*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de *** SOF ./modules/80_optimization/nash/declarations.gms parameter *LB* parameters for ajustments within one iteration. These cause price anticipation p80_etaXp(all_enty) "Parameter governing price anticipation on commodity markets" *LB* parameters for ajustments between different iterations p80_etaLT(all_enty) "long term price ajustment elasticity " p80_etaST(all_enty) "short term price ajustment elasticity" *AJS* adjustment costs between iterations p80_etaAdj(all_enty) "Adjustment costs for changes of trade pattern between iterations" ***prices p80_pvp_itr(ttot,all_enty,iteration) "Price on commodity markets per iteration", p80_pvpFallback(ttot,all_enty) "Helper parameter. Price path from input/prices_NASH.inc. Only used if reading prices from gdx fails.", p80_normalizeLT(all_enty) "Aggregated intertemporal market volume", p80_normalize0(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "Normalization parameter for market volume" ***parameter containing the respective level values from last iteration (the first set of values taken from gdx in the first iteration, respectively) p80_Mport0(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "Imports in last iteration" p80_surplus(tall,all_enty,iteration) "Surplus on commodity market", p80_defic_trade(all_enty) "Surplus in monetary terms over all times on commodity markets [trillion US$2005]", p80_defic_sum(iteration) "Surplus in monetary terms over all times on all commodity markets combined [trillion US$2005] (NOTE: to compare this number with the Negishi defic_sum, divide by around 100)", p80_defic_sum_rel(iteration) "Surplus monetary value over all times on all commodity markets combined, normalized to consumption [%]", *LB* diagnostic parameters p80_etaLT_correct(all_enty,iteration) "long term price correction factor in percent" p80_etaST_correct(tall,all_enty,iteration) "short term price correction factor in percent" p80_surplusMax(all_enty,iteration,tall) "Diagnostics for Nash: Worst residual market surplus until given year, absolute value. [Units: TWa, trillion Dollar, GtC]" p80_surplusMax2100(all_enty) "Worst residual market surplus until 2100, absolute value. [Units: TWa, trillion Dollar, GtC]" p80_surplusMaxRel(all_enty,iteration,tall) "Diagnostics for Nash: Worst residual market surplus until given year, in per cent." p80_surplusMaxTolerance(all_enty) "maximum tolerable residual value of absolute market surplus in 2100." p80_taxrev0(tall,all_regi) "vm_taxrev from last iteration" p80_taxrev_agg(tall,iteration) "vm_taxrev globally from last iteration" p80_handle(all_regi) "parallel mode handle parameter" p80_repy(all_regi,solveinfo80) "summary report from solver " p80_repy_iteration(all_regi,solveinfo80,iteration) "summary report from solver in iteration" p80_repyLastOptim(all_regi,solveinfo80) "p80_repy from last iteration" p80_messageFailedMarket(tall,all_enty) "nash display helper" p80_messageShow(convMessage80) "nash display helper" p80_curracc(ttot,all_regi) "current account" p80_t_interpolate(tall,tall) "weights to interpolate from t_input_gdx to t" pm_cumEff(tall,all_regi,all_in) "parameter for spillover externality (aggregated productivity level)" *EMIOPT relevant p80_eoMargPermBudg(all_regi) "marginal of permit budget restriction" p80_eoMargEmiCum(all_regi) "marginal of cumulative emissions" p80_eoMargAverage "global average of marginals from nash budget equation" p80_eoMargDiff(all_regi) "scaled deviation of regional marginals from global average" p80_eoDeltaEmibudget "total change in permit budget" p80_eoEmiMarg(all_regi) "weighted marginal utility of emissions" p80_eoWeights(all_regi) "welfare weights" p80_eoMargDiffItr(all_regi,iteration) "scaled deviation of regional marginals from global average" p80_eoEmibudget1RegItr(all_regi,iteration) "corrected regional permit budgets" p80_eoEmibudgetDiffAbs(iteration) "convergence indicator" p80_count "count regions with feasible solution" p80_eoWeights_fix(all_regi) "default and fallback weighting factors" p80_SolNonOpt(all_regi) "solve status" pm_fuExtrForeign(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,rlf) "foreign fuel extraction" ; positive variable *AJS* Adjustment costs for Nash trade algorithm. Only non-zero in the Nash_test realization of 80_optimization module. vm_costAdjNash(ttot,all_regi) "Adjustment costs for deviation from the trade structure of the last iteration." ; equations q80_budg_intertemp(all_regi) "interemporal trade balance (Nash mode only)" q80_costAdjNash(ttot,all_regi) "calculate Nash adjustment costs (of anticipation of the difference in trade pattern, compared to the last iteration), combined for all markets" q80_budgetPermRestr(all_regi) "constraints regional permit budget to given regional emission budget"; scalars ***convergence criteria. if met, the optimization is stopped. Feel free to adjust these to your needs. Denote maximum tolerable deviation from market clearance.(the one for goods is given in million US$2005/yr, the resources in EJ/yr) sm_fadeoutPriceAnticip "Helper parameter, describes fadeout of price anticipation during iterations" s80_fadeoutPriceAnticipStartingPeriod "Helper parameter, denotes iteration in which price anticipation fadeout starts" s80_dummy "dummy scalar" s80_before "value of time step befor current interpolation time step" s80_after "value of time step after current interpolation time step" s80_numberIterations "display helper" s80_bool "helper" s80_converged "if nash converged, this is 1" s80_cnptfile "parameter that indicates which optimality tolerance will be used" /1/ ; *** EOF ./modules/80_optimization/nash/declarations.gms