diff --git a/test_data_sets/4C_testing/species.par b/test_data_sets/4C_testing/species.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c6fcaf9e8cffc38b599f61e0bb318405fe2c425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_data_sets/4C_testing/species.par
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+!  4C Species Parameter File
+!       31.01.17 pl Picea abies: pss 0.05 -->0.022 Longuetaud, F. etal 2006
+!       18.05.16 Su k_opm_fol, k_syn_fol fuer Mistletoe geschaetzt
+!       10.03.16 ck Added parasite Mistletoe (Viscum album austriacum)
+!       29.06.15 Su Eucalyptus gl. und gr. k_opm_fol, k_syn_fol, k_opm_frt, k_syn_frt   
+!       10.07.14 pl Douglasie Korrektur pheight1, pheight2
+!       09.07.14 pl Eucalyptus grandis und globulus parametrisiert
+!	11.04.13 Su Kiefer: k_opm_fol 0.02 --> 0.05, k_syn_fol 0.5 --> 0.1, 
+!	                    k_opm_frt 0.035 --> 0.05, k_syn_frt 0.5 --> 0.1 
+!       06.11.12 pl Robinie: Anpassung durch Engler: 
+!       08.03.12 pl Robinie: phrhos= 0.00069, alphac= 0.42
+!       06.04.11 Su Douglasie: k_opm_fol, k_opm_syn, k_opm_frt geaendert
+!       02.04.09 Su Picea: k_opm_fol, ..._syn, k_opm_frt, ..._syn geaendert
+!       07.11.08 Su neue Struktur (ab Version v1.0)
+!       05.11.08 mg  hinzufügen von 10 neuen Parametern für Wurzelmodell
+!       04.11.08 PL Robinie parametrisiert
+!       29.10.08 pl  Douglasie Korrektur pheight1, pheight2
+! contains the following data:
+! with * marked parameters are sensitive
+! nspecies    number of all species
+! nspec_tree  number of tree species
+! name        species name
+! Amax        maximum age (years)
+! yrec        stress recovery time (years)
+! stol        shade tolerance (1-5)
+! pfext       extinction coefficient
+! sigman*     root activity rate
+! respcoeff   respiration coeff. = fraction of gross production respired by the plant
+! prg*        growth respiration parameter
+! prms*       maintenance respiration parameters: sapwood,
+! prmr                                         fine roots;
+! psf*        senescence parameters: foliage,
+! pss*                               sapwood,
+! psr*                               fine roots;
+! pcnr*       N/C ratio of biomass       [kg N/ kg C]
+! ncon_fol    N concentration of folmg / g TM nicht / g C!!?
+! ncon_frt    N concentration of fine roots              [mg/g]
+! ncon_crt    N concentration of coarse roots            [mg/g]
+! ncon_tbc    N concentration of twigs and branches      [mg/g]
+! ncon_stem   N concentration of stemwood                [mg/g]
+! reallo_fol  reallocation parameter of foliage
+! reallo_frt  reallocation parameter of fine root
+! alphac      ratio of coarse wood (twigs, branches, roots) to sapwood
+! cr_frac     fraction of tbc (twigs, branches, roots) that is coarse roots
+! prhos*      sapwood density  [kg/m³}
+! pnus        foliage mass to sapwood area ratio [kg/cm**2] (pipe model)
+! pha         height growth parameter [cm/kg]
+! pha_coeff1  height growth parameter coefficient 1
+! pha_coeff2  height growth parameter coefficient 2
+! pha_v1      height growth parameter 1 for non linear foliage height relationship
+! pha_v2      height growth parameter 2 for non linear foliage height relationship
+! pha_v3      height growth parameter 3 for non linear foliage height relationship
+! crown_a     parameter for crown radius - DBH relation [m/cm]
+! crown_b     parameter for crown radius - DBH relation [m]
+! crown_c     parameter for crown radius - DBH relation [m]
+! psla_min*   specific one-sided leaf area [m2/kg DW]
+! psla_a
+! phic*       efficiency parameter, different for everg/decid [-]
+! pnc         N content (to be replaced by plant N model!)
+! kco2_25     Michaelis constant of temperature (base 25 °C) [Pa]
+! ko2_25      inhibition constant of O2 [kPa]  (eqn 20)
+! pc_25*      CO2/O2 specificity value (base 25 °C)
+! q10_kco2    Q10 values (acclimated to 25 °C ???)
+! q10_ko2
+! q10_pc*
+! pb          Rd to Vm ratio
+!PItmin   PIM: Inhibitor min temp.
+!PItopt   PIM: Inhibitor opt temp.
+!PItmax   PIM: Inhibitor max temp.
+!PIa      PIM: Inhibitor scaling factor
+!PPtmin   PIM: Promotor min temp.
+!PPtopt   PIM: Promotor opt temp.
+!PPtmax   PIM: Promotor max temp.
+!PPa      PIM: Promotor scaling factor
+!PPb      PIM: Promotor scaling factor
+!CSTbC    CSM: chilling base temp.
+!CSTbT    CSM: base temp.
+!CSa      CSM: scaling factor
+!CSb      CSM: scaling factor
+!LTbT     TSM: base temp.
+!LTcrit   TSM: critical temperature sum
+!Lstart   TSM: start day after 1.11.
+!Phmodel  used pheno model 0: no model, 1: PIM, 2: CSM, 3: TSM
+! end_bb      leaf shedding/ end of vegetation period
+! fpar_mod    modifying parameter in canopy_geometry
+! ceppot_spec interception capacity parameter
+! Nresp       slope of photosynthesis response to N-limitation
+! regflag     flag for regeneration
+! seedrate    max. seeddling rate /m2
+! seedmass    mass of a single seed [g]
+! seedsd      standard deviation of seed mass [g]
+! seeda       parameter of allometric relation shoot biomass - foliage bm
+! seedb        ---------"-----------
+! pheight1    parameter of all. relation shoot biomass - height of seedling
+! pheight2    ------------------" -----------
+! pheight3
+! pdiam1      parameter of all. relation shoot biomass - diameter at shoot basis
+! pdiam2      ----------"-----------------
+! pdiam3      ----------"--------------
+! k_opm_fol
+! k_syn_fol
+! k_opm_stem
+! k_syn_stem
+! k_opm_tb
+! k_syn_tb
+! k_opm_frt
+! k_syn_frt
+! k_opm_crt
+! k_syn_crt
+nspecies          15
+nspec_tree        13
+beech     'Fagus    sylvatica'
+spruce    'Picea    abies'
+pine      'Pinus    sylvestris'
+oak       'Quercus  robur'
+birch     'Betula   pendula'
+pinec     'Pinus    contorta'
+pinep     'Pinus    ponderosa'
+aspen     'Populus  tremula'
+pineh     'Pinus    halepensis'
+dougfir   'Pseudotsuga menziesii'
+robinia   'Robinia pseudoacacia'
+eglobulus 'Eucalyptus globulus'
+egrandis  'Eucalyptus grandis'
+grveg     'Ground vegetation'
+mistletoe 'Viscum alba'
+name      'beech'   'spruce'  'pine'    'oak'     'birch'   'pinec'   'pinep'   'aspen'   'pineh'   'dougfir' 'robinia' 'eglobulus' 'egrandis' 'grveg'  'mistletoe'
+amax             430       930       760      1060       220       600       850       160       250       930       200        50        50         5            30
+yrec               3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3         3             3
+stol               5         4         1         2         1         1         1         2         1         4         2         1         1         4             1
+pfext            0.4       0.6       0.6       0.5      0.54       0.6       0.5     0.872       0.6       0.3      0.46       0.5       0.5       0.5           0.5
+sigman         0.032      0.05      0.03      0.03       1.1      0.03      0.03   0.07508      0.03     0.025  0.176172     0.025      0.75         1           -99
+respcoeff        0.5      0.52      0.52       0.5       0.5      0.71      0.44       0.5      0.52       0.5       0.5      0.53      0.53       0.5           0.5
+prg             0.25      0.25       0.2      0.25      0.25       0.2       0.2      0.25      0.32      0.25       -99      0.25      0.25      0.25          0.25
+prms          0.0035   0.00043   0.00024    0.0035    0.0035  0.000032   0.00024    0.0014   0.00024       -99       -99       0.3       0.3    0.0035           -99
+prmr          0.0133    0.0033     0.007      0.01      0.01   0.00338    0.0007    0.0034     0.007       -99    0.1938       -99       -99      0.01           -99
+psf                1     0.181      0.31         1         1     0.167      0.24         1       0.5       0.2         1      0.33      0.33         1         0.166
+pss            0.026     0.022      0.04      0.05      0.02     0.023      0.05      0.04      0.04      0.05      0.25      0.03      0.03       0.4           -99
+psr             0.65       0.5       0.5       0.5       0.5       0.4       0.8       0.5     1.095      0.75      0.67         1         1      0.75           -99
+pcnr           0.008    0.0052    0.0079     0.008      0.02    0.0079    0.0212     0.008    0.0079   0.00955    0.0502     0.005     0.005       0.2           -99
+ncon_fol       26.01     13.36     13.46        25        25      13.4      10.6        25     13.46     15.22    33.623        12        12      13.4           -99
+ncon_frt        7.15     10.77      7.44      8.94       8.9       7.4      7.44        16      7.44      3.67     23.55       9.6       9.6       7.4           -99
+ncon_crt        3.03      4.14      1.77      3.71       3.7       1.7      1.77         4      1.77      1.62    17.168       9.6       9.6       1.7           -99
+ncon_tbc        4.27      5.24      3.61      6.19       5.4       3.6      3.61         6      3.61      3.62     17.16       3.8       3.8       3.6           -99
+ncon_stem       1.54      1.22      1.09       2.1       1.7       1.1      1.09       0.6      1.09     1.035    15.345         1         1       1.1           -99
+reallo_fol       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.6       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.5       0.5       0.1           0.1
+reallo_frt       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1      0.55      0.55       0.1           -99
+alphac          0.48       0.5      0.46      0.56       0.5      0.24      0.46      0.46       0.5      0.54      0.51      0.22      0.22       0.5           -99
+cr_frac          0.5       0.6       0.6      0.55      0.42       0.5       0.6     0.328       0.1      0.54      0.86      0.52      0.52       0.5           -99
+prhos        0.00065   0.00042  0.000403   0.00056 0.0005365   0.00042  0.000434  0.000402   0.00062  0.000405   0.00078    0.0005    0.0005       -99           -99
+pnus            0.03     0.096      0.05      0.02     0.025     0.046     0.022      0.02     0.043     0.093      0.05      0.04      0.06      0.03           -99
+pha              125        40       190       100       150       190       190       150       190        40       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pha_coeff1       0.5   0.66666   0.66666       0.5       0.5   0.66666   0.66666    1.0823   0.66666   0.66666       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pha_coeff2       0.5   0.33333   0.33333       0.5       0.5   0.33333   0.33333    0.3189   0.33333   0.33333       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pha_v1        1089.3     284.8       206     946.7       900      1100       206       900       210       750       500       840       854       -99           -99
+pha_v2        0.1351   -0.0151   0.03177     0.299      0.38       0.3   0.03177      0.08      0.08    -0.015    0.8541  -0.02973      -0.2       -99           -99
+pha_v3         0.504    0.5039     0.877     0.948       0.9    0.4184     0.877       0.6       0.6      0.35    0.4404  0.291323   0.29277       -99           -99
+crown_a      0.09571   0.06383   0.05213     0.095    0.0896    0.1437   0.05213      0.06     0.074  0.081287    0.0776    0.1249    0.1249       -99           -99
+crown_b      0.57732   0.33567   0.48139       0.5    0.5716    0.1081   0.48139       0.4     0.255  0.355485    0.7368    0.7879    0.7879       -99           -99
+crown_c           15        12        10        15         6        10        10         6        10         5         4       5.9       5.9       -99           -99
+psla_min          12      3.78         4        14        10       7.5       3.1       7.2      4.84      2.82      13.2        15      0.18        20          4.18
+psla_a            12       2.4         1       4.7        20       1.2         1       4.4         1      4.87      19.5     13.52     13.52        20          4.18
+phic               1       0.8       0.9         1         1       0.9       0.9         1       0.9       0.8         1         1         1         1           0.8
+pnc               20        20        20        20      17.9        50        20        24        20        45    33.623       -99       -99        10           -99
+kco2_25           30        30        30        30        30        30        30        30      40.4        30        30        30        30        30            30
+ko2_25            30        30        60        30        30        60        60        60      24.8        30        30        30        30        30            30
+pc_25           3400      2600      3400      3400      3400      3400      3400      3400      3400      2600      3400      3400      3400      3400          3400
+Q10_kco2         2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1           2.1
+Q10_ko2          1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2       1.2           1.2
+Q10_pc          0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57      0.57          0.57
+pb              0.01     0.015      0.01      0.01     0.035      0.01      0.01    0.0143    0.0241     0.015      0.01     0.035     0.035      0.01         0.015
+PItmin        -10.34       -99       -99    -23.05    -24.96       -99       -99    -10.34       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PItopt         -0.89       -99       -99      -0.3       -10       -99       -99     -0.89       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PItmax         18.11       -99       -99     16.91     15.05       -99       -99     18.11       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PIa         0.058326       -99       -99  0.055149  0.030619       -99       -99  0.058326       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PPtmin        -10.03       -99       -99      3.46     -7.03       -99       -99    -10.03       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PPtopt         28.61       -99       -99     34.55      21.8       -99       -99     28.61       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PPtmax         44.49       -99       -99     34.55     25.35       -99       -99     44.49       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PPa         0.109494       -99       -99  0.331253  0.064803       -99       -99  0.109494       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+PPb         0.039178       -99       -99  0.010379  0.045432       -99       -99  0.039178       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+CSTbC          11.03       -99       -99     18.31     18.42       -99       -99     11.03       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+CSTbT            6.5       -99       -99      5.58      4.19       -99       -99       6.5       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+CSa          3039.76       -99       -99   3451.18   3075.99       -99       -99   3039.76       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+CSb          -574.49       -99       -99    -631.5   -573.67       -99       -99   -574.49       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+LTbT           -6.98       -99       -99      0.49     -6.07       -99       -99     -6.98       -99       -99      11.5       -99       -99       -99           -99
+LTcrit        664.88       -99       -99    372.49     672.9       -99       -99    664.88       -99       -99     350.9       -99       -99       -99           -99
+Lstart            70       -99       -99        70        47       -99       -99        70       -99       -99        70       -99       -99       -99           -99
+Phmodel            1         0         0         1         1         0         0         1         0         0         3       -99       -99         0             0
+end_bb           282       366       366       287       278       366       366       282       366       366       282       366       366       302           366
+fpar_mod           0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0             0
+ceppot_spe       0.6       0.8       0.9       0.5       0.5       0.4       0.4       0.3       0.9       0.8       0.5       0.3       0.3       0.5           0.6
+Nresp         0.0068    0.0068    0.0062    0.0068    0.0068    0.0062    0.0062    0.0068    0.0062    0.0068    0.0068    0.0068    0.0068     0.006        0.0068
+regflag            1         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0             0
+seedrate           1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1       1.5         1         1         1         1       -99           -99
+seedmass       0.225     0.009     0.006       3.8    0.0002     0.005    0.0055   0.00016     0.019      0.01    0.0228       -99       -99       -99           -99
+seedsd             0         0 0.0011268         0         0 0.0011268 0.0011268         0 0.0011268         0         0       -99       -99       -99           -99
+seeda          0.398    0.8524    0.3927    0.2505     0.313    0.2609    0.3927     0.381    0.5044    1.3217     0.778       -99       -99       -99           -99
+seedb          0.947     1.007    0.6786    0.7232       0.8     0.757    0.6786    0.8365    0.6486    1.1288    0.9645       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pheight1       2.388     0.443     2.512    1.6947     4.651       1.5     2.512    0.2829    1.3145    5.7278  0.118272       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pheight2       0.366      0.23     0.357    0.3896    0.3333    0.7236     0.357      0.57    0.3426    0.2443  0.757755       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pheight3           0    0.0134         0         0         0       -99         0       -99         0       -99       -99       -99       -99       -99           -99
+pdiam1        -1.637    -1.658         0         0         0       -99         0       -99         0       -99       -99       -99       -99      0.35           -99
+pdiam2         0.433     0.386         0         0         0       -99         0       -99         0       -99       -99       -99       -99      0.35           -99
+pdiam3       -0.0126         0         0         0         0       -99         0       -99         0       -99       -99       -99       -99       0.3           -99
+k_opm_fol       0.02      0.06      0.05     0.015      0.01     0.005     0.015      0.04     0.002      0.08       0.3       0.5       0.5      0.03           0.01
+k_syn_fol        0.3       0.2       0.1       0.4      0.78       0.6       0.8       0.4       0.5       0.2       0.2       0.01      0.01     0.2            0.5
+k_opm_frt       0.02      0.05      0.05      0.01   0.00106     0.001     0.009      0.03    0.0004      0.05     0.008       0.001     0.001    0.001          -99
+k_syn_frt        0.4       0.1       0.1       0.3       0.3       0.3       0.3       0.4       0.5       0.3       0.3       0.01      0.01     0.3            -99
+k_opm_crt     0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009         0           -99
+k_syn_crt        0.1       0.1         0       0.1       0.1       0.1         0       0.1         0       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1           -99
+k_opm_tb       0.006     0.006     0.006     0.006    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009     0.006     0.006    0.0009    0.0009    0.0009         0           -99
+k_syn_tb         0.5       0.8       0.5       0.5       0.8       0.5       0.5       0.5       0.5       0.8       0.8       0.8       0.8         0           -99
+k_opm_stem    0.0025    0.0005    0.0005    0.0005    0.0005    0.0001   0.00055    0.0001    0.0005    0.0005    0.0005    0.0005    0.0005         0           -99
+k_syn_stem       0.1       0.1         0       0.1       0.1       0.1         0       0.1         0       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1         0           -99
+spec_rl           30        15        15        30        30        15        15        30        15        15        30        30        30        60           -99
+tbase              5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5         5           -99
+topt            19.4      16.5      16.5        22      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5      16.5           -99
+bdmax_coef      1.55      1.62      1.62      1.55      1.55      1.62      1.62      1.55      1.62      1.62      1.55      1.55      1.55      1.62           -99
+porcrit_co       0.4       0.7       0.7       0.4       0.4       0.7       0.7       0.4       0.7       0.7       0.4       0.4       0.4       0.7           -99
+ph_opt_max      8.25      5.75      5.75      8.25      8.25      5.75      5.75      8.25      5.75      5.75      8.25      8.25      8.25      8.25           -99
+ph_opt_min      4.25      3.75      3.75      4.25      3.75      3.75      3.75      4.25      3.75      3.75      3.75      3.75      3.75       3.5           -99
+ph_max          9.25      7.75      7.75      9.25      9.25      7.75      7.75      9.25      7.75      7.75      9.25      9.25      9.25      9.25           -99
+ph_min          3.75      2.25      2.25      3.75      2.25      2.25      2.25      3.75      2.25      2.25      2.25      2.25      2.25         2           -99
+v_growth           1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         5           -99
+cnr_fol           25        22        25        25        25        25        25       -99       -99        25
+cnr_frt           25        20        25        22        22        25        25       -99       -99        25
+cnr_crt           25        20        25        22        22        25        25       -99       -99        25
+cnr_tbc          125        63       100        63        63       100       100       -99       -99        25
+cnr_stem         250       190       250       130       130       250       250       -99       -99        25