diff --git a/scripts/start/choose_slurmConfig.R b/scripts/start/choose_slurmConfig.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5a425df47f58efbcce656ed1e91b702ad5ea2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/start/choose_slurmConfig.R
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+############### Select slurm partitiion ###############################
+get_line <- function(){
+  # gets characters (line) from the terminal or from a connection
+  # and returns it
+  if(interactive()){
+    s <- readline()
+  } else {
+    con <- file("stdin")
+    s <- readLines(con, 1, warn=FALSE)
+    on.exit(close(con))
+  }
+  return(s);
+choose_slurmConfig <- function() {
+  slurm <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(system2("srun",stdout=FALSE,stderr=FALSE) != 127, TRUE, FALSE))
+  if (slurm) {
+    modes <- c("SLURM standby  - task per node: 12 (nash H12) [recommended]",
+               "SLURM standby  - task per node: 13 (nash H12 coupled)",
+               "SLURM standby  - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)",
+               "SLURM standby  - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)",
+               "SLURM priority - task per node: 12 (nash H12) [recommended]",
+               "SLURM priority - task per node: 13 (nash H12 coupled)",
+               "SLURM priority - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)",
+               "SLURM priority - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)",
+               "SLURM short    - task per node: 12 (nash H12)",
+               "SLURM short    - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)",
+               "SLURM short    - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)",
+               "SLURM medium   - task per node:  1 (negishi)",
+               "SLURM long     - task per node:  1 (negishi)")
+    cat("\nCurrent cluster utilization:\n")
+    system("sclass")
+    cat("\n")
+    cat("\nPlease choose run submission type:\n")
+    cat(paste(1:length(modes), modes, sep=": " ),sep="\n")
+    cat("Number: ")
+    identifier <- get_line()
+    identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]])
+    comp <- switch(identifier,
+                   "1" = "--qos=standby --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=12"  , # SLURM standby  - task per node: 12 (nash H12) [recommended]
+                   "2" = "--qos=standby --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=13"  , # SLURM standby  - task per node: 13 (nash H12 coupled)
+                   "3" = "--qos=standby --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=16"  , # SLURM standby  - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)
+                   "4" = "--qos=standby --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=1"   , # SLURM standby  - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)
+                   "5" = "--qos=priority --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=12" , # SLURM priority - task per node: 12 (nash H12) [recommended]
+                   "6" = "--qos=priority --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=13" , # SLURM priority - task per node: 13 (nash H12 coupled)
+                   "7" = "--qos=priority --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=16" , # SLURM priority - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)
+                   "8" = "--qos=priority --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=1"  , # SLURM priority - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)
+                   "9" = "--qos=short --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=12"    , # SLURM short    - task per node: 12 (nash H12)
+                  "10" = "--qos=short --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=16"    , # SLURM short    - task per node: 16 (nash H12+)
+                  "11" = "--qos=short --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=1"     , # SLURM short    - task per node:  1 (nash debug, test one regi)
+                  "12" = "--qos=medium --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=1"    , # SLURM medium   - task per node:  1 (negishi)
+                  "13" = "--qos=long --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=1"      ) # SLURM long     - task per node:  1 (negishi)
+    if(is.null(comp)) stop("This type is invalid. Please choose a valid type")
+  } else {
+    comp <- "direct"
+  }
+  return(comp)
+   Gedächtnisstütze für die slurm-Varianten
+  # Replace load leveler-script with appropriate version
+  if (cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
+    if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) {
+      cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
+        "scripts/run_submit/submit_par.cmd"
+    } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
+      cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
+        "scripts/run_submit/submit_par16.cmd"
+    }
+  } else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
+    cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
+      "scripts/run_submit/submit_short.cmd"
+  }
+   # Call appropriate submit script
+  if (cfg$sendToSlurm) {
+      # send to slurm
+      if(cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
+         if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) { 
+           system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par.cmd"))
+           system("sbatch submit_par.cmd")
+         } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
+           system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par16.cmd"))
+           system("sbatch submit_par16.cmd")
+         }
+      } else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
+          system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_short.cmd"))
+          system("sbatch submit_short.cmd")
+      } else {
+          system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit.cmd"))
+          if (cfg$gms$cm_startyear > 2030) {
+              system("sbatch --partition=ram_gpu submit.cmd")
+          } else {
+              system("sbatch submit.cmd")
+          }
diff --git a/scripts/start/submit.R b/scripts/start/submit.R
index e100b46ac018a9ae9fe2b6a18a90d3bfe0f3f881..a4310ebce6bc86e1ec3ed93281a94b5f7925c72e 100644
--- a/scripts/start/submit.R
+++ b/scripts/start/submit.R
@@ -54,62 +54,11 @@ submit <- function(cfg) {
   sbatch_command <- paste0("sbatch --job-name=",cfg$title," --output=",cfg$title,".out --mail-type=END --comment=REMIND --wrap=\"Rscript prepare_and_run.R \"")
   if(cfg$slurmConfig=="direct") {
     log <- format(Sys.time(), paste0(cfg$title,"-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%OS3.log"))
-    system("Rscript prepare_and_run.R ",cfg$title, stderr = log, stdout = log, wait=FALSE)
-  } else if(cfg$slurmConfig=="priority") {
-    system(paste(sbatch_command,"--nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=12 --qos=priority"))
-    Sys.sleep(1)
-  } else if(cfg$slurmConfig=="standby") {
-    system(paste(sbatch_command,"--nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=12 --qos=standby"))
-    Sys.sleep(1)
-  } else if(cfg$slurmConfig=="short") {
-    system(paste(sbatch_command,"--qos=short"))
-    Sys.sleep(1)
-  } else if(cfg$slurmConfig=="medium") {
-    system(paste(sbatch_command,"--qos=medium"))
-    Sys.sleep(1)
-  } else if(cfg$slurmConfig=="long") {
-    system(paste(sbatch_command,"--qos=long"))
-    Sys.sleep(1)
+    system("Rscript prepare_and_run.R")
   } else {
-    stop("Unknown submission type")
+    system(paste(sbatch_command,cfg$slurmConfig))
+    Sys.sleep(1)
-  # Gedächtnisstütze für die slurm-Varianten
-  ## Replace load leveler-script with appropriate version
-  #if (cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
-  #  if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) {
-  #    cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-  #      "scripts/run_submit/submit_par.cmd"
-  #  } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
-  #    cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-  #      "scripts/run_submit/submit_par16.cmd"
-  #  }
-  #} else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
-  #  cfg$files2export$start[cfg$files2export$start == "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd"] <- 
-  #    "scripts/run_submit/submit_short.cmd"
-  #}
-    # Call appropriate submit script
-  #if (cfg$sendToSlurm) {
-  #    # send to slurm
-  #    if(cfg$gms$optimization == "nash" && cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode == "parallel") {
-  #       if(length(unique(map$RegionCode)) <= 12) { 
-  #         system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par.cmd"))
-  #         system("sbatch submit_par.cmd")
-  #       } else { # use max amount of cores if regions number is greater than 12 
-  #         system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/pREMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_par16.cmd"))
-  #         system("sbatch submit_par16.cmd")
-  #       }
-  #    } else if (cfg$gms$optimization == "testOneRegi") {
-  #        system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit_short.cmd"))
-  #        system("sbatch submit_short.cmd")
-  #    } else {
-  #        system(paste0("sed -i 's/__JOB_NAME__/REMIND_", cfg$title,"/g' submit.cmd"))
-  #        if (cfg$gms$cm_startyear > 2030) {
-  #            system("sbatch --partition=ram_gpu submit.cmd")
-  #        } else {
-  #            system("sbatch submit.cmd")
-  #        }
diff --git a/start.R b/start.R
index 457b54e9ae15128d1549d9ecb54810161f4309a7..40fb9ef0ede19a3d1d202768677a680b8c99b104 100644
--- a/start.R
+++ b/start.R
@@ -1,60 +1,10 @@
-############### Select slurm partitiion ###############################
-get_line <- function(){
-  # gets characters (line) from the terminal or from a connection
-  # and returns it
-  if(interactive()){
-    s <- readline()
-  } else {
-    con <- file("stdin")
-    s <- readLines(con, 1, warn=FALSE)
-    on.exit(close(con))
-  }
-  return(s);
-choose_submit <- function(title="Please choose run submission type") {
-  # xxx add REMIND specific combinations of qos and number of nodes
-  modes <- c("SLURM priority (recommended)",
-             "SLURM standby (recommended)",
-             "SLURM short",
-             "SLURM medium",
-             "SLURM long")
-  cat("\nCurrent cluster utilization:\n")
-  system("sclass")
-  cat("\n")
-  cat("\n",title,":\n", sep="")
-  cat(paste(1:length(modes), modes, sep=": " ),sep="\n")
-  cat("Number: ")
-  identifier <- get_line()
-  identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]])
-  comp <- switch(identifier,
-                 "1" = "priority",
-                 "2" = "standby",
-                 "3" = "short",
-                 "4" = "medium",
-                 "5" = "long")
-  if(is.null(comp)) stop("This type is invalid. Please choose a valid type")
-  return(comp)
 # Choose submission type
-slurm <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(system2("srun",stdout=FALSE,stderr=FALSE) != 127, TRUE, FALSE))
-if (slurm) {
-  slurmConfig <- choose_submit("Choose submission type")
-  } else {
-  slurmConfig <- "direct"
-  }
+slurmConfig <- choose_slurmConfig()
 ######################## Submit run ###################################