From 0b9cf6d8fa33dc69da96842fe61e46cf744b47bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: marwan <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:17:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 fnn.m | 640 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 640 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 fnn.m

diff --git a/fnn.m b/fnn.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db26c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fnn.m
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+function out=fnn(varargin)
+%FNN   Dimension estimation by false nearest neighbours.
+%    Y=FNN(X) computes the vector Y of the amount of false
+%    nearest neighbours (FNN) as a function of the embedding dimension.
+%    Y=FNN(X,M), where M is a scalar, computes the FNN up to dimension M.
+%    The defeault is M=10.
+%    Y=FNN(X,M,R,S), where R and S are scalars, applies the neighbourhood
+%    criterion R and the size of the neighbourhood S. The defeault is R=2
+%    and S=Inf.
+%    Y=FNN(X,M,R,S,N), where N is a scalar, uses N random samples for
+%    the determination of the FNNs. This speeds up the estimation, 
+%    especially for long data series. The defeault is N=length(X) if
+%    the data length is smaller than 500, else N=200.
+%    FNN(...) without any output arguments opens a GUI for interactively 
+%    changing the parameters. 
+%    By using the GUI, the FNNs can be stored into the 
+%    workspace. 
+%    FNN(...,param) additional parameters according to the GUI are
+%    available:
+%      gui         - Creates the GUI.
+%      nogui       - Suppresses the GUI.
+%      silent      - Suppresses all output.
+%    FNN without any arguments calls a demo (the same as the example 
+%    below).
+%    Examples: x = sin(0:.2:8*pi)' + .1*randn(126,1);
+%              fnn(x,10,5)
+%    See also PHASESPACE, PSS, MI.
+%    References: 
+%    Kennel, M. B., Brown, R., Abarbanel, H. D. I.:
+%    Determining embedding dimension for phase-space reconstruction
+%    using a geometrical construction, Phys. Rev. A, 45, 1992.
+% Copyright (c) 2006
+% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam University, Germany
+% $Date$
+% $Revision$
+% $Log$
+% This program is part of the new generation XXII series.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or any later version.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% programme properties
+global props
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check the input
+if nargout>2, error('Too many output arguments'), end
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% splash the GPL
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% error control
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read the input
+maxM_init = 10;
+maxM=maxM_init; % maximal dimension
+r_init = 2;
+r=r_init; % r-criterion for neighbours distance
+s_init = Inf;
+s=s_init; % size of neighbourhood
+maxN=[]; % number of samples
+method = [];
+if nargin & isnumeric(varargin{1})
+    % check the numerical input
+    i_double=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'double'));
+    i_length = cellfun('prodofsize',varargin(i_double));
+    i_x = i_double(i_length > 1);
+    x = varargin{i_x(1)}(:);
+    N = length(x);
+    if isempty(x), error('Not a valid input vector.'), end
+    i_x = i_double(i_length < 2);
+    switch length(i_x)
+      case 1
+        maxM = varargin{i_x};
+      case 2
+        maxM = varargin{i_x(1)};
+        r = varargin{i_x(2)};
+      case 3
+        maxM = varargin{i_x(1)};
+        r = varargin{i_x(2)};
+        s = varargin{i_x(3)};
+      case 4
+        maxM = varargin{i_x(1)};
+        r = varargin{i_x(2)};
+        s = varargin{i_x(3)};
+        maxN = varargin{i_x(4)};
+    end
+    % check the char input
+    i_char=find(cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char'));
+    check_meth={'ma','eu','mi'}; 	% maxnorm, euclidean, nrmnorm,  fan, distance
+    check_gui={'gui','nog','sil'};				% gui, nogui, silent
+    temp_meth=0;
+    temp_gui=0;
+    if ~isempty(i_char)
+        for i=1:length(i_char), 
+            varargin{i_char(i)}(4)='0';
+            temp_meth = temp_meth+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:2),check_meth'); 
+            temp_gui = temp_gui+strcmpi(varargin{i_char(i)}(1:3),check_gui'); 
+        end
+    end
+    method = min(find(temp_meth));
+    nogui = min(find(temp_gui))-1;
+    if isempty(nogui); nogui = 0; end
+    action = 'init';
+    if nogui > 0, action = 'compute'; end
+    if nargout & nogui==0
+        nogui=1;
+        action='compute'; 
+    end
+elseif nargin & ischar(varargin{1}) & ~isempty(varargin{1})
+    if isempty(findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig')) & isempty(findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig')) 
+        action='end';
+    else
+        action=varargin{1};
+        h=findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig');
+        x=get(h(1),'UserData');
+        N=size(x,2);
+        h=findobj('Tag','maxM');
+        maxM=str2num(get(h(1),'String'));
+        h=findobj('Tag','r');
+        r=str2num(get(h(1),'String'));
+        h=findobj('Tag','s');
+        s=str2num(get(h(1),'String'));
+        h=findobj('Tag','maxN');
+        maxN=str2num(get(h(1),'String'));
+        h=findobj('Tag','method');
+        method=get(h(1),'Value');
+    end
+    action='init';
+if ~nargin
+      x=sin(0:.2:8*pi)'+.1*randn(126,1); 
+      maxM=10;
+      r=5; s = Inf;
+      nogui=0;
+      if ischar(varargin{1})
+          action=varargin{1};
+      end
+% correct invalid inputs
+N = length(x);
+if isempty(maxM) | maxM > N/2, maxM = maxM_init; end
+if maxM < 2, maxM = 2; end
+if isempty(r), r = r_init; end
+if isempty(s), s = s_init; end
+if isempty(maxN)
+    maxN = N; 
+    if N > 500, maxN = 200; end
+if isempty(method), method = 1; end
+% main part begins
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create gui
+case 'init'
+    h8=figure(props.window,...				% Plot Figure
+            'Tag','FNN_Fig',...
+            'MenuBar','Figure',...
+            'Position',[69.5000 39.6429 120.0000 30.0714],...
+            'PaperType','a4',...
+            'PaperPosition',[0.25 0.25 7.7677 11.193],...
+            'PaperOrientation','portrait',...
+            'UserData',x,...
+            'Name','False Nearest Neighbours');
+    set(0,'showhidden','on')
+    h=findobj('Label','&Help','Type','uimenu');
+    if isempty(h)
+        h=uimenu('Label','&Help');
+        h2=uimenu('Parent',h(1),'Label','&Help False Nearest Neighbours','Callback','helpwin fnn');
+    else
+        h1=flipud(get(h(1),'Children'));
+        set(h1(1),'Separator','on')
+        h2=uimenu('Parent',h(1),'Label','&Help False Nearest Neighbours','Callback','helpwin fnn');
+        copyobj(h1,h(1))
+        delete(h1)
+    end
+    h=axes(props.axes,...
+            'Position',[89 24.8 6.8 3.5]);    
+    logo=load('logo');
+    h2=imagesc([logo.logo fliplr(logo.logo)]);
+    set(h2,'Tag','uniLogo')
+    set(h,props.logo,'Tag','axes_logo')
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text_logo',...
+            'String','Uni Potsdam',...
+            'Position',[97 24.2143 22  3.5714]);    
+    h2=textwrap(h,{[char(169),' AGNLD'],'University of Potsdam','2006'});
+    set(h,'String',h2)
+    h=axes(props.axes,...
+            'Tag','fnn_axes',...
+            'Box','On',...
+            'Position',[9  3.5 72.8333 23.0714]);    
+    % frame around parameter settings
+    h=uicontrol(props.frame,...
+            'Tag','frame',...
+            'Position',[91.5000  1.3571 23.5000 21.5]);    
+    % dimension
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text',...
+            'String','Max. Dim.',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 20.3 14 1.5000]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.edit,...
+            'Tag','maxM',...
+            'String',num2str(maxM),...
+            'ToolTip','False nearest neighbours will be computed up to this dimension.',...
+            'Position',[105.1666 20.55 6.5 1.5000]);    
+    % falseness criterion
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text',...
+            'String','Falseness',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 18.3 20.5  1.5000]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.edit,...
+            'Tag','r',...
+	        'String',num2str(r),...
+	        'ToolTip','Criterion value (suggested: >1).',...
+            'Position',[105.1666 18.55 6.5  1.5000]);    
+    % neigbourhood range
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text',...
+	        'String','Neigbourh.',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 16.3 20.5  1.5000]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.edit,...
+            'Tag','s',...
+	        'String',num2str(s),...
+	        'ToolTip','Maximal distance between neighbours (in multiples of standard deviation).',...
+            'Position',[105.1666 16.55 6.5  1.5000]);    
+    % norm
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text',...
+	        'String','Norm',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 14.1 15  1.5000]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.popup,...
+            'Tag','method',...
+	        'String','Max|Euc|Min',...
+            'Value',method,...
+	        'ToolTip','Norm used for the computation of the distance.',...
+            'Position',[101.1666 14.35 10.5  1.5000]);    
+    % number of samples
+    h=uicontrol(props.text,...
+            'Tag','text',...
+	        'String','Number of samples',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 11.75+.4 19  1.5000]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.edit,...
+            'Tag','maxN',...
+	        'String',num2str(maxN),...
+	        'ToolTip','Number of randomly chosen samples.',...
+            'Position',[93.8333 10.5+.4 17.8333  1.5000]);    
+    % buttons
+    offset = -.5;
+    h=uicontrol(props.button,...
+        'String','Store',...
+        'Tag','button_store',...
+        'Enable','Off',...
+        'ToolTip','Stores the number of false nearest neighbours into a variable in the workspace.',...
+        'Callback','fnn store',...
+        'Position',[103.8666  8.2143+offset 8.8  2.2143]);
+    h=uicontrol(props.button,...
+        'Tag','button_print',...
+        'CallBack','fnn print',...
+        'ToolTip','Prints the FNN window.',...
+        'String','Print',...
+        'Position',[93.8333  8.2143+offset 8.8  2.2143]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.button,...
+        'Tag','button_close',...
+        'CallBack','fnn close',...
+        'ToolTip','Closes the FNN window.',...
+        'String','Close',...
+        'Position',[93.8333  2.6429+offset 18.8333  2.2143]);    
+    h=uicontrol(props.button,...
+        'String','Apply',...
+        'Tag','button_apply',...
+        'ToolTip','Starts the computation.',...
+        'Callback','fnn compute',...
+        'Position',[93.8333  5.4286+offset 18.8333  2.2143]);
+    set(h8, 'HandleVis','CallBack')
+    tags={'FNN_Fig';'axes_logo';'text_logo';'frame';'text';'fnn_axes';'maxM';'r';'s';'method';'maxN';'button_store';'button_print';'button_close';'button_apply';};
+    h=[];
+    for i=1:length(tags); h=[h; findobj('Tag',tags{i})]; end
+    set(h,'Units','Norm')
+    fnn('compute')
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% close windows 
+case 'close'
+  set(0,props.root)
+  h=findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig');
+  if ~isempty(h), close(h(1)), end 
+  clear all
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% store
+case 'store'
+  if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','button_store'))
+    h=findobj('Tag','button_store');
+    h1=findobj('Tag','button_close');
+    if ~isempty(h1), vname_old=get(h1(1),'UserData'); else vname_old=''; end
+    if isempty(vname_old), vname_old=''; end
+    vname=char(inputdlg('Choose a variable name.','Store output',1,{vname_old}));
+    if isempty(vname)
+      return
+    else
+      FNN=get(h(1),'UserData');
+      assignin('base',vname, [FNN])
+      h=helpdlg(['False nearest neighbours have been assigned to the workspace variable ''',vname,'''.',...
+               ''],'Store output');
+      set(h,'Tag','msgbox')
+      set(h1(1),'UserData',vname)
+    end
+  end
+  set(0,props.root)
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% print
+  case 'print'
+    h=findobj('Tag','uniLogo');
+    h_axes=findobj('Tag','fnn_axes','Parent',gcf); h_axes=h_axes(1);
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','text','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','text_logo','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','frame','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','maxM','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','r','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','s','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','method','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','maxN','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','button_store','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','button_print','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','button_close','Parent',gcf)];
+    h=[h; findobj('Tag','button_apply','Parent',gcf)];
+    set(h,'Visible','Off')
+    set(h_axes,'Units','Character')
+    old_pos=get(h_axes,'Position');
+    set(h_axes,'Units','normalize','Position',[0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150])
+    h_dlg=printdlg;
+    waitfor(h_dlg)
+    set(h_axes,'Units','Character','Position',old_pos)
+    set(h_axes,'Units','normalize')
+    set(h,'Visible','On')
+    set(0,props.root)
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% computation 
+case 'compute'
+    warning off
+    if ~nogui
+        h_fig=findobj('tag','FNN_Fig');
+        setptr(gcf,'watch'), 
+        obj=({'maxM','method','r','s','maxN','button_store','button_print','button_close','text'});
+        for j=1:length(obj); 
+            h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); 
+            if ~isempty(h), set(h,'Enable','Off'), end
+        end
+        h=findobj('tag','button_apply');
+        set(h(1),'ToolTip','Stops the computation.','String','Stop','Callback','set(0,''ShowHidden'',''on'');h=findobj(''tag'',''button_apply'');set(h(1),''String'',''Stopped'');set(0,''ShowHidden'',''off'')')
+    end
+    if nogui~=2; hw=waitbar(0,'Estimation progress'); end
+    FNN(1,1) = 1;
+    x_s = s * std(x);
+    for m = 2:maxM
+        % check if stop button was pressed
+        if ~nogui
+            set(0,'ShowHidden','on')
+            h=findobj('tag','button_apply','Parent',h_fig(1));
+            if strcmpi(get(h(1),'string'),'stopped')
+                FNN((m:maxM)+1,1)=NaN;
+                break
+            end
+        end
+        FNN(m,1) = 0;
+        t=1;
+        NX=N-t*(m-1);
+        % create phase space vectors
+        clear jx,for mi=1:m;
+            jx(1+NX*(mi-1):NX+NX*(mi-1))=1+t*(mi-1):NX+t*(mi-1);
+        end
+        x1=reshape(repmat(x,1,m),N*m,1);
+        x2=reshape(x1(jx),NX,m); % phasespace vector
+        jx = reshape(jx,NX,m);
+        if maxN >= NX; 
+            idx = 1:NX;
+        else
+            idx = ceil(NX * rand(maxN,1)); %random samples
+        end
+        % count the false neighbours
+        cnt = 0;
+        for i = 1:length(idx), if nogui~=2 & i*10/length(idx) == ceil(i*10/length(idx)); waitbar((length(idx)*(m-1)+i)/(length(idx)*maxM)), end
+            % distance in the m-dimensional space
+            switch method
+              case 1
+                distance = max(abs(x2-repmat(x(jx(idx(i),:))',length(x2),1))');
+              case 2
+                distance = sqrt(sum((x2-repmat(x(jx(idx(i),:))',length(x2),1)).^2,2));
+              case 3
+                distance = sum(abs(x2-repmat(x(jx(idx(i),:))',length(x2),1)),2);
+            end
+            [distance is] = sort(distance);
+            if is(2) < NX & idx(i) < NX & distance(2) < x_s
+                FNN(m,1) = FNN(m,1) + double((abs(x(idx(i)+m) - x(is(2)+m))/distance(2) > r));
+                cnt = cnt + 1;
+            end
+            % check if stop button was pressed
+            if ~nogui
+                set(0,'ShowHidden','on')
+                h=findobj('tag','button_apply','Parent',h_fig(1));
+                if strcmpi(get(h(1),'string'),'stopped')
+                    FNN((m:maxM)+1,1)=NaN;
+                    break
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        FNN(m,1) = FNN(m,1) / cnt;
+        if ~nogui, 
+            if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig'))
+                h=findobj('Tag','button_store');
+                out_str=FNN;
+                set(h(1),...
+                      'UserData',out_str)
+            end
+            fnn('plot_fnn')
+        end
+    end
+    if nogui~=2 & ishandle(hw), delete(hw); end
+    if ~nogui, 
+        set(0,'ShowHidden','on')
+        h=findobj('tag','button_apply');
+        set(h(1),'ToolTip','Starts the computation.','String','Apply','Callback','fnn compute')
+        for j=1:length(obj); 
+            h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); 
+            if ~isempty(h), set(h,'Enable','On'), end
+        end
+	    setptr(h_fig(1),'arrow')
+        if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','FNN_Fig'))
+            h=findobj('Tag','button_store');
+            set(h(1),'Enable','On')
+        end
+        if ~nogui, setptr(h_fig(1),'arrow'), end
+        warning on
+        try, set(0,props.root), end
+        if nargout==0
+            fnn('plot_fnn')
+        end
+    end
+    if nogui
+       out=FNN;
+    end
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% output
+case 'plot_fnn'
+    set(0,'ShowHidden','on')
+    h_fig=findobj('tag','FNN_Fig');
+    if ~isempty(h_fig)
+        h=findobj('Tag','button_store','Parent',h_fig(1));
+        if isempty(h), return, end
+        FNN=get(h(1),'UserData');
+        h_axes=findobj('Tag','fnn_axes','Parent',h_fig(1)); h_axes=h_axes(1);
+        h_res=findobj('Tag','fnn_result','Parent',h_fig(1)); delete(h_res); 
+        set(0,'current',h_fig(1))
+        set(h_axes,'Visible','on');
+        plot(1:length(FNN),FNN), grid on
+        xlabel('Dimension'), ylabel('False Nearest Neighbours')
+        set(gca,'Tag','fnn_axes','layer','top','xlim',[1 maxM],'ylim',[0 1],'xtick',[1:1:maxM])
+        drawnow
+    end
+    try, set(0,props.root), end
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the end 
+case 'end'
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% error handling
+%if 0
+  if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','TMWWaitbar')), delete(findobj('Tag','TMWWaitbar')), end
+  cmd={['mean'];['var'];['std'];['median'];['squmean'];['geomean'];['bias'];['skewness'];['kurtosis']};
+  z_whos=whos;x_lasterr=lasterr;y_lastwarn=lastwarn;if nargin;in=varargin{1};else in.class='no input given';end
+  if ischar(in), in2=in; else, in2=[]; end
+  in=whos('in');
+  if ~strcmpi(lasterr,'Interrupt')
+    fid=fopen('error.log','w');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','Please send us the following error report. Provide a brief');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','description of what you were doing when this problem occurred.');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','E-mail or FAX this information to us at:');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','    E-mail:');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n','       Fax:  ++49 +331 977 1142');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n\n\n','Thank you for your assistance.');
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',repmat('-',50,1));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',datestr(now,0));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',['Matlab ',char(version),' on ',computer]);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',repmat('-',50,1));
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',x_lasterr);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',y_lastwarn);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[' during ==> fnn:',action]);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s',[' input ==> ',in.class]);
+    if ~isempty(in2), err=fprintf(fid,'\t%s\n',[' (',in2,')']); end
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',[' errorcode ==> no errorcode available']);
+    err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',' workspace dump ==>');
+    if ~isempty(z_whos), 
+      err=fprintf(fid,'%s\n',['Name',char(9),'Size',char(9),'Bytes',char(9),'Class']);
+    for j=1:length(z_whos);
+      err=fprintf(fid,'%s',[z_whos(j).name,char(9),num2str(z_whos(j).size),char(9),num2str(z_whos(j).bytes),char(9),z_whos(j).class]);
+      if ~strcmp(z_whos(j).class,'cell') & ~strcmp(z_whos(j).class,'struct')
+            content=eval(z_whos(j).name);
+	    content=mat2str(content(1:min([size(content,1),500]),1:min([size(content,2),500])));
+            err=fprintf(fid,'\t%s',content(1:min([length(content),500])));
+      elseif strcmp(z_whos(j).class,'cell')
+            content=eval(z_whos(j).name);
+            err=fprintf(fid,'\t');
+            for j2=1:min([length(content),500])
+	      content2=content{j2};
+              err=fprintf(fid,'{%s} ',content{j2});
+            end
+      elseif strcmp(z_whos(j).class,'struct')
+            content=fieldnames(eval(z_whos(j).name));
+            content=char(content); content(:,end+1)=' '; content=content';
+            err=fprintf(fid,'\t%s',content(:)');
+      end
+      err=fprintf(fid,'\n');
+    end, end
+    err=fclose(fid);
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp('       ERROR OCCURED');
+    disp('    during executing fnn');
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp(x_lasterr);
+    disp(['   during ',action]);
+    disp('----------------------------');
+    disp('   Please send us the error report. For your convenience, ')
+    disp('   this information has been recorded in: ')
+    disp(['   ',fullfile(pwd,'error.log')]), disp(' ')
+    disp('   Provide a brief description of what you were doing when ')
+    disp('   this problem occurred.'), disp(' ')
+    disp('   E-mail or FAX this information to us at:')
+    disp('       E-mail:')
+    disp('          Fax:  ++49 +331 977 1142'), disp(' ')
+    disp('   Thank you for your assistance.')
+    warning('on')
+  end
+  try,if ~nogui
+    setptr(h_fig(1),'arrow')
+    h=findobj('tag','button_apply');
+    set(h(1),'ToolTip','Starts the computation.','String','Apply','Callback','fnn compute')
+    for j=1:length(obj); 
+        h=findobj('Tag',obj{j},'Parent',h_fig(1)); 
+        if ~isempty(h)
+          set(h,'Enable','On')
+        end
+    end
+  end,end
+  if nargout, out=NaN; end
+  try, set(0,props.root), end
+  set(0,'ShowHidden','off')