h1. N2O emission from nitrification
h1. Bayesian uncertainty analysis
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h2. Description
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Parameter determination for processes in LPJmL is mostly achieved by
literature values. In case, data are available, the estimation of
uncertainties and evaluation of current parameterization is possible by
Bayesian analysis. Here, we give an example how to use data for a better
grass parametrization.
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h2. Details
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a more detailed description of it (data sources, data preparation,
meaning, usage...). Refer to references if you have any using
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h2. Technical Note
Here is another wiki page about [Something Else](something-else)
What you need are \* data \* the R package FME\[1\]
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Following the procedure there, you can \* define a cost function that
gives the deviation of the model output from the observations \*
determine the local sensitivity to a large set of parameters \* evaluate
the most prominent parameters that should be included in the Monte Carlo
simulations by determining the collinearity \* fit the model to the data
using the chosen subset of parameters \* perform the Markov chain
Monte-Carlo simulations \* evaluate the uncertainty of the model output
due to the parameter values accepted in the Monte Carlo chain.
h2. Developer(s)
# h1
Susanne Rolinski, Anja Rammig, Werner von Bloh
# N2O emission from nitrification
h2. See Also
"Parton et al. 1996":http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/96GB01455/abstract gives function
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$`N_{N2O} = N_{H2O} \cdot N_{pH} \cdot N_T \cdot (Kmx + Nmx \cdot N_{NH4})`$
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$N_{N2O} = ((WFPS-b)/(a-b))^{d\cdot (b-a)/(a-c)} \cdot ((WFPS-c)/(a-c))^d$
* $WFPS$ is water filled pore space of the soil
* parameters $a$ to $d$ given for sandy and medium soil
* source for functions given as Doran et al. 1988
h2. References
$N_{pH} = 0.56+1/\pi\cdot \arctan(\pi\cdot 0.45 \cdot(pH-5))$
* we ignore this limitation
$N_T = -0.06+0.13\cdot \exp(0.07 \cdot T_{soil})$
* based on data by Sabey et al. (1959)
$Kmx = 0.00038$ gN m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$
* N turnover coefficient
* site specific but given for different sites
* for natural soils given as 3.8 and 3.9 (gN ha$^{-1}$ d$^{-1}$)
$Nmx = 0.003$ gN m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$
* maximum nitrification flux of N$_2$O with excess NH$_4$.
$N_{NH4} = 1 - \exp(-0.0105\cdot NH4)$
* NH4 here given as $\mu$g N per g soil
* in the same range as gN m$^{-2}$ so that formula taken as it is
Process is incorporated in source:branches/nitrogen_rev2142/src/soil/littersom.c after mineralization. |
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fn1. K. Soetaert and T. Petzoldt (2010): Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity
and Monte Carlo Analysis in R Using Package FME. Journal of Statistical
Software, 33, 3, 1-28. |
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