diff --git a/config/oneRegi.cfg b/config/oneRegi.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 2422f7acb78cc6b4604d0674a962ce04a37d4eb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/oneRegi.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-# |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
-# |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
-# |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
-# |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
-# |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
-# |  Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
-#### SETTINGS ####
-cfg <- list()
-#### Main settings ####
-#short description of the actual run
-cfg$title <- "testOneRegi"
-# path to the submodel to be used relative to main model folder (e.g."standalone/template.gms")
-#cfg$model <- "main.gms"   #def = "main.gms"
-#### region settings ####
-cfg$regionmapping <- "config/regionmappingH12.csv"
-#### Current input data revision (<mainrevision>.<subrevision>) ####
-cfg$revision <- 5.935
-#### Force the model to download new input data ####
-cfg$force_download <- FALSE
-#### list of repositories containing input data
-# defined in your local .Rprofile or on the cluster /p/projects/rd3mod/R/.Rprofile
-cfg$repositories <- getOption("remind_repos")
-#### Folder run statistics should be submitted to
-cfg$runstatistics <- "/p/projects/rd3mod/models/statistics/remind"
-#### name of the overall model (used for run statistics only)
-# should usually not be changed
-cfg$model_name <- "REMIND"
-#### model version of the overall model (used for run statistics only).
-# Use extension "-rc" for release candidate and "-dev" for developer version
-cfg$model_version <- "2.0-dev"
-#### settings ####
-cfg$gms <- list()
-# ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ***                           MODULES                   START
-# ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ***---------------------    04_PE_FE_parameters    ----------------------------
-# * (iea2014): new PE-FE parameters based on IEA 2014
-cfg$gms$PE_FE_parameters  <- "iea2014"   # def = iea2014
-# ***---------------------    05_initialCap    ----------------------------
-# * (on):      load existing CES parameters matching model configuration
-cfg$gms$initialCap  <- "on"   # def = on
-# ***---------------------    11_aerosols    ----------------------------------------
-# * (exoGAINS)   :
-cfg$gms$aerosols <- "exoGAINS"                 # def = exoGAINS
-# ***---------------------    15_climate    ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): no climate coupling
-# * (magicc): MAGICC - iterative mode, outside of optimization.
-# * (box): Petschel-Held
-cfg$gms$climate <- "off"                 # def = off
-# ***---------------------    16_downscaleTemperature    ----------------------------------------
-# * (off)
-# * (CMIP5): downscale GMT to regional temperature based on CMIP5 data (between iterations, no runtime impact). Requires climate='magicc' and cm_rcp_scen={rcp26,rcp85}
-cfg$gms$downscaleTemperature <- "off"                 # def = off
-# ***---------------------    20_growth    ------------------------------------------
-# * (exogenous): exogenous growth
-# * (endogenous): endogenous growth !!Warning: still experimental stuff!!
-# * (spillover): endogenous growth with spillover externality !!Warning: not yet calibrated!!
-cfg$gms$growth <- "exogenous"                 # def = exogenous
-# ***---------------------    21_tax    ------------------------------------------
-# * (on): tax mechanism active
-# * (off): no tax mechanism
-cfg$gms$tax  <- "on"           # def = on
-# ***---------------------    22_subsidizeLearning    -----------------------------
-# * (globallyOptimal): Only works with Nash, gives cooperative solution w.r.t. the learning spillover - this should then be equivalent to the Negishi solution.
-# * (off): do not subsidize learning. Default setting for Negishi. With Nash, this gives the non-cooperative solution w.r.t. the learning spillover.
-cfg$gms$subsidizeLearning  <- "off"           # def = off
-# ***----------------------    23_capitalMarket    -------------------------------
-# * (imperfect): Imperfect capital market: brings initial consumption shares closer to empirical data
-# * (perfect):   Perfect capital market (results in large short-term capital flows from North to South)
-cfg$gms$capitalMarket  <- "perfect"           # def = perfect
-# ***----------------------   26_agCosts  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): agricultural costs zero, no trade taken into account
-# * (costs): includes total landuse costs
-# * (costs_trade): includes agricultural production costs and the MAgPIE trade balance
-cfg$gms$agCosts  <- "costs"       # def = costs
-# ***---------------------    29_CES_parameters    ----------------------------
-# * (load):      load existing CES parameters matching model configuration
-# * (calibrate): calculate new CES parameters based on v_cesIO trajectories -- under development!
-cfg$gms$CES_parameters  <- "load"   # def = load
-# ***---------------------    30_biomass    ----------------------------------------
-# * (exogenous):     exogenous biomass extraction and costs
-# * (magpie_40): using supplycurved derived from MAgpIE 4.0
-cfg$gms$biomass <- "magpie_40"              # def = magpie_hightccost
-# ***---------------------    31_fossil    ----------------------------------------
-# * (timeDepGrades): time-dependent grade stucture of fossil resources (oil & gas only)
-# * (grades2poly)  : simplified version of the time-dependent grade realization (using polynomial functions)
-# * (exogenous)    : exogenous fossil extraction and costs
-cfg$gms$fossil <- "grades2poly"        # def = grades2poly
-# ***---------------------    32_power    ----------------------------------------
-# * (IntC)	:	Power sector formulation with Integration Cost (IntC) markups and curtailment for VRE integration - linearly increasing with VRE share -, and fixed capacity factors for dispatchable power plants
-# * (RLDC)	:	Power sector formulation with Residual Load Duration Curve (RLDC) formulation for VRE power integration, and flexible capacity factors for dispatchable power plants
-cfg$gms$power <- "IntC"        # def = IntC
-# ***---------------------    33_CDR       ----------------------------------------
-# * (off)        : no carbon dioxide removal technologies except BECCS
-# * (weathering) : includes enhanced weathering
-# * (DAC) : 	   includes direct air capture
-# * (all) : 	   includes all CDR technologies
-cfg$gms$CDR <- "DAC"        # def = DAC
-# ***---------------------    35_transport    ----------------------------------------
-# * (complex):  transport realization including electricity in the transport sector (*RP*)
-cfg$gms$transport <- "complex"           # def = complex
-# ***---------------------    36_buildings    ---------------------------------
-# * (simple): representation of the demand in terms of energy carriers
-# * (services_with_capital): representation of the demand by energy service with capital
-# * (services_putty): representation of the demand by energy service with capital and with putty-clay for buildings insulation
-# * (off): no buildings representation
-cfg$gms$buildings  <- "simple"      # def = simple
-# ***---------------------    37_industry    ----------------------------------
-# * (fixed_shares): fixed shares of industry sub-sectors (cement, chemicals,
-#                   steel, other) in industry FE use
-# * (off): no industry representation
-cfg$gms$industry  <- "fixed_shares"   # def = fixed_shares
-# ***---------------------    38_stationary    ---------------------------------
-# * (simple): simple representation of the stationary sector (buildings and industry are represented together)
-# * (off): no stationary representation (split between buildings and industry
-cfg$gms$stationary  <- "off"      # def = off
-# ***---------------------    39_CCU    ---------------------------------
-# * (on): simple representation of carbon capture and utilization technologies, first only example of syngas (H22CH4)
-# * (off): no representation of carbon caputre and utilization technologies.
-cfg$gms$CCU  <- "off"      # def = off
-# ***---------------------    40_techpol  ----------------------------------------
-# * (none): no technology policies
-# * (lowCarbonPush): [works only with Negishi] global low-carbon push until 2030: PV, CSP, Wind, Gas-CCS, Bio-CCS and Electromobility
-# * (coalPhaseout): [works only with Negishi] global phase-out of new freely-emitting coal conversion, caps all coal routes with the exception of coaltr: coal solids can still expand
-# * (coalPhaseoutRegional): [works only with Negishi] global phase-out of new freely-emitting coal conversion, caps all coal routes with the exception of coaltr: coal solids can still expand
-# * (CombLowCandCoalPO): [works only with Negishi] combination of lowCarbonPush and coalPhaseout
-# * (NDC2018): Technology targets for 2030 for spv,wind,tnrs.
-# * (NPi): Reference technology targets, mostly already enacted (N)ational (P]ol(i)cies, mostly for 2020
-# * (EVmandates): mandate for electric vehicles - used for UBA project
-cfg$gms$techpol <- "none"           # def = none
-# ***---------------------    41_emicapregi  ----------------------------------------
-# * (none): no regional emission caps
-# * (CandC):  contraction and convergence allocation (under construction)
-# * (GDPint):  GDP intensity allocation (under construction)
-# * (POPint):  sovereignity (per cap.) allocation (under construction)
-# * (exog):   exogenous emission cap path (generic)  (under construction)
-# * (PerCapitaConvergence):   based on CandC: convergence, to be run with emiscen = 4
-# * (AbilityToPay):   mitigation requirement shared based on per-capita GDP, to be run with emiscen = 4
-cfg$gms$emicapregi <- "none"           # def = none
-# ***---------------------    42_banking  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): no banking and borrowing of emission permits, no when-flexibility
-# * (banking):  only banking allowed, no borrowing at all
-cfg$gms$banking  <- "off"           # def = off
-# ***---------------------    45_carbonprice  ----------------------------------------
-# * (none): no tax policy (combined with all emiscens except emiscen eq 9)
-# * (exponential): 5% exponential increase over time of the tax level in 2020 set via cm_co2_tax_2020 (combined with emiscen eq 9 and cm_co2_tax_2020>0)
-# * (expoLinear): 5% exponential increase until c_expoLinear_yearStart, linear increase thereafter
-# * (exogenous): carbon price is speficied using an external input file
-# * (linear): linear increase over time of the tax level in 2020 set via cm_co2_tax_2020 (combined with emiscen eq 9 and cm_co2_tax_2020>0)
-# * (diffPriceSameCost) ! experimental ! adjusts regional carbon prices until regional mitigation costs (in NPV GDP) are equal across regions. Use with iterative_adjust=2, emiscen=9. Experimental feature, you are responsible to check for convergence yourself (check that p45_mitiCostRel is about constant over iterations)
-# * (Exog4xPrevious): uses 4 times the carbon price found in the input_ref.gdx file
-# * (ExogSameAsPrevious): uses the identical carbon prices of a previous run, so far requires manual updating of the input file - see outcommented text in scripts/start_functions.R
-# * (temperatureNotToExceed): [test and verify before using it!] Find the optimal carbon carbon tax (set cm_emiscen=9) for the not-to-exceed temperature target defined by cm_carbonprice_temperatureLimit.
-# * (NDC2constant): linearly phase in global constant price from NDC prices (default 2020-2040 phase-in)
-# * (diffPhaseIn2Constant): linearly phase in global constant price, with starting values differentiated by GDP/cap (Robert's proposal)
-cfg$gms$carbonprice <- "none"           # def = none
-# ***---------------------    47_regipol  ----------------------------------------
-# * (none): no regional policies
-# * (regiCarbonPrice): Region specific or region group independent carbon price.
-# * the target is defined in the cm_regiCO2target switch, for year target e.g. "2050.EUR.year.netCO2 0.7, 2050.USA.year.grossFFaI 1.0" sets a 0.7GtCO2 net CO2 target for EUR in 2050 and a 1GtCO2 gross Fossil Fuel and Industry CO2 emissions target for USA
-# * for budget target: "2050.EUR.budget.netCO2 70, 2050.USA.budget.grossFFaI 100" sets a netCO2/grossFFaI budget from 2020-2050 correspondingly
-cfg$gms$regipol <- "none"           # def = none
-# ***---------------------    50_damages  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): no damages on GDP
-# * (DiceLike): DICE-like damages (linear-quadratic damages on GDP). Choose specification via cm_damage_DiceLike_specification
-# * (BurkeLike): Burke-like damages (growth rate damages on GDP). Choose specification via cm_damage_BurkeLike_specification and cm_damage_BurkeLike_persistenceTime
-cfg$gms$damages  <- "off"           # def = off
-# ***---------------------    51_internalizeDamages  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off):
-# * (DiceLikeItr): Internalize DICE-like damages (calculate the SCC) adjust cm_damages_SccHorizon. Requires cm_emiscen=9 for now.
-# * (BurkeLikeItr): Internalize Burke-like damages (calculate the SCC) adjust cm_damages_SccHorizo. Requires cm_emiscen=9 for now.
-cfg$gms$internalizeDamages  <- "off"           # def = off
-# ***---------------------    70_water  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): no water demand taken into account
-# * (exogenous): exogenous water demand is calculated based on data on water demand coefficients and cooling shares
-# * (heat): as exogenous only that vintage structure in combination with time dependent cooling shares as vintages and efficiency factors are also considered and demand is a function of excess heat as opposed to electricity output
-cfg$gms$water <- "off"        # def = off
-# ***---------------------    80_optimization    ----------------------------------------
-# * (nash): Nash solution. Adjust cm_nash_autoconverge to needs.
-# * (negishi): calculates a Negishi solution (social planner)
-# * (testOneRegi):  solves the problem for one region for given prices (taken from gdx).
-# *                ! Warning:  For development purposes only !
-cfg$gms$optimization <- "testOneRegi"        # def = nash
-# ***---------------------    81_codePerformance  ----------------------------------------
-# * (off): nothing happens
-# * (on):  noumerous (30) succesive runs performed in a triangle: tax0, tax30, tax150 ,all growing exponentially,
-#                     therefore use carbonprice|exponential, c_emiscen|9, and cm_co2_tax_2020|0. also "long" as loadleveler class option (node = not_shared is recommended, too). test code performance
-cfg$gms$codePerformance <- "off"        # def = off
-# ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ***                           MODULES                   END
-# ***------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#                          SWITCHES
-cfg$gms$cm_iteration_max       <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$c_solver_try_max       <- 2       # def <- 2
-cfg$gms$c_keep_iteration_gdxes <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_nash_autoconverge   <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_MAgPIE_coupling     <- "off"   # def <- "off"
-cfg$gms$cm_emiscen              <- 1     # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_rcp_scen             <- "none"  # def <- "none"
-cfg$gms$cm_iterative_target_adj <- 0     # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_co2_tax_2020         <- -1    # def <- -1
-cfg$gms$cm_co2_tax_growth       <- 1.05  # def <- 1.05
-cfg$gms$c_macscen               <- 1     # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_nucscen             <-  2  #  def  <-  2
-cfg$gms$cm_ccapturescen        <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$c_bioliqscen           <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$c_bioh2scen            <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$cm_IndCCSscen          <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$cm_optimisticMAC       <-  0  #  def  <-  0
-cfg$gms$cm_CCS_cement          <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$cm_CCS_chemicals       <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$cm_CCS_steel           <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$c_solscen              <-  1  #  def  <-  1
-cfg$gms$cm_bioenergy_tax     <- 1.5     # def <- 1.5
-cfg$gms$cm_bioenergymaxscen  <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_tradecost_bio      <- 2       # def <- 2
-cfg$gms$cm_LU_emi_scen       <- "SSP2"  # def <- "SSP2"
-cfg$gms$cm_1stgen_phaseout   <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_POPscen            <- "pop_SSP2"     # def <- "pop_SSP2"
-cfg$gms$cm_GDPscen            <- "gdp_SSP2"     # def <- "gdp_SSP2"
-cfg$gms$cm_startyear          <- 2005    # def <- 2005 for BAU, 2015 for policy run
-cfg$gms$c_start_budget        <- 2100    # def <- 2100
-cfg$gms$cm_prtpScen           <- 3       # def <- 3
-cfg$gms$cm_fetaxscen          <- 3       # def <- 3
-cfg$gms$cm_multigasscen       <- 2       # def <- 2
-cfg$gms$cm_permittradescen    <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_limit_peur_scen    <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_oil_scen           <- "medOil"       # def <- "medOil"
-cfg$gms$cm_gas_scen           <- "medGas"       # def <- "medGas"
-cfg$gms$cm_coal_scen          <- "medCoal"      # def <- "medCoal"
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdiscoil        <- 0.2     # def 0.2
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdiscoil2       <- 0.9     # def 0.9
-cfg$gms$cm_rentconvoil        <- 50      # def 50
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdiscgas        <- 0.6     # def 0.6
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdiscgas2       <- 0.8     # def 0.8
-cfg$gms$cm_rentconvgas        <- 50      # def 50
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdisccoal       <- 0.4     # def 0.4
-cfg$gms$cm_rentdisccoal2      <- 0.6     # def 0.6
-cfg$gms$cm_rentconvcoal       <- 50      # def 50
-cfg$gms$cm_earlyreti_rate     <- 0.09    # def 0.09
-cfg$gms$c_cint_scen           <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_so2tax_scen        <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_damage              <- 0.005   # def <- 0.005
-cfg$gms$cm_solwindenergyscen   <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$c_techAssumptScen     <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$c_ccsinjecratescen    <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$c_ccscapratescen      <- 1       # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$c_export_tax_scen     <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_gdximport_target   <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$c_SSP_forcing_adjust <- "forcing_SSP2"   # def <- "forcing_SSP2"
-cfg$gms$c_delayPolicy         <- "SPA0"           # def <- "SPA0"
-cfg$gms$cm_gs_ew              <- 20      # def <- 20
-cfg$gms$cm_LimRock             <- 1000    # def <- 1000
-cfg$gms$c_tau_so2_xmpt       <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_expoLinear_yearStart <- 2050  # def <- 2050
-cfg$gms$c_budgetCO2FFI       <- 1000     # def <- 1000
-cfg$gms$c_budgetCO2          <- 1350     # def <- 1350
-cfg$gms$c_abtrdy             <- 2010     # def <- 2010
-cfg$gms$c_abtcst             <- 1        # def <- 1
-cfg$gms$cm_regiCO2target  	 <- "off"    # def <- "off"
-cfg$gms$c_CES_calibration_iterations      <-  10       # def <- 10
-cfg$gms$c_CES_calibration_new_structure   <-   0       # def <-  0
-cfg$gms$c_CES_calibration_write_prices    <-   0       # def <-  0
-cfg$gms$cm_CES_calibration_default_prices <-   0       # def <-  0
-cfg$gms$c_testOneRegi_region  <- "EUR"   # def <- "EUR"
-cfg$gms$cm_DiscRateScen         <- 0 #def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_noReboundEffect         <- 0 #def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_esubGrowth         <- "low" #def <- "low"
-cfg$gms$cm_cooling_shares               <- "static"   # def <- "static", or "dynamic"
-cfg$gms$cm_techcosts                    <- "REG"      # def <- "REG", or "GLO"
-cfg$gms$cm_trdcst                        <- 1.5     # def <- 1.5
-cfg$gms$cm_trdadj                       <- 2.0     # def <- 2.0
-cfg$gms$c_refcapbnd                     <- 0       # def <- 0
-cfg$gms$cm_frac_CCS                     <- 10      # def <- 10
-cfg$gms$cm_frac_NetNegEmi               <- 0.5     # def <- 0.5
-cfg$gms$cm_regNetNegCO2                 <- "on"     # def <- "on"
-cfg$gms$cm_peakBudgYr                   <- 2050     # def <- 2050
-cfg$gms$cm_taxCO2inc_after_peakBudgYr   <- 2     # def <- 2
-cfg$gms$cm_CO2priceRegConvEndYr         <- 2050     # def <- 2050
-#                          FLAGS
-cfg$gms$cm_SlowConvergence     <- "off"   # def = off
-cfg$gms$cm_nash_mode           <- "parallel" # def = parallel ; Choices: parallel, serial, debug.
-cfg$gms$cm_OILRETIRE           <- "off"   # def = off
-cfg$gms$cm_INCONV_PENALTY       <- "on"    # def = on
-cfg$gms$cm_so2_out_of_opt      <- "on"    # def = on      ask Jessi
-cfg$gms$cm_MOFEX               <- "off"   # def = off
-cfg$gms$cm_less_TS             <- "on"    # def = on
-cfg$gms$c_skip_output          <- "off"   # def <- off    DELETE
-cfg$gms$cm_ccsfosall           <- "off"   # def <- off
-cfg$gms$cm_APscen              <- "SSP2"  # def <- SSP2
-cfg$gms$cm_Full_Integration    <- "off"   # def = off
-cfg$gms$c_CO2priceDependent_AdjCosts    <- "on"   # def = on
-# MAGICC configuration (AJS)
-# Calibrate year 2000 temperature to HADCRUT4 data (which is very close to AR5).
-cfg$gms$cm_magicc_calibrateTemperature2000 <- "uncalibrated" # def = uncalibrated;  {uncalibrated, HADCRUT4  }
-# MAGICC configuration
-# roughly comparable to TCRE value, or even more roughly, equivalent climate sensitivity
-# choose from OLDDEFAULT (REMIND1.7 legacy file); or different percentiles of RCP26 or generic TCRE outcomes calibrated to CMIP5 (see Schultes et al. (2018) for details)
-cfg$gms$cm_magicc_config <- "OLDDEFAULT" # def = OLDDEFAULT ; {OLDDEFAULT, RCP26_[5,15,..,95], TCRE_[LOWEST,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,HIGHEST] }
-# Derive temperature impulse response to CO2 emissions, based on MAGICC. Adds around 10min runtime.
-cfg$gms$cm_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse <- "off" # def = off; {off,on }
-cfg$gms$cm_carbonprice_temperatureLimit <- 1.8 # def = 1.8; not-to-exceed temperature target in degree above pre-industrial
-# climate damages
-cfg$gms$cm_damage_DiceLike_specification <- "HowardNonCatastrophic" # def = "HowardNonCatastrophic"; {DICE2013R,DICE2016,HowardNonCatastrophic,HowardInclCatastrophic}
-cfg$gms$cm_damages_BurkeLike_specification <- 0 # def = 0; {0,5} Selects the main Burke specification "pooled, short-run" (0) or an alternative one "pooled, long-run "(5)
-cfg$gms$cm_damages_BurkeLike_persistenceTime <- 30 # def = 30; Persistence time (half-time) in years. Highly uncertain, but may be in between 5 and 55 years.
-cfg$gms$cm_damages_SccHorizon <- 100   # def = 100; Horizon for SCC calculation. Damages cm_damagesSccHorizon years into the future are internalized.
-#### Other settings (e.g. clustering, gdx files, ...): ####
-# Choose which GAMS version to use (choosing the default option "gams" uses the GAMS system in your PATH variable - in both UNIX and Windows)
-# Cluster Example: if you want GAMS version 24.0, use "/p/system/packages/gams/24.0.1/gams"
-# Local machine Example: use your GAMS path, e.g. "C:\\GAMS\\win32\\24.3\\gams.exe" (please note the double backslashes)
-cfg$gamsv <- "gams" # def = gams
-#*ag* set conopt version. Warning: conopt4 is in beta
-cfg$gms$cm_conoptv <- "conopt3" # def = conopt3
-# Action that should be performed ("ce": compile and run, "c": compile)
-cfg$action <- "ce"   #def <- ce
-# Tar-ball all the put files to save space?
-cfg$tarball_puts <- "on"       # def <- on
-# Specify the way REMIND will be run on the cluster (job class, number of nodes, ...) or locally  ("direct")
-cfg$slurmConfig <- "direct"
-# Should REMIND output be shown in console? (0:no, 2:logfile, 3:yes)
-cfg$logoption <- 2
-# Just list the name of the output scripts that should be used by output.R
-# At the moment there are several R-scripts located in scripts/output/
-cfg$output <- 'reporting' # c("reporting","validation","emulator","reportCEScalib","rds_report","validationSummary","dashboard")
-# Set the format for the results folder, type string :date: in order to use the current time stamp in the folder name (e.g. "results:date:") use :title: to use the current title in the folder name
-cfg$results_folder <- "output/:title:" # :date:"
-# Which files should be copied into the output folder?
-cfg$files2export <- list()
-# Files that should be copied before REMIND is started
-cfg$files2export$start <- c("config/conopt3.opt",
-                            "config/conopt3.op2",
-                            "config/conopt3.op3",
-                            "config/conopt3.op4",
-                            "config/conopt3.op5",
-                            "config/conopt3.op8",
-                            "config/conopt3.op9",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/submit.cmd",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/submit.R",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/run_magicc.R",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/run_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse.R",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/read_DAT_TOTAL_ANTHRO_RF.R",
-                            "scripts/run_submit/read_DAT_SURFACE_TEMP.R",
-                            "core/input/historical/historical.mif",
-                            "scripts/input/exoGAINSAirpollutants.R",
-                            "config/input.gdx",
-                            "config/input_ref.gdx",
-                            "core/magicc",
-                            ".Rprofile",
-                            "config/mappingEDGEtoREMINDsectors.csv")
-# Files that should be copied after the REMIND run is finished
-cfg$files2export$end <- NULL
-# There is the converted data located?
-cfg$converted_input_folder <- "config"
-# placeholder for storing information on subsequent runs
-cfg$subsequentruns <- character(0)
-# List of runs that use the fulldata.gdx of this run as input_bau.gdx
-cfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- NA
-##### explanations of switches and flags ###################
-#-------------------- switches ----------------------------------------------------
-# cm_iteration_max    "number of Negishi iterations (up to 49)"
-# c_solver_try_max      "maximum number of inner iterations within one Negishi iteration (<10)"
-#*** Careful: for each inner_itr_count, the size of remind.lst can increase by 50MB!
-# cm_nash_autoconverge "choice of nash convergence mode"
-#  (0): manually set number of iterations by adjusting cm_iteration_max
-#  (1): run until solution is sufficiently converged  - coarse tolerances, quick solution.  ! donot use in production runs !
-#  (2): run until solution is sufficiently converged  - fine tolerances, for production runs.
-# cm_MAgPIE_coupling "switch on coupling mode with MAgPIE"
-#  (off): off = REMIND expects to be run standalone (emission factors are used, shiftfactors are set to zero)
-#  (on): on  = REMIND expects to be run based on a MAgPIE reporting file (emission factors are set to zero because emissions are retrieved from the MAgPIE reporting, shift factors for supply curves are calculated)
-# cm_emiscen       "policy scenario choice"
-#  (0): no global budget. Policy may still be prescribed by 41_emicaprei module.
-#  (1): BAU
-#  (2): temperature cap
-#  (3): CO2 concentration cap
-#  (4): emission time path
-#  (5): forcing target from 2010 (not to exceed)
-#  (6): budget
-#  (8): forcing target from 2100 onwards (overshoot scen)
-#  (9): tax scenario (requires running module 21_tax "on"), tax level controlled by module 45_carbonprice and cm_co2_tax_2020, other ghg etc. controlled by cm_rcp_scen
-#*RP* WARNING: cm_emiscen 3 should not be used anymore, as the MACs are not updated anymore.
-#*JeS* WARNING: data for cm_emiscen 4 only exists for multigas_scen 2 bau scenarios and for multigas_scen 1
-# cm_rcp_scen     "chooses RCP scenario"
-#  (none): no RCP scenario, standard setting
-#  (rcp20): RCP2.0
-#  (rcp26): RCP2.6
-#  (rcp37): RCP3.7
-#  (rcp45): RCP4.5
-#  (rcp60): RCP6.0
-#  (rcp85): RCP8.5
-# cm_co2_tax_2020    "level of co2 tax in year 2020 in $ per t CO2eq, makes sense only for emiscen eq 9 and 45_carbonprice exponential"
-#  (-1): default setting equivalent to no carbon tax
-#  (any number >= 0): tax level in 2020, with 5% exponential increase over time
-# cm_co2_tax_growth    "yearly growth rate of co2 tax"
-#  (any number >= 0): rate of exponential increase over time
-# c_macscen       "use of mac"
-#  (1): on
-#  (2): off
-# cm_nucscen       "nuclear option choice"
-#  (1): no fnrs, tnrs completely free after 2020
-#  (2): no fnrs, tnrs with restricted new builds until 2030 (based on current data on plants under construction, planned or proposed)
-#  (3): no tnrs no fnrs
-#  (4): fix at bau level
-#  (5): no new nuclear investments after 2020
-#  (6): +33% investment costs (tnrs) & uranium resources increased by a factor of 10
-# cm_limit_peur_scen   "limit total uranium production"
-#  (0): off
-#  (1): on
-# cm_ccapturescen       "carbon capture option choice, no carbon capture only if CCS and CCU are switched off!"
-#  (1): yes
-#  (2): no carbon capture (only if CCS and CCU are switched off!)
-#  (3): no bio carbon capture
-#  (4): no carbon capture in the electricity sector
-# c_bioliqscen       "switch liquids producing technology on or off"
-#  (0): no technologies
-#  (1): all technologies
-# c_bioh2scen       "switch hydrogen producing technology on or off"
-#  (0): no technologies
-#  (1): all technologies
-# c_solscen      "solar option choice"
-#  (1): yes
-#  (2): no solar
-#  (3): fix at bau level
-# cm_bioenergy_tax    "level of bioenergy tax in fraction of bioenergy price"
-#  (0): default setting equivalent to no tax
-#  (any number >= 0): tax level, e.g. for a 100% tax cm_bioenergy_tax has to be 1
-# cm_bioenergymaxscen   "bound on global pebiolc production excluding residues"
-# optional scaling of bioenergy costs in generisdata.inc (at the moment: no scaling for both cases)
-#  (0): no bound
-#  (1): 100 EJ global bioenergy potential (bound in boundsextra.inc)
-#  (2): 200 EJ global bioenergy potential (bound in boundsextra.inc)
-#  (3): 300 EJ global bioenergy potential (bound in boundsextra.inc)
-#  (4): 152 EJ global bioenergy potential, i.e. 100 EJ 2nd generation (bound in boundsextra.inc)
-# cm_tradecost_bio  "choose financal tradecosts for biomass (purpose grown pebiolc)"
-#  (1): low   tradecosts (for other SSP scenarios than SSP2)
-#  (2): high  tradecosts (default and SSP2)
-# cm_LU_emi_scen   "choose emission baseline for CO2, CH4, and N2O land use emissions from MAgPIE"
-#  (SSP1): emissions (from SSP1 scenario in MAgPIE)
-#  (SSP2): emissions (from SSP2 scenario in MAgPIE)
-#  (SSP5): emissions (from SSP5 scenario in MAgPIE)
-# cm_1stgen_phaseout "choose if 1st generation biofuels should phase out after 2030 (deltacap=0)"
-#  (0): 1st generation biofuels after 2020 are fixed at upper limit of resource potential (maxprod)
-#  (1): no new capacities for 1st generation biofuel technologies may be built after 2030 -> phaseout until ~2060
-# cm_POPscen      "Population growth scenarios from UN data and IIASA projection used in SSP"
-# pop_SSP1    "SSP1 population scenario"
-# pop_SSP2    "SSP2 population scenario"
-# pop_SSP3    "SSP3 population scenario"
-# pop_SSP4    "SSP4 population scenario"
-# pop_SSP5    "SSP5 population scenario"
-# cm_GDPscen  "assumptions about future GDP development, linked to population development (cm_POPscen)"
-#  (gdp_SSP1):  SSP1 fastGROWTH medCONV
-#  (gdp_SSP2):  SSP2 medGROWTH medCONV
-#  (gdp_SSP3):  SSP3 slowGROWTH slowCONV
-#  (gdp_SSP4):  SSP4  medGROWTH mixedCONV
-#  (gdp_SSP5):  SSP5 fastGROWTH fastCONV
-# cm_startyear "first free (or pseudo-free in case of 2005) modelling time step";
-#  (2005): standard for BAU to check if model is well calibrated
-#  (2015): standard for all policy runs (eq. to fix2010) and production baselines, especially if various baselines with varying parameters are explored
-#  (....): later start for delay policy runs, eg. 2025 for what used to be delay2020
-# cm_prtpScen      "pure rate of time preference standard values"
-#  (1): 1 %
-#  (3): 3 %
-# cm_fetaxscen  "choice of final energy tax path, subsidy path and inconvenience cost path, values other than 0 make setting module 21_tax on";
-#*RP* even if set to 0, the PE inconvenience cost/SO2-cost for coal are always on if module 21_tax is on
-#  (0): no tax, sub, inconv
-#  (1): constant t,s,i (used in SSP 5 and ADVANCE WP3.1 HighOilSub)
-#  (2): converging tax, phased out sub (-2030), no inconvenience cost so far (used in SSP 1)
-#  (3): constant tax, phased out sub (-2050), no inconvenience cost so far (used in SSP 2)
-#  (4): constant tax, phased out sub (-2030), no inconvenience cost so far (used in SDP)
-# cm_multigasscen  "scenario on GHG portfolio to be included in permit trading scheme"
-#  (1): CO2 only
-#  (2): all GHG
-#  (3): all GHG excl CO2 emissions from LULUCF
-# cm_permittradescen  "scenario assumption on permit trades"
-#  (1): full permit trade (no restrictions)
-#  (2): no permit trade (only domestic mitigation)
-#  (3): limited trade (certain percentage of GDP)
-# c_limit_peur_scen  "limit total uranium production"
-#  (0): no
-#  (1): yes (the exact amount is specified in boundsextra)
-# cm_oil_scen      "assumption on oil availability"
-#  (lowOil): low
-#  (medOil): medium (this is the new case)
-#  (highOil): high (formerly this has been the "medium" case; RoSE relevant difference)
-#  (4): very high (formerly this has been the "high" case; RoSE relevant difference)
-# cm_gas_scen      "assumption on gas availability"
-#  (lowGas): low
-#  (medGas): medium
-#  (highGas): high
-# cm_coal_scen     "assumption on coal availability"
-#  (0): very low (this has been the "low" case; RoSE relevant difference)
-#  (lowCoal): low (this is the new case)
-#  (medCoal): medium
-#  (highCoal): high
-#  cm_earlyreti_rate     "maximum portion of capital stock that can be retired in one year"
-#  0.09 default value: (full retirement after 11 years, 10% standing after 10 years)
-#  0.06 default value before 2019-02-18 (full retirement after 16 years, 10% standing after 15 years)
-#  0.04 default value before 2016-12-06
-#  0.001 lowest possible value: basically no early retirement
-# c_cint_scen        "additional GHG emissions from mining fossil fuels"
-#  (0): switch is off (emissions are not accounted)
-#  (1): switch is on (emissions are accounted)
-# cm_so2tax_scen  "level of SO2 tax"
-#  (0): so2 tax is set to zero
-#  (1): so2 tax is low
-#  (2): so2 tax is standard
-#  (3): so2 tax is high
-#  (4): so2 tax intermediary between 1 and 2, multiplying (1) tax by the ratio (3)/(2)
-# cm_damage      "cm_damage factor for forcing overshoot"
-#*JeS* can be used to lower forcing overshoot in cm_emiscen 8 scenarios, use only with box model!
-# cm_solwindenergyscen "scenario for fluctuating renewables, 1 is reference, 2 is pessimistic with limits to fluctuating SE el share"
-#  (0) advanced - cheap investment costs, higher learning rates for pv, csp and wind
-#  (1) reference - normal investment costs & learning rates for pv, csp and wind     EMF27-3nd round Adv scenario
-#  (2) pessimistic EMF27 and AWP 2 - share of PV, wind&CSP limited to 20%. Learning rates reduced by 20%, floor costs increased by 40%. EMF27-3nd round Cons scenario
-#  (3) frozen - no learning after 2010, share of PV, wind&CSP limited to 20%. EMF27-3rd round Frozen scenario
-#  (4) pessimistic SSP: pessimistic techno-economic assumptions
-# c_techAssumptScen "scenario for assumptions of energy technologies based on SSP scenarios, 1: SSP2 (default), 2: SSP1, 3: SSP5"
-#*JH* This flag defines an energy technology scenario
-#  (1) SSP2: reference scenario - default investment costs & learning rates for pv, csp and wind
-#  (2) SSP1: advanced renewable energy techno., pessimistic for nuclear and CCS
-#  (3) SSP5: pessimistic techno-economic assumptions
-# c_ccsinjecratescen "CCS injection rate factor, 0.5% by default yielding a 60 Mt per year IR"
-#*JH* This flag determines the upper bound of the CCS injection rate
-#*LP* CCS refers to carbon sequestration, carbon capture is modelled separately
-#  (0) no "CCS" as in no carbon sequestration at all
-#  (1) reference case: 0.005
-#  (2) lower estimate: 0.0025
-#  (3) upper estimate: 0.01
-#  (4) unconstrained: 1
-#  (5) sustainability case: 0.001
-# c_ccscapratescen "CCS capture rate"
-#*JH*  This flag determines the CO2 capture rate of CCS technologies
-#  (1) reference
-#  (2) increased capture rate
-# c_export_tax_scen "choose which oil export tax is used in the model. 0 = none, 1 = fix"
-#c_SSP_forcing_adjust "chooses forcing target and budget according to SSP scenario such that magicc forcing meets the target";
-#  ("forcing_SSP1") settings consistent with SSP 1
-#  ("forcing_SSP2") settings consistent with SSP 2
-#  ("forcing_SSP5") settings consistent with SSP 5
-#cm_iterative_target_adj             "whether or not a tax or a budget target should be iteratively adjusted depending on actual emission or forcing level";
-# (0): no iterative adjustment
-# (1): iterative adjustment I for tax based on 2030 emissions or for 2150 budget based on 2100 budget result, see core/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-# (2): iterative adjustment II based on magicc calculated forcing (for both budget and tax runs), see modules/climate/magicc/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-# (3): [requires 45_carbonprice = "INDC" or "NDC" or "NDCEU" and emiscen = 9] iterative adjustment III for tax based on 2025 or 2030 regionally differentiated emissions, see module/45_carbonprice/<INDC/NDC/NDCEU90>/postsolve.gms for algorithm of adjustment
-# (4): iterative adjustment IV for both budget and tax runs based on CO2 FF&I emissions 2010-2100, see core/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-# (5): iterative adjustment V for both budget and tax runs based on CO2 emissions 2011-2100, see core/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-# (6): iterative adjustment VI for both budget and tax runs based on peak CO2 emissions budget, without changing temporal profile (i.e. with overshoot), see core/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-# (7): iterative adjustment VII for tax runs based on peak CO2 emissions, with change of temporal tax profile after time of peak budget, aiming for net-zero thereafter, see core/postsolve.gms for direct algorithms of adjustment
-#c_budgetCO2 "cumulative CO2|Total emissions budget 2011-2100, Gt CO2"
-# budgets from 1.5°C report, chapter 2, Table 2.2: 67% 1.5°C GSAT budget 2018-2100 = 420 Gt CO2, 67% 2.0°C GSAT budget 2018-2100 = 1170
-# add emissions 2011-2018 = 290 Gt CO2, subtract emissions from feedbacks (e.g. thawing permafrost) 100 Gt CO2
-# budget 2011-2100 for 2°C = 1170 + 290 - 100 = 1350 Gt CO2; for 1.5°C 420 + 290 - 100 = 600 Gt CO2
-#cm_regiCO2target "budget or year target for specific region or region group. Ex.: '2050.EUR_regi.budget 72, 2050.DEU.year 0.1' sets a 72 GtCO2eq budget target for European countries for emissions between 2020 and 2050, and a 100 MtCO2 CO2eq emission target for the 2050 year for Germany (only used if regipol model regiCarbonPrice realization is active)"
-#cm_gdximport_target             "whether or not the starting value for iteratively adjusted budgets, tax scenarios, or forcing targets (emiscen 5,6,7,8,9) should be read in from the input.gdx";
-# (0): no import, the default starting value as specified in modules/21_tax/on/input/tax_CO2.inc, core/input/data_emibudget.inc, modules/15_climate/box/datainput.gms is used
-# (1): the values from the gdx are read in (works only if the gdx has a parameter value) ATTENTION: make sure that the values from the gdx have the right structure (e.g. regionally differentiated or not)
-# cm_cooling_shares
-#    use "static" or "dynamic" cooling shares in module 70_water/heat
-# cm_regNetNegCO2
-#    default "on" allows for regionally netNegative CO2 emissions, setting "off" activates bound in core/bounds.gms that disallows net negative CO2 emissions at the regional level
-## cm_peakBudgYr
-#    time of net-zero CO2 emissions (peak budget), requires emiscen = 9 and cm_iterative_target_adj = 7, will potentially be adjusted by algorithms
-# cm_techcosts
-#    use regionalized or globally homogenous technology costs for certain technologies
-# cm_Full_Integration
-#    use "on" to treat wind and solar as fully dispatchable electricity production technologies
-# c_CO2priceDependent_AdjCosts
-#    default "on" changes adjustment costs for advanced vehicles in dependence of CO2 prices
-#cm_DiscRateScen            "Implicit additional discount rate on investment in energy efficiency"
-#(0) Baseline without higher discount rate: No additional discount rate
-#(1) Baseline with higher discount rate: Increase the discount rate by 10%pts from 2005 until the end
-#(2) Energy Efficiency policy: 10%pts higher discount rate until cm_start_year and 0 afterwards.
-#cm_esubGrowth            "long term growth of the elasticity of substitution"
-#(low) 1.3
-#(middle) 1.5
-#(high) 2
-##-------------------- flags --------------------------------------------------
-# cm_SlowConvergence  off       !! def = off
-#*RP* Turn on a slower convergence scheme where each conopt file is used twice, thus conopt1 is used for itr 1+2, conopt.op2 for itr 3+4, conopt.op3 for itr 5+6, conopt.op4 for itr 7+8, conopt.op5 from itr 9 on.
-#*RP* from my own experience, this improves convergence and actually decreases total runtime, even if you start from a gdx with good convergence. But, as always, feelings about REMIND runtimes can be misleading :-)
-# cm_OILRETIRE  off           !! def = off
-#*RP* Flag to allow the model to not extract oil, even though the eq_fuelex_dec would force it to extract.
-# cm_INCONV_PENALTY  on     !! def = on
-#*RP* 2012-03-06 Flag to turn on inconvenience penalties, e.g. for air pollution
-# cm_so2_out_of_opt  on       !! def = on
-#*JeS* Flag to exclude aerosols from optimization routine, should be used especially for temperature targets
-# c_skip_output  off
-#*** This flag turns off output production
-# ap_scenarios  off!! def = off
-#*JeS* Report aerosol and precursor emissions using exogenous emission factor scenarios
-# cm_MOFEX  off    !! def=off
-#*JH/LB* Activate MOFEX partial fossil fuel extraction cost minimization model
-#* Warning: Use a well-converged run since the model uses vm_prodPe from the input GDX
-# cfg$gms$c_skip_output            <- "off"    # def <- off
-# Skip output? (Useful for development)
-# cfg$gms$cm_ccsfosall             <- "off"    # def <- off
-# here you find old and new names of the latest renaming
-# magicc_emi into pm_MAGICC_emi, pm_MAGICC_emi into p_MAGICC_emi and ts into pm_ts
-# s_earlyreti into sm_earlyreti, s_tgn2pgc into s_tgn_2_pgc, regi2RCP_region into p_regi_2_MAGICC_regionsv, s_tgch42pg into sm_tgch42pg, s_tmp into sm_tmp, s_c_so2 into sm_c_so2, s_tax_time into s21_tax_time, s_tax_value into s21_tax_value,  conv_cap_2_MioLDV into  pm_conv_cap_2_MioLDV, s_before into s80_before, s_after inot s80_after
-# p_limits_wp4_rcp into pm_emiAPexo, p_ratio_ppp into pm_shPPPMER, p_vintage_in into pm_vintage_in,sm_c_so2 into s_c_so2
-# p_datafe into pm_dataFE, p_w into pm_w
-# p_ttot_val into pm_ttot_val, p_t_interpolate into p80_t_interpolate, c_iterative_target_adj into cm_iterative_target_adj, c_co2_tax_2020 into cm_co2_tax_2020, c_macscen into c_macscen, c_bioenergy_tax into cm_bioenergy_tax, c_startyear into cm_startyear, c_export_tax_scen into c_export_tax_scen, c_gdximport_target into cm_gdximport_target, c_SSP_forcing_adjust into c_SSP_forcing_adjust
-# p_share_ind_fesos into pm_share_ind_fesos, p_share_ind_fesos_bio into pm_share_ind_fesos_bio, p_share_ind_fehos into pm_share_ind_fehos, p_share_trans into pm_share_trans
-# p_petradecost_Mp_en into pm_costsPEtradeMp, f_data_weathering_graderegi into f33_data_weathering_graderegi
-# v_emicap    = "vm_perm",
-# v_co2eqGlob = "vm_co2eqGlob",
-# v_banking   = "vm_banking",
-# v_vari      = "vm_cesIO",
-# v_invest    = "vm_invMacro",
-# v_deltacap  = "vm_deltaCap",
-# v_pedem     = "vm_demPe",
-# v_seprod    = "vm_prodSe",
-# v_feprod    = "vm_prodFe",
-# v_fedem     = "v_demFe",v_demFe = "v_demFe",
-# vm_peprod   = "vm_prodPe",
-# v_sedem     = "v_demSe,v_demSe = "vm_demSe"
-# p_nw into p80_nw,c_nucscen into cm_nucscen, q_co2eq into qm_co2eq. qm_co2eq into q_co2eq
-# pm_costsPEtradeMp into pm_costsPEtradeMp, vm_welfare into v_welfare
-# pm_tau_fe_sub into p21_tau_fe_sub, pm_tau_fe_tax into p21_tau_fe_tax
-# pm_datapop into pm_pop, p_datalab into p_lab, p_lab into pm_lab
-# p80_pvp into pm_pvp, p80_pvpRegi into pm_pvpRegi
-# pm_pvp_perm into pm_pricePerm, s_c2co2 into s_c_2_co2, s_dpy into s_year_2_day, s_hpd into s_day_2_hour
-# s_m2n into sm_mega_2_non, sm_g2n into sm_giga_2_non, s_zj2twyr into s_zj_2_twa, sm_ej2twyr into sm_EJ_2_TWa, sm_gj2twyr into sm_GJ_2_TWa, s_twa2mwh into s_TWa_2_MWh
-# s_dpkwa2tdptwyr into s_DpKWa_2_TDpTWa, s_dpkw2tdptw into sm_DpKW_2_TDpTW, sm_dpgj2tdptwyr into sm_DpGJ_2_TDpTWa
-# s_GWP_CH4 into s_gwpCH4, s_GWP_N2O into s_gwpN2O, sm_tgn2pgc into s_tgn_2_pgc, sm_tgch42pg into s_tgch4_2_pgc
-# v_ccs into v_co2CCS, v_co2CCS into vm_co2CCS, vm_costfu into vm_costFu, v_costin into v_costInv, v_costom into v_costOM, vm_costfu_bio into vm_costFuBio, vm_costfu_ex into vm_costFuEx
-# v_adjustteinv into v_costInvTeAdj, v_adj into v_adjFactor, v_adj_glob into v_adjFactorGlob, v_directteinv into v_costInvTeDir
-# vm_capCum into vm_capCum, v_inconvpen into v_inconvPen, v_invest_adjcosts into v01_invMacroAdj
-# v_capini into v_INIcap0, v_earlyreti into v_capEarlyReti, v_emi into vm_emiTeDetail, v_gridshare into v_shGrid, v_shareseel into v_shSeEl, v_shSeEl into v32_shSeEl
-# v_investcost into v_costTeCapital, v_storshare into v_shStor, v_shStor into v32_shStor, v_edemini into v_INIdemEn0, vm_esprod into vm_prodEs, vm_forc_os into vm_forcOS
-# vm_fuelex into vm_fuExtr, vm_taxrev into vm_taxRev, v_capEarlyReti into vm_capEarlyReti
-# testor into teVRE, stor into teStor, tegrid into teLoc, learnte into teLearn, teAdj into teAdj, terenew into teRe, terenew_nobio into teReNoBio, te_bio into teBio
-# trade_macro into tradeMacro, trade_pe into tradePe, trade_se into tradeSe
-# grid into teGrid, s_c_2_co2 into sm_c_2_co2, s_TWa_2_MWh into sm_TWa_2_MWh, c_postproc into cm_postproc, p11_scale_rcp into pm_scale_rcp, p11_emi_postrun into pm_emi_postrun
-# s80_fadeoutPriceAnticip into sm_fadeoutPriceAnticip
-# v10_CONBOX into v10_conc, v10_EMI into v10_emi, v10_RADBOX into v10_forcComp, v10_RADBOX_kyo into v10_forcKyo, v10_RADBOX_rcp into v10_forcRcp,
-# v10_temp1 into v_tempFast, v10_temp2 into v_tempSlow, v10_slack_os into v10_slackForc, v35_share_espet into v35_shEsPeT
-# nolearnte into teNoLearn, teccs into teCCS, tenoccs into teNoCCS, techp into teChp, te_pebiolc into teBioPebiolc
-# p_emi_fgas into p_emiFgas, p_datachp into p_shCHP, p_shCHP into p32_shCHP, pebio into peBio, perenew into peRe
-# emismac into emiMacSector, emismacmagpie into emiMacMagpie, emismacmagpien2o into emiMacMagpieN2O, emismacmagpiech4 into emiMacMagpieCH4, emismacmagpieco2 into emiMacMagpieCO2
-# sector into sectorEndoEmi , sector_exo into sectorExogEmi, sector2te into sectorEndoEmi2te, charpot into charPot, charperen into charPeRe, magicc_units into unitsMagicc
-# ceslev into cesLevel2cesIO, tenr into teNoRe, pety into entyPe, sety into entySe, fety  into entyFe, esty into entyEs
-# tenotransform into teNoTransform, fetransform into feForEs, ppfenfromes into ppfEnFromEs, petyf into peFos, petyex into peEx, petyrog into peExPol, petystepex into peExGrade
-# petyrencompgeopot into peReComp, teeta into teEtaIncr, teneta into teEtaConst, ccsco2 into ccsCo2, xirog into xirog
-# RCP_emissions into emiRCP, RCP_emissions_n into numberEmiRCP, RCP_emissions_order into emiRCP2order
-# v31_fuelex_mc_dummy into v31_fuExtrMC, v31_fuelex_cum_dummy into v31_fuExtrCumMax, v31_fuelex_cum into v31_fuExtrCum, v31_fuelslack into v31_fuSlack, v_usablese into v_usableSe, v_usableSe into vm_usableSe, v_usablese_te into v_usableSeTe, v_usableSeTe into vm_usableSeTe
-# vm_emiengregi into vm_emiTe, vm_eminegregi into vm_emiMacSector, vm_sumeminegregi into vm_emiMac, vm_emissions into vm_emiAll, vm_emicdrregi into vm_emiCdr, vm_emissionsGlob into vm_emiAllGlob
-# emisnegall into emiMac, emiseng into emiTe, emisfuelex into emiFuEx, emis into emi, ppfen into ppfEn, tefosnoccs into teFosNoCCS, tefosccs into teFosCCS, s_tech_stat into s_statusTe
-# ppfka into ppfKap, pm_tau_CO2_tax into pm_taxCO2eq, pm_emi_budget1 into sm_budgetCO2eqGlob, pm_emi_budget1_reg into pm_budgetCO2eq, p_t_budget1 into sm_endBudgetCO2eq
-# pm_emishare into pm_shPerm,  p_dataoc into p_prodCouple, p31_datarog into p31_costExPoly, pm_capcum0 into pm_capCum0,
-# pm_capcumForeign into pm_capCumForeign, p_emimac0 into p_macBase2005, p_emimac1990 into p_macBase1990
-# te2stor into VRE2teStor, te2teVRElinked into VRE2teVRElinked, te2grid into VRE2teGrid, ccs2tele into ccs2Leak, petyren2ter into teReComp2pe
-# emismac2mac into emiMac2mac, RCP_units into emiRCP2unitsMagicc, petyric into peRicardian
-# Emissions|F-Gases into emiFgasTotal, Emissions|PFC into emiFgasPFC, Emissions|CF4 into emiFgasCF4, Emissions|C2F6 into emiFgasC2F6, Emissions|C6F14 into emiFgasC6F14, Emissions|HFC into emiFgasHFC
-# Emissions|HFC|HFC23 into emiFgasHFC23, Emissions|HFC|HFC32 into emiFgasHFC32, Emissions|HFC|HFC43-10 into emiFgasHFC43-10, Emissions|HFC|HFC125 into emiFgasHFC125, Emissions|HFC|HFC134a into emiFgasHFC134a
-# Emissions|HFC|HFC143a into emiFgasHFC143a, Emissions|HFC|HFC227ea into emiFgasHFC227ea, Emissions|HFC|HFC245fa into emiFgasHFC245fa, Emissions|SF6 into emiFgasSF6
-# tlt_year into opTimeYr, tlt_5 into opTime5, balfinen_domain into feForCes, oc2te into pc2te, tlt_year2te into opTimeYr2te, tsu2tlt_5 into tsu2opTime5, ttot2tlt_year into tsu2opTimeYr,
-# cesrev into cesRev2cesIO, ces into cesOut2cesIn, tese2rlf into teSe2rlf, tefe2rlf into teFe2rlf, tese2rlfDistr into teRe2rlfDetail, temapall into en2en, temapse into en2se, teall2rlf into te2rlf
-# finenbal into fe2ppfEn, cintbyfuel into emi2fuelMine, enty2rlf into pe2rlf
-# q_ccostfu into q_costFu, q_ccostin into q_costInv, q_cdirectteinv into q_costInvTeDir, q_cadjustteinv into q_costInvTeAdj, q_ccostom into q_costOM, qm_pebal into q_balPe, q_usablese into q_usableSe, q_usableSe into q32_usableSe
-# q_usablese_te into q_usableSeTe, q_usableSeTe into q32_usableSeTe, q_sebal into q_balSe and q32_balSe, q_pe2setrans into q_transPe2se, q_se2fetrans into q_transSe2fe, q_febal into q_balFe, q_se2setrans into q_transSe2se, q_fe2estrans into q_transFe2es
-# q_balfinen into q_balFeForCes, q_capconstes into q_limitCapEs, q_capconstse into q_limitCapSe, q_capconstse2se into q_limitCapSe2se, q_capconststor into q_limitCapTeStor, q_limitCapTeStor into q32_limitCapTeStor, q_capconstfe into q_limitCapFe
-# q_capconstccs into q_limitCapCCS, q_capconstchp into q_limitCapTeChp, q_limitCapTeChp into q32_limitCapTeChp, q_ccap into q_cap, q_distrCap into q_capDistr, q_capcummo into qm_deltaCapCumNet, q_capcum0 into q_capCumNet
-# q_fuelconst2 into q_fuel2pe, q_renconst into q_limitProd, q_geopot into q_limitGeopot, q_storshare into q_shStor, q_shStor into q32_shStor, q_shareseel into q_shSeEl, q_shSeEl into q32_shSeEl, q_llearn into q_costTeCapital,
-# q_limit_pvwindcsp_share_EMF27 into q_limitSolarWind, q_limitSolarWind into q32_limitSolarWind, q_limit_biotrmod into q_limitBiotrmod, q_capconstgrid into q_limitCapTeGrid, q_limitCapTeGrid into q32_limitCapTeGrid, q_gridshare into q_shGrid, q_emi into q_emiTeDetail
-# q_emissengregi into q_emiTe, q_eminegregi into q_emiMacSector, q_co2bioexp into q_macBaseCo2bioexp, q_sumeminegregi into q_emiMac, q_emissions into q_emiAll, q_emissionsGlob into q_emiAllGlob
-# q_emiconst into q_emiCap, q_emibudget1Glob into q_budgetCO2eqGlob, q_ccsbal ionto q_balCCS, q_ccstrans into q_transCCS, q_ccsconst itnto q_limitCCS, q_so2constraint into q_limitSo2
-# q_co2constraint into q_limitCO2, q_eqadj into q_adjFactor, q_operating_reserve into q_operatingReserve, q_operatingReserve into q32_operatingReserve, q_nocoldreserve into q_limitCapEarlyReti, q_smoothphaseout into q_smoothphaseoutCapEarlyReti
-# q_inconvpen into q_inconvPen, q_labbal into q01_balLab, q_production into q01_cesIO, q_kapmo into q01_kapMo, q_invest_adjcosts into q01_invMacroAdj, q_limit_ppfen_shares into q01_limitShPpfen
-# q_limit_ppfen_ratios into q01_limtRatioPpfen, q_limit_seel2fehes into q_limitSeel2fehes, q_min_oil_share into q_limitShOil, q80_tradebal into q80_balTrade, q35_share_espet into q35_shEsPeT
-# q31_costfu_ex into q31_costFuExPol q31_costfu_ex_step into q31_costFuExGrade, q31_fuelex_cum into q31_fuExtrCum, q31_fuelex_dec into q31_fuExtrDec, q31_fuelex_inc into q31_fuExtrInc,
-# q30_costfu_bio into q30_costFuBio, q30_limit_bioexport into q30_limitXpBio, q30_limit_bio into q30_limitTeBio, p35_bunker_share_in_nonldv_fe into pm_bunker_share_in_nonldv_fe
-# v_tempSlow into v10_tempSlow,f_dataemiglob into fm_dataemiglob, f_dataglob into fm_dataglob, p_dt into pm_dt, p_prodCouple into pm_prodCouple, p_dataeta into pm_dataeta,p_eta_conv into pm_eta_conv
-# p_emiFgas into pm_emiFgas and then into vm_emiFgas, v_costTeCapital into vm_costTeCapital, v_capCum into vm_capCum, v_co2eq into vm_co2eq, p11_emiAP_endu into pm_emiAP_endu, q_fuel2pe into qm_fuel2pe
-# p_priceCO2 into pm_priceCO2, c_GDPscen into cm_GDPscen, v_INIdemEn0 into v05_INIdemEn0, v_INIcap0 into v05_INIcap0, f33_data_weathering_graderegi into f33_maxProdGradeRegiWeathering
-# pm_dataemi into pm_emifac, f_co2magpietax50 into p_macPolCO2luc
-# p_dataren into pm_dataren
-# v_capDistr into vm_capDistr, v_storloss into v32_storloss
-# p_storexp into p32_storexp, p_gridexp into p32_gridexp, p_grid_factor into p32_grid_factor, p_factorStorage into p32_factorStorage, p_correct into pm_correct, pm_data|nu into pm_cf
-# p_factorStorage into f32_factorStorage, p_shCHP into f_shCHP, f_shCHP into f32_shCHP
-# q_storloss into q32_storloss
diff --git a/oneRegi.R b/oneRegi.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 98fa3f5ca4d5913a62bedb66074a237f618ff3d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/oneRegi.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# |  (C) 2006-2019 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
-# |  authors, and contributors see CITATION.cff file. This file is part
-# |  of REMIND and licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Under Section 7 of
-# |  AGPL-3.0, you are granted additional permissions described in the
-# |  REMIND License Exception, version 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
-# |  Contact: remind@pik-potsdam.de
-#! /usr/bin/Rscript
-#### Script to start a REMIND run ####
-library(lucode, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
-library(magclass, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
-#Here the function start_run(cfg) is loaded which is needed to start REMIND runs
-#The function needs information about the configuration of the run. This can be either supplied as a list of settings or as a file name of a config file
-if (file.exists("./output/testOneRegi/"))
-    unlink("./output/testOneRegi/", recursive = TRUE)
-#Load config-file
-cfg_REMIND <- "oneRegi.cfg"
-# start REMIND run
-#rep = read.report("coupling.mif")
diff --git a/start.R b/start.R
index 618b460f2eb8c9e535515db241148ba4d2d3783a..fde2696c5e8596d7ddca802e6e55078004bd817a 100644
--- a/start.R
+++ b/start.R
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ source("scripts/start/choose_slurmConfig.R")
 ############## Define function: configure_cfg #########################
 configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
     .setgdxcopy <- function(needle, stack, new) {
       # delete entries in stack that contain needle and append new
       out <- c(stack[-grep(needle, stack)], new)
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
     # Edit run title
     icfg$title <- iscen
     cat("\n", iscen, "\n")
     # Edit main file of model
     if( "model" %in% names(iscenarios)){
-      icfg$model <- iscenarios[iscen,"model"] 
+      icfg$model <- iscenarios[iscen,"model"]
     # Edit regional aggregation
     if( "regionmapping" %in% names(iscenarios)){
-      icfg$regionmapping <- iscenarios[iscen,"regionmapping"] 
+      icfg$regionmapping <- iscenarios[iscen,"regionmapping"]
     # Edit input data revision
     if( "revision" %in% names(iscenarios)){
-      icfg$revision <- iscenarios[iscen,"revision"] 
+      icfg$revision <- iscenarios[iscen,"revision"]
     # Edit switches in default.cfg according to the values given in the scenarios table
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
     if( "output" %in% names(iscenarios)){
       icfg$output <- paste0("c(\"",gsub(",","\",\"",gsub(", ",",",iscenarios[iscen,"output"])),"\")")
     # check if full input.gdx path is provided and, if not, search for correct path
     if (!substr(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"], nchar(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"])-3, nchar(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"])) == ".gdx"){
       #if there is no correct scenario folder within the output folder path provided, take the config/input.gdx
         isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"] <- "config/input.gdx"
-      #if there is only one instance of an output folder with that name, take the fulldata.gdx from this 
+      #if there is only one instance of an output folder with that name, take the fulldata.gdx from this
       } else if (length(grep(iscen,list.files(path=isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"]),value=T))==1){
         isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"] <- paste0(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"],"/",
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
         #if there are multiple instances, take the newest one
         isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"] <- paste0(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"],"/",
-                                                   nchar(grep(iscen,list.files(path=isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"]),value=T))-19)[1],      
+                                                   nchar(grep(iscen,list.files(path=isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"]),value=T))-19)[1],
     # if the above has not created a path to a valid gdx, take config/input.gdx
     if (!file.exists(isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"])){
       isettings[iscen,"path_gdx"] <- "config/input.gdx"
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
       stop("Cant find a gdx under path_gdx, please specify full path to gdx or else location of output folder that contains previous run")
     # Define path where the GDXs will be taken from
     gdxlist <- c(input.gdx     = isettings[iscen, "path_gdx"],
                  input_ref.gdx = isettings[iscen, "path_gdx_ref"],
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ configure_cfg <- function(icfg, iscen, iscenarios, isettings) {
     # add gdx information for subsequent runs
     icfg$subsequentruns        <- rownames(isettings[isettings$path_gdx_ref == iscen & !is.na(isettings$path_gdx_ref) & isettings$start == 1,])
     icfg$RunsUsingTHISgdxAsBAU <- rownames(isettings[isettings$path_gdx_bau == iscen & !is.na(isettings$path_gdx_bau) & isettings$start == 1,])
@@ -91,13 +91,21 @@ slurmConfig <- choose_slurmConfig()
 ###################### Load csv if provided  ##########################
-# If scenario_config.csv was provided from command line, set cfg according to it (copy from start_bundle)
-# check for config file parameter
-config.file <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)[1]
-if (!is.na(config.file)) {
+# If testOneRegi was selected, set up a testOneRegi run.  IF a
+# scenario_config.csv file was provided, set cfg according to it (copy from
+# start_bundle).
+# check command-line arguments for testOneRegi and scenario_config file
+argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+config.file <- argv[1]
+if ('--testOneRegi' %in% argv) {
+  testOneRegi <- TRUE
+  config.file <- NA
+if (!is.na(config.file)) {
   cat(paste("reading config file", config.file, "\n"))
   # Read-in the switches table, use first column as row names
   settings <- read.csv2(config.file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1, comment.char = "#", na.strings = "")
@@ -115,26 +123,37 @@ if (!is.na(config.file)) {
 for (scen in rownames(scenarios)) {
   #source cfg file for each scenario to avoid duplication of gdx entries in files2export
   # Have the log output written in a file (not on the screen)
   cfg$slurmConfig <- slurmConfig
   cfg$logoption   <- 2
   start_now       <- TRUE
+  # testOneRegi settings
+  if (testOneRegi) {
+    cfg$title            <- 'testOneRegi'
+    cfg$gms$optimization <- 'testOneRegi'
+    cfg$output           <- NA
+    cfg$results_folder   <- 'output/testOneRegi'
+    # delete existing Results directory
+    unlink('output/testOneRegi', recursive = TRUE)
+  }
   # configure cfg based on settings from csv if provided
   if (!is.na(config.file)) {
   cfg <- configure_cfg(cfg, scen, scenarios, settings)
   # Directly start runs that have a gdx file location given as path_gdx_ref or where this field is empty
-  start_now <- (substr(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"], nchar(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])-3, nchar(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])) == ".gdx" 
+  start_now <- (substr(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"], nchar(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])-3, nchar(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"])) == ".gdx"
                | is.na(scenarios[scen,"path_gdx_ref"]))
   # save the cfg data for later start of subsequent runs (after preceding run finished)
   cat("Writing cfg to file\n")
   if (start_now){
    cat("Creating and starting: ",cfg$title,"\n")