diff --git a/scripts/start_functions.R b/scripts/start_functions.R
deleted file mode 100644
index c7bbb7ef61a1c2016a7b4ccd4511c0d8a2ffad60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/start_functions.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-# |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
-# |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
-# |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
-# |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
-# |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
-# |  Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
-start_run <- function(cfg, scenario = NULL, report = NULL, sceninreport = NULL, coupled = F, force = FALSE) {
-  # Load libraries
-  require(lucode, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  require(magclass, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  require(tools, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  require(remind, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  require(moinput)
-  require(mrvalidation)
-  .copy.fromlist <- function(filelist,destfolder) {
-    if(is.null(names(filelist))) names(filelist) <- rep("",length(filelist))
-    for(i in 1:length(filelist)) {
-      if(!is.na(filelist[i])) {
-        to <- paste0(destfolder,"/",names(filelist)[i])
-	      if(!file.copy(filelist[i],to=to,recursive=dir.exists(to),overwrite=T))
-	        cat(paste0("Could not copy ",filelist[i]," to ",to,"\n"))
-      }
-	  }
-  }
-  # Store REMIND-root directory
-  maindir <- getwd()
-  on.exit(setwd(maindir))
-  # Is the run performed on the cluster?
-  on_cluster    <- file.exists('/p')
-  # Adapt configuration to predifined scenario, if given
-  if(!is.null(scenario))
-    cfg <- setScenario(cfg, scenario)
-  # Check configuration for consistency
-  cfg <- check_config(cfg, settings_config = "config/settings_config.csv")
-###-------- do update of input files based on previous runs if applicable ------###
-  if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "NDC2018")){
-    source("scripts/input/prepare_NDC2018.R")
-    prepare_NDC2018(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
-  } 
-  ## the following is outcommented because by now it has to be done by hand ( currently only one gdx is handed to the next run, so it is impossible to fix to one run and use the tax from another run)
-  ## Update CO2 tax information for exogenous carbon price runs with the same CO2 price as a previous run
-  #if(!is.null(cfg$gms$carbonprice) && (cfg$gms$carbonprice == "ExogSameAsPrevious")){
-  #  source("scripts/input/create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file.R")
-  #  create_ExogSameAsPrevious_CO2price_file(as.character(cfg$files2export$start["input_ref.gdx"]))
-  #}  
-  #AJS
-  if ( (cfg$gms$optimization != 'nash') & (cfg$gms$subsidizeLearning == 'globallyOptimal') ) {
-    cat("Only optimization='nash' is compatible with subsudizeLearning='globallyOptimal'. Switching subsidizeLearning to 'off' now. \n")
-    cfg$gms$subsidizeLearning = 'off'
-  }
-  # reportCEScalib only works with the calibrate module
-  if ( cfg$gms$CES_parameters != "calibrate" ) cfg$output <- setdiff(cfg$output,"reportCEScalib")
-  #AJS quit if title is too long - GAMS can't handle that
-  if( nchar(cfg$title) > 75 | grepl("\\.",cfg$title) ) {
-      stop("This title is too long or the name contains dots - GAMS would not tolerate this, and quit working at a point where you least expect it. Stopping now. ")
-  }
-  # Calculate CES configuration string
-  cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration <- paste0("stat_",cfg$gms$stationary,"-",
-                                         "indu_",cfg$gms$industry,"-",
-                                         "buil_",cfg$gms$buildings,"-",
-                                         "tran_",cfg$gms$transport,"-",
-                                         "POP_", cfg$gms$cm_POPscen, "-",
-                                         "GDP_", cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen, "-",
-                                         "Kap_", cfg$gms$capitalMarket, "-",
-                                         "Reg_", substr(regionscode(cfg$regionmapping),1,10))
-  # write name of corresponding CES file to datainput.gms
-  replace_in_file(file    = "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms",
-                  content = paste0('$include "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/input/',cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration,'.inc"'),
-                  subject = "CES INPUT")
-  # adjust GDPpcScen based on GDPscen
-  cfg$gms$c_GDPpcScen <- gsub("gdp_","",cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen) 
-  # Make sure all MAGICC files have LF line endings, so Fortran won't crash
-  if (on_cluster)
-    system("find ./core/magicc/ -type f | xargs dos2unix -q")
-  # Set source_include so that loaded scripts know they are included as 
-  # source (instead a load from command line)
-  source_include <- TRUE
-  ################## M O D E L   L O C K ###################################
-  # Lock the directory for other instances of the start scritps
-  lock_id <- model_lock(timeout1 = 1, oncluster=on_cluster)
-  on.exit(model_unlock(lock_id, oncluster=on_cluster))  
-  ################## M O D E L   L O C K ###################################
-  # If report and scenname are supplied the data of this scenario in the report will be converted to REMIND input
-  # Used for REMIND-MAgPIE coupling
-  if (!is.null(report) && !is.null(sceninreport)) {
-    getReportData(report,sceninreport,inputpath_mag=cfg$gms$biomass,inputpath_acc=cfg$gms$agCosts)
-  }
-  # Update module paths in GAMS code
-  update_modules_embedding()
-  # configure main model gms file (cfg$model) based on settings of cfg file
-  cfg$gms$c_expname <- cfg$title
-  # run main.gms if not further specified
-  if(is.null(cfg$model)) cfg$model <- "main.gms"
-  manipulateConfig(cfg$model, cfg$gms)
-  # Check all setglobal settings for consistency
-  settingsCheck()
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ############# PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### START ##########################################
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ########## declare functions for updating information ################ 
-  update_info <- function(regionscode,revision) {
-    subject <- 'VERSION INFO'
-    content <- c('',
-      paste('Regionscode:',regionscode),
-      '',
-      paste('Input data revision:',revision),
-      '',
-      paste('Last modification (input data):',date()),
-      '')
-    replace_in_file(cfg$model,paste('*',content),subject)  
-  }
-  update_sets <- function(map) {
-     .tmp <- function(x,prefix="", suffix1="", suffix2=" /", collapse=",", n=10) {
-      content <- NULL
-      tmp <- lapply(split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x)/n)),paste,collapse=collapse)
-      end <- suffix1
-      for(i in 1:length(tmp)) {
-        if(i==length(tmp)) end <- suffix2
-        content <- c(content,paste0('       ',prefix,tmp[[i]],end))
-      }
-      return(content)
-    }
-    modification_warning <- c(
-      '*** CHANGES CAN BE DONE USING THE RESPECTIVE LINES IN scripts/start_functions.R')
-    content <- c(modification_warning,'','sets')
-    # write iso set with nice formatting (10 countries per line)
-    tmp <- lapply(split(map$CountryCode, ceiling(seq_along(map$CountryCode)/10)),paste,collapse=",")
-    regions <- levels(map$RegionCode)
-    content <- c(content, '',paste('   all_regi "all regions" /',paste(regions,collapse=','),'/',sep=''),'')
-    # Creating sets for H12 subregions
-    subsets <- toolRegionSubsets(map=cfg$regionmapping)
-    if(is.null(subsets[["EUR"]]))
-        subsets[["EUR"]] <- c("EUR")
-    content <- c(content, paste('   ext_regi "extended regions list (includes subsets of H12 regions)" / ', paste(c(paste0(names(subsets),"_regi"),regions),collapse=','),' /',sep=''),'')
-    content <- c(content, '   regi_group(ext_regi,all_regi) "region groups (regions that together corresponds to a H12 region)"')
-    content <- c(content, '      /')
-    for (i in 1:length(subsets)){
-        content <- c(content, paste0('        ', paste(c(paste0(names(subsets)[i],"_regi"))), ' .(',paste(subsets[[i]],collapse=','), ')'))
-    }
-    content <- c(content, '      /')
-    content <- c(content, ' ')
-    # iso countries set
-	  content <- c(content,'   iso "list of iso countries" /')
-    content <- c(content, .tmp(map$CountryCode, suffix1=",", suffix2=" /"),'')
-    content <- c(content,'   regi2iso(all_regi,iso) "mapping regions to iso countries"','      /')
-    for(i in levels(map$RegionCode)) {
-      content <- c(content, .tmp(map$CountryCode[map$RegionCode==i], prefix=paste0(i," . ("), suffix1=")", suffix2=")"))
-    }
-    content <- c(content,'      /') 
-    content <- c(content, 'iso_regi "all iso countries and EU and greater China region" /  EUR,CHA,')
-    content <- c(content, .tmp(map$CountryCode, suffix1=",", suffix2=" /"),'')
-    content <- c(content,'   map_iso_regi(iso_regi,all_regi) "mapping from iso countries to regions that represent country" ','         /')
-    for(i in regions[regions %in% c("EUR","CHA",levels(map$CountryCode))]) {
-      content <- c(content, .tmp(i, prefix=paste0(i," . "), suffix1="", suffix2=""))
-    }
-    content <- c(content,'      /',';') 
-    replace_in_file('core/sets.gms',content,"SETS",comment="***")
-  }
-  ############### download and distribute input data ################### 
-  # check wheather the regional resolution and input data revision are outdated and update data if needed
-  if(file.exists("input/source_files.log")) {
-      input_old <- readLines("input/source_files.log")[1]
-  } else {
-      input_old <- "no_data"
-  }
-  input_new <- paste0("rev",cfg$revision,"_", regionscode(cfg$regionmapping),"_", tolower(cfg$model_name),".tgz")
-  if(!setequal(input_new, input_old) | cfg$force_download) {
-      cat("Your input data are outdated or in a different regional resolution. New data are downloaded and distributed. \n")
-      download_distribute(files        = input_new,
-                          repositories = cfg$repositories, # defined in your local .Rprofile or on the cluster /p/projects/rd3mod/R/.Rprofile
-                          modelfolder  = ".",
-                          debug        = FALSE)
-  }
-  ##################### update information #############################
-  # update_info, which regional resolution and input data revision in cfg$model
-  update_info(regionscode(cfg$regionmapping),cfg$revision)
-  # update_sets, which is updating the region-depending sets in core/sets.gms
-  #-- load new mapping information
-  map <- read.csv(cfg$regionmapping,sep=";")  
-  update_sets(map)
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ############# PROCESSING INPUT DATA ###################### END ############################################
-  ###########################################################################################################
-  ############# ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ###################### START ##########################################
-    content <- NULL
-    modification_warning <- c(
-      '*** CHANGES CAN BE DONE USING THE RESPECTIVE LINES IN scripts/start_functions.R')
-    content <- c(modification_warning,'','sets')
-    content <- c(content,'','       modules "all the available modules"')
-    content <- c(content,'       /',paste0("       ",getModules("modules/")[,"name"]),'       /')
-    content <- c(content,'','module2realisation(modules,*) "mapping of modules and active realisations" /')
-    content <- c(content,paste0("       ",getModules("modules/")[,"name"]," . %",getModules("modules/")[,"name"],"%"))
-    content <- c(content,'      /',';')
-    replace_in_file('core/sets.gms',content,"MODULES",comment="***")
-  ############# ADD MODULE INFO IN SETS  ###################### END ############################################
-  # Replace load leveler-script with appropriate version
-  if (cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
-    if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) {
-      cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-        "scripts/run_submit/submit_par.cmd"
-    } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
-      cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-        "scripts/run_submit/submit_par16.cmd"
-    }
-  } else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
-    cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-      "scripts/run_submit/submit_short.cmd"
-  }
-  # choose which conopt files to copy
-  cfg$files2export$start <- sub("conopt3",cfg$gms$cm_conoptv,cfg$files2export$start)
-  # Create name of output folder and output folder itself
-  date <- format(Sys.time(), "_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
-  cfg$results_folder <- gsub(":date:", date, cfg$results_folder, fixed = TRUE)
-  cfg$results_folder <- gsub(":title:", cfg$title, cfg$results_folder, fixed = TRUE)
-  # Create output folder
-  if (!file.exists(cfg$results_folder)) {
-    dir.create(cfg$results_folder, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
-  } else if (!force) {
-    stop(paste0("Results folder ",cfg$results_folder," could not be created because it already exists."))
-  } else {
-    cat("Deleting results folder because it alreay exists:",cfg$results_folder,"\n")
-    unlink(cfg$results_folder, recursive = TRUE)
-    dir.create(cfg$results_folder, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
-  }
-  # Copy important files into output_folder (before REMIND execution)
-  .copy.fromlist(cfg$files2export$start,cfg$results_folder)
-  # Store main folder to make it accessible in submit.R
-  cfg$remind_folder <- getwd()
-  # Save configuration
-  save(cfg, file = path(cfg$results_folder, "config.Rdata"))
-  # Merge GAMS files
-  singleGAMSfile(mainfile=cfg$model,output = path(cfg$results_folder, "full.gms"))
-  # Collect run statistics (will be saved to central database in submit.R)
-  lucode::runstatistics(file = paste0(cfg$results_folder,"/runstatistics.rda"),
-                        user = Sys.info()[["user"]],
-                        date = Sys.time(),
-                        version_management = "git",
-                        revision = try(system("git rev-parse --short HEAD", intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE),
-                        #revision_date = try(as.POSIXct(system("git show -s --format=%ci", intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)),
-                        status = try(system("git status", intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE))
-  ################## M O D E L   U N L O C K ###################################
-  # After full.gms was produced remind folders have to be unlocked to allow setting up the next run
-  model_unlock(lock_id, oncluster=on_cluster)
-  # Prevent model_unlock from being executed again at the end
-  on.exit()
-  # Repeat command since on.exit was cleared
-  on.exit(setwd(maindir))
-  ################## M O D E L   U N L O C K ###################################
-  setwd(cfg$results_folder)
-  # Decide whether the runs should be send to slurm (TRUE) or executed directly (FALSE)
-  if (is.na(cfg$sendToSlurm)) {
-    if (on_cluster) {
-      cfg$sendToSlurm <- TRUE
-    } else {
-      cfg$sendToSlurm <- FALSE
-    }
-  }
-  # "Compilation only" is always executed directly
-  if (cfg$action == "c") cfg$sendToSlurm <- FALSE
-  # Call appropriate submit script
-  if (cfg$sendToSlurm) {
-      # send to slurm
-      if(cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
-         if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) { 
-           system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par.cmd"))
-           system("sbatch submit_par.cmd")
-         } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
-           system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par16.cmd"))
-           system("sbatch submit_par16.cmd")
-         }
-      } else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
-          system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_short.cmd"))
-          system("sbatch submit_short.cmd")
-      } else {
-          system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit.cmd"))
-          if (cfg$gms$cm_startyear > 2030) {
-              system("sbatch --partition=ram_gpu submit.cmd")
-          } else {
-              system("sbatch submit.cmd")
-          }
-      }
-  } else {
-      # execute directly
-      system("Rscript submit.R")
-  }
-  # on.exit sets working directory back to REMIND main folder   
-  return(cfg$results_folder)
-getReportData <- function(rep,scen,inputpath_mag="magpie",inputpath_acc="costs") {
-	require(lucode, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  require(magclass, quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts =FALSE)
-  .bioenergy_price <- function(mag){
-    notGLO <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    if("Demand|Bioenergy|++|2nd generation (EJ/yr)" %in% getNames(mag)) {
-      # MAgPIE 4
-      out <- mag[,,"Prices|Bioenergy (US$05/GJ)"]*0.0315576 # with transformation factor from US$2005/GJ to US$2005/Wa
-    } else {
-      # MAgPIE 3
-      out <- mag[,,"Price|Primary Energy|Biomass (US$2005/GJ)"]*0.0315576 # with transformation factor from US$2005/GJ to US$2005/Wa
-    }
-    out["JPN",is.na(out["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-    dimnames(out)[[3]] <- NULL #Delete variable name to prevent it from being written into output file
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO,,],paste0("./modules/30_biomass/",inputpath_mag,"/input/p30_pebiolc_pricemag_coupling.csv"),file_type="csvr")
-  }  
-  .bioenergy_costs <- function(mag){
-    notGLO <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    if ("Production Cost|Agriculture|Biomass|Energy Crops (million US$2005/yr)" %in% getNames(mag)) {
-      out <- mag[,,"Production Cost|Agriculture|Biomass|Energy Crops (million US$2005/yr)"]/1000/1000 # with transformation factor from 10E6 US$2005 to 10E12 US$2005
-    }
-    else {
-      # in old MAgPIE reports the unit is reported to be "billion", however the values are in million
-      out <- mag[,,"Production Cost|Agriculture|Biomass|Energy Crops (billion US$2005/yr)"]/1000/1000 # with transformation factor from 10E6 US$2005 to 10E12 US$2005
-    }
-    out["JPN",is.na(out["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-    dimnames(out)[[3]] <- NULL
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO,,],paste0("./modules/30_biomass/",inputpath_mag,"/input/p30_pebiolc_costsmag.csv"),file_type="csvr")
-  }  
-  .bioenergy_production <- function(mag){
-    notGLO <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    if("Demand|Bioenergy|2nd generation|++|Bioenergy crops (EJ/yr)" %in% getNames(mag)) {
-      # MAgPIE 4
-      out <- mag[,,"Demand|Bioenergy|2nd generation|++|Bioenergy crops (EJ/yr)"]/31.536 # EJ to TWa
-    } else {
-      # MAgPIE 3
-      out <- mag[,,"Primary Energy Production|Biomass|Energy Crops (EJ/yr)"]/31.536 # EJ to TWa
-    }
-    out[which(out<0)] <- 0 # set negative values to zero since they cause errors in GMAS power function
-    out["JPN",is.na(out["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-    dimnames(out)[[3]] <- NULL
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO,,],paste0("./modules/30_biomass/",inputpath_mag,"/input/p30_pebiolc_demandmag_coupling.csv"),file_type="csvr")
-  }  
-  .emissions_mac <- function(mag) {
-    # define three columns of dataframe: 
-    #   emirem (remind emission names)
-    #   emimag (magpie emission names)
-    #   factor_mag2rem (factor for converting magpie to remind emissions)
-    #   1/1000*28/44, # kt N2O/yr -> Mt N2O/yr -> Mt N/yr
-    #   28/44,        # Tg N2O/yr =  Mt N2O/yr -> Mt N/yr
-    #   1/1000*12/44, # Mt CO2/yr -> Gt CO2/yr -> Gt C/yr
-    map <- data.frame(emirem=NULL,emimag=NULL,factor_mag2rem=NULL,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
-    if("Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|+|Animal Waste Management (Mt N2O/yr)" %in% getNames(mag)) {
-      # MAgPIE 4
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CO2|Land (Mt CO2/yr)",                                                                 emirem="co2luc",    factor_mag2rem=1/1000*12/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|+|Animal Waste Management (Mt N2O/yr)",                           emirem="n2oanwstm", factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|Agricultural Soils|+|Inorganic Fertilizers (Mt N2O/yr)",          emirem="n2ofertin", factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|Agricultural Soils|+|Manure applied to Croplands (Mt N2O/yr)",    emirem="n2oanwstc", factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|Agricultural Soils|+|Decay of Crop Residues (Mt N2O/yr)",         emirem="n2ofertcr", factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|Agricultural Soils|+|Soil Organic Matter Loss (Mt N2O/yr)",       emirem="n2ofertsom",factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land|Agriculture|Agricultural Soils|+|Pasture (Mt N2O/yr)",                        emirem="n2oanwstp", factor_mag2rem=28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land|Agriculture|+|Rice (Mt CH4/yr)",                                              emirem="ch4rice",   factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land|Agriculture|+|Animal waste management (Mt CH4/yr)",                           emirem="ch4anmlwst",factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land|Agriculture|+|Enteric fermentation (Mt CH4/yr)",                              emirem="ch4animals",factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-    } else {
-      # MAgPIE 3
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CO2|Land Use (Mt CO2/yr)",                                                        emirem="co2luc",    factor_mag2rem=1/1000*12/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|AWM (kt N2O/yr)",                                        emirem="n2oanwstm", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils|Inorganic Fertilizers (kt N2O/yr)",       emirem="n2ofertin", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils|Manure applied to Croplands (kt N2O/yr)", emirem="n2oanwstc", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils|Decay of crop residues (kt N2O/yr)",      emirem="n2ofertcr", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils|Soil organic matter loss (kt N2O/yr)",    emirem="n2ofertsom",factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils|Lower N2O emissions of rice (kt N2O/yr)", emirem="n2ofertrb", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Pasture (kt N2O/yr)",                                    emirem="n2oanwstp", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Forest Burning (kt N2O/yr)",                         emirem="n2oforest", factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Savannah Burning (kt N2O/yr)",                       emirem="n2osavan",  factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Agricultural Waste Burning (kt N2O/yr)",             emirem="n2oagwaste",factor_mag2rem=1/1000*28/44,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|Rice (Mt CH4/yr)",                                       emirem="ch4rice",   factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|AWM (Mt CH4/yr)",                                        emirem="ch4anmlwst",factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|Enteric Fermentation (Mt CH4/yr)",                       emirem="ch4animals",factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Forest Burning (Mt CH4/yr)",                         emirem="ch4forest", factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Savannah Burning (Mt CH4/yr)",                       emirem="ch4savan",  factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-      map <- rbind(map,data.frame(emimag="Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Biomass Burning|Agricultural Waste Burning (Mt CH4/yr)",             emirem="ch4agwaste",factor_mag2rem=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
-    }
-    # Read data from MAgPIE report and convert to REMIND data, collect in 'out' object
-    out<-NULL
-    for (i in 1:nrow(map)) {
-        tmp<-setNames(mag[,,map[i,]$emimag],map[i,]$emirem)
-        tmp<-tmp*map[i,]$factor_mag2rem
-        #tmp["JPN",is.na(tmp["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-        # preliminary fix 20160111
-        #cat("Preliminary quick fix: filtering out NAs for all and negative values for almost all landuse emissions except for co2luc and n2ofertrb\n")
-        #tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
-        # preliminary 20160114: filter out negative values except for co2luc and n2ofertrb
-        #if (map[i,]$emirem!="co2luc" &&  map[i,]$emirem!="n2ofertrb") {
-        # tmp[tmp<0] <- 0
-        #}
-        out<-mbind(out,tmp)
-    }
-    # Write REMIND input file
-    notGLO   <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    filename <- paste0("./core/input/f_macBaseMagpie_coupling.cs4r")
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO],filename)
-    write(paste0("*** EOF ",filename," ***"),file=filename,append=TRUE)
-  }	
-  .agriculture_costs <- function(mag){
-    notGLO <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    out <- mag[,,"Costs|MainSolve w/o GHG Emissions (million US$05/yr)"]/1000/1000 # with transformation factor from 10E6 US$2005 to 10E12 US$2005
-    out["JPN",is.na(out["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-    dimnames(out)[[3]] <- NULL #Delete variable name to prevent it from being written into output file
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO,,],paste0("./modules/26_agCosts/",inputpath_acc,"/input/p26_totLUcost_coupling.csv"),file_type="csvr")
-  }
-  .agriculture_tradebal <- function(mag){
-    notGLO <- getRegions(mag)[!(getRegions(mag)=="GLO")]
-    out <- mag[,,"Trade|Agriculture|Trade Balance (billion US$2005/yr)"]/1000 # with transformation factor from 10E9 US$2005 to 10E12 US$2005
-    out["JPN",is.na(out["JPN",,]),] <- 0
-    dimnames(out)[[3]] <- NULL
-    write.magpie(out[notGLO,,],paste0("./modules/26_agCosts/",inputpath_acc,"/input/trade_bal_reg.rem.csv"),file_type="csvr")
-  }
-  if (length(scen)!=1) stop("getReportData: 'scen' does not contain exactly one scenario:",scen)
-  if (length(intersect(scen,getNames(rep,dim="scenario")))!=1) stop("getReportData: 'scen'",scen," not contained in 'rep'.")
-  rep <- collapseNames(rep) # get rid of scenrio and model dimension if they exist
-  years <- 2000+5*(1:30)
-  mag <- time_interpolate(rep,years)
-  .bioenergy_price(mag)
-  #.bioenergy_costs(mag) # Obsolete since bioenergy costs are not calculated by MAgPIE anymore but by integrating the supplycurve
-  .bioenergy_production(mag)
-  .emissions_mac(mag)
-  .agriculture_costs(mag)
-  # need to be updated to MAgPIE 4 interface
-  #.agriculture_tradebal(mag)
-start_reportrun <- function (cfg,path_report,sceninreport=NULL){
-  rep <- convert.report(path_report,outmodel="REMIND")
-  write.report(rep,"report.mif")
-  if (!is.null(sceninreport))
-      sceninreport <- intersect(sceninreport,names(rep))
-  else
-      sceninreport <- names(rep)
-  for(scen in sceninreport) {
-	cfg$title <- scen
-	# If REMIND had pre-defined scenarios like MAgPIE they must be set here according to the scenario read in from the MAgPIE reporting
-	# cfg <- setScenario(cfg,strsplit(scen,"_")[[1]][1])
-	start_run(cfg, report=rep, sceninreport=scen)
-  }
diff --git a/start_bundle_climate.R b/start_bundle_climate.R
index fbbffd327045790ef55b794813c13635ff37affe..ab33cec7f99dad2a4759f44115c6f7ca571acee6 100644
--- a/start_bundle_climate.R
+++ b/start_bundle_climate.R
@@ -4,10 +4,15 @@
 # |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
 # |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
 # |  Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
 require(lucode, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
+# Choose submission type
+slurmConfig <- choose_slurmConfig()
 .setgdxcopy <- function(needle, stack, new) {
   # delete entries in stack that contain needle and append new
   out <- c(stack[-grep(needle, stack)], new)
@@ -55,6 +60,7 @@ for (scen in rownames(scenarios)) {
   # Have the log output written in a file (not on the screen)
+  cfg$slurmConfig <- slurmConfig
   cfg$logoption  <- 2
   cfg$sequential <- NA
@@ -124,6 +130,6 @@ for (scen in rownames(scenarios)) {
      | is.na(settings[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])){
    cat("Starting: ",scen,"\n")
-   start_run(cfg)
+   submit(cfg)