*** | (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) *** | authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part *** | of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of *** | AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the *** | REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file). *** | Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de *** SOF ./core/declarations.gms *LB* declaration of parameters, variables and equations ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** PARAMETERS ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parameters ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***--------------------------------------------------MACRO module-------------------------- ***prices pm_pvp(ttot,all_enty) "Price on commodity markets", p_pvpRef(ttot,all_enty) "Price on commodity markets - imported from REF gdx", pm_pvpRegi(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "prices of traded commodities - regional. only used for permit trade" p_pvpRegiBeforeStartYear(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "prices of traded commodities before start year - regional. only used for permit trade" pm_pricePerm(ttot) "permit price in special case when the marginal is only found in box module" p_share(ttot,all_regi,all_in,all_in) "share of production factors" pm_share_trans(tall,all_regi) "transportation share" pm_gdp_gdx(tall,all_regi) "GDP path from gdx, updated iteratively." p_inv_gdx(tall,all_regi) "macro-investments path from gdx, updated iteratively." pm_taxCO2eq(ttot,all_regi) "CO2 tax path in T$/GtC = $/kgC. To get $/tCO2, multiply with 272 [T$/GtC]" pm_taxCO2eqHist(ttot,all_regi) "Historic CO2 tax path in 2010 and 2015 (also in BAU!) in T$/GtC = $/kgC. To get $/tCO2, multiply with 272 [T$/GtC]" pm_taxCO2eq_iteration(iteration,ttot,all_regi) "save CO2eq tax used in iteration" p_taxCO2eq_iterationdiff(ttot,all_regi) "help parameter for iterative adjustment of taxes" p_taxCO2eq_iterationdiff_tmp(ttot,all_regi) "help parameter for iterative adjustment of taxes" o_taxCO2eq_iterDiff_Itr(iteration,all_regi) "track p_taxCO2eq_iterationdiff over iterations" pm_emissionsForeign(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "total emissions of other regions (nash relevant)" pm_co2eqForeign(tall,all_regi) "emissions, which are part of the climate policy, of other regions (nash relevant)" pm_cesdata(tall,all_regi,all_in,cesParameter) "parameters of the CES function" pm_cesdata_putty(tall,all_regi,all_in,cesParameter) "quantities for the putty clay factors" pm_capital_lifetime_exp(all_regi,all_in) "number of years for which 25% of the CES capital stocks remains" f_pop(tall,all_regi,all_POPscen) "population data for all possible scenarios" pm_pop(tall,all_regi) "population data [bn people]" pm_gdp(tall,all_regi) "GDP data [trn US$ 2005]" p_developmentState(tall,all_regi) "level of development based on GDP per capita" f_lab(tall,all_regi,all_POPscen) "labour data for all possible scenarios" pm_lab(tall,all_regi) "data for labour [bn people]" pm_esCapCost(tall,all_regi,all_teEs) "Capital energy cost per unit of consumption for end-use capital (energy service layer)" pm_cesdata_sigma(ttot,all_in) "elasticities of substitution" o_diff_to_Budg(iteration) "Difference between actual CO2 budget and target CO2 budget" o_totCO2emi_peakBudgYr(iteration) "Total CO2 emissions in the peakBudgYr" o_peakBudgYr_Itr(iteration) "Year in which the CO2 budget is supposed to peak. Is changed in iterative_target_adjust = 9" o_factorRescale_taxCO2_afterPeakBudgYr(iteration) "Multiplicative factor for rescaling the CO2 price in the year after peakBudgYr - only needed if flip-flopping of peakBudgYr occurs" o_delay_increase_peakBudgYear(iteration) "Switch that tracks if flip-flopping of peakBudgYr happened. Starts an inner loop to try and overcome this" o_reached_until2150pricepath(iteration) "Switch that tracks if the inner loop of increasing the CO2 price AFTER peakBudgYr goes beyond the initial trajectory" p_taxCO2eq_until2150(ttot,all_regi) "CO2 price trajectory continued until 2150 - as if there was no change in trajectory after peakBudgYr. Needed to recalculate CO2 price trajectory after peakBudgYr was shifted right" o_totCO2emi_allYrs(ttot,iteration) "Global CO2 emissions over time and iterations. Needed to check the procedure to find the peakBudgYr" o_change_totCO2emi_peakBudgYr "Measure for how much the CO2 emissions change around the peakBudgYr" p_factorRescale_taxCO2(iteration) "Multiplicative factor for rescaling the CO2 price to reach the target" p_factorRescale_taxCO2_Funneled(iteration) "Multiplicative factor for rescaling the CO2 price to reach the target - limited by an iteration-dependent funnel" o_taxCO2eq_Itr_1regi(ttot,iteration) "CO2 taxed in the last region, tracked over iterations for debugging" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***-----------------------------------------------ESM module------------------------------- pm_emiExog(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "exogenous emissions" p_macBaseMagpie(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "baseline emissions from MAgPIE (type emiMacMagpie)" p_macBaseExo(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "exogenous baseline emissions (type emiMacExo)" pm_macAbat(tall,all_regi,all_enty,steps) "abatement levels based on data from van Vuuren [fraction]" pm_macAbatLev(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "actual level of abatement per time step, region, and source [fraction]" p_macAbat_lim(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "limit of abatement level based on limit of yearly change [fraction]" p_macUse2005(all_regi,all_enty) "usage of MACs in 2005 [fraction]" p_macLevFree(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "Phase in of zero-cost MAC options [fraction]" pm_macCost(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "abatement costs for all emissions subject to MACCs (type emiMacSector) []" pm_macStep(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "step number of abatement level [integer]" pm_macSwitch(all_enty) "switch to include mac option in the code" pm_macCostSwitch(all_enty) "switch to include mac costs in the code (e.g. in coupled scenarios, we want to include the costs in REMIND, but MAC effects on emissions are calculated in MAgPIE)" pm_priceCO2(tall,all_regi) "carbon price [$/tC]" p_priceCO2forMAC(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "carbon price defined for MAC gases [$/tC]" p_priceGas(tall,all_regi) "gas price in [$/tCeq] for ch4gas MAC" pm_ResidualCementDemand(tall,all_regi) "reduction in cemend demand (and thus process emissions) due to climate policy [0...1]" pm_CementAbatementPrice(ttot,all_regi) "CO2 price used during calculation of cement demand reduction [$/tCO2]" pm_CementDemandReductionCost(tall,all_regi) "cost of reducing cement demand [tn$2005]" p_macPE(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "pe from MACs" pm_shPerm(tall, all_regi) "emission permit shares" pm_emicapglob(tall) "global emission cap" p_adj_coeff(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "coefficient for adjustment costs" p_adj_coeff_glob(all_te) "coefficient for adjustment costs - global scale" p_switch_cement(ttot,all_regi) "describes an s-curve to provide a smooth switching from the short-term behavior (depending on per capita capital investments) to the long-term behavior (constant per capita emissions) of CO2 emissions from cement production" p_cint(all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,rlf) "additional emissions of GHG from mining, on top of emissions from combustion" pm_eta_conv(tall,all_regi,all_te) "Time-dependent eta for technologies that do not have explicit time-dependant etas, still eta converges until 2050 to dataglob_values. [efficiency (0..1)]" pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(all_regi,all_enty) "PE demand resulting from the initialcap routine. [EJ, Uranium: MT U3O8]" pm_budgetCO2eq(all_regi) "budget for regional energy-emissions in period 1" p_actualbudgetco2(tall) "actual level of cumulated emissions [GtCO2]" pm_dataccs(all_regi,char,rlf) "maximum CO2 storage capacity using CCS technology. [GtC]" pm_dataeta(tall,all_regi,all_te) "regional eta data" p_emi_quan_conv_ar4(all_enty) "conversion factor for various gases to GtCeq" pm_emifac(tall,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) "emission factor by technology for all types of emissions in emiTe" pm_omeg (all_regi,opTimeYr,all_te) "technical depreciation parameter, gives the share of a capacity that is still usable after tlt. [none/share, value between 0 and 1]" p_aux_lifetime(all_regi,all_te) "auxiliary parameter for calculating life times, calculated externally in excel sheet" pm_pedem_res(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "Demand for pebiolc residues, needed for enhancement of residue potential [TWa]" p_ef_dem(all_enty) "Demand side emission factor of final energy carriers [MtCO2/EJ]" p_bioshare(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "bioshare for each FE carrier" p_avCapFac2015(all_regi,all_te) "average capacity factor of non-bio renewables in 2015 in REMIND" p_aux_capToDistr(all_regi,all_te) "aux. param. to calculate p_avCapFac2015; The historic capacity in 2015" s_aux_cap_remaining "aux. param. to calculate p_avCapFac2015; countdown parameter" p_aux_capThisGrade(all_regi,all_te,rlf) "aux. param. to calculate p_avCapFac2015; How the historic 2015 capacity is distributed among grades" p_aux_capacityFactorHistOverREMIND(all_regi,all_te) "aux. param. to calculate capacity factors correction (wind and spv): the ratio of historic over REMIND CapFac in 2015" pm_fe2es(tall,all_regi,all_teEs) "Conversion factor from final energies to energy services. Default is 1." pm_shFeCes(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_in,all_teEs) "Final energy shares for CES nodes" p_adj_coeff_Orig(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "initial value of p_adj_coeff" p_adj_seed_te_Orig(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "initial value of p_adj_seed_te" p_varyAdj_mult_adjSeedTe(ttot,all_regi) "Multiplicative factor to adjust adjustment cost parameter p_adj_seed_te according to CO2 price level" p_varyAdj_mult_adjCoeff(ttot,all_regi) "Multiplicative factor to adjust adjustment cost parameter p_adj_coeff according to CO2 price level" p_boundtmp(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "read-in bound on capacities" p_bound_cap(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "read-in bound on capacities" pm_data(all_regi,char,all_te) "Large array for most technical parameters of technologies; more detail on the individual technical parameters can be found in the declaration of the set 'char' " pm_cf(tall,all_regi,all_te) "Installed capacity availability - capacity factor (fraction of the year that a plant is running)" p_tkpremused(all_regi,all_te) "turn-key cost premium used in the model (with a discount rate of 3+ pure rate of time preference); in comparison to overnight costs)" p_aux_tlt(all_te) "auxilliary parameter to determine maximal lifetime of a technology" p_aux_check_omeg(all_te) "auxiliary parameter for an automated check that no technology is erroneously entered with pm_omeg('1') value of 0" p_aux_check_tlt(all_te) "auxiliary parameter for an automated check that the pm_omeg calculation and filling of the opTimeYr2te mapping is in accordance" p_aux_tlt_max(all_te) "auxiliary parameter to find the last mapping in opTimeYr2te for each technology" pm_vintage_in(all_regi,opTimeYr,all_te) "historical vintage structure. [arbitrary]" p_efFossilFuelExtr(all_regi,all_enty,all_enty) "emission factor for CH4 from fossil fuel extraction and N2O from bioenergy" p_efFossilFuelExtrGlo(all_enty,all_enty) "global emission factor for CH4 from fossil fuel extraction and N2O from bioenergy" pm_dataren(all_regi,char,rlf,all_te) "Array including both regional renewable potential and capacity factor" p_datapot(all_regi,char,rlf,all_enty) "Total land area usable for the solar technologies PV and CSP. [km^2]" p_adj_seed_reg(tall,all_regi) "market capacity that can be built from 0 and gives v_adjFactor=1" p_adj_seed_te(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "technology-dependent multiplicative prefactor to the v_adjFactor seed value. Smaller means slower scale-up" *** appears in q_esm2macro and q_balFeForCes. This energy category is 0 in LAM, IND and AFR in 2005, but a value > 0 is needed for the calculation of CES parameters. *** Accordingly, a value of sm_eps is inserted in pm_cesdata to allow calculation of the CES parameters. p_datacs(all_regi,all_enty) "fossil energy that is not oxidized (=carbon stored)" pm_inco0_t(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "New inco0 that is time-dependent for some technologies. [T$/TW]" *LB* calculate parameter pm_tsu2opTimeYr for the eq q_transPe2se and q_cap; ***this parameter counts backwards from time ttot - only the existing time steps p_tsu2opTimeYr_h(ttot,opTimeYr) "parameter to generate pm_tsu2opTimeYr", pm_tsu2opTimeYr(ttot,opTimeYr) "parameter that counts opTimeYr regarding tsu2opTimeYr apping" pm_emissions0(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "Emissions in last iteration" pm_co2eq0(tall,all_regi) "vm_co2eq from last iteration" pm_capCum0(tall,all_regi,all_te) "vm_capCum from last iteration" p_capCum(tall, all_regi,all_te) "vm_capCum from input.gdx for recalibration of learning investment costs" pm_capCumForeign(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "parameter for learning externality (cumulated capacity of other regions except regi)" pm_SolNonInfes(all_regi) "model status from last iteration. 1 means status 2 or 7, 0 for all other status codes" p_cintraw(all_enty) "carbon intensity of fossils [GtC per TWa]" p_CapFixFromRWfix(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "parameter for fixing capacity variable to Real-World values in 2010/2015" p_deltaCapFromRWfix(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "parameter with resulting deltacap values resulting from fixing capacity to real-world values in 2010/2015" *** climate related pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall) "global mean temperature anomaly" pm_globalMeanTemperatureZeroed1900(tall) "global mean temperature anomaly, zeroed around 1900" pm_temperatureImpulseResponseCO2(tall,tall) "temperature impulse response to CO2 [K/GtCO2]" pm_regionalTemperature(tall,all_regi) "regional temperature" pm_tempScaleGlob2Reg(tall,all_regi) "scaling factor from global to regional temperature" pm_damage(tall,all_regi) "damage factor (reduces GDP)" pm_damageGrowthRate(tall,all_regi) "damage function for growth rate of GDP" pm_damageMarginal(tall,all_regi) "damage function derivative" pm_taxCO2eqSCC(ttot,all_regi) "carbon tax component due to damages (social cost of carbon) " pm_GDPGross(tall,all_regi) "gross GDP (before damages)" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ----- Parameters needed for MAGICC ---------------------------------------------------- p_MAGICC_emi(tall,RCP_regions_world_bunkers,emiRCP) "emission data to export" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***---------------------------parameter for output----------------------------------------- o_DirlcoCCS(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "Annuity per sequestered CO2 by CCS technology, calc. from investment costs and fixOM. [$/tCO2]" o_DirlcoCCS_total(ttot,all_regi) "Total annuity per sequestered CO2. [$/tCO2]" o_CO2emi_per_energy(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "Emitted CO2 per MWh energy (main product) produced. [kgCO2/MWh]" o_seq_CCO2emi_per_energy(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "Sequestered CO2 per MWh energy produced (main product). [kgCO2/MWh]" o_lcoemarkup_CCS(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "Additional LCOE mark-up due to CCS transport&storage. [$/MWh]" o_INI_DirProdSeTe "directly produced SE by technology in 2005 (from initialcap2)" o_INI_TotalDirProdSe "Total direct SE production in 2005 (from initialcap2)" o_INI_TotalCap "Total electricity producing capacity in 2005 (from initialcap2)" o_INI_AvCapFac "Average regional capacity factor of the power sector in 2005 (from initialcap2)" o_iterationNumber "output parameter to be able to display the iteration number" *** Keep track of ESM numbers for output to see changes between iterations o_negitr_cumulative_peprod(iteration,entyPe) "estimated production 2005-2100. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [ZJ]" o_negitr_cumulative_CO2_emineg_co2luc(iteration) "estimated CO2 emissions from LUC 2005-2100. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [GtCO2]" o_negitr_cumulative_CO2_emineg_cement(iteration) "estimated CO2 emissions from cement 2005-2100. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [GtCO2]" o_negitr_cumulative_CO2_emieng_seq(iteration) "estimated sequestered CO2 emissions 2005-2100. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [GtCO2]" o_negitr_disc_cons_dr5_reg(iteration,all_regi) "estimated discounted consumption 2005-2100 with discount rate 5%. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [T$]" o_negitr_disc_cons_drInt_reg(iteration,all_regi) "estimated discounted consumption 2005-2100 with internal discount rate. 'estimated' because of different times step lengths around 2100 [T$]" o_negitr_total_forc(iteration) "total forcing in 2100" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***------------------------------------------------trade module---------------------------- pm_ttot_val(ttot) "value of ttot set element" p_tall_val(tall) "value of tall set element" pm_ts(tall) "(t_n+1 - t_n-1)/2 for a timestep t_n" pm_dt(tall) "difference to last timestep" pm_interpolWeight_ttot_tall(tall) "weight for linear interpolation of ttot-dependent variables" pm_tall_2_ttot(tall,ttot) "mapping from tall to ttot" pm_ttot_2_tall(ttot,tall) "mapping from ttot to tall" p_share_seliq_s(ttot,all_regi) "share of liquids used for stationary sector (fehos). [0..1]" p_share_seh2_s(ttot,all_regi) "share of hydrogen used for stationary sector (feh2s). [0..1]" p_share_seel_s(ttot,all_regi) "Share of electricity used for stationary sector (feels). [0..1]" p_discountedLifetime(all_te) "Sum over the discounted (@6%) depreciation factor (omega)" p_teAnnuity(all_te) "Annuity factor of a technology" p_histEmiMac(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "historical emissions per MAC; from Eurostat and CEDS, to correct CH4 and N2O reporting" p_histEmiSector(tall,all_regi,all_enty,emi_sectors,sector_types) "historical emissions per sector; from Eurostat and CEDS, to correct CH4 and N2O reporting" ; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** VARIABLES ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variables ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***--------------------------------------------------MACRO module-------------------------- vm_taxrev(ttot,all_regi) "difference between tax volume in current and previous iteration" vm_costSubsidizeLearning(ttot,all_regi) "regional cost of subsidy for learning technologies" vm_dummyBudget(ttot,all_regi) "auxiliary variable that helps to meet permit allocation equation in nash case" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***-------------------------------------------------ESM module----------------------------- vm_macBase(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "baseline emissions for all emissions subject to MACCs (type emismac)" vm_emiTeDetail(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) "energy-related emissions per region and technology" vm_emiTe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total energy-related emissions of each region. [GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N]" vm_emiMacSector(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total non-energy-related emission of each region. [GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N]" vm_emiCdr(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total (negative) emissions due to CDR technologies of each region. [GtC]" vm_emiMac(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total non-energy-related emission of each region. [GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N]" vm_emiAll(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total regional emissions. [GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N]" vm_emiAllGlob(ttot,all_enty) "total global emissions - link to the climate module. [GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N]" vm_perm(ttot,all_regi) "emission allowances" vm_co2eqGlob(ttot) "global emissions to be balanced by allowances. [GtCeq]" vm_co2eq(ttot,all_regi) "total emissions measured in co2 equivalents ATTENTION: content depends on multigasscen. [GtCeq]" v_co2eqCum(all_regi) "cumulated vm_co2eq emissions for the first budget period. [GtCeq]" vm_banking(ttot,all_regi) "banking of emission permits" v_adjFactor(tall,all_regi,all_te) "factor to multiply with investment costs for adjustment costs" v_adjFactorGlob(tall,all_regi,all_te) "factor to multiply with investment costs for adjustment costs - global scale" v_costInvTeDir(tall,all_regi,all_te) "annual direct investments into a technology" v_costInvTeAdj(tall,all_regi,all_te) "annual investments into a technology due to adjustment costs" vm_usableSe(ttot,all_regi,entySe) "usable se before se2se and MP/XP (pe2se, +positive oc from pe2se, -storage losses). [TWa]" vm_usableSeTe(ttot,all_regi,entySe,all_te) "usable se produced by one te (pe2se, +positive oc from pe2se, -storage losses). [TWa]" vm_costFuBio(ttot,all_regi) "fuel costs from bio energy [tril$US]" vm_omcosts_cdr(tall,all_regi) "O&M costs for spreading grinded rocks on fields" vm_costpollution(tall,all_regi) "costs for air pollution policies" vm_emiFgas(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "F-gas emissions by single gases from IMAGE" ; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** POSITIVE VARIABLES ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- positive variables ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***-------------------------------------------------MACRO module--------------------------- vm_enerSerAdj(tall,all_regi,all_in) "adjustment costs for energy service transformations" vm_esCapInv(ttot,all_regi,all_teEs) "investment for energy end-use capital at the energy service level" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *-----------------------------------------------ESM module--------------------------------- vm_costEnergySys(ttot,all_regi) "energy system costs" vm_cap(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "net total capacities" vm_capDistr(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "net capacities, distributed to the different grades for renewables" vm_capFac(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "capacity factor of conversion technologies" vm_deltaCap(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "capacity additions" vm_capCum(tall,all_regi,all_te) "gross capacities (=capacities cumulated over time)" vm_fuExtr(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,rlf) "fuel use [TWa]" vm_demPe(tall,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "pe demand. [TWa, Uranium: Mt Ur]" vm_prodPe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "pe production. [TWa, Uranium: Mt Ur]" vm_demSe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "se demand. [TWa]" vm_prodSe(tall,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "se production. [TWa]" vm_prodFe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "fe production. [TWa]" v_costFu(ttot,all_regi) "fuel costs" vm_costFuEx(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "fuel costs from exhaustible energy [tril$US]" vm_pebiolc_price(ttot,all_regi) "Bioenergy price according to MAgPIE supply curves [T$US/TWa]" v_costOM(ttot,all_regi) "o&m costs" v_costInv(ttot,all_regi) "investment costs" vm_costTeCapital(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "investment costs" vm_co2CCS(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,rlf) "all differenct ccs. [GtC/a]" vm_co2capture(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,rlf) "all captured CO2. [GtC/a]" v_co2capturevalve(ttot,all_regi) "CO2 emitted right after capture [GtC/a] (in q_balCCUvsCCS to account for different lifetimes of capture and CCU/CCS te and capacities)" vm_prodUe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "Useful energy production [TWa]" v_demFe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "fe demand [TWa]" vm_capEarlyReti(tall,all_regi,all_te) "fraction of early retired capital" vm_otherFEdemand(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "final energy demand from no transformation technologies (e.g. enhanced weathering)" vm_demSeOth(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_te) "other sety demand from certain technologies, have to calculated in additional equations [TWa]" vm_prodSeOth(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_te) "other sety production from certain technologies, have to be calculated in additional equations [TWa]" *** ES layer variables vm_demFeForEs(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_esty,all_teEs) "Final energy which will be used in the ES layer." v_prodEs(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_esty,all_teEs) "Energy services (unit determined by conversion factor pm_fe2es)." ; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** EQUATIONS ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- equations ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***------------------------------------------------MACRO module---------------------------- qm_balFeForCesAndEs(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "FE balance coupling ESM and production function either directly (Pathway I) or Indirectly through Energy services (Pathway III)" q_limitSeel2fehes(ttot,all_regi) "equation to limit the share of electricity that can be used for fehes" q_esCapInv(ttot,all_regi,all_teEs) "investment equation for end-use capital investments (energy service layer)" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***-----------------------------------------------ESM module------------------------------- q_costEnergySys(ttot,all_regi) "energy system costs" q_costFu(ttot,all_regi) "costs of fuels" q_costOM(ttot,all_regi) "costs of o&m" q_costInv(ttot,all_regi) "costs of investment" q_cap(tall,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "definition of available capacities" q_capDistr(tall,all_regi,all_te) "distribute available capacities across grades" q_limitCapSe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "capacity constraint for se production" q_limitCapSe2se(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "capacity constraint for se to se transformation" q_limitCapFe(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "capacity constraint for fe production" q_capCumNet(t0,all_regi,all_te) "cumulative net capactiy" qm_deltaCapCumNet(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "increase of cumulative net capacity" q_costTeCapital(tall,all_regi,all_te) "calculation of investment cost for learning technologies" q_balPe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "balance of primary energy (pe)" q_balSe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "balance of secondary energy (se)" q_transPe2se(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "energy tranformation pe to se" q_transSe2fe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "energy tranformation se to fe" q_transSe2se(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "energy transformation se to se" qm_fuel2pe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "constraint on cumulative fuel use" q_limitProd(ttot,all_regi,all_te,rlf) "constraint on annual production" q_emiTeDetail(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty) "determination of emissions" q_macBase(tall,all_regi,all_enty) "baseline emissions for all emissions subject to MACCs (type emiMacSector)" q_emiMacSector(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total non-energy-related emission of each region" q_emiTe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "total energy-emissions per region" q_emiAll(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "calculates all regional emissions as sum over energy and non-energy relates emissions" q_emiAllGlob(ttot,all_enty) "calculates all global emissions as sum over regions" q_emiCap(ttot,all_regi) "emission cap" q_emiMac(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "summing up all non-energy emissions" q_co2eq(ttot,all_regi) "regional emissions in co2 equivalents" q_co2eqGlob(ttot) "global emissions in co2 equivalents" qm_co2eqCum(all_regi) "cumulate regional emissions over time" q_budgetCO2eqGlob "global emission budget balance" q_transCCS(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,rlf) "transformation equation for ccs" q_limitCapCCS(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,rlf) "capacity constraint for ccs" q_limitCCS(all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te,rlf) "ccs constraint for sequestration alternatives" q_balcapture(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "balance equation for carbon capture" q_balCCUvsCCS(ttot,all_regi) "balance equation for captured carbon to CCU or CCS or valve" q_limitCapUe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "capacity constraint for ES production" q_transFe2Ue(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty,all_te) "energy tranformation fe to es" q_balFe(ttot,all_regi,all_enty) "balance of FE that are transformed into ES" q_esm2macro(ttot,all_regi,all_in) "hand over amount of entyFe/entyUe from ESM(GENERIS) to the MACRO module" q_limitSo2(ttot,all_regi) "prevent SO2 from rising again after 2050" q_limitCO2(ttot,all_regi) "prevent CO2 from rising again after 2050" q_limitGeopot(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,rlf) "constraint on annual renewable production due to competition for the same geographical potential" q_costInvTeAdj(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "calculation of total adjustment costs for a technology" q_costInvTeDir(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "calculation of total direct investment costs (without adjustment costs) for a technology" q_eqadj(all_regi,tall,all_te) "calculation of adjustment factor for a technology" q_limitCapEarlyReti(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "constraint to avoid reactivation of retired capacities" q_smoothphaseoutCapEarlyReti(ttot,all_regi,all_te) "phase-out constraint for early retirement to avoid immediate retirement" q_limitBiotrmod(ttot,all_regi) "limit the total amount of modern biomass use for solids to the amount of coal use for solids " q_limitShOil(ttot,all_regi) "requires minimum share of liquids from oil in total liquids of 15%" q_PE_histCap(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_enty) "model capacity must be equal or greater than historical capacity" *** ES layer equations q_transFe2Es(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_esty,all_teEs) "Conversion from final energy to energy service" q_es2ppfen(ttot,all_regi,all_in) "Energy services are handed to the CES tree." q_shFeCes(ttot,all_regi,all_enty,all_in,all_teEs) "Shares of final energies in production factors." *q_shFeCesNorm(ttot,all_regi,all_in) "Shares have to sum to 1." ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------trade module------------------------------ ; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** SCALARS ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scalars o_modelstat "critical solver status for solution" ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***------------------------------------------------MACRO module---------------------------- ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***-----------------------------------------------ESM module------------------------------- pm_conv_TWa_EJ "conversion from TWa to EJ" /31.536/, sm_c_2_co2 "conversion from c to co2" /3.666666666667/, *** conversion factors of time units sm_year_2_day "days per year" /365/, sm_day_2_hour "hours per day" /24/, sm_mega_2_non "mega to non" /1e+6/, sm_giga_2_non "giga to non" /1e+9/, sm_trillion_2_non "trillion to non" /1e+12/, *** conversion of energy units *** 1J = 1Ws ==> 1GJ = 10^9 / 3600 kWh = 277.77kWh = 277.77 / 8760 kWyr = 0.03171 kWyr s_zj_2_twa "zeta joule to tw year" /31.7098/, sm_EJ_2_TWa "multiplicative factor to convert from EJ to TWa" /31.71e-03/, sm_GJ_2_TWa "multiplicative factor to convert from GJ to TWa" /31.71e-12/, sm_TWa_2_MWh "tera Watt year to Mega Watt hour" /8.76e+9/, sm_TWa_2_kWh "tera Watt year to kilo Watt hour" /8.76e+12/, *RP* all these new conversion factors with the form "s_xxx_2_yyy" are multplicative factors. Thus, if you have a number in Unit xxx, you have to *RP* multiply this number by the conversion factor s_xxx_2_yyy to get the new value in Unit yyy. s_NO2_2_N "convert NO2 to N [14 / (14 + 2 * 16)]" / .304 / s_DpKWa_2_TDpTWa "convert Dollar per kWa to TeraDollar per TeraWattYear" /0.001/ sm_DpKW_2_TDpTW "convert Dollar per kW to TeraDollar per TeraWatt" /0.001/ sm_DpGJ_2_TDpTWa "multipl. factor to convert (Dollar per GJoule) to (TerraDollar per TWyear)" / 31.54e-03/ s_gwpCH4 "Global Warming Potentials of CH4, AR5 WG1 CH08 Table 8.7" /28/ s_gwpN2O "Global Warming Potentials of N2O, AR5 WG1 CH08 Table 8.7" /265/ sm_dmac "step in MAC functions [US$]" /5/ s_macChange "maximum yearly increase of relative abatement in percentage points of maximum abatement. Unit: 0..1" /0.05/ s_tgn_2_pgc "conversion factor 100-yr GWP from TgN to PgCeq" s_tgch4_2_pgc "conversion factor 100-yr GWP from TgCH4 to PgCeq" s_ch4landfill_mac "Factor to calculate gas from landfills to be used as SE carrier" /0.001638/ sm_D2015_2_D2005 "Convert $2015 to $2005 by dividing by 1.2: 1/1.2 = 0.8333" /0.8333/ sm_DptCO2_2_TDpGtC "Conversion multiplier to go from $/tCO2 to T$/GtC: 44/12/1000" /0.00366667/ s_co2pipe_leakage "Leakage rate of CO2 pipelines. Unit: [0..1]" s_tau_cement "range of per capita investments for switching from short-term to long-term behavior in CO2 cement emissions" / 12000 / s_c_so2 "constant, see S. Smith, 2004, Future Sulfur Dioxide Emissions" /4.39445/ sm_ccsinjecrate "CCS injection rate factor. Unit: 1/a" s_t_start "start year of emission budget" cm_peakBudgYr "date of net-zero CO2 emissions for peak budget runs without overshoot" sm_endBudgetCO2eq "end time step of emission budget period 1" sm_budgetCO2eqGlob "budget for global energy-emissions in period 1" p_emi_budget1_gdx "budget for global energy-emissions in period 1 from gdx, may overwrite default values" s_reference2030co2eq "reference level of 2030 GHG emissions for AWP2 myopic scenarios in GtCO2eq p.a., all Kyoto gases" s_referencebudgetco2 "reference level of 2000-2100 cumulated emissions for AWP2 myopic scenarios in GtCO2, including all CO2" s_actual2030co2eq "actual level of 2030 GHG emissions for AWP2 myopic scenarios in GtCO2eq p.a., all Kyoto gases for last iteration" s_actualbudgetco2 "actual level of 2000-2100 cumulated emissions for AWP2 myopic scenarios in GtCO2, including all CO2 for last iteration" s_actualbudgetco2_last "actual level of 2000-2100 cumulated emissions for previous iteration" /0/ sm_eps "small number: 1e-9 " /1e-9/ ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***----------------------------------------------trade module------------------------------ ; s_tgn_2_pgc = (44/28) * s_gwpN2O * (12/44) * 0.001; s_tgch4_2_pgc = s_gwpCH4 * (12/44) * 0.001; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *----------------------------------------------carbon intensities of coal, oil, and gas p_cintraw("pecoal") = 26.1 / s_zj_2_twa; p_cintraw("peoil") = 20.0 / s_zj_2_twa; p_cintraw("pegas") = 15.0 / s_zj_2_twa; ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** F I L E S ***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file magicc_scenario / "./magicc/REMIND_%c_expname%.SCEN" /; magicc_scenario.ap = 0; magicc_scenario.pw = 3000; file magicc_sed_script / "./magicc/modify_MAGCFG_USER_CFG.sed" /; magicc_sed_script.ap = 0; *** EOF ./core/declarations.gms