*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de *** SOF ./core/sets.gms ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of all super-sets "all_*" ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETS c_expname "c_expname as set for use in GDX" / %c_expname% / all_POPscen " all possible population scenarios" / pop_SDP "SDP population scenario" pop_SSP1 "SSP1 population scenario" pop_SSP2 "SSP2 population scenario" pop_SSP3 "SSP3 population scenario" pop_SSP4 "SSP4 population scenario" pop_SSP5 "SSP5 population scenario" pop_a1 pop_a2 pop_b1 pop_b2 / all_GDPscen "all possible GDP scenarios" / gdp_SDP "SDP fastGROWTH medCONV" gdp_SSP1 "SSP1 fastGROWTH medCONV" gdp_SSP2 "SSP2 medGROWTH medCONV" gdp_SSP3 "SSP3 slowGROWTH slowCONV" gdp_SSP4 "SSP4 medGROWTH mixedCONV" gdp_SSP5 "SSP5 fastGROWTH fastCONV" gdp_a1 gdp_a2 gdp_b1 gdp_b2 / all_GDPpcScen "all possible GDP per capita scenarios (GDP and Population from the same SSP-scenario" / SDP "SDP scenario" SSP1 "SSP1 fastGROWTH medCONV" SSP2 "SSP2 medGROWTH medCONV" SSP3 "SSP3 slowGROWTH slowCONV" SSP4 "SSP4 medGROWTH mixedCONV" SSP5 "SSP5 fastGROWTH fastCONV" a1 a2 b1 b2 / all_SSP_forcing_adjust "all possible forcing targets and budgets according to SSP scenario such that magicc forcing meets the target" / forcing_SSP1 forcing_SSP2 forcing_SSP3 forcing_SSP4 forcing_SSP5 / all_rcp_scen "all possible RCP scenarios" /none,rcp20,rcp26,rcp37,rcp45,rcp60,rcp85/ all_delayPolicy "all possible SPA policy choices" / SPA0 "no baseline policy" SPAx "moderate baseline policy, depends on the SSP-scenario" / all_APscen "all air pollutant scenarios" / SSP1 SSP2 SSP3 SSP4 SSP5 CLE FLE FLE_building_transport MFR MFR_Transports GlobalEURO6 SLCF_building_transport / all_LU_emi_scen "all emission baselines for CH4 and N2O land use emissions from MAgPIE" / SDP "very low emissions (from SDP scenario in MAgPIE)" SSP1 "low emissions (from SSP1 scenario in MAgPIE)" SSP2 "medium emissions (from SSP2 scenario in MAgPIE)" SSP3 "currently not available" SSP4 "currently not available" SSP5 "high emissions (from SSP5 scenario in MAgPIE)" / all_fossilScen "all possible scenarios for fossils" / lowCoal,medCoal,highCoal, lowGas,medGas,highGas, lowOil,medOil,highOil / all_te "all energy technologies, including from modules" / ngcc "natural gas combined cycle" ngccc "natural gas combined cycle with capture" ngt "natural gas turbine" gastr "transformation of gases" gaschp "combined heating power using gas" gashp "heating plant using gas" gash2 "gas to hydrogen" gash2c "gas to hydrogen with capture" gasftrec "gas based fischer-tropsch recycle" gasftcrec "gas based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" refliq "refinery oil to se liquids" dot "diesel oil turbine" dhp "diesel oil heating plant" igcc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle" igccc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle with capture" pc "pulverised coal power plant" $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc "pulverised coal power plant with capture" pco "pulverised coal power plant with oxyfuel capture" $endif coalchp "combined heat powercoal" coalhp "heating plantcoal" coaltr "tranformation of coal" coalgas "coal gasification" coalftrec "coal based fischer-tropsch recycle" coalftcrec "coal based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" coalh2 "coal to hydrogen" coalh2c "coal to hydrogen with capture" biotr "transformation of biomass" biotrmod "modern solids from biomass" biotrtradIEA "only needed for reporting" biotrmodIEA "only needed for reporting" biochp "biomass combined heat and power" biohp "biomass heating plant" bioigcc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" biogas "gasification of biomass" bioftrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch recycle" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2 "biomass to hydrogen" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioethl "biomass to ethanol" bioeths "sugar and starch biomass to ethanol" biodiesel "oil biomass to biodiesel" geohdr "geothermal electric hot dry rock" geohe "geothermal heat" hydro "hydro electric" wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" solhe "solar thermal heat generation" tnrs "thermal nuclear reactor (simple structure)" fnrs "fast nuclear reactor (simple structure)" elh2 "hydrogen elecrolysis" h2turb "hydrogen turbine for electricity production" elh2VRE "dummy technology: hydrogen electrolysis; to demonstrate the capacities and SE flows inside the storXXX technologies" h2turbVRE "dummy technology: hydrogen turbine for electricity production; to demonstrate the capacities and SE flows inside the storXXX technologies" h2curt "hydrogen production from curtailment" h22ch4 "Methanation, H2 + 4 CO2 --> CH4 + 2 H20" MeOH "Methanol production /liquid fuel, CO2 hydrogenation, CO2 + 3 H2 --> CH3OH + H20" tdels "transmission and distribution for electricity to stationary users" tdeli "transmission and distribution for electricity to industry" tdelb "transmission and distribution for electricity to buildings" tdelt "transmission and distribution for electricity to transport" tdbiogas "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfosgas "transmission and distribution for gas from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiogai "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to industry" tdfosgai "transmission and distribution for gas from fossil origin to industry" tdbiogab "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to buildings" tdfosgab "transmission and distribution for gas from fossil origin to buildings" tdbiogat "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to transportation" tdfosgat "transmission and distribution for gas from fossil origin to transportation" tdbiohos "transmission and distribution for heating oil from biomass origin to transportation" tdfoshos "transmission and distribution for heating oil from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiohoi "transmission and distribution for heating oil from biomass origin to industry" tdfoshoi "transmission and distribution for heating oil from fossil origin to industry" tdbiohob "transmission and distribution for heating oil from biomass origin to buildings" tdfoshob "transmission and distribution for heating oil from fossil origin to buildings" tdh2s "transmission and distribution for hydrogen to stationary users" tdh2t "transmission and distribution for hydrogen to transportation" tdbiodie "transmission and distribution for diesel from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfosdie "transmission and distribution for diesel from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiopet "transmission and distribution for petrol from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfospet "transmission and distribution for petrol from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiosos "transmission and distribution for solids from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfossos "transmission and distribution for solids from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiosoi "transmission and distribution for solids from biomass origin to industry" tdfossoi "transmission and distribution for solids from fossil origin to industry" tdbiosob "transmission and distribution for solids from biomass origin to buildings" tdfossob "transmission and distribution for solids from fossil origin to buildings" tdhes "transmission and distribution for heat to stationary users" tdhei "transmission and distribution for heat to industry" tdheb "transmission and distribution for heat to buildings" * ccscomp "compression of co2" * ccspipe "transportation of co2" ccsinje "injection of co2" * ccsmoni "monitoring of co2" *RP* Storage technology: storspv "storage technology for photo voltaic (PV)" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for concentrating solar power (CSP)" *RP* grid technology gridspv "grid between areas with high pv production and the rest" gridcsp "grid between areas with high csp production and the rest" gridwind "grid between areas with high wind production and the rest" *AJS* transport technologies (ESH2T etc..) are defined in the transport module. apCarPeT "Cars using final energy petrol (FEPET) to produce useful energy in form of petrol for transport (UEPET) " apCarDiT "Vehicles using final energy diesel (FEDIE) to produce heavy-duty useful energy (uedit, e.g. freight, busses, planes, ships)." apcarDiEffT "More efficient vehicles using final energy diesel (FEDIE) and electricity (FEELT) to produce heavy-duty useful energy (uedit, e.g. freight, busses, planes, ships)." apcarDiEffH2T "Even more efficient vehicles using final energy diesel (FEDIE), electricity (FEELT) and Hydrogen (FEH2T) to produce heavy-duty useful energy (uedit, e.g. freight, busses, planes, ships)." apCarH2T "Cars using final energy hydrogen for transport (FEH2T) to produce useful energy as hydrogen for transport (ESH2T)." apCarElT "Cars using final energy electricity (FEELT) to produce useful energy as electricity for transport (UEELT)" apTrnElT "Trains using final energy electricity (FEELT) to produce useful energy as electricity for transport (UEELT)" *** appCarGaT "Cars using FEGAT to produce ESGAT." ??? rockgrind "grinding rock for enhanced weathering" dac "direct air capture" x_gas2elec d_bio2elec "d_* transmission and distribution losses" d_coal2elec d_gas2elec d_feel d_fehe d_fesobio d_fesofos d_fegabio d_fegafos d_coal2coal d_oil2coal d_gas2coal d_elec2coal d_oil2og d_gas2og d_elec2og d_oil2oil d_oil2gas d_gas2oil d_gas2gas d_elec2oil d_elec2gas tdgai_cs tdhoi_cs o_feel / all_enty "all types of quantities" / peoil "PE oil" pegas "PE gas" pecoal "PE coal" peur "PE uranium" pegeo "PE geothermal" pehyd "PE hydropower" pewin "PE wind" pesol "PE solar" pebiolc "PE biomass lignocellulosic" pebios "PE biomass sugar and starch" pebioil "PE biomass sunflowers, palm oil, etc" all_seliq "all to SE liquids" seliqbio "SE liquids from biomass (ex. ethanol)" seliqfos "SE liquids from fossil pe (ex. petrol and diesel)" all_seso "all to SE solids" sesobio "SE solids from biomass" sesofos "SE solids from fossil pe" seel "SE electricity" seh2 "SE hydrogen" all_sega "all to SE gas" segabio "SE gas from biomass" segafos "SE gas from fossil pe" sehe "SE district heating nd heat pumps" fegas "FE gas stationary" fegab fegai fegat fega fehos "FE heating oil stationary" fehob fehoi fesos "FE solids stationary" feso fesoi fesob feels "FE electricity stationary" feelb feeli feel fehes "FE district heating (including combined heat and power), and heat pumps stationary" feheg fehei feheb fehe feh2s "FE hydrogen stationary" fepet "FE petrol transport" fedie "FE diesel transport" felit "FE liquids for transport (includes diesel and petrol)" fetf "FE transport fuels" feh2t "FE hydrogen transport" feelt "final energy electricity for transport" fehoi_cs "final energy in industry diesel - carbon stored" fegai_cs "final energy in industry natural gas - carbon stored " ueHDVt "transport useful energy heavy duty vehicles" ueLDVt "transport useful energy light duty vehicles" ueelTt "transport useful energy for electric trains" !! emissions co2 "carbon dioxide emissions" ch4 "methane emissions" n2o "n2o emissions from the energy system" so2 "sulfur dioxide emissions" ch4coal "fugitive emissions from coal mining" ch4gas "fugitive emissions from gas production" ch4oil "fugitive emissions from oil production" ch4wstl "ch4 emissions from solid waste disposal on land" ch4wsts "ch4 emissions from waste water" ch4rice "ch4 emissions from rice cultivation (rice_ch4)" ch4animals "ch4 emissions from enteric fermentation of ruminants (ent_ferm_ch4)" ch4anmlwst "ch4 emissions from animal waste management(awms_ch4)" ch4agwaste "ch4 emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" ch4forest "ch4 emissions from forest burning" ch4savan "ch4 emissions from savannah burnging" n2oforest "n2o emissions from forest burning" n2osavan "n2o emissions from savannah burnging" n2otrans "n2o emissions from transport" n2oacid "n2o emissions from acid production (only 2005 EDGAR data for calibration of n2oadac and n2onitac baselines)" n2oadac "n2o emissions from adipic acid production" n2onitac "n2o emissions from nitric acid production" n2ofert "MAC for n2o emissions from fertilizer (starting with n2ofert)" n2ofertin "n2o emissions from Inorganic fertilizers (inorg_fert_n2o)" n2ofertcr "n2o emissions from decay of crop residues (resid_n2o)" n2ofertsom "n2o emissions from soil organic matter loss (som_n2o)" n2oanwst "MAC for n2o emissions from animal waste (starting with n2oanwst)" n2oanwstc "n2o emissions from manure applied to croplands (man_crop_n2o)" n2oanwstm "n2o emissions from animal waste management (awms_n2o)" n2oanwstp "n2o emissions from manure excreted on pasture (man_past_n2o)" n2oagwaste "n2o emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" n2owaste "n2o emissions from waste (domestic sewage)" co2luc "co2 emissions from land use change" co2cement_process "co2 from cement production (only process emissions)" n2obio "N2O emissions from pebiolc " bc "black carbon from fossil fuel combustion" oc "organic carbon from fossil fuel combustion" NOx "nitrogen oxide emissions" CO "carbon monoxide emissions" VOC "volatile organic compound emissions" NH3 "ammonia emissions" !! emissions from industry sub-sectors co2cement "CO2 emissions from clinker and cement production" co2chemicals "CO2 emissions from chemicals production" co2steel "CO2 emissions from steel production" co2otherInd "CO2 emissions from other industry (used only for reporting)" !! various emissions emiFgasTotal "XXX" emiFgasPFC "XXX" emiFgasCF4 "XXX" emiFgasC2F6 "XXX" emiFgasC6F14 "XXX" emiFgasHFC "XXX" emiFgasHFC23 "XXX" emiFgasHFC32 "XXX" emiFgasHFC43-10 "XXX" emiFgasHFC125 "XXX" emiFgasHFC134a "XXX" emiFgasHFC143a "XXX" emiFgasHFC227ea "XXX" emiFgasHFC245fa "XXX" emiFgasSF6 "XXX" ccuco2short "CCU related parameter for short term stored co2 in ccu products" CtoH "co2 emissions ratio C to H for CCU-technologies" cco2 "captured CO2" *** pco2 "CCS related parameter during compression of CO2" *** tco2 "CCS related parameter during transportation of CO2" ico2 "CCS related parameter during injection of CO2" *** sco2 "CCS related parameter during storage of CO2 - monitoring ???" uedit "Useful Energy: DIesel for Transport. Unit: TWa (not yet a real ES, only copied 1:1 from FE)" uepet "Useful Energy: PEtrol for Transport. Unit: TWa (not yet a real ES, only copied 1:1 from FE)" ueelt "Useful Energy: ELectricity for Transport. Unit: TWa (not yet a real ES, only copied 1:1 from FE)" *** uegat "Useful Energy: GAs for Transport. Unit: TWa (not yet a real ES, only copied 1:1 from FE)" *** ueh2t "Useful Energy: H2 for Transport. Unit: TWa (not yet a real ES, only copied 1:1 from FE)" good "Generic good" perm "Carbon permit" peog "aggregated oil and gas, only relevant for calibration because IEA only provides aggregated data" / all_esty "energy services" / *** Transport module: Energy services espet_pass_sm esdie_pass_sm esdie_pass_lo eselt_pass_sm esdie_frgt_lo esdie_frgt_sm eselt_frgt_sm esh2t_pass_sm esgat_pass_sm esh2t_frgt_sm esgat_frgt_sm *** Buildings module: Energy services (useful energy) ueshheb "buildings space heating district heat" ueshhob "buildings space heating liquids" ueshsob "buildings space heating solids" ueshstb "buildings space heating traditional solids" ueshgab "buildings space heating district heat" ueshh2b "buildings space heating hydrogen" ueshelb "buildings space heating electricity resistance" ueshhpb "buildings space heating electricity heat pump" uecwhob "buildings cooking and water heating liquids" uecwsob "buildings cooking and water heating solids" uecwstb "buildings cooking and water heating traditional solids" uecwgab "buildings cooking and water heating gas" uecwheb "buildings cooking and water heating district heat" uecwh2b "buildings cooking and water heating hydrogen" uecwelb "buildings cooking and water heating electricity" uecwhpb "buildings cooking and water heating heat pump" / all_sectorEmi "all sectors with emissions" / indst "emissions from industry sector" res "emissions from residential sector" trans "emissions from transport sector" power "emissions from power sector" solvents "emissions from solvents" extraction "emissions from fuel extraction" indprocess "process emissions from industry" / all_exogEmi " all exogenous emission types" / Aviation "Exog emi from Aviation" InternationalShipping "Ecog emi from Int. Shipping" Waste "???" Agriculture "Exogenous emissions from Agriculture" AgWasteBurning "Exogenous emissions from Ag Waste Burning" ForestBurning "Exogenous emissions from Forest Burning" GrasslandBurning "Exogenous emissions from Grassland Burning" / all_in "all inputs and outputs of the CES function" / inco "macroeconomic output" lab "labour input" kap "capital input" en "energy input" ens "stationary energy use" ensh "stationary heat energy use" fesos "stationary use of solid energy carriers" fehos "stationary use of liquid energy carriers" fegas "stationary use of gaseous energy carriers" feh2s "stationary use of hydrogen" fehes "stationary use of district heat" feels "stationary use of electricity" enb "buildings energy use" enhb "buildings heat energy use" fesob "buildings use of solid energy carriers" fehob "buildings use of liquid energy carriers" fegab "buildings use of gaseous energy carriers" feh2b "buildings use of hydrogen" feheb "buildings use of district heat" feelb "buildings use of electricity" eni "industry energy use" enhi "industry heat energy use" fesoi "industry use of solid energy carriers" fehoi "industry use of liquid energy carriers" fegai "industry use of gaseous energy carriers" feh2i "industry use of hydrogen" fehei "industry use of district heat" feeli "industry use of electricity" fehcsob "buildings heating and cooking solids final energy" fehcelb "buildings heating and cooking electricity final energy" fehcheb "buildings heating and cooking district heat final energy" fehcgab "buildings heating and cooking gas final energy" fehchob "buildings heating and cooking liquids final energy" fealelb "buildings appliances and light electricity final energy" fecwsob "buildings cooking and water heating solids final energy" fecwelb "buildings cooking and water heating electricity final energy" fecwhpb "buildings cooking and water heating electricity heat pump final energy" fecwheb "buildings cooking and water heating district heat final energy" fecwgab "buildings cooking and water heating gas final energy" fecwhob "buildings cooking and water heating liquids final energy" fescelb "buildings space cooling electricity final energy" feshsob "buildings space heating solids final energy" feshelb "buildings space heating electricity final energy" feshheb "buildings space heating district heat final energy" feshgab "buildings space heating gas final energy" feshhob "buildings space heating liquids final energy" feshhpb "buildings space heating electricity heat pump final energy" esswb "buildings weatherization energy service" uehcb "buildings heating and cooking useful energy" uecwb "buildings cooking and water heating useful energy" uescb "buildings space cooling useful energy" ueshb "buildings space heating useful energy" uealb "buildings appliances and light, useful energy" ueswb "buildings weatherization" feshh2b "buildings space heating hydrogen" fecwb "buildings cooking and water heating FE" fecwh2b "buildings cooking and water heating hydrogen" *** FIXME this should be reworked with Robert when revising the transport module entrp "transport energy use" fetf "transport fuel use" ueLDVt "transport useful energy light duty vehicles" ueHDVt "transport useful energy heavy duty vehicles" feh2t "transport hydrogen use" ueelTt "transport useful energy for electric trains" entrp_pass "passenger transport" entrp_frgt "freight transport" entrp_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport" entrp_pass_lo "long distance passenger transport" entrp_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport" entrp_frgt_lo "long distance freight transport" fepet_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport, petrol" fedie_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport, diesel" feelt_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport, electricity" fedie_pass_lo "long distance passenger transport, diesel" fedie_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport, diesel" feelt_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport, electricity" fedie_frgt_lo "long distance freight transport, diesel" kaphc "buildings capital stock insulation" kapsc "buildings capital stock space cooling" kapal "buildings capital stock appliances and light" !! production factors of industry with subsectors ue_industry "useful energy of industry sector" ue_cement "useful energy of cement production" en_cement "energy use of cement production" kap_cement "energy efficiency capital of cement production" en_cement_non_electric "non-electric energy use of cement production" feso_cement "solids energy use of cement production" feli_cement "liquids energy use of cement production" fega_cement "gases energy use of cement production" feh2_cement "hydrogen energy use of cement production" feel_cement "electricity energy use of cement production" ue_chemicals "useful energy of chemicals production" en_chemicals "energy use of chemicals production" kap_chemicals "energy efficiency capital of chemicals production" en_chemicals_fhth "feedstock and high temperature heat enery use of chemicals production" feso_chemicals "solids energy use of cement production" feli_chemicals "liquids energy use of chemicals production" fega_chemicals "gases energy use of chemicals production" feh2_chemicals "hydrogen energy use of chemicals production" feelhth_chemicals "high temperature heat electricity energy use of chemicals production" feelwlth_chemicals "work and low temperature heat electricity energy use of chemicals production" ue_steel "useful energy of steel production" ue_steel_primary "useful energy of primary steel production" ue_steel_secondary "useful energy of secondary steel production" en_steel_primary "energy use of primary steel production" kap_steel_primary "energy efficiency capital of primary steel production" kap_steel_secondary "energy efficiency capital of secondary steel production" en_steel_furnace "non-electric energy use of primary steel production" feso_steel "solids energy use of primary steel production" feli_steel "liquids energy use of primary steel production" fega_steel "gases energy use of primary steel production" feh2_steel "hydrogen energy use of primary steel production" feel_steel_primary "electricity energy use pf primary steel production" feel_steel_secondary "electricity energy use of secondary steel production" ue_otherInd "useful energy of other industry production" en_otherInd "energy use of other industry production" kap_otherInd "energy efficiency capital of other industry production" en_otherInd_hth "non-electric energy use of other industry production" feso_otherInd "solids energy use of other industry production" feli_otherInd "liquids energy use of other industry production" fega_otherInd "gases energy use of other industry production" feh2_otherInd "hydrogen energy use of other industry production" fehe_otherInd "heat energy use of other industry production" feelhth_otherInd "high temperature heat electricity energy use of other industry production" feelwlth_otherInd "work and low temperature heat electricity energy use of other industry production" / all_teEs "energy service technologies" / *** transport module te_espet_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport CES node" te_esdie_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport CES node" te_eselt_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport CES node" te_esh2t_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport CES node" te_esgat_pass_sm "short-to-medium distance passenger transport CES node" te_esdie_pass_lo "long distance passenger transport (aviation) CES node" te_esdie_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport CES node" te_eselt_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport CES node" te_esh2t_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport CES node" te_esgat_frgt_sm "short-to-medium distance freight transport CES node" te_esdie_frgt_lo "long distance freight transport CES node" *** Buildings module te_ueshheb "buildings space heating district heat" te_ueshhob "buildings space heating liquids" te_ueshsob "buildings space heating solids" te_ueshstb "buildings space heating traditional solids" te_ueshgab "buildings space heating district heat" te_ueshh2b "buildings space heating hydrogen" te_ueshelb "buildings space heating electricity resistance" te_ueshhpb "buildings space heating electricity heat pump" te_uecwhob "buildings cooking and water heating liquids" te_uecwsob "buildings cooking and water heating solids" te_uecwstb "buildings cooking and water heating traditional solids" te_uecwgab "buildings cooking and water heating gas" te_uecwheb "buildings cooking and water heating district heat" te_uecwh2b "buildings cooking and water heating hydrogen" te_uecwelb "buildings cooking and water heating electricity" te_uecwhpb "buildings cooking and water heating heat pump" / teEs(all_teEs) "ES technologies which are actually used (to be filled by module realizations)." // ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of region sets ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***############################################################################### ***######################## R SECTION START (SETS) ############################### *** THIS CODE IS CREATED AUTOMATICALLY, DO NOT MODIFY THESE LINES DIRECTLY *** ANY DIRECT MODIFICATION WILL BE LOST AFTER NEXT INPUT DOWNLOAD *** CHANGES CAN BE DONE USING THE RESPECTIVE LINES IN scripts/start_functions.R sets all_regi "all regions" /CAZ,CHA,EUR,IND,JPN,LAM,MEA,NEU,OAS,REF,SSA,USA/ ext_regi "extended regions list (includes subsets of H12 regions)" / EUR_regi,CAZ,CHA,EUR,IND,JPN,LAM,MEA,NEU,OAS,REF,SSA,USA / regi_group(ext_regi,all_regi) "region groups (regions that together corresponds to a H12 region)" / EUR_regi .(EUR) / iso "list of iso countries" / ABW,AFG,AGO,AIA,ALA,ALB,AND,ARE,ARG,ARM, ASM,ATA,ATF,ATG,AUS,AUT,AZE,BDI,BEL,BEN, BES,BFA,BGD,BGR,BHR,BHS,BIH,BLM,BLR,BLZ, BMU,BOL,BRA,BRB,BRN,BTN,BVT,BWA,CAF,CAN, CCK,CHN,CHE,CHL,CIV,CMR,COD,COG,COK,COL, COM,CPV,CRI,CUB,CUW,CXR,CYM,CYP,CZE,DEU, DJI,DMA,DNK,DOM,DZA,ECU,EGY,ERI,ESH,ESP, EST,ETH,FIN,FJI,FLK,FRA,FRO,FSM,GAB,GBR, GEO,GGY,GHA,GIB,GIN,GLP,GMB,GNB,GNQ,GRC, GRD,GRL,GTM,GUF,GUM,GUY,HKG,HMD,HND,HRV, HTI,HUN,IDN,IMN,IND,IOT,IRL,IRN,IRQ,ISL, ISR,ITA,JAM,JEY,JOR,JPN,KAZ,KEN,KGZ,KHM, KIR,KNA,KOR,KWT,LAO,LBN,LBR,LBY,LCA,LIE, LKA,LSO,LTU,LUX,LVA,MAC,MAF,MAR,MCO,MDA, MDG,MDV,MEX,MHL,MKD,MLI,MLT,MMR,MNE,MNG, MNP,MOZ,MRT,MSR,MTQ,MUS,MWI,MYS,MYT,NAM, NCL,NER,NFK,NGA,NIC,NIU,NLD,NOR,NPL,NRU, NZL,OMN,PAK,PAN,PCN,PER,PHL,PLW,PNG,POL, PRI,PRK,PRT,PRY,PSE,PYF,QAT,REU,ROU,RUS, RWA,SAU,SDN,SEN,SGP,SGS,SHN,SJM,SLB,SLE, SLV,SMR,SOM,SPM,SRB,SSD,STP,SUR,SVK,SVN, SWE,SWZ,SXM,SYC,SYR,TCA,TCD,TGO,THA,TJK, TKL,TKM,TLS,TON,TTO,TUN,TUR,TUV,TWN,TZA, UGA,UKR,UMI,URY,USA,UZB,VAT,VCT,VEN,VGB, VIR,VNM,VUT,WLF,WSM,YEM,ZAF,ZMB,ZWE / regi2iso(all_regi,iso) "mapping regions to iso countries" / CAZ . (AUS,CAN,HMD,NZL,SPM) CHA . (CHN,HKG,MAC,TWN) EUR . (ALA,AUT,BEL,BGR,CYP,CZE,DEU,DNK,ESP,EST) EUR . (FIN,FRA,FRO,GBR,GGY,GIB,GRC,HRV,HUN,IMN) EUR . (IRL,ITA,JEY,LTU,LUX,LVA,MLT,NLD,POL,PRT) EUR . (ROU,SVK,SVN,SWE) IND . (IND) JPN . (JPN) LAM . (ABW,AIA,ARG,ATA,ATG,BES,BHS,BLM,BLZ,BMU) LAM . (BOL,BRA,BRB,BVT,CHL,COL,CRI,CUB,CUW,CYM) LAM . (DMA,DOM,ECU,FLK,GLP,GRD,GTM,GUF,GUY,HND) LAM . (HTI,JAM,KNA,LCA,MAF,MEX,MSR,MTQ,NIC,PAN) LAM . (PER,PRI,PRY,SGS,SLV,SUR,SXM,TCA,TTO,URY) LAM . (VCT,VEN,VGB,VIR) MEA . (ARE,BHR,DZA,EGY,ESH,IRN,IRQ,ISR,JOR,KWT) MEA . (LBN,LBY,MAR,OMN,PSE,QAT,SAU,SDN,SYR,TUN) MEA . (YEM) NEU . (ALB,AND,BIH,CHE,GRL,ISL,LIE,MCO,MKD,MNE) NEU . (NOR,SJM,SMR,SRB,TUR,VAT) OAS . (AFG,ASM,ATF,BGD,BRN,BTN,CCK,COK,CXR,FJI) OAS . (FSM,GUM,IDN,IOT,KHM,KIR,KOR,LAO,LKA,MDV) OAS . (MHL,MMR,MNG,MNP,MYS,NCL,NFK,NIU,NPL,NRU) OAS . (PAK,PCN,PHL,PLW,PNG,PRK,PYF,SGP,SLB,THA) OAS . (TKL,TLS,TON,TUV,UMI,VNM,VUT,WLF,WSM) REF . (ARM,AZE,BLR,GEO,KAZ,KGZ,MDA,RUS,TJK,TKM) REF . (UKR,UZB) SSA . (AGO,BDI,BEN,BFA,BWA,CAF,CIV,CMR,COD,COG) SSA . (COM,CPV,DJI,ERI,ETH,GAB,GHA,GIN,GMB,GNB) SSA . (GNQ,KEN,LBR,LSO,MDG,MLI,MOZ,MRT,MUS,MWI) SSA . (MYT,NAM,NER,NGA,REU,RWA,SEN,SHN,SLE,SOM) SSA . (SSD,STP,SWZ,SYC,TCD,TGO,TZA,UGA,ZAF,ZMB) SSA . (ZWE) USA . (USA) / iso_regi "all iso countries and EU and greater China region" / EUR,CHA, ABW,AFG,AGO,AIA,ALA,ALB,AND,ARE,ARG,ARM, ASM,ATA,ATF,ATG,AUS,AUT,AZE,BDI,BEL,BEN, BES,BFA,BGD,BGR,BHR,BHS,BIH,BLM,BLR,BLZ, BMU,BOL,BRA,BRB,BRN,BTN,BVT,BWA,CAF,CAN, CCK,CHN,CHE,CHL,CIV,CMR,COD,COG,COK,COL, COM,CPV,CRI,CUB,CUW,CXR,CYM,CYP,CZE,DEU, DJI,DMA,DNK,DOM,DZA,ECU,EGY,ERI,ESH,ESP, EST,ETH,FIN,FJI,FLK,FRA,FRO,FSM,GAB,GBR, GEO,GGY,GHA,GIB,GIN,GLP,GMB,GNB,GNQ,GRC, GRD,GRL,GTM,GUF,GUM,GUY,HKG,HMD,HND,HRV, HTI,HUN,IDN,IMN,IND,IOT,IRL,IRN,IRQ,ISL, ISR,ITA,JAM,JEY,JOR,JPN,KAZ,KEN,KGZ,KHM, KIR,KNA,KOR,KWT,LAO,LBN,LBR,LBY,LCA,LIE, LKA,LSO,LTU,LUX,LVA,MAC,MAF,MAR,MCO,MDA, MDG,MDV,MEX,MHL,MKD,MLI,MLT,MMR,MNE,MNG, MNP,MOZ,MRT,MSR,MTQ,MUS,MWI,MYS,MYT,NAM, NCL,NER,NFK,NGA,NIC,NIU,NLD,NOR,NPL,NRU, NZL,OMN,PAK,PAN,PCN,PER,PHL,PLW,PNG,POL, PRI,PRK,PRT,PRY,PSE,PYF,QAT,REU,ROU,RUS, RWA,SAU,SDN,SEN,SGP,SGS,SHN,SJM,SLB,SLE, SLV,SMR,SOM,SPM,SRB,SSD,STP,SUR,SVK,SVN, SWE,SWZ,SXM,SYC,SYR,TCA,TCD,TGO,THA,TJK, TKL,TKM,TLS,TON,TTO,TUN,TUR,TUV,TWN,TZA, UGA,UKR,UMI,URY,USA,UZB,VAT,VCT,VEN,VGB, VIR,VNM,VUT,WLF,WSM,YEM,ZAF,ZMB,ZWE / map_iso_regi(iso_regi,all_regi) "mapping from iso countries to regions that represent country" / CHA . CHA EUR . EUR IND . IND JPN . JPN USA . USA / ; ***######################### R SECTION END (SETS) ################################ ***############################################################################### *** FS: definition of regional sensitivity/scenario sets $IFTHEN.RegScenNuc "%c_regi_nucscen%" == "all" set regi_nucscen(all_regi) "regions which nucscen applies to"; regi_nucscen(all_regi)=YES; $ELSE.RegScenNuc set regi_nucscen(all_regi) "regions which nucscen applies to" / %c_regi_nucscen% /; $ENDIF.RegScenNuc $IFTHEN.RegScenCapt "%c_regi_capturescen%" == "all" set regi_capturescen(all_regi) "regions which capturescen applies to"; regi_capturescen(all_regi)=YES; $ELSE.RegScenCapt set regi_capturescen(all_regi) "regions which capturescen applies to" / %c_regi_capturescen% /; $ENDIF.RegScenCapt ***############################################################################### ***######################## R SECTION START (MODULES) ############################### *** THIS CODE IS CREATED AUTOMATICALLY, DO NOT MODIFY THESE LINES DIRECTLY *** ANY DIRECT MODIFICATION WILL BE LOST AFTER NEXT MODEL START *** CHANGES CAN BE DONE USING THE RESPECTIVE LINES IN scripts/start_functions.R sets modules "all the available modules" / welfare PE_FE_parameters initialCap aerosols climate downscaleTemperature growth tax subsidizeLearning capitalMarket agCosts CES_parameters biomass fossil power CDR transport buildings industry stationary CCU techpol emicapregi banking carbonprice regipol damages internalizeDamages water optimization codePerformance / module2realisation(modules,*) "mapping of modules and active realisations" / welfare . %welfare% PE_FE_parameters . %PE_FE_parameters% initialCap . %initialCap% aerosols . %aerosols% climate . %climate% downscaleTemperature . %downscaleTemperature% growth . %growth% tax . %tax% subsidizeLearning . %subsidizeLearning% capitalMarket . %capitalMarket% agCosts . %agCosts% CES_parameters . %CES_parameters% biomass . %biomass% fossil . %fossil% power . %power% CDR . %CDR% transport . %transport% buildings . %buildings% industry . %industry% stationary . %stationary% CCU . %CCU% techpol . %techpol% emicapregi . %emicapregi% banking . %banking% carbonprice . %carbonprice% regipol . %regipol% damages . %damages% internalizeDamages . %internalizeDamages% water . %water% optimization . %optimization% codePerformance . %codePerformance% / ; ***######################### R SECTION END (MODULES) ################################ ***############################################################################### sets regi(all_regi) "all regions used in the solution process" *** region sets used for MAGICC RCP_regions_world_bunkers "five RCP regions plus total (world) and bunkers" / WORLD R5OECD R5REF R5ASIA R5MAF R5LAM BUNKERS / RCP_regions_world(RCP_regions_world_bunkers) "five RCP regions plus total (world)" / WORLD R5OECD R5REF R5ASIA R5MAF R5LAM BUNKERS / ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Miscellaneous sets ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sets counter "helper set to facilitate looping in defined order" / 1 * 20 / ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of time-related sets ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETS tall "time index" / 1900*3000 / *LB* Different time-steps are used for the flags cm_less_TS (default), test_TS, *** and END2110. If none of these flags is set, five year steps are used. *** test_TS: 2005,2010,2020,2030,2040,2050,2070,2090,2110,2130,2150 *** cm_less_TS: 2005,2010,2015,2020,2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050,2055,2060, *** 2070,2080,2090,2100,2110,2130,2150 *** END2110: 2005:5:2105,2120 *AJS* Defining ttot as sum of t and tsu will give errors from compiler, so do *** it manually instead: ttot(tall) "time index with spin up" / 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2015, 2020, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2025, 2030, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2035, 2040, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2045, 2050, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2055, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2060, $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2065, 2070, $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2075, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2080, $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2085, 2090, $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2095, $if not setGlobal test_TS 2100, $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2105, $if setGlobal END2110 2120 $if not setGlobal END2110 $if setGlobal test_TS 2110, 2130, 2150 $if not setGlobal END2110 $if %cm_less_TS% == "on" 2110, 2130, 2150 $if not setGlobal END2110 $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" 2110, 2115, 2120, 2125, 2130, 2135, 2140, 2145, 2150 / $if not setGlobal test_TS $if %cm_less_TS% == "off" t_interpol(ttot)/ 2065,2075,2085,2095,2105,2115,2125,2135,2145/ *cb the content of those subsets is defined 16 lines further down t(ttot) "modeling time, usually starting in 2005, but later for fixed delay runs", tsu(ttot) "spin up-time before 2005", opTimeYr "actual life time of ??? in years" / 1*100 / opTime5(opTimeYr) "actual life time of ??? in years - 5 years time steps for the past to calculate vintages (???)" / 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96 / t0(tall) "start of modelling time, not optimization" /2005/ t_input_gdx(ttot) "t loaded from input.gdx, used for t interpolation" t_interpolate(ttot) "periods that need interpolation" ; t(ttot)$(ttot.val ge cm_startyear)=Yes; tsu(ttot)$(ttot.val lt 2005)=Yes; display ttot; *** time sets used for MAGICC Sets t_magiccttot(tall) "time periods including spin-up" t_magicc(tall) "time periods exported to magicc" t_extra(tall) "averaging between REMIND and MAGICC" / 2000 * 2004 / ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of SETS of ESM ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of the main technology set 'te': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETS te(all_te) "energy technologies" / ngcc "natural gas combined cycle" ngccc "natural gas combined cycle with capture" ngt "natural gas turbine" gastr "transformation of gases" gaschp "combined heat and power using gas" gashp "heating plant using gas" gash2 "gas to hydrogen" gash2c "gas to hydrogen with carbon capture" gasftrec "gas based fischer-tropsch recycle" gasftcrec "gas based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" refliq "refinery oil to SE liquids" dot "diesel oil turbine" igcc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle" igccc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle with carbon capture" pc "pulverised coal power plant" $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc "pulverised coal power plant with capture" pco "pulverised coal power plant with oxyfuel capture" $endif coalchp "combined heat powercoal" coalhp "heating plant coal" coaltr "tranformation of coal" coalgas "coal gasification" coalftrec "coal based fischer-tropsch recycle" coalftcrec "coal based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" coalh2 "coal to hydrogen" coalh2c "coal to hydrogen with capture" biotr "transformation of biomass" biotrmod "modern solids from biomass" biochp "biomass combined heat and power" biohp "biomass heating plant" bioigcc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" biogas "gasification of biomass" bioftrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch recycle" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2 "biomass to hydrogen" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioethl "biomass to ethanol" bioeths "sugar and starch biomass to ethanol" biodiesel "oil biomass to biodiesel" geohdr "geothermal electric hot dry rock" geohe "geothermal heat" hydro "hydro electric" wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" solhe "solar thermal heat generation" tnrs "thermal nuclear reactor (simple structure)" fnrs "fast nuclear reactor (simple structure)" elh2 "hydrogen elecrolysis" h2turb "hydrogen turbine for electricity production" elh2VRE "dummy technology: hydrogen electrolysis; to demonstrate the capacities and SE flows inside the storXXX technologies" h2turbVRE "dummy technology: hydrogen turbine for electricity production; to demonstrate the capacities and SE flows inside the storXXX technologies" h2curt "hydrogen production from curtailment" tdels "transmission and distribution for electricity to stationary users" tdelt "transmission and distribution for electricity to transport" tdbiogas "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfosgas "transmission and distribution for gas from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiogat "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to transportation" tdfosgat "transmission and distribution for gas from biomass origin to transportation" tdbiohos "transmission and distribution for heating oil from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfoshos "transmission and distribution for heating oil from fossil origin to stationary users" tdh2s "transmission and distribution for hydrogen to stationary users" tdh2t "transmission and distribution for hydrogen to transportation" tdbiodie "transmission and distribution for diesel from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfosdie "transmission and distribution for diesel from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiopet "transmission and distribution for petrol from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfospet "transmission and distribution for petrol from fossil origin to stationary users" tdbiosos "transmission and distribution for solids from biomass origin to stationary users" tdfossos "transmission and distribution for solids from fossil origin to stationary users" tdhes "transmission and distribution for heat to stationary users" * ccscomp "compression of co2, CCS related" * ccspipe "transportation of co2, CCS related" ccsinje "injection of co2, CCS related" * ccsmoni "monitoring of co2, CCS related" storspv "storage technology for photo voltaic" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for concentrating solar power" gridspv "grid between areas with high pv production and the rest" gridcsp "grid between areas with high csp production and the rest" gridwind "grid between areas with high wind production and the rest" / teAdj(all_te) "technologies with adjustment costs on capacity additions" / ngcc "natural gas combined cycle" ngccc "natural gas combined cycle with capture" ngt "natural gas turbine" gastr "transformation of gases" gaschp "combined heat and power plant using gas" gashp "heating plant using gas" gash2 "gas to hydrogen" gash2c "gas to hydrogen with capture" gasftrec "gas based fischer-tropsch recycle" gasftcrec "gas based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" dot "diesel oil turbine" igcc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle" igccc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle with capture" pc "pulverised coal power plant" $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc "pulverised coal power plant with capture" pco "pulverised coal power plant with oxyfuel capture" $endif coalchp "combined heat powercoal" coalhp "heating plant coal" coaltr "tranformation of coal" coalgas "coal gasification" coalftrec "coal based fischer-tropsch recycle" coalftcrec "coal based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" coalh2 "coal to hydrogen" coalh2c "coal to hydrogen with capture" biotr "transformation of biomass" biotrmod "modern solids from biomass" biochp "heating plant bio" biohp "heating plant bio" bioigcc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" biogas "gasification of biomass" bioftrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch recycle" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2 "biomass to hydrogen" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioethl "biomass to ethanol" bioeths "sugar and starch biomass to ethanol" biodiesel "oil biomass to biodiesel" geohdr "geothermal electric hot dry rock" geohe "geothermal heat" hydro "hydro electric" wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" solhe "solar thermal heat generation" tnrs "thermal nuclear reactor (simple structure)" fnrs "fast nuclear reactor (simple structure)" elh2 "hydrogen elecrolysis" h2turb "hydrogen turbine for electricity production" h2curt "hydrogen production from curtailment" *** ccscomp "compression of co2, CCS related" *** ccspipe "transportation of co2, CCS related" ccsinje "injection of co2, CCS related" *** ccsmoni "monitoring of co2, CCS related" storspv "storage technology for PV" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for CSP" refliq "refinery oil to SE liquids" gridspv "grid between areas with high pv production and the rest" gridcsp "grid between areas with high csp production and the rest" gridwind "grid between areas with high wind production and the rest" / ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of subsets of 'te': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- teRLDCDisp(all_te) "RLDC Dispatchable technologies that produce seel" / / teLearn(all_te) "Learning technologies (investment costs can be reduced)" / wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" storspv "storage technology for spv" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for csp" / teNoLearn(all_te) "Technologies without learning effect" teEtaIncr(all_te) "Technologies with time variable efficiency parameter eta" *RP* computationally the explicit build-time tracking for teEtaIncr is expensive. Therefore, I removed the heating plants, because there the efficiency is anyway high and doesn't have such a large influence / pc igcc igccc ngcc ngccc ngt bioigcc bioigccc / teEtaConst(all_te) "Technologies with constant eta" teCCS(all_te) "Technologies with CCS" / ngccc "natural gas combined cycle with carbon capture" gash2c "gas to hydrogen with capture" igccc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle with carbon capture" $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc "pulverized coal power plant with capture" pco "pulverized coal power plant with oxyfuel capture" $endif coalftcrec "coal based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" coalh2c "coal to hydrogen with capture" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" / teNoCCS(all_te) "Technologies without CCS" teChp(all_te) "Technologies that produce seel as main output und sehe as secondary output - dynamically defined" teBio(all_te) "biomass energy systems technologies" / biotr "transformation of biomass" biotrmod "modern solids from biomass" biochp "biomass combined heat and power" biohp "biomass heating plant" bioigcc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" biogas "gasification of biomass" bioftrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch recycle" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2 "biomass to hydrogen" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioethl "biomass to ethanol" bioeths "sugar and starch biomass to ethanol" biodiesel "oil biomass to biodiesel" / teRe(all_te) "renewable technologies including biomass" / biotr "transformation of biomass" biotrmod "modern solids from biomass" biochp "biomass combined heat and power" biohp "biomass heating plant" bioigcc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle" bioigccc "integrated biomass gasification combined cycle with CCS" biogas "gasification of biomass" bioftrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch recycle" bioftcrec "biomass based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" bioh2 "biomass to hydrogen" bioh2c "biomass to hydrogen with capture" bioethl "biomass to ethanol" bioeths "sugar and starch biomass to ethanol" biodiesel "oil biomass to biodiesel" geohdr "geothermal electric hot dry rock" geohe "geothermal heat" hydro "hydro electric" wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" solhe "solar thermal heat generation" / teReNoBio(all_te) "renewable technologies except for biomass" / geohdr "geothermal electric hot dry rock" geohe "geothermal heat" hydro "hydro electric" wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" *** solhe "solar thermal heat generation" / teNoRe(all_te) "Non renewable energy technologies" teVRE(all_te) "technologies requiring storage" / wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" / teStor(all_te) "storage technologies" / storspv "storage technology for spv" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for csp" / teLoc(all_te) "centralized technologies which require grid" / wind "wind power converters" spv "solar photovoltaic" csp "concentrating solar power" / teGrid(all_te) "grid between areas" / gridspv "grid between areas with high pv production and the rest" gridcsp "grid between areas with high csp production and the rest" gridwind "grid between areas with high wind production and the rest" / teFosCCS(all_te) "fossil technologies with CCS" / ngccc "natural gas combined cycle with carbon capture" gash2c "gas to hydrogen with capture" gasftcrec "gas based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" igccc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle with carbon capture" $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc "pulverized coal power plant with capture" pco "pulverized coal power plant with oxyfuel capture" $endif coalftcrec "coal based fischer-tropsch with capture recycle" coalh2c "coal to hydrogen with capture" / teFosNoCCS(all_te) "fossil technologies without CCS" / ngcc "natural gas combined cycle" gash2 "gas to hydrogen" igcc "integrated coal gasification combined cycle" pc "pulverized coal power plant" coalftrec "coal based Fisher-Tropsch recycle" coalh2 "coal to hydrogen" ngt "natural gas turbine" gastr "transformation of gases" gaschp "gas combined heat and power" gashp "gas heating plant" dot "diesel oil turbine" coalchp "coal combined heat and power" coalhp "coal heating plant" coalgas "coal gasification" coaltr "transformation of coal" $IF %cm_OILRETIRE% == "on" refliq / teBioPebiolc(all_te) "biomass technologies using pebiolc" / biotr biotrmod biochp biohp bioigcc bioigccc biogas bioftrec bioftcrec bioh2 bioh2c bioethl / teNoTransform(all_te) "all technologies that do not transform energy but still have investment and O&M costs (like storage or grid)" / storspv "storage technology for photo voltaic (PV)" storwind "storage technology for wind" storcsp "storage technology for concentrating solar power (CSP)" gridspv "grid between areas with high pv production and the rest" gridcsp "grid between areas with high csp production and the rest" gridwind "grid between areas with high wind production and the rest" / teRegTechCosts(all_te) "all technologies for which we differantiate tech costs" / pc igcc ngcc ngt gaschp pcc pco igccc ngccc tnrs bioigcc biogas biochp geohdr hydro spv csp wind / feForUe(all_enty) "final energy types that are transformed into useful energys - is filled automatically from the content of fe2ue" ppfenFromUe(all_in) "all ppfEn that are equivalent to UE - is filled automatically from the content of fe2ue" feForEs(all_enty) "final energy types that are transformed into final energys - is filled automatically from the content of fe2es" ppfenFromEs(all_in) "all ppfEn that are equivalent to ES - is filled automatically from the content of fe2ue" feViaEs2ppfen(all_enty,all_in,all_teEs) "map final energies to the primar production factor - is filled automatically from the content of fe2es and es2ppfen" fe2ppfEn(all_enty,all_in) "mapping between CES FE variables and ESM FE variables" / / ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of the main set of quantities 'enty': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enty(all_enty) "all types of quantities" / peoil "primary energy oil" pegas "primary energy gas" pecoal "primary energy coal" peur "primary energy uranium" pegeo "primary energy geothermal" pehyd "primary energy hydropower" pewin "primary energy wind" pesol "primary energy solar" pebiolc "primary energy biomass lignocellulosic" pebios "primary energy biomass sugar nd starch" pebioil "primary energy biomass sunflowers, palm oil, etc" seliqbio "secondary energy liquids from biomass (ex. ethanol)" seliqfos "secondary energy liquids from fossil primary energy (ex. petrol and diesel)" sesobio "secondary energy solids from biomass" sesofos "secondary energy solids from fossil primary energy" seel "secondary energy electricity" seh2 "secondary energy hydrogen" segabio "secondary energy gas from biomass" segafos "secondary energy gas from fossil primary energy" sehe "secondary energy district heating nd heat pumps" fegas "final energy gas stationary" fehos "final energy heating oil stationary" fesos "final energy solids stationary" feels "final energy electricity stationary" fehes "final energy district heating (including combined heat nd power), nd heat pumps stationary" feh2s "final energy hydrogen stationary" fepet "final energy petrol transport" fedie "final energy diesel transport" feelt "final energy electricity for transport" fetf "final energy transport fuels" feh2t "final energy hydrogen transport" fegat "final energy nat. gas for transport" co2 "carbon dioxide emissions" ch4 "methane emissions" n2o "n2o emissions from the energy system" so2 "sulfur dioxide emissions" ch4coal "fugitive emissions from coal mining" ch4gas "fugitive emissions from gas production" ch4oil "fugitive emissions from oil production" ch4wstl "ch4 emissions from solid waste disposal on land" ch4wsts "ch4 emissions from waste water" ch4rice "ch4 emissions from rice cultivation (rice_ch4)" ch4animals "ch4 emissions from enteric fermentation of ruminants (ent_ferm_ch4)" ch4anmlwst "ch4 emissions from animal waste management(awms_ch4)" ch4agwaste "ch4 emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" ch4forest "ch4 emissions from forest burning" ch4savan "ch4 emissions from savannah burnging" n2oforest "n2o emissions from forest burning" n2osavan "n2o emissions from savannah burnging" n2otrans "n2o emissions from transport" n2oacid "n2o emissions from acid production (only 2005 EDGAR data for calibration of n2oadac and n2onitac baselines)" n2oadac "n2o emissions from adipic acid production" n2onitac "n2o emissions from nitric acid production" n2ofert "MAC for n2o emissions from fertilizer (starting with n2ofert)" n2ofertin "n2o emissions from Inorganic fertilizers (inorg_fert_n2o)" n2ofertcr "n2o emissions from decay of crop residues (resid_n2o)" n2ofertsom "n2o emissions from soil organic matter loss (som_n2o)" n2oanwst "MAC for n2o emissions from animal waste (starting with n2oanwst)" n2oanwstc "n2o emissions from manure applied to croplands (man_crop_n2o)" n2oanwstm "n2o emissions from animal waste management (awms_n2o)" n2oanwstp "n2o emissions from manure excreted on pasture (man_past_n2o)" n2oagwaste "n2o emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" n2owaste "n2o emissions from waste (domestic sewage)" co2luc "co2 emissions from land use change" co2cement_process "co2 from cement production (only process emissions)" n2obio "N2O emissions from pebiolc" bc "black carbon from fossil fuel combustion" oc "organic carbon from fossil fuel combustion" NOx CO VOC NH3 cco2 "captured CO2" * pco2 "CCS related parameter during compression of CO2" * tco2 "CCS related parameter during transportation of CO2" ico2 "CCS related parameter during injection of CO2" * sco2 "CCS related parameter during storage of CO2 - monitoring ???" good "Generic good" perm "Carbon permit" !! emissions from industry sub-sectors co2cement "CO2 emissions from clinker and cement production" co2chemicals "CO2 emissions from chemicals production" co2steel "CO2 emissions from steel production" / ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of subsets of 'enty': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- entyPe(all_enty) "Primary energy types (PE)" / peoil "PE oil" pegas "PE gas" pecoal "PE coal" peur "PE uranium" pegeo "PE geothermal" pehyd "PE hydropower" pewin "PE wind" pesol "PE solar" pebiolc "PE biomass lignocellulosic" pebios "PE biomass sugar and starch" pebioil "PE biomass sunflowers, palm oil, etc" / peBio(all_enty) "biomass primary energy types" / pebiolc "PE biomass lignocellulosic" pebios "PE biomass sugar and starch" pebioil "PE biomass sunflowers, palm oil, etc" / peRe(all_enty) "Renewable primary energy sources" / pegeo "PE geothermal" pehyd "PE hydropower" pewin "PE wind" pesol "PE solar" pebiolc "PE biomass lignocellulosic" pebios "PE biomass sugar and starch" pebioil "PE biomass sunflowers, palm oil, etc" / peFos(all_enty) "primary energy fossil fuels" / peoil "PE oil" pegas "PE gas" pecoal "PE coal" / peEx(all_enty) "exhaustible primary energy carriers" / peoil "PE oil" pegas "PE gas" pecoal "PE coal" peur "PE uranium" / peExPol(all_enty) "primary energy fuels with polynomial" / peur "PE uranium" / peExGrade(all_enty) "exhaustible pe with step as entyPe ex-peExPol - s.b." peRicardian(all_enty) "Ricardian PE" peReComp(all_enty) "Renewable PE used by several technologies, thus the competition between te is modeled by q_limitGeopot equation" / pesol "PE solar" / entySe(all_enty) "secondary energy types" / seliqbio "secondary energy liquids from biomass" seliqfos "secondary energy liquids from fossil primary energy" sesobio "secondary energy solids from biomass" sesofos "secondary energy solids from fossil primary energy" seel "SE electricity" seh2 "SE hydrogen" segabio "secondary energy gas from biomass" segafos "secondary energy gas from fossil primary energy" sehe "SE district heating nd heat pumps" / entyFe(all_enty) "final energy types. Calculated in sets_calculations" esty(all_esty) "energy service types. Have to be added by modules." // buildMoBio(all_esty) "modern biomass in buildings" // entyUe(all_enty) "Useful energy types" // entyFeStat(all_enty) "final energy types from stationary sector" / fegas "FE gas stationary" fehos "FE heating oil stationary" fesos "FE solids stationary" feels "FE electricity stationary" fehes "FE district heating (including combined heat and power), and heat pumps stationary" feh2s "FE hydrogen stationary" / entyFeTrans(all_enty) "final energy types from transport sector" / fepet "FE petrol transport" fedie "FE diesel transport" feh2t "FE hydrogen transport" feelt "FE electricity for transport" / feForCes(all_enty) "limit q_balFeForCes to entyFe in fe2ppfEn" emi(all_enty) "types of emissions, these emissions are given to the climate module" emiTe(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant energy emissions for climate coupling and reporting" / co2 "energy system co2" so2 "energy system so2" bc "black carbon from fossil fuel combustion" oc "organic carbon from fossil fuel combustion" ch4 "energy system ch4" n2o "energy system n2o" / emiExog(all_enty) "exogenous emissions" / so2 bc oc / emiAP(all_enty) "Used for allocation of emission factors" / bc oc / emiMac(all_enty) "sum over sub-emissions from emiMacSector" / co2 n2o ch4 / emiMacSector(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy emissions with mac curve. Emissions in this set HAVE to be in emiMac2mac as well - if no MAC is available it will be set to zero automatically." / ch4coal "fugitive emissions from coal mining" ch4gas "fugitive emissions from gas production" ch4oil "fugitive emissions from oil production" ch4wstl "ch4 emissions from solid waste disposal on land" ch4wsts "ch4 emissions from waste water" ch4rice "ch4 emissions from rice cultivation (rice_ch4)" ch4animals "ch4 emissions from enteric fermentation of ruminants (ent_ferm_ch4)" ch4anmlwst "ch4 emissions from animal waste management(awms_ch4)" ch4agwaste "ch4 emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" ch4forest "ch4 emissions from forest burning (no MAC available)" ch4savan "ch4 emissions from savannah burning (no MAC available)" n2oforest "n2o emissions from forest burning (no MAC available)" n2osavan "n2o emissions from savannah burning (no MAC available)" n2otrans "n2o emissions from transport" n2oadac "n2o emissions from adipic acid production" n2onitac "n2o emissions from nitric acid production" n2ofertin "n2o emissions from Inorganic fertilizers (inorg_fert_n2o)" n2ofertcr "n2o emissions from decay of crop residues (resid_n2o)" n2ofertsom "n2o emissions from soil organic matter loss (som_n2o)" n2oanwstc "n2o emissions from manure applied to croplands (man_crop_n2o)" n2oanwstm "n2o emissions from animal waste management (awms_n2o)" n2oanwstp "n2o emissions from manure excreted on pasture (man_past_n2o)" n2oagwaste "n2o emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" n2owaste "n2o emissions from waste (domestic sewage)" co2luc "co2 emissions from land use change" co2cement_process "co2 from cement production (only process emissions)" / MacSector(all_enty) "sectors for which mac curves exist. Some MACs are used for several emission sectors in emiMacSector." / ch4coal "coal mining" ch4gas "gas production" ch4oil "oil production" ch4wstl "solid waste disposal on land" ch4wsts "waste water" ch4rice "rice cultivation" ch4animals "enteric fermentation of ruminants" ch4anmlwst "animal waste management" n2otrans "transport" n2oadac "adipic acid production" n2onitac "nitric acid production" n2ofert "Inorganic fertilizers" n2oanwst "manure applied to croplands" n2owaste "waste (domestic sewage)" co2luc "land use change" co2cement "cement production (only process emissions)" co2chemicals co2steel / MacSectorMagpie(all_enty) "land-use sectors for which mac curves exist in REMIND and in MAgPIE" / ch4rice "rice cultivation" ch4animals "enteric fermentation of ruminants" ch4anmlwst "animal waste management" n2ofert "Inorganic fertilizers" n2oanwst "manure applied to croplands" co2luc "land use change" / emiMacMagpie(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only" emiMacMagpieN2O(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy N2O emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only" / n2ofertin "n2o emissions from Inorganic fertilizers (inorg_fert_n2o)" n2ofertcr "n2o emissions from decay of crop residues (resid_n2o)" n2ofertsom "n2o emissions from soil organic matter loss (som_n2o)" n2oanwstc "n2o emissions from manure applied to croplands (man_crop_n2o)" n2oanwstm "n2o emissions from animal waste management (awms_n2o)" n2oanwstp "n2o emissions from manure excreted on pasture (man_past_n2o)" / emiMacMagpieCH4(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy CH4 emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only" / ch4rice "ch4 emissions from rice cultivation (rice_ch4)" ch4animals "ch4 emissions from enteric fermentation of ruminants (ent_ferm_ch4)" ch4anmlwst "ch4 emissions from animal waste management(awms_ch4)" / emiMacMagpieCO2(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy CH4 emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only" / co2luc "co2 emissions from land use change" / emiMacExo(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions are exogenous" emiMacExoN2O(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy N2O emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions are exogenous" / n2oforest "n2o emissions from forest burning (no MAC available)" n2osavan "n2o emissions from savannah burning (no MAC available)" n2oagwaste "n2o emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" / emiMacExoCH4(all_enty) "types of climate-relevant non-energy CH4 emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions are exogenous" / ch4agwaste "ch4 emissions from agricultural waste burning (no MAC available)" ch4forest "ch4 emissions from forest burning (no MAC available)" ch4savan "ch4 emissions from savannah burning (no MAC available)" / emiFuEx(all_enty) "fugitive emissions" / ch4coal "fugitive emissions from coal mining" ch4gas "fugitive emissions from gas production" ch4oil "fugitive emissions from oil production" / sectorEndoEmi(all_sectorEmi) "sectors with endogenous emissions" / indst "industry" res "residential" trans "transport" power "power" / sectorExogEmi(all_sectorEmi) "sectors with exogenous emissions" / solvents extraction indprocess / ccsCo2(all_enty) "only cco2 (???)" / cco2 / rlf "cost levels of fossil fuels" / 1*12 / integ "set of integers for looping etc" / 1*100 / xirog "parameters decribing exhaustible extraction coss including long-run marginal costs and short term adjustment costs" / xi1, xi2, xi3, xi4, xi5, xi6, xi7, xi8 / *** emissions exported to MAGICC emiRCP "emission types exported to MAGICC" / FossilCO2 OtherCO2 CH4 N2O SOx CO NMVOC NOx BC OC NH3 CF4 C2F6 C6F14 HFC23 HFC32 HFC43-10 HFC125 HFC134a HFC143a HFC227ea HFC245fa SF6 / p "parameter for ch4 and n2o waste emissions and co2 cement emissions" / p1 p2 p3 p4 / *** This is a work-around to ensure emissions are printed in correct order. numberEmiRCP "number of emission types" / 1 * 23 / unitsMagicc "units used for MAGICC" / GtC kt Mt MtCH4 MtCO MtN MtN2O-N MtS / ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of the main characteristics set 'char': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char "characteristics of technologies" / mix0 "share in the production of v*_INIdemEn0, which is the energy demand in t0 minus the energy produced by couple production" ccap0 "cumulated installed capacity in t0. Unit: TW" inco0 "investment costs in t0. Unit: $/kW" incolearn "Investment costs that can be reduced through learning. Unit: $/kW" floorcost "Floor investment costs for learning technologies. Unit: $/kW" eta "conversion efficiency" omf "fixed o&m" omv "variable o&m" tlt "techical life time" delta "depreciation rate" learn "learning rate" learnMult_woFC "multiplicative parameter in learning equation (without taking into account floor costs)" learnExp_woFC "exponent in learning equation (without taking into account floor costs)" learnMult_wFC "multiplicative parameter in learning equation, adjusted to take floor costs into account" learnExp_wFC "exponent in learning equation, adjusted to take Floor Costs into account" bgrl "lower bound on growth rate" bgru "upper bound on growth rate" bcal "lower bound on capacity" bcau "upper bound on capacity" bmil "lower bound on contribution to energy mix" bmiu "upper bound on contribution to energy mix" bscu "upper bound on combined heat power contribution to electricity production" nur "multiplicator for nu" maxprod "maximum annual production" cost "marginal costs of extraction" quan "quantity of fuel class" leak "leakage rate of CCS sequestration" omeg "NOT USED ANYMORE. New parameter: pm_omeg. Weight factor of still available capacities." seed "initial value for control variable constraint" lingro "linear growth of control variable additions p.a." linconstela "elastaticity of investment costs for linear growth constraint" limitGeopot "geographical annual solar potential" luse "land use factor of solar technologies" capacity "capacity of solar technologies" constrTme "Construction time in years, needed to calculate turn-key cost premium compared to overnight costs" tkpremused "turn-key cost premium used in the model (with a discount rate of 3+ pure rate of time preference); in comparison to overnight costs)" lifetime "average lifetime of a technology (integral under the omeg-curve). Unit: years" flexibility "representing ramping constraints or additional costs for partial load of technologies in power sector" tech_stat "technology status: how close a technology is to market readiness. Scale: 0-3, with 0 'I can go out and build a GW plant today' to 3 'Still some research necessary'" Xport "imports" Mport "exports" use "financial trade costs for PE use [trl$US per TWa]" XportElasticity "PE trade adjustment cost parameter that influences the export supply elasticity" tradeFloor "PE trade adjustment cost parameter that allows for smallest trade increase without adjustment cost" min "minimum" max "maximum" usehr "number of hours in a year when the technology is used" elh2VREcapRatio "ratio of elh2VRE capacity to storage technology capacity" h2turbVREcapRatio "ratio of h2turbVRE capacity to storage technology capacity" batteryVREcapRatio "ratio of battery capacity to storage technology capacity" / ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of subsets of 'char': ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- charPeRe(char) "characteristics of renewables" / cost "marginal costs of production" maxprod "maximum annual production" / s_statusTe "technology status: how close a technology is to market readiness. Scale: 0-3, with 0 'I can go out and build a GW plant today' to 3 'Still some research necessary'" / 0 * 3 / ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of SETS of MACRO ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sets in(all_in) "all inputs and outputs of the CES function" / inco "macroeconomic output" lab "labour input" kap "capital input" en "energy input" / ppf(all_in) "all primary production factors" ipf(all_in) "all intermediate production factors" ppfKap(all_in) "primary production factors capital" / kap / ppfEn(all_in) "primary production factors energy" / / in_putty(all_in) "production factors subject to putty-clay dynamics" ppf_putty(all_in) "all putty-clay primary production factors" ipf_putty(all_in) "all putty-clay intermediate production factors" ppfIO_putty(all_in) "factors treated in the normal CES as ppf and in putty-clay as output" nests_putty(all_in,all_in) "defines factors which are in the same putty subnest. The first all_in gives the higher factors of the subnest" in_complements(all_in) "factors which are perfect complements" // in_enerSerAdj(all_in) "energy services factors which should be constrained by adjustment costs" // complements_ref(all_in,all_in) "correspondence between complementary factors. Necessary to have a reference factor for the constraints equations" fe_tax_sub_sbi(all_in,all_in) "correspondence between tax and subsidy input data resolution and model sectoral resolution. For FE which takes the pathway I to the CES " // fe_tax_subEs(all_in,all_esty) "correspondence between tax and subsidy input data resolution and model sectoral resolution. For FE which takes the pathway III to the CES " // cesParameter "parameters of the CES functions and for calibration" / quantity "quantity of CES function input/output" price "price of CES function input/output" eff "baseyear efficiency of CES function input/output" effgr "multiplicative efficiency growth of CES function input/output" rho "CES function elasticity parameter rho = 1 - (1 / sigma)" xi "baseyear income share of CES function input/output" offset_quantity "quantity offset for the CES tree if the quantity is null" compl_coef "coefficients for the perfectly complementary factors" / trade(all_enty) "all traded commodities" // tradeMacro(all_enty) "traded macro-economic commodities" /good, perm/ tradePe(all_enty) "traded primary energy commodities" / peoil, pecoal, pegas, peur, pebiolc / tradeSe(all_enty) "traded secondary energy commodities" / null / ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** SETS for fragmented policy regimes ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------- period1(tall) "first commitment period" / 2010,2015,2020 / period2(tall) "second commitment period" / 2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050 / period3(tall)"rest of century" / 2055,2060,2065,2070,2075,2080,2085,2090,2095,2100 / period4(tall) "period 4" period12(tall) "period 1 and 2" period123(tall) "period 1,2, and 3" period1234(tall) "period 1,2,3,and 4" ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** HYBRID-SETS ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sol_itr "iterator for inner solution process within one Negishi iteration" / 1*10 / iteration "iterator for main (Negishi/Nash) iterations" / 1*200 / steps "iterator for MAC steps" / 1*801 / ; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Helpful constructs: alias ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias(t,t2); alias(t,t3); alias(tall,tall2); alias(tall,tall3); alias(ttot,ttot2); alias(opTimeYr,opTimeYr2); alias(teVRE,teVRE2); alias(teLoc,teLoc2); alias(all_te,all_te2); alias(te,te2); alias(all_enty,all_enty2); alias(enty,enty2); alias(enty,enty3); alias(enty,enty4); alias(enty,enty5); alias(enty,enty6); alias(enty,enty7); alias(entyPE,entyPE2); alias(entySe,entySe2); alias(entyFe,entyFe2); alias(teEs,teEs2); alias(esty,esty2); alias(rlf,rlf2); alias(regi,regi2); alias(in,out); alias(steps,steps2); alias(in,in2,in3); alias(ipf,ipf2); ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Definition of MAPPINGS ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sets *NB* mappings resulting from set opertations en2en(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "all energy conversion mappings" en2en2(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "alias of en2en: all energy conversion mappings" en2se(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "all energy conversion mappings producing SE" te2rlf(all_te,rlf) "all technologies to grades" pe2se(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "map primary energy carriers to secondary" / pegas.seel.ngcc pegas.seel.ngccc pegas.seel.ngt pegas.seel.gaschp pegas.segafos.gastr pegas.seh2.gash2 pegas.seh2.gash2c pegas.sehe.gashp pegas.seliqfos.gasftrec pegas.seliqfos.gasftcrec pecoal.seel.igcc pecoal.seel.igccc pecoal.seel.pc $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pecoal.seel.pcc pecoal.seel.pco $endif pecoal.seel.coalchp pecoal.sesofos.coaltr pecoal.segafos.coalgas pecoal.seh2.coalh2 pecoal.seh2.coalh2c pecoal.sehe.coalhp peoil.seliqfos.refliq pecoal.seliqfos.coalftrec pecoal.seliqfos.coalftcrec pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftrec pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftcrec pebioil.seliqbio.biodiesel pebios.seliqbio.bioeths pebiolc.seliqbio.bioethl peoil.seel.dot pebiolc.seel.biochp pebiolc.seel.bioigcc pebiolc.seel.bioigccc pebiolc.seh2.bioh2 pebiolc.seh2.bioh2c pebiolc.sehe.biohp pebiolc.sesobio.biotr pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod pebiolc.segabio.biogas pegeo.seel.geohdr pegeo.sehe.geohe pehyd.seel.hydro pewin.seel.wind pesol.seel.spv pesol.seel.csp pesol.sehe.solhe peur.seel.tnrs peur.seel.fnrs / seAgg(all_enty) "secondary energy aggregations" / all_seliq all_seso all_sega / seAgg2se(all_enty,all_enty) "map secondary energy aggregation to se" / all_seliq.seliqbio all_seliq.seliqfos all_seso.sesobio all_seso.sesofos all_sega.segabio all_sega.segafos / *RP* mappings for storage technologies VRE2teStor(all_te,teStor) "mapping to know which technology uses which storage technology" / spv.storspv wind.storwind csp.storcsp / VRE2teVRElinked(all_te,all_te) "mapping between the technologies requiring storage which use the same fluctutating source (so the shareseel counts half towards the other shareseel)" / spv.csp csp.spv / *RP* mappings for grid technologies VRE2teGrid(all_te,teGrid) "mapping to know which technology needs which grid technology (length/siting)" / spv.gridspv wind.gridwind csp.gridcsp / te2teLoclinked(teLoc,teLoc2) "mapping between the technologies requiring grids which use similarly sited resources (so the shareseel counts 1/4 towards the other shareseel)" / spv.csp csp.spv / se2se(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "map secondary energy to secondary energy using a technology" / seel.seh2.elh2 seh2.seel.h2turb seel.seh2.elh2VRE seh2.seel.h2turbVRE / se2fe(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "map secondary energy to end-use energy using a technology" / seel.feels.tdels segabio.fegas.tdbiogas segafos.fegas.tdfosgas seliqbio.fehos.tdbiohos seliqfos.fehos.tdfoshos sesobio.fesos.tdbiosos sesofos.fesos.tdfossos seh2.feh2s.tdh2s sehe.fehes.tdhes seel.feelt.tdelt seliqbio.fepet.tdbiopet seliqfos.fepet.tdfospet seliqbio.fedie.tdbiodie seliqfos.fedie.tdfosdie seh2.feh2t.tdh2t / fe2ue(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "map FE carriers to ES via appliances" // fe2es(all_enty,all_esty,all_teEs) "map FE carriers to ES via ES technologies" // pc2te(all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) "mapping for own consumption of technologies" / pecoal.seel.coalchp.sehe pebiolc.seliqbio.bioethl.seel pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftrec.seel pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftcrec.seel pegas.seel.gaschp.sehe pecoal.seh2.coalh2.seel pecoal.seh2.coalh2c.seel pebiolc.seel.biochp.sehe segabio.fegas.tdbiogas.seel segafos.fegas.tdfosgas.seel pegeo.sehe.geohe.seel cco2.ico2.ccsinje.seel fedie.uedit.apCarDiEffT.feelt fedie.uedit.apCarDiEffH2T.feelt fedie.uedit.apCarDiEffH2T.feh2t / *NB* mappings for emissions, capture and leakage emi2te(all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) " map emissions to technologies" / pegas.seel.ngcc.co2 pegas.seel.ngt.co2 pegas.seel.gaschp.co2 pegas.seel.ngccc.co2 pegas.seel.ngccc.cco2 pegas.segafos.gastr.co2 pegas.seh2.gash2.co2 pegas.seh2.gash2c.co2 pegas.seh2.gash2c.cco2 pegas.sehe.gashp.co2 pegas.seel.ngcc.n2o pegas.seel.ngt.n2o pegas.seel.gaschp.n2o pegas.seel.ngccc.n2o pegas.segafos.gastr.n2o pegas.seh2.gash2.n2o pegas.seh2.gash2c.n2o pegas.sehe.gashp.n2o pegas.seliqfos.gasftrec.co2 pegas.seliqfos.gasftcrec.co2 pegas.seliqfos.gasftcrec.cco2 pecoal.seel.igcc.co2 pecoal.seel.pc.co2 pecoal.seel.coalchp.co2 pecoal.seel.pc.so2 pecoal.seel.coalchp.so2 pecoal.seel.pc.bc pecoal.seel.coalchp.bc pecoal.seel.pc.oc pecoal.seel.coalchp.oc pecoal.seel.igccc.co2 $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pecoal.seel.pcc.co2 pecoal.seel.pco.co2 pecoal.seel.pcc.cco2 pecoal.seel.pco.cco2 pecoal.seel.pcc.n2o pecoal.seel.pco.n2o $endif pecoal.seel.igccc.cco2 pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.co2 pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.so2 pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.bc pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.oc pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.ch4 pecoal.sehe.coalhp.co2 pecoal.sehe.coalhp.so2 pecoal.sehe.coalhp.bc pecoal.sehe.coalhp.oc pecoal.seh2.coalh2.co2 pecoal.seh2.coalh2c.co2 pecoal.seh2.coalh2c.cco2 pecoal.segafos.coalgas.co2 pecoal.seliqfos.coalftrec.co2 pecoal.seliqfos.coalftcrec.co2 pecoal.seliqfos.coalftcrec.cco2 pecoal.seel.igcc.n2o pecoal.seel.pc.n2o pecoal.seel.coalchp.n2o pecoal.seel.igccc.n2o pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.n2o pecoal.sehe.coalhp.n2o pecoal.seh2.coalh2.n2o pecoal.seh2.coalh2c.n2o pecoal.segafos.coalgas.n2o peoil.seliqfos.refliq.co2 peoil.seliqfos.refliq.so2 peoil.seel.dot.co2 peoil.seel.dot.so2 peoil.seel.dot.bc peoil.seel.dot.oc peoil.seel.dot.n2o pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftcrec.co2 pebiolc.seliqbio.bioftcrec.cco2 pebiolc.seh2.bioh2c.co2 pebiolc.seh2.bioh2c.cco2 pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.bc pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.oc pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod.bc pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod.oc pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.ch4 pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod.ch4 pebiolc.seel.biochp.bc pebiolc.seel.biochp.oc pebiolc.sehe.biohp.bc pebiolc.sehe.biohp.oc pebiolc.seliqbio.bioethl.bc pebios.seliqbio.bioeths.bc pebioil.seliqbio.biodiesel.bc pebiolc.seliqbio.bioethl.oc pebios.seliqbio.bioeths.oc pebioil.seliqbio.biodiesel.oc pebiolc.seh2.bioh2c.n2o pebiolc.seel.biochp.n2o pebiolc.sehe.biohp.n2o pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.n2o pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod.n2o pebiolc.seel.bioigccc.n2o pebiolc.seel.bioigcc.n2o pebiolc.segabio.biogas.n2o segabio.fegas.tdbiogas.ch4 segafos.fegas.tdfosgas.ch4 * cco2.pco2.ccscomp.co2 * pco2.tco2.ccspipe.co2 cco2.ico2.ccsinje.co2 pebiolc.seel.bioigccc.co2 pebiolc.seel.bioigccc.cco2 seliqbio.fehos.tdbiohos.bc seliqfos.fehos.tdfoshos.bc seliqbio.fedie.tdbiodie.bc seliqfos.fedie.tdfosdie.bc seliqbio.fepet.tdbiopet.bc seliqfos.fepet.tdfospet.bc seliqbio.fehos.tdbiohos.oc seliqfos.fehos.tdfoshos.oc seliqbio.fedie.tdbiodie.oc seliqfos.fedie.tdfosdie.oc seliqbio.fepet.tdbiopet.oc seliqfos.fepet.tdfospet.oc / emi2fuel(all_enty,all_enty) "map emissions to fuel extraction" / pecoal.ch4coal pegas.ch4gas peoil.ch4oil / emiMacSector2emiMac(all_enty,all_enty) "mapping of sub-emissions to their sum" / (co2luc,co2cement_process) .co2 (n2otrans,n2oadac,n2onitac,n2ofertin,n2ofertcr, n2ofertsom, n2oanwstc,n2oanwstm, n2oanwstp,n2oagwaste,n2oforest,n2osavan,n2owaste).n2o (ch4coal,ch4gas,ch4oil,ch4rice,ch4animals,ch4anmlwst,ch4agwaste,ch4forest,ch4savan,ch4wstl,ch4wsts).ch4 / emiMac2mac(all_enty,all_enty) "mapping of emission sources to MACs - caution: not all MACs exist, in that case they are zero" / ch4coal.ch4coal ch4gas.ch4gas ch4oil.ch4oil ch4wstl.ch4wstl ch4wsts.ch4wsts ch4rice.ch4rice ch4animals.ch4animals ch4anmlwst.ch4anmlwst ch4agwaste.ch4agwaste ch4forest.ch4forest ch4savan.ch4savan n2otrans.n2otrans n2oadac.n2oadac n2onitac.n2onitac (n2ofertin, n2ofertcr, n2ofertsom).n2ofert (n2oanwstc, n2oanwstm, n2oanwstp).n2oanwst n2oagwaste.n2oagwaste n2owaste.n2owaste n2osavan.n2osavan n2oforest.n2oforest co2luc.co2luc co2cement_process. co2cement "process emissions are captured by kiln CCS too" co2cement . co2cement co2chemicals . co2chemicals co2steel . co2steel / *NB*111125 emissions from fossil fuel extraction by grade that is on top of combustion emi2fuelMine(all_enty,all_enty,rlf) "missions from fossil fuel extraction" / co2.peoil.(4*8) / ccs2te(all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "chain for ccs" / * cco2.pco2.ccscomp * pco2.tco2.ccspipe cco2.ico2.ccsinje * ico2.sco2.ccsmoni / ccs2Leak(all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) "leakage along ccs chain" / * cco2.pco2.ccscomp.co2 * pco2.tco2.ccspipe.co2 cco2.ico2.ccsinje.co2 * ico2.sco2.ccsmoni.co2 / pe2rlf(all_enty,rlf) "map exhaustible energy to grades for qm_fuel2pe" / peoil.(1*8) pegas.(1*6) pecoal.(1*6) pebiolc.(1*2) pebios.(5) pebioil.(5) (peur,pegeo,pehyd,pewin,pesol).1 / teReComp2pe(all_enty,all_te,rlf) "map competing technologies to primary energy carrier and grades" / pesol.spv.(1*9) pesol.csp.(1*9) / demSeOth2te(all_enty,all_te) "map other se demands not directly following the sedem-route through technologies" / seh2.csp segabio.csp segafos.csp / prodSeOth2te(all_enty,all_te) "map other se production not directly following the sedem-route through technologies" / seh2.h2curt / teSe2rlf(all_te,rlf) "mapping for techologies to grades. Currently, the information was shifted to teRe2rlfDetail. Thus, teSe2rlf now only has '1' for the rlf values" / (wind,spv,csp,refliq,hydro,geohe,geohdr,solhe,ngcc,ngccc,ngt,gaschp,gashp,gash2,gash2c,gastr,gasftrec,gasftcrec,dot, igcc,igccc,pc,coaltr,coalgas,coalh2,coalh2c,coalchp,coalhp,coalftrec,coalftcrec, biotr,biotrmod,biogas,bioftrec,bioftcrec,bioh2,bioh2c,biohp,biochp,bioigcc,bioigccc, elh2,h2turb,elh2VRE,h2turbVRE,bioethl,bioeths,biodiesel,tnrs,fnrs $ifthen setGlobal cm_ccsfosall pcc, pco $endif ) . 1 / teRe2rlfDetail(all_te,rlf) "mapping for se techologies to grades" / wind.(1*9) spv.(1*9) csp.(1*9) hydro.(1*5) geohe.1 geohdr.1 / teFe2rlf(all_te,rlf) "mapping for final energy to grades" / (tdels,tdelt,tdbiogas,tdfosgas,tdbiogat,tdfosgat,tdbiohos,tdfoshos,tdh2s,tdh2t,tdbiodie,tdfosdie,tdbiopet,tdfospet,tdbiosos,tdfossos,tdhes) . 1 / teue2rlf(all_te,rlf) "mapping for ES production technologies to grades" // teCCS2rlf(all_te,rlf) "mapping for CCS technologies to grades" / *** (ccscomp,ccspipe,ccsinje,ccsmoni) . 1 (ccsinje) . 1 / teNoTransform2rlf(all_te,rlf) "mapping for no transformation technologies to grades" / (storspv,storwind,storcsp,gridspv,gridwind,gridcsp,h2curt) . 1 / opTimeYr2te(all_te,opTimeYr) "mapping for technologies to yearly lifetime - is filled automatically in generisdata.inc from the lifetime values in generisdata_tech.prn" tsu2opTimeYr(ttot, opTimeYr) "mapping for opTimeYr to the used time ttot - will be filled automatically in generisdata.inc" tsu2opTime5(tall,opTimeYr) "mapping for spinup time index to lifetime index" / 1910.96 1915.91 1920.86 1925.81 1930.76 1935.71 1940.66 1945.61 1950.56 1955.51 1960.46 1965.41 1970.36 1975.31 1980.26 1985.21 1990.16 1995.11 2000.6 2005.1 / sectorEndoEmi2te(all_enty,all_enty,all_te,sectorEndoEmi) "map sectors to technologies" / pegas.seel.ngcc.power pegas.seel.ngt.power seh2.seel.h2turb.power pegas.seel.gaschp.power pegas.sehe.gashp.power pegas.segafos.gastr.indst pegas.segafos.gastr.res pecoal.seel.pc.power pecoal.seel.coalchp.power pecoal.sehe.coalhp.power pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.indst pecoal.sesofos.coaltr.res peoil.seliqfos.refliq.trans peoil.seliqfos.refliq.indst peoil.seliqfos.refliq.res peoil.seel.dot.power pebiolc.seel.biochp.power pebiolc.sehe.biohp.power pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.indst pebiolc.sesobio.biotr.res pebiolc.sesobio.biotrmod.indst seliqbio.fehos.tdbiohos.indst seliqfos.fehos.tdfoshos.indst seliqbio.fehos.tdbiohos.res seliqfos.fehos.tdfoshos.res seliqbio.fedie.tdbiodie.trans seliqfos.fedie.tdfosdie.trans seliqbio.fepet.tdbiopet.trans seliqfos.fepet.tdfospet.trans / emiRCP2emiREMIND "mapping between emission types expected by MAGICC and provided by REMIND" / CO . CO NMVOC . VOC NOx . NOx SOx . SO2 BC . BC OC . OC / emiFgas2emiRCP(all_enty,emiRCP) "match F-gases to MAGICC emissions" / emiFgasCF4 . CF4 emiFgasC2F6 . C2F6 emiFgasC6F14 . C6F14 emiFgasHFC23 . HFC23 emiFgasHFC32 . HFC32 emiFgasHFC43-10 . HFC43-10 emiFgasHFC125 . HFC125 emiFgasHFC134a . HFC134a emiFgasHFC143a . HFC143a emiFgasHFC227ea . HFC227ea emiFgasHFC245fa . HFC245fa emiFgasSF6 . SF6 / emiRCP2order "order of emission types expected by MAGICC" / FossilCO2 . 1 OtherCO2 . 2 CH4 . 3 N2O . 4 SOx . 5 CO . 6 NMVOC . 7 NOx . 8 BC . 9 OC . 10 NH3 . 11 CF4 . 12 C2F6 . 13 C6F14 . 14 HFC23 . 15 HFC32 . 16 HFC43-10 . 17 HFC125 . 18 HFC134a . 19 HFC143a . 20 HFC227ea . 21 HFC245fa . 22 SF6 . 23 / emiRCP2unitsMagicc(emiRCP,unitsMagicc) "match units to emission types" / (FossilCO2,OtherCO2) . GtC (CH4) . MtCH4 (N2O) . MtN2O-N (SOx) . MtS (CO) . MtCO (NH3,NOx) . MtN (NMVOC,BC,OC) . Mt (CF4,C2F6,C6F14,HFC23,HFC32,HFC43-10,HFC125,HFC134a,HFC143a,HFC227ea,HFC245fa,SF6) . kt / cesOut2cesIn(all_in,all_in) "CES tree structure" / inco . (lab, kap, en) / ue2ppfen(all_enty,all_in) "matching UE in ESM to ppfEn in MACRO" // es2ppfen(all_esty,all_in) "matching ES in ESM to ppfEn in MACRO" // cesLevel2cesIO(counter,all_in) "CES tree structure by level" cesRev2cesIO(counter,all_in) "CES tree structure by level - descending order" cesOut2cesIn_below(all_in,all_in) "all elements of the CES below located below the first item given" in_below_putty(all_in) "all elements of the CES below ppf_putty, excluding ppf_putty. Only meaningful in case putty structures are not intertwined" ; in_putty(all_in) = NO; ppf_putty(all_in) = NO; ipf_putty(all_in) = NO; ppfIO_putty(all_in) = NO; ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Helpful constructs: alias ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias(cesOut2cesIn,cesOut2cesIn2); alias(ccs2te,ccs2te2); alias(pe2se,pe2se2); *** EOF ./core/sets.gms