# source global .Rprofile (very important to load user specific settings) # DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE! if(file.exists("~/.Rprofile")) source("~/.Rprofile") # This profile can be used to link the model to a specified library snapshot # (e.g. if your model version is from an older date and does not work with the # newest libraries anymore) # By default it is not active. Just uncomment the following lines and set the # snapshot path to a path of your choice # Please make also sure that in your config file this .Rprofile file is copied # to the model output folder. Otherwise, the run itself will again use the # default library set! # snapshot <- "/p/projects/rd3mod/R/libraries/snapshots/2019_02_26" # if(file.exists(snapshot)) { # cat("Set libPaths to",snapshot,"\n") # .libPaths(snapshot) # }