diff --git a/config/default.cfg b/config/default.cfg
index 82377897a4d7e4a722c0fa5fea257f15406508ca..9aabbef5273c14822d814e395384cba55d11c3c3 100755
--- a/config/default.cfg
+++ b/config/default.cfg
@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ cfg$gms$cm_cprice_red_factor <- 1  	    # def <- 1
 cfg$gms$cm_POPscen            <- "pop_SSP2"     # def <- "pop_SSP2"
 cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen            <- "gdp_SSP2"     # def <- "gdp_SSP2"
+cfg$gms$cm_GDPcovid           <- 0       # def <- 0
 cfg$gms$cm_startyear          <- 2005    # def <- 2005 for BAU, 2015 for policy run
 cfg$gms$c_start_budget        <- 2100    # def <- 2100
@@ -366,7 +367,6 @@ cfg$gms$c_regi_nucscen <- "all" # def <- "all"
 cfg$gms$c_regi_capturescen <- "all" # def <- "all"
 cfg$gms$cm_EDGEtr_scen       <- "ConvCase"     # def <- "ConvCase". For calibration runs: "ConvCase", "ConvCaseWise". For standard runs:"ConvCase", "ElecEra", "HydrHype", "ConvCaseWise", "ElecEraWise", "HydrHypeWise"
 #                          FLAGS
@@ -478,12 +478,12 @@ cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
 #-------------------- switches ----------------------------------------------------
-# cm_iteration_max    "number of Negishi iterations (up to 49)"
+# cm_iteration_max    "number of Negishi iterations"
 # c_solver_try_max      "maximum number of inner iterations within one Negishi iteration (<10)"
 #*** Careful: for each inner_itr_count, the size of remind.lst can increase by 50MB!
 # cm_nash_autoconverge "choice of nash convergence mode"
 #  (0): manually set number of iterations by adjusting cm_iteration_max
-#  (1): run until solution is sufficiently converged  - coarse tolerances, quick solution.  ! donot use in production runs !
+#  (1): run until solution is sufficiently converged  - coarse tolerances, quick solution.  ! do not use in production runs !
 #  (2): run until solution is sufficiently converged  - fine tolerances, for production runs.
 # cm_MAgPIE_coupling "switch on coupling mode with MAgPIE"
 #  (off): off = REMIND expects to be run standalone (emission factors are used, shiftfactors are set to zero)
@@ -579,6 +579,10 @@ cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
 #  (gdp_SSP3):  SSP3 slowGROWTH slowCONV
 #  (gdp_SSP4):  SSP4  medGROWTH mixedCONV
 #  (gdp_SSP5):  SSP5 fastGROWTH fastCONV
+# cm_GDPcovid  "switch to turn on short-term GDP loss by covid-19"
+# *ML* emulates a schock, only feasible with start year 2020, don't use in calibration
+#  (0):  off
+#  (1):  on
 # cm_startyear "first free (or pseudo-free in case of 2005) modelling time step";
 #  (2005): standard for BAU to check if model is well calibrated
 #  (2015): standard for all policy runs (eq. to fix2010) and production baselines, especially if various baselines with varying parameters are explored
@@ -735,6 +739,7 @@ cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
 # cfg$gms$c_skip_output            <- "off"    # def <- off
 # Skip output? (Useful for development)
 # cfg$gms$cm_ccsfosall             <- "off"    # def <- off
 # here you find old and new names of the latest renaming
diff --git a/config/scenario_config_SSP2covid.csv b/config/scenario_config_SSP2covid.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..337b84e38c83879b3d0f6c27617242eb6352210f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/scenario_config_SSP2covid.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/core/equations.gms b/core/equations.gms
index 052626a75004c0e5780218cbaed8772771a18503..bde1fd22cbbda01b34b71039e5bab2646ba5582d 100644
--- a/core/equations.gms
+++ b/core/equations.gms
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ q_costInvTeAdj(t,regi,teAdj)..
-*' Operation and maintenance resut form costs maintenance of existing facilities according to their capacity and
+*' Operation and maintenance costs from maintenance of existing facilities according to their capacity and
 *' operation of energy transformations according to the amount of produced secondary and final energy.
diff --git a/main.gms b/main.gms
index eb84d820dbb163e43dc096469ee484ca16f4b61d..264d510c2a038a8fbd1e7dd2f64dcb1a720f5368 100755
--- a/main.gms
+++ b/main.gms
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ $setGlobal codePerformance  off       !! def = off
 ***--------------- declaration of parameters for switches ----------------------
-cm_iteration_max      "number of Negishi iterations (up to 49)"
+cm_iteration_max      "number of Negishi iterations"
 c_solver_try_max      "maximum number of inner iterations within one Negishi iteration (<10)"
 c_keep_iteration_gdxes   "save intermediate iteration gdxes"
 cm_nash_autoconverge  "choice of nash convergence mode"
@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr "annual increase of CO2 price after the Peak Budge
 cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr      "Year at which regional CO2 prices converge in module 45 realization diffPhaseIn2LinFlex"
 c_regi_nucscen				"regions to apply nucscen to"
 c_regi_capturescen			"region to apply ccapturescen to"
+cm_GDPcovid                  "GDP correction for covid"
 *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -334,6 +335,7 @@ cm_cprice_red_factor  = 1;         !! def = 1
 $setglobal cm_POPscen  pop_SSP2  !! def = pop_SSP2
 $setglobal cm_GDPscen  gdp_SSP2  !! def = gdp_SSP2
 $setglobal c_GDPpcScen  SSP2     !! def = gdp_SSP2   (automatically adjusted by start_run() based on GDPscen) 
+cm_GDPcovid      = 0;            !! def = 0
 *AG* and *CB* for cm_startyear greater than 2005, you have to copy the fulldata.gdx (rename it to: input_ref.gdx) from the run you want to build your new run onto.
 cm_startyear      = 2005;      !! def = 2005 for a BAU, 2015 for policy runs
diff --git a/modules/29_CES_parameters/calibrate/not_used.txt b/modules/29_CES_parameters/calibrate/not_used.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29b728114999ced8b4f718696d2a5d2816362617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/29_CES_parameters/calibrate/not_used.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
+# |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
+# |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
+# |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
+# |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
+# |  Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
+cm_GDPcovid, switch, ???
diff --git a/modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms b/modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms
index dd517885d2160e650423d47632055545a33fab3a..3627a47f0f8fc964c1e08d81aee08d4395265a4a 100644
--- a/modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms
+++ b/modules/29_CES_parameters/load/datainput.gms
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 $include "./modules/29_CES_parameters/load/input/stat_off-indu_fixed_shares-buil_simple-tran_complex-POP_pop_SSP2-GDP_gdp_SSP2-Kap_debt_limit-Reg_690d3718e1.inc"
 *###################### R SECTION END (CES INPUT) ###########################
+if (cm_GDPcovid eq 1,
+   pm_cesdata("2020",all_regi,"lab","effgr") = 0.5 * (pm_cesdata ("2015",all_regi,"lab","effgr") + pm_cesdata ("2020",all_regi,"lab","effgr"));
 option pm_cesdata:8:3:1;
 display "loaded pm_cesdata", pm_cesdata;
diff --git a/modules/32_power/module.gms b/modules/32_power/module.gms
index c547a22a780d81e42e38d5b6a4b3e9e7acdead28..3564bdb096dc16412a07ad4fef065c76b2cd8728 100644
--- a/modules/32_power/module.gms
+++ b/modules/32_power/module.gms
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
 *** SOF ./modules/32_power/module.gms
 *' @title Power sector
-*' @description  The 32_power module determine the operation production decision for the electricity supply.
+*' @description  The 32_power module determines the operation production decisions for the electricity supply.
-*'               The `IntC` realization (Integrated Costs) assume a single electricity market balance.
+*'               The `IntC` realization (Integrated Costs) assumes a single electricity market balance.
-*'               The `RLDC` realization (Residual Load Duration Curve) distinguish different operation electricity supply decisions under four distinct load bands, plus additional peak capacity requirements.
+*'               The `RLDC` realization (Residual Load Duration Curve) distinguishes different operation electricity supply decisions under four distinct load bands, plus additional peak capacity requirements.
 *' @authors Robert Pietzcker, Falko Ueckerdt, Renato Rodrigues