# Cluster @ lam
## How to set up git LPJmL repository @LAM
1. Go in the folder .shh/ in personal home
2. Create public key for git
`ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C "mbrunel@cc.lam.fr" -b 4096`
3. Copy it and paste in [Gitlab public key personal page](https://gitlab.pik-potsdam.de/-/profile/keys)
4. Create and go in the directory where the code should be uploaded
`git clone git@gitlab.pik-potsdam.de:lpjml/LPJmL_internal.git .`
5. Checkout to the desired branch
`git checkout name_of_branch`
- other resources
[HowTo Wiki LPJmL](https://gitlab.pik-potsdam.de/lpjml/LPJmL_internal/-/wikis/HowTo#recommended-use-git) |
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