diff --git a/scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R b/scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R
index a1b7e6e1a7764effadde62fd623e898cf2875a54..666602d3486a27e88582c5a6ebdd328026b85781 100644
--- a/scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R
+++ b/scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R
@@ -12,41 +12,35 @@ prepare_NDC2018<-function(gdx){
   library(lucode,quietly=TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
   require(remind,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  ############################# BASIC CONFIGURATION #############################
-  #Define arguments that can be read from command line
-  #  gdx <- "fulldata.gdx"
-  #  readArgs("fulldata.gdx")
-  ###############################################################################
   if (file.exists(gdx)) {
     emi <- reportEmi(gdx)
   } else {
     stop("No gdx file found - please provide gdx from reference BAU run")
   regs <- setdiff(getRegions(emi),"GLO")
   p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers <- emi[regs,seq(2005,2050,5),"Emi|Kyoto Gases excl Land-Use Change|w/o Bunkers (Mt CO2-equiv/yr)"]
- getNames(p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers) <- NULL
- write.magpie(p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers.cs4r", comment="** description: Regional GHG emi (excl. LU and bunkers) in BAU scenario \n*** unit: Mt CO2eq/yr \n*** file created with scripts/input/create_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers.R")
- #   
- shares <- as.magpie(read.csv("modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/p45_2005share_target.cs4r",skip=4,header = F))
-r2025 <- NULL
-r2030 <- NULL
- for(r in getRegions(shares)){
-   ## depending on which target has the higher share of emissions, assign region to group with either 2025 or 2030 target year
-   if(as.numeric(shares[r,2025,])>as.numeric(shares[r,2030,])){
-     r2025 <- c(r2025,r)
-   } else {
-     r2030 <- c(r2030,r)
-   }
- }
-# to be done: add up the shares from both time-steps to the dominant time step and copy the target value to the other time step
-# (assuming that the target is similar for the other time step - likely the minor error in comparison to not considering country at all)
+  getNames(p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers) <- NULL
+  write.magpie(p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/p45_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers.cs4r", comment="** description: Regional GHG emi (excl. LU and bunkers) in BAU scenario \n*** unit: Mt CO2eq/yr \n*** file created with scripts/input/create_BAU_reg_emi_wo_LU_bunkers.R")
-write.table(r2025,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/set_regi2025.cs4r", row.names = F,col.names=F,quote = F)
-write.table(r2030,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/set_regi2030.cs4r", row.names = F,col.names=F,quote = F)
+  shares <- as.magpie(read.csv("modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/p45_2005share_target.cs4r",skip=4,header = F))
+  r2025 <- NULL
+  r2030 <- NULL
+  for(r in getRegions(shares)){
+    ## depending on which target has the higher share of emissions, assign region to group with either 2025 or 2030 target year
+    if(as.numeric(shares[r,2025,])>as.numeric(shares[r,2030,])){
+      r2025 <- c(r2025,r)
+    } else {
+      r2030 <- c(r2030,r)
+    }
+  }
+  # to be done: add up the shares from both time-steps to the dominant time step and copy the target value to the other time step
+  # (assuming that the target is similar for the other time step - likely the minor error in comparison to not considering country at all)
+  write.table(r2025,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/set_regi2025.cs4r", row.names = F,col.names=F,quote = F)
+  write.table(r2030,"modules/45_carbonprice/NDC2018/input/set_regi2030.cs4r", row.names = F,col.names=F,quote = F)
diff --git a/scripts/start/prepare_and_run.R b/scripts/start/prepare_and_run.R
index 93e4f5c8f8d3980d44201454090d562780f2d3d7..62e2ce5f70df88dd36021758341389e72e49ecf0 100644
--- a/scripts/start/prepare_and_run.R
+++ b/scripts/start/prepare_and_run.R
@@ -176,24 +176,12 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   # Check configuration for consistency
   cfg <- check_config(cfg, reference_file="config/default.cfg", settings_config = "config/settings_config.csv")
-  ###-------- do update of input files based on previous runs if applicable ------###
-  if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "NDC2018")){
-    source("scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R")
-    prepare_NDC2018(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
-  } 
-  ## the following is outcommented because by now it has to be done by hand ( currently only one gdx is handed to the next run, so it is impossible to fix to one run and use the tax from another run)
-  ## Update CO2 tax information for exogenous carbon price runs with the same CO2 price as a previous run
-  #if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "ExogSameAsPrevious")){
-  #  source("scripts/input/create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file.R")
-  #  create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
-  #}  
-  #AJS
+  # Check for compatibility with subsidizeLearning
   if ( (cfg$gms$optimization != 'nash') & (cfg$gms$subsidizeLearning == 'globallyOptimal') ) {
     cat("Only optimization='nash' is compatible with subsudizeLearning='globallyOptimal'. Switching subsidizeLearning to 'off' now. \n")
     cfg$gms$subsidizeLearning = 'off'
   # reportCEScalib only works with the calibrate module
   if ( cfg$gms$CES_parameters != "calibrate" ) cfg$output <- setdiff(cfg$output,"reportCEScalib")
@@ -202,21 +190,6 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
       stop("This title is too long or the name contains dots - GAMS would not tolerate this, and quit working at a point where you least expect it. Stopping now. ")
-  # Calculate CES configuration string
-  cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration <- paste0("stat_",cfg$gms$stationary,"-",
-                                         "indu_",cfg$gms$industry,"-",
-                                         "buil_",cfg$gms$buildings,"-",
-                                         "tran_",cfg$gms$transport,"-",
-                                         "POP_", cfg$gms$cm_POPscen, "-",
-                                         "GDP_", cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen, "-",
-                                         "Kap_", cfg$gms$capitalMarket, "-",
-                                         "Reg_", substr(regionscode(cfg$regionmapping),1,10))
-  # write name of corresponding CES file to datainput.gms
-  replace_in_file(file    = "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms",
-                  content = paste0('$include "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/input/',cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration,'.inc"'),
-                  subject = "CES INPUT")
   # adjust GDPpcScen based on GDPscen
   cfg$gms$c_GDPpcScen <- gsub("gdp_","",cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen) 
@@ -228,7 +201,7 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
     system("find ./core/magicc/ -type f | xargs dos2unix -q")
   # Set source_include so that loaded scripts know they are included as 
-  # source (instead a load from command line)
+  # source (instead of being executed from the command line)
   source_include <- TRUE
   ################## M O D E L   L O C K ###################################
@@ -237,8 +210,40 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   on.exit(model_unlock(lock_id, oncluster=on_cluster))  
   ################## M O D E L   L O C K ###################################
-  # If report and scenname are supplied the data of this scenario in the report will be converted to REMIND input
-  # Used for REMIND-MAgPIE coupling
+  ###########################################################
+  ### PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### START ####
+  ###########################################################
+  # update input files based on previous runs if applicable 
+  # ATTENTION: modifying gms files
+  if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "NDC2018")){
+    source("scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R")
+    prepare_NDC2018(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
+  } 
+  ## the following is outcommented because by now it has to be done by hand ( currently only one gdx is handed to the next run, so it is impossible to fix to one run and use the tax from another run)
+  ## Update CO2 tax information for exogenous carbon price runs with the same CO2 price as a previous run
+  #if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "ExogSameAsPrevious")){
+  #  source("scripts/input/create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file.R")
+  #  create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
+  #}  
+  # Calculate CES configuration string
+  cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration <- paste0("stat_",cfg$gms$stationary,"-",
+                                         "indu_",cfg$gms$industry,"-",
+                                         "buil_",cfg$gms$buildings,"-",
+                                         "tran_",cfg$gms$transport,"-",
+                                         "POP_", cfg$gms$cm_POPscen, "-",
+                                         "GDP_", cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen, "-",
+                                         "Kap_", cfg$gms$capitalMarket, "-",
+                                         "Reg_", substr(regionscode(cfg$regionmapping),1,10))
+  # write name of corresponding CES file to datainput.gms
+  replace_in_file(file    = "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms",
+                  content = paste0('$include "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/input/',cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration,'.inc"'),
+                  subject = "CES INPUT")
+  # If a path to a MAgPIE report is supplied use it as REMIND intput (used for REMIND-MAgPIE coupling)
+  # ATTENTION: modifying gms files
   if (!is.null(cfg$pathToMagpieReport)) {
     getReportData(path_to_report = cfg$pathToMagpieReport,inputpath_mag=cfg$gms$biomass,inputpath_acc=cfg$gms$agCosts)
@@ -255,12 +260,7 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   if(is.null(cfg$model)) cfg$model <- "main.gms"
   manipulateConfig(cfg$model, cfg$gms)
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ############# PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### START ##########################################
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ########## declare functions for updating information ################ 
+  ######## declare functions for updating information ####
   update_info <- function(regionscode,revision) {
     subject <- 'VERSION INFO'
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
-  ############### download and distribute input data ################### 
+  ############ download and distribute input data ########
   # check wheather the regional resolution and input data revision are outdated and update data if needed
   if(file.exists("input/source_files.log")) {
       input_old <- readLines("input/source_files.log")[1]
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
                           debug        = FALSE)
-  ##################### update information #############################
+  ############ update information ########################
   # update_info, which regional resolution and input data revision in cfg$model
   # update_sets, which is updating the region-depending sets in core/sets.gms
@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   map <- read.csv(cfg$regionmapping,sep=";")  
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ############# PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### END ############################################
-  ###########################################################################################################
+  ########################################################
+  ### PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### END ###
+  ########################################################
-  ############# ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ###################### START #######################################
+  ### ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ############# START #######
   content <- NULL
   modification_warning <- c(
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   content <- c(content,paste0("       ",getModules("modules/")[,"name"]," . %",getModules("modules/")[,"name"],"%"))
   content <- c(content,'      /',';')
-  ############# ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ###################### END #########################################
+  ### ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ############# END #########
   # choose which conopt files to copy
   cfg$files2export$start <- sub("conopt3",cfg$gms$cm_conoptv,cfg$files2export$start)
@@ -400,9 +400,6 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   ################## M O D E L   U N L O C K ###################################
-  ###########################################################################################################################################################
-  #################################################### Copied from submit.R #################################################################################
-  ###########################################################################################################################################################
   # Function to create the levs.gms, fixings.gms, and margs.gms files, used in 
   # delay scenarios.
@@ -797,10 +794,6 @@ prepare_and_run <- function() {
   outputdir <- cfg$results_folder
-  ###########################################################################################################################################################
-  ###########################################################################################################################################################
-  ###########################################################################################################################################################
   end_time <- Sys.time()
   # Save run statistics to local file
   cat("Saving start_time and end_time to runstatistics.rda\n")