Welcome to my home page
Hi to all potential visitors !
At the beginning this GIT project had only the objective to make me feel more comfortable with git lab environment. And finally, I'm starting to need a space to document my python scripts (kind of geek portfolio) but not only. I am currently working on two projects :
- my PhD which is about burning grassland in Brazil and how to represent it in LPJmL
- the GEMMES project founded by the French Agency for Development focusing on development of irrigation systems for agriculture in Morocco facing climate change. I'm working at IMBE (Aix-en-Porvence) within this project and we are using LPJmL too.
On this wikipage, you might find python scripts and tutorials, of course, but some "toolbox" and documentation of issues I'm facing and which it could be useful to share.
Data management
Data treatment
Brazil grid description
Morocco grid description
NetCDF format and file
Numpy array
Plot, Map, Graph
Color and ColorMap
Plot graph and map
Gemmes project
C Balance issue @lam cluster
Run CNRM and HADgem LPJmL5 (30 minutes)