*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de *** SOF ./modules/37_industry/fixed_shares/postsolve.gms loop (enty$( sameas(enty,"co2") OR sameas(enty,"cco2") ), !! prepare industry CCS emissions for post-processing o37_emiInd(ttot,regi,entyPe,secInd37,enty)$( ttot.val ge 2005 ) = sum(secInd37_2_emiInd37(secInd37,emiInd37(emiInd37_fuel)), sum(pe2se(entyPE,entySE,te), sum(se2fe(entySE,entyFE,te2), sum(fe2ppfen(entyFE,in), vm_cesIO.l(ttot,regi,in) * p37_shIndFE(regi,in,secInd37) ) * p37_fctEmi(entyFE) !! share of SE in FE production * ( vm_prodFE.l(ttot,regi,entySE,entyFE,te2) / sum(se2fe2(entySE2,entyFE,te3), vm_prodSE.l(ttot,regi,entySE2,entyFE,te3) ) ) ) !! share of PE in SE production * ( vm_prodSE.l(ttot,regi,entyPE,entySE,te) / ( sum(pe2se2(entyPE2,entySE,te2), vm_prodSE.l(ttot,regi,entyPE2,entySE,te2) ) !! SE CH4 from waste bypass + ( 0.001638 * ( vm_macBase.l(ttot,regi,"ch4wstl") - vm_emiMacSector.l(ttot,regi,"ch4wstl") ) )$( sameas(entySE,"segabio") ) + sm_eps ) ) ) * ( 1$( sameas(enty,"co2") ) !! 1 for co2, 0 for cco2 + ( pm_macSwitch(emiInd37) * pm_macAbatLev(ttot,regi,emiInd37) * ((0.5 - 1$( sameas(enty,"co2") )) * 2) !! -1 for co2, 1 for cco2 ) ) !! residual emissions for co2, abated emissions for cco2 ); !! renewable primary energy carriers have zero emissions, but may have !! non-zero CCS o37_emiInd(ttot,regi,peRe,secInd37,"co2") = 0; !! prepare cement process emissions for post-processing o37_cementProcessEmissions(ttot,regi,enty)$( ttot.val ge 2005 ) = vm_macBaseInd.l(ttot,regi,"co2cement_process","cement") * ( 1$( sameas(enty,"co2") ) !! 1 for co2, 0 for cco2 + ( pm_macSwitch("co2cement") * pm_macAbatLev(ttot,regi,"co2cement") * ((0.5 - 1$( sameas(enty,"co2") )) * 2) !! -1 for co2, 1 for cco2 ) ); !! residual emissions for co2, abated emissions for cco2 ); *** EOF ./modules/37_industry/fixed_shares/postsolve.gms