z1w=find(zw==1); % end of white sequence
-  % measure the length of white lines
-  if z0w(1)>z1w(1)
-    z0w(1)=[]; 
-    if length(z1w)>length(z0w) 
-       z1w(end)=[];
+    if nargout>=2
+        b_out=NaN;
-  end
-  if length(z1w)>length(z0w) 
-       z0w=[1;z0w];
-  end
-  tw=sort(z1w-z0w);
-  t1w=tw(find(tw-1));
-  if nargout==3
-     c_out=zeros(length(tw),1);
-     c_out=tw;
-  end
-  if nargout>=2
-     b_out=zeros(length(t),1);
-     b_out=t;
-  end
-  if nargout>0
-     if isempty(t1), a_out=0;
-     else, a_out=mean(t1); 
-     end
-  else
-     mean(t1)
-  end
-  if nargout==3
-     c_out=NaN;
-  end
-  if nargout>=2
-     b_out=NaN;
-  end
-  if nargout>0
-     a_out=NaN;
-  else
-     NaN
-  end
+    if nargout>0
+        a_out=NaN;
+    else
+        NaN
+    end
-warning on